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Honor (Blackstone #1)

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by J. L. Drake


  Blackstone Series

  J.L. Drake


  Copyright © 2015 by J.L. Drake.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: January 2016

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-68058-454-7

  ISBN-10: 1-68058-454-5

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  Dedicated to my street team, “The Blackstone Girls,” who have fallen in love with Mark and have stood patiently by my side while I hibernated in my cave to finish his story. I thank you.
















  Savannah: Held in Tijuana, Mexico for seven months. Saved by Blackstone, fell in love with Cole Logan. Now lives at Shadows.

  Cole: Owner of the safe house in Montana called Shadows. Fell in love with a picture of a victim. Found, saved, and married her. Leader of the Blackstone special ops team.

  Olivia: Savannah and Cole’s daughter.

  Mark: Best friend to Cole Logan, Blackstone member. Uses humor to escape the pain from his past.

  Keith: Newest member of Blackstone. Savannah’s “big brother.”

  Paul: Blackstone member.

  John: Blackstone member.

  Abigail: Mark’s adopted mother, Cole’s childhood nanny, and now house aide. Dating the house doctor.

  Doctor Roberts: House doctor, kind soul, and in love with Abigail.

  June: Abigail’s younger sister.

  Mike: Agent at Shadows. Scary-looking teddy bear, covered head to toe in tattoos.

  Dell: Agent at Shadows.

  Davie: Agent at Shadows.

  Molly: Nurse at North Dakota Hospital. Signed NDA to work with the Blackstone men when they come in.

  Mia: Nurse at North Dakota Hospital.

  Scoot: Moody house cat. Has no shame.


  Mark Lopez, 7 Years Old

  Her body lay sprawled in the usual spot, sunk into the dirty yellow couch that smelled of pee. Her dress was covered in vomit, and her breaths were shallow. Most kids would have been scared to see their mother like that, but not me. I really preferred it this way; I couldn’t hear her scream, couldn’t feel her hateful stare, and most of all, I couldn’t feel her fists when they landed on my slight, bony frame.

  My belly hurt, though. It always did. We didn’t bother to go into the kitchen in the mornings. There was no point, as Mom never got up before twelve. The truth was the world would be better without her in it. I stuck two fingers into the side pocket of my book bag, pulled out a small piece of Hubba Bubba, and popped it in my mouth, hoping I could trick my belly into thinking it was full.

  This was the sad, sick, twisted reality of my childhood…my life.

  I took one last look at her and closed the door behind me. At least I had about five hours of peace before being subjected to my mother’s usual hangover.


  Location: Mexico

  Coordinates: Classified


  I ran as fast as I could. The bullets were getting closer, one whipping by my head. My feet pounded the dirt, making a small dust trail that gave up my location. I dove into a gully where I hastily reloaded and moved myself into a better position. The sun was blinding. I pulled out a tube of paint and ran a smudge under each of my eyes to relieve the glare.

  “Raven One to Raven Two, what is your location?” Cole’s voice commanded over the radio.

  I pushed the tiny button on my neck. “Raven Two to Raven One, northwest, three yards from the barn.”

  “Copy that, Raven Two. Fox One is heading to you. Cover him.”

  “Copy that, Raven One, cover Fox One.”

  I scanned the horizon then clicked my radio to let Paul know all was clear. Paul popped up seemingly out of nowhere and ran low across the field, weapon held to his eye in case of a threat.

  Then I saw it—the flash from the barrel of a gun. I knew from its location it was not a Blackstone member. It was one of them. I licked my lips and pulled the trigger, spraying bullets in the direction of the flash. The man’s body plowed backward then fell out of sight.

  Paul dove to the ground, tucking into a ball as he rolled to my feet and smiled his thanks up at me.

  “Nice. Raven Two, move to next location,” Cole instructed.

  “10-4, Raven One.” I nodded for Paul to go first.

  Paul checked his gun before he jumped up and ran the rest of the way to the barn. Once John sent a click over the radio indicating all was safe, I took a quick look around, then moved into position and started to run.

  My mind cleared. Nothing mattered when you were in this situation. Live, or die tryin’.

  I knew the moment it hit. Sadly, no amount of gear would stop these bullets. On the street, they’re called “cop killers.” They pierce through any armor, including the type I wore. I felt the bullet as it tore into my flesh, landing right around my kidney. It burrowed deep and lodged into the muscle.

  There was nothing I could do but try to turn off the pain and run for cover. I heard Cole’s gun fire in the direction of the shooter.

  The buzz over the radio didn’t register in my brain. I was almost there, but nowhere close to where the chopper was. Run, just run.

  Paul was waiting, and he grabbed me when I got close enough. Cole must have told him what happened.

  “Where you hit?” Paul helped me to the ground, rolling me onto my side. “Shit!”

  I took a painful gasp of air. “Not what I want to hear, man.”

  A tiny smile broke over Paul’s lips. “Well, then, don’t get shot.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I huffed.

  Paul started to pull supplies out of his vest. “This is going to tickle.”

  “Fuck off.” I laughed then grunted as he poured powder over the open wound. Paul started to tape my back, all the while muttering about what a pussy I was. He helped me to my feet, as we wasted enough time as it was.

  “Can you run?”

  “Yeah, man, it’s just a scratch.” Sweat pooled into my gear as we moved to the back of the barn. We exited and ran as fast as we could to the tree line.

  Every step, every breath, every blink became an effort. My eyes watered with the deep burn that traveled up my spine. I vomited mid-stride but kept moving, though it caused me to slow my pace. Paul glanced back then nodded behind me. A moment later, I realized why. Keith grabbed my vest and hauled me with along with him until we were deep enough into the forest that we could stop.

  I dropped to my knees, unable to stand. I could normally block out pain, but this was too much. Something wasn’t right.

  “Stay with me, brother,” Cole said.

  Images flashed in fr
ont of me as I stared up at the darkening sky.

  This is not good. Shit, where am I? One moment I’m in Tijuana the next I’m a kid crouching under the kitchen table.

  “Mark!” His voice sent a chill to my fingertips. “Mark!” Cole slapped my cheek as he brought me back. His face said a lot; I was in trouble.

  “He’s here,” I whispered, confused as to where I was.

  Cole didn’t have to ask. He could read my tone. “No,” he shook his head, “no, he’s not. Stay with me, brother.”

  “He is. I can hear him.” My grip tightened on his arm. “Cole.”

  Cole lowered his head and whispered as I closed my eyes and gave in to the relief of letting go of the pain.



  “Come on, Mia.” Dr. Evans handed me a coffee as I filled out a patient’s chart.

  I didn’t bother to look up. His puppy dog eyes wouldn’t work on me. “Like I told you last week, yesterday, and today, I do not have time to date.”

  “You work, you go home, and you work, Mia.” He sighed. “At some point, you’re going to wake up and see you’ve wasted your life here in this hospital doing…what?”

  My pen stopped mid-stroke, and I glanced up. “Saving lives.”

  “You’re a nurse, not a doctor. Though you’re smart enough to be one.” Dr. Evans slid the chart out from under my hands and sat in its spot.

  “Pardon me?” The nerve of this ass! I felt the vein on my neck twitch.

  He waved off my anger. “Look, all I’m saying is have some fun. When was the last time you were out?”

  I folded my arms to resist the urge to throw a punch and break his nose. “Last night, at the Thirsty Duck.”

  “I mean a date. I mean—”

  The doors burst open, and in ran Truck 59 paramedics pushing a gurney with a gunshot victim. Three firemen followed, with two men who looked like they just came from a war.

  “I need help here,” Wyatt, the paramedic, shouted. When he saw me, he started in on a detailed report. “Male, age thirty, gunshot wound to the lower back.”

  I glanced around and wondered where he came from. Where were the police? They were normally here when there had been a shooting. Then I saw his dog tags as Molly, the other nurse, shifted the man onto his side. I reached for the tags and saw he was Special Forces. Major Mark Lopez.

  Molly had mentioned a special unit of the Army came through here, if needed, before they headed to their safe house. I looked at her, and she nodded as if I had asked her, then she shook her head, reminding me not to ask any questions.

  “All right,” I said after a good look at his wound. “Bed four is open.” I pointed then glanced at the other men, who were against the wall, out of the way.

  I headed over, but took my time and tried to find the right words. These men looked like they’d been through hell and back already today.

  One large man stepped forward and extended a hand. “Nurse?”

  “Harper, Mia Harper.” I returned the shake.

  “Colonel Logan.” He cleared his throat. “The shot happened over three hours ago. We got ambushed, and Lopez took one in the back. He didn’t think it hit his kidney, but he mentioned his spine was burning. We packed it as best we could, but he lost a lot of blood.”

  “All right.” The other man took a step toward me. His nametag said Agent Keith. “He’ll be heading directly to the OR. I’ll be in there with your Major Lopez, Colonel, and I’ll give you an update as soon as I can.”

  “Thanks, Mia,” Logan said with a sigh then he pulled out a cell phone and made a call.

  “You’re new?” Agent Keith drew my attention to him.

  “I am,” I confirmed. “I’ll take good care of your friend. Join together, retire together, right?” Logan turned to look at me, as Agent Keith narrowed his gaze. I knew only a select few knew their unit’s motto. I turned on my heel and hoped it would give them some comfort.


  The door flew open, and I gulped a breath of fresh air. A laundry basket held my weight as I took a moment to gather myself. Good Lord, I’d never had a patient wake up like that during surgery.

  “Mia, the sponge, please,” Dr. Evans asked with a little gleam in his eye. “So, have you thought any more about what I asked?” The room was full of nurses concentrating on their jobs, but I knew they were listening to our conversation.

  I shook my head and checked the patient’s oxygen levels. Molly’s eyes were little slits, and I knew she found the doctor’s persistence funny. “No, Dr. Evans, I have been busy dealing with a gunshot victim.”

  “He’s stable, he’s got one of the best teams around him, so—”

  The patient’s hand shot forward and his fingers snapped around my wrist. I looked down and found his dark brown eyes latched solidly onto mine.

  “Hi, there, Mark.” My voice remained calm as I reached over and held onto his hand tightly. His body suddenly registered pain, and his neck muscles strained. “You’re a fighter, big fella, that’s for sure. Most people are out cold with this stuff.” I smiled and glanced up at Molly, who was ready to give him another dose. Mark tried to speak, but the tube down his throat made him gag. “I know.” I pulled a stool over so I could sit. “We’re almost done, but Molly is going to put you back under so you don’t hurt.” He shook his head. I couldn’t help it, and I brushed my hand through his messy hair. I had never been intimate with a patient before, but he was such a big man and was so vulnerable. There was something about the situation that drew out my protective instincts.

  His eyes softened, then closed, but not before he gave me a slight nod. “I’ll be here the whole time,” I whispered, looking over at Molly as she started to feed the medicine into the line. In a matter of seconds he was back out. His grip loosened, but I didn’t pull away immediately, not until I was sure he was completely relaxed.

  “Jesus,” I huffed and let my shoulders sag. Dr. Evans had a strange look on his face.

  Molly broke the silence. “Yikes. That was a tad scary.”

  After a few deep breaths, I pushed Mark’s look out of my head and then stood. Letting go of the laundry basket, I moved on to complete my rounds.

  After a hot shower and a clean set of scrubs, I removed a book from my bag and headed to the ER and sat in the corner. I enjoyed watching people as they came in. You could always tell who was really hurt and who wasn’t. I rated them from one to ten. It was a good skill to have working in this field.

  “Mia?” Molly handed me a coffee and took a seat next to me. “How are you?”

  I shrugged and ran a finger through the hot steam above my cup. “Fine, I guess.”

  “You want to talk about anything?”

  I nodded when I realized she was thinking about it too. “I’ve seen worse, Molly. The gunshot was nothing.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I meant you did well when he woke up. You were able to calm him. Mark’s a big guy. I’m surprised he didn’t take you out and run for the door.”

  “Hmm…” I thought for a moment. “So, does Blackstone come here often?”

  “Blackstone?” Molly’s face twisted. “How do you know their name?”

  “I overheard Logan speaking.”

  “Oh.” I could tell she didn’t really believe me, but she let it go. “I once had such a crush on Logan, but he’s married with a child. Shame.” She laughed as she sipped her coffee. “Then there’s Mark. Lord, that man sends sparks directly to my well.” She gave a wink.

  I leaned my head back and cracked up. Molly had a point.

  “So,” she settled into the chair next to me, “care to share something about yourself? You’ve been working here for two months, and I don’t even know where you’re from or where you worked last.”

  “Ah, let’s see.” I dug up something in a hurry that I could share from one side of the real story. The other was better left untold. “I was born and raised in Arizona, later moving to California because I wanted to be near the water, then went to college
there, then I moved around some. My mother always said I was a bit of gypsy.”

  “Are you close with your parents?”

  I glanced at the clock on the wall and realized I needed to get back to work. I held up my coffee as I got to my feet. “Thanks for the coffee, Molly. I’ll get yours next time.” I started to walk away, but she called out after me.

  “Mia.” I turned to see her squinting at me. “Just so you know, they never mention anything about themselves when they’re here.”

  I shrugged. “Lucky guess, I suppose.” I waved over my head as I disappeared down the long hallway.



  “You’re hungry?” She sneered as she chucked a piece of stale bread at my head. “You ungrateful piece of shit.”

  “But my tummy hurts, Momma.” I cried as I reached for the bread that was now beneath the couch. Anything was better than the internal ache that consumed my every thought.

  “Go, beg like a good little dog.” She flicked her finger toward the door.

  My chin quivered. I knew what she wanted me to do. I c-c-can’t, I w-w-won’t. It was embarrassing.

  “Did I stutter, boy?” she screamed as she took another swig from the vodka bottle.


  I grabbed my shoes, which were worn out to the point that I felt every rock and crack, then pulled on my hoodie. What was the point? It was pouring rain out. I’d be frozen in a few minutes anyway.

  “Don’t come back unless you have something to share.”

  I heard his footsteps, and it made me move faster. I grabbed a plastic bag and hurried out into the dark night.


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