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Chasing Me

Page 2

by Cat Mason

  Once Aiden and Gray disappear toward the back, I shake my head at Henry. “I should’ve brought Mack. You suck at protecting me, Big Man.”

  Henry’s crosses his arms over his chest, his brow arching above his sunglasses. “You deserved that, I think. Let’s just say it was a judgment call. Besides, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have let him rip your throat out.” He says with a grin.

  “What the hell man? This isn’t friendship.” Walking over, I attempt to make conversation to pass the time. “So, man, you lay ink too?” I ask the guy who saved my sexy face from getting bashed in.

  Looking up from his phone, he nods with disinterest. “Yeah, man, I do. Why, you want something?”

  I shrug, “Yeah, been thinking about a piece. Since it’s pretty clear that it fits my life right now, there’s no time like the present right?”

  “Alright, let’s get to it then.” Walking over to a dry erase board, he writes ‘Occupied’ under Luke’s name and Mitch’s.

  Then it hits me, “Mitch?” I ask in shock. Now, of course, I’m analyzing everything about the son of a bitch.

  Turning around he nods. “Yeah, so?” He asks walking over to his station. A picture of him with Chase taped proudly to the mirror. “Are we doin’ this or not?”

  Ignoring Henry’s chuckle, I shove my shirt over my head. After shoving my jeans down my thighs, I hop up onto the table. Mitch’s eyes widen, his throat working hard to swallow. “What the hell are you doing? I’m not tatting your dick, man. I don’t have any desire to give my gun anything radioactive or fatal to everything except cockroaches.”

  “You aren’t inking my deep depth finder. Why the hell would I want to prick my prick?” I explain, pointing to the center of my lower abdomen, just above my boxers. “I want a lightning bolt, right here.”

  “The fuck?” Henry says, laughing outright now.

  Looking over at Big Man, I flip him the bird. “Because, lightning is electrifying and exciting, oh, and it’s always followed by the less interesting thunder.” I say pointing toward the photo before winking at Mitch. His jaw ticks angrily and I wait for him to say something or beat my ass into this table. Instead, he grabs a pad and begins sketching my idea. No doubt, after all he has probably heard about me from Chase and Luke, he won’t be signing up to join my fan club any time before hell freezes over. He may have won my girl’s heart, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.

  While Mitch the lucky bitch tattoos my bolt, I stare at the photo on his mirror of him wrapping his arm around my girl. Her smiling face as they sit in a booth of some restaurant, would take my knees out from under me if I wasn’t already lying here. There aren’t any pictures of us together, which is yet another thing that is mostly my fault. I didn’t want to make things public. I wanted privacy and no strings. Well, you’ve got that now man, and he’s got your girl.

  Closing my eyes, I absorb the buzzing and the numbing burn of the gun, permanently marking me. I ignore Henry and Mitch making small talk and do what I have done every day since she left; replay memories of her in my head. I may have made the low blow joke about this piece of ink as a dig at Mitch, but it has more meaning than that. Lightning is supposed to only strike the same place once then it’s gone, leaving the place it touched forever changed. Very fitting, since the most electrifying thing I have ever felt hit me, shaking me for all I was worth, then vanished, taking all the sparks along with her.

  Five Foot Tall and Shatterproof


  When you look at me, of course, you see a tiny red head with a smart mouth; I am a tiny red head with a smart mouth. What you shouldn’t see is fragile, or easily broken. That, I am not. I don’t break, I don’t crack, and I most definitely do not let someone railroad my heart. Never did I want commitment, or strings. Hunter Chesterfield was supposed to be a good time. A sexy lead singer that I wanted to knock boots with and walk away. Did I expect Grayson and Daisy to walk in to Luke’s shop and pull me back in? No. Did I expect him to repeat all the amazing things he did to me over and over again, every chance we got? No.

  But it happened.

  What also happened were texts and phone calls that made my heart beat faster. Finding out little things that made me believe that there is so much more behind that damn mask he puts on. Things he shares with no one. Hunter comes across one way, but when he held me in Nashville that last night, something changed between us. Something earth shattering; and it made me whisper the three words I have never said to anyone other than family or Cam and Daisy. ‘I love you’ came out so fast I couldn’t take it back even if I had wanted to.

  For a minute I watched the shutters go up on his face. He opened up and I almost thought he would say it back. After he asked me to go on the bus with them, I fell asleep on his chest. When I woke up, everything came crashing down around me.

  “I made a mistake. You’re not going with us on the bus, Tiger Lily, it’s a bad idea. Wouldn’t want anyone thinkin’ we’re together or anything. Best thing for you to do is to go back to Vegas; it’s not going to work out.”

  “What do you mean ‘it’s not going to work out’ Hunter?”

  Turning away from me, he slides from the bed slowly before tossing me my clothes. “Look it was fun, but did you really think it was gonna last Tiger Lily? Go find you someone who wants forever, babe; you know me, I just want my dick wet.”

  “I…but I thought this meant something to you. After everything, I thought that I meant something to you.”

  His face pales at my words before hardening into his usual mask. “Hell, babe, you all mean something to me for however long it takes me to get off.” He tosses out cupping my cheek. “Have a nice flight.” Then I watched as Hunter walks into the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door behind him.

  After that, I yanked on my clothes and ran from his suite to plead with Luke to leave before I did something stupid like beg Hunter to be with me. That was then and this is now, I remind myself again since I will be seeing him today. One of my best friends is marrying his brother; I can’t avoid him forever. Smoothing my hands over my dress, I shake off the nerves and decide that this is my chance to show him that I don’t need him. I don’t. He chose to let me go and that’s his loss. Chase Hanlon does not beg for acceptance or affection. I also don’t stay where I am not wanted. Blowing out a shaky breath, I take the hair pin that I need for Camaron’s hair out of my bag and walk back into the bathroom where the girls are waiting.

  “You look so beautiful!” I choke out when she turns to face me. Her dress is all off-white lace, layered over white satin. It is knee length and off the shoulder, totally old Hollywood glam and perfect for Cam.

  “Isn’t Aiden going to freak?” Daisy asks, finishing off Cam’s red lipstick. “I told her it’s amazing.”

  “Are you nervous?” I ask, clipping the orange blossom pin into her hair.

  “No, I’ve never wanted anything more.” She says so surely. “I should be asking you that.” Cam says turning to me. “I’m so glad you agreed to sing at our wedding. Olivia, the woman who owns the chapel, is so excited that we are going there. With this being the second Shaft wedding there, she said they’re going all out since we gave more notice than a half hour to prepare.” Cam teases, arching a brow at Daisy.

  “Blah, blah, heard that sob story from Aiden, suck it up already.” Daisy rolls her eyes before rubbing a hand over her belly. “When exactly does that statute of limitation run out on that indiscretion?”

  “When you hand me your first born or those new peep toes you bought last night.” Cam snaps playfully.

  Daisy looks down at her bright pink heels and laughs. “It will be a cold day in hell before you get my shoes.”

  Camaron looks at me smiling sadly, her blues eyes misty with unshed tears. I nearly start to yell at her not to cry because I know it will ruin her make-up. “Seriously, Chase, I can’t thank you enough for singing today. I didn’t want to throw together a hit-n-run wedding. This will make it so spec

  I shrug. “It’s nothing, Cam, really. I’m singing a song for you and Aiden. It’s in front of our friends, not on a stage.”

  “Yeah, but with,” Cam starts before Daisy interrupts.

  “I think it’s time to go, can’t have you late to your own wedding.” Daisy says, shoving us out of the bathroom, toward the door. “Mack, we’re ready!”

  Mack stands from the couch, looking the three of us over. “You look gorgeous ladies.” Walking over, he grabs my hand. “Especially you, beautiful.” Leaning down, he presses his lips to my knuckles.

  “Stop flirting with my friend, Dominick.” Cam scolds. “I have no problem kicking your ass in my wedding dress.”

  “Wonderful idea, Camaron.” Daisy huffs, rolling her eyes at him. “While you’re at it, Mack, you can explain why we’re late on top of why there would be blood stains all over her very white dress.”

  “I think I’ll pass on that.” Mack replies, opening the door allowing us to exit first.

  “Smart man, you’re learning quickly.” Cam teases as we walk down the hall to the elevators.

  In the limo, I start letting the nerves get to me. I don’t sing in front of people. Cam and I had drank a little too much one night when she was working for Luke and we were making disgusting parodies to songs on the radio. It quickly became her staring at me while I was singing. “Did you remember the music, Daisy? I’m not doing this thing a cappella.” I mutter, twisting my hair anxiously.

  “Um, not exactly. You’ll have live accompaniment, isn’t that exciting?” Daisy replies, looking anywhere but at me.

  “Really?” I ask curiously.

  “Yeah and it will be done as a duet.” Cam adds, nervously.

  My eyes widen, “With Gray?” Daisy and Cam say nothing, making me realize I have been duped. “I’m singing with him aren’t I?” I lean back against the seat and close my eyes, mentally counting to ten and trying to figure out how to jump from this car without looking like I am running. “I was preparing myself for being in the same room as Hunter; not singing with him. No, I can’t sing that song with him.” I say, opening my eyes and looking at Cam. “It’s originally a solo so he will be just fine on his own.”

  “You can’t back out, Chase. Please,” Cam pleads. “Do this for me, I’m begging.”

  “It’s just Hunter, Chase.” Daisy adds. “I know he can be an ass, but deep down he really is a decent guy. I swear he won’t pull any shit. I made him promise earlier.”

  Blowing out a deep breath, I groan. “Fine, I will do this for you, Cam. Hunter and I aren’t even on speaking terms; he can’t be any more okay with this than I am.”

  “Actually,” Daisy says with a huge grin. “When Cam went on and on about your voice the other night, Hunter suggested it. He’s actually the one who chose the song and figured out how to change it around to fit both your singing styles.” My eyes widen at her admission. “Look, I know things didn’t end all that great with you two.” Daisy says, making me snort sarcastically. My eyes flit to hers, and I desperately try to push back the pain at the thought of the last things he said to me. “You’re part of this group, Chase. The two of you are just going to have to deal because we aren’t losing either one of you.”

  I close my eyes in pain, pushing back the tears before looking at both of them. “Calm down, I’m not going anywhere. Hunter and I had no strings sex. A lot of sex, but no strings. It’s over now, and that’s that. Just a good thing neither of us fell in love, you know.” I shrug, getting myself unconvinced looks from everyone, including a curious smirk from Mack.

  “Wait a damn minute, I’m still the new guy here people. I need a minute to catch up.” He shouts in frustration. I can see shit clicking into place in his head. “You mean I’ve been flirting with Hunter’s ‘Tiger Lily’? Shit.” Mack blurts, running a hand through his red hair. “Can we not tell Cunter about this! I would like to keep my balls. I mean, just in case someone wants to put me in a movie, write a book about me, or, hell, just play with my junk; you never know.”

  “Your secret is safe with us, handsome. Until I need it for leverage.” Cam says, winking at him.

  Mack claps his hands, “Oh great, I always wanted a chick to blackmail me. In my imagination I was blackmailed for sex though.”

  Daisy covers her ears dramatically, “We do not discuss your sex life. Ever.”

  “You mean lack thereof? The only jolt to the junk I’ve had in the last month was the Taser.” He snorts. His cheeks blush red with the realization of what he just said out loud.

  “LA LA LA” Daisy squeals. “No discussion!”

  The tension hanging in the air dissipates as we laugh at poor Mack’s pouting face. By the time the limo comes to a stop, even he is laughing with us. “Are the guys here yet?” Cam asks nervously.

  Mack shakes his head, helping her from the car. “Not yet. Henry said they are finishing up, so they won’t be long. Better get you inside and tucked away so he doesn’t see you.”

  A heavy set older woman comes out the front door of the chapel as soon as the limo door closes. “Oh don’t you all look lovely!” She exclaims. “Hello, Daisy, you definitely have that pregnancy glow! We have everything set up and ready to go, just as you requested!”

  “Is everything she says an exclamation?” I mumble to Daisy, making her giggle. “She’s just so excited about well… everything.”

  “Be nice, Chase, this is a happy day.” Daisy grits out through an enormous smile. Daisy turns just in time to hug Olivia and prevent her from colliding straight into Cam. “Thank you so much, Olivia, for accommodating us on such short notice.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way! We were so happy when you called, dear! There has been so much business since Grayson and you married here that we put up a sign and everything!” She explains, with way too much enthusiasm, if you ask me. We all look up and sure as shit there is a sign beneath the name of the chapel that says in huge black letters: ‘Shaft Marries Here’

  “Happy to help.” Cam mutters, making me snicker.

  “Let’s get inside and I’ll show you where Camaron can wait for the ceremony to start!” Olivia links her arms with Cam and Daisy, leading them up the walkway. “You two can go on into the chapel! There are refreshments in the bar; the place is all yours the rest of the evening! To avoid any problems with unwanted photographers gaining access inside, we’ve blocked out the entire schedule to insure privacy for your ceremony and reception.”

  What? Camera hounds following the guys? That’s news to me. “Have the media been an issue lately?” I ask Mack.

  “Not too bad. Compared to what we expected, it’s really been a cake walk.” He murmurs to me quietly as we step into the chapel. Everything is set up for Hunter and me to sing a love song, of all things, together. What a joke. “Though with the shit storm in Macon on top of Tad and those assholes being charged with assault and attempted murder it’s to be expected. Henry says it is safe to say the paparazzi are going to latch onto us before long.” He smiles at me, but I can’t stop my thoughts from drifting to Hunter. “Besides, they’re newly signed rock stars; of course the world will be watching to see if they can handle the pressures of stardom.”

  “Yeah, I get that.” I say, forcing me to stop eyeing the mic set up with the guitar in the corner.

  “Okay, let me know if you need anything, beautiful. Since all you girls are in here safely.” He says sweetly. “I’m going to wait out front for the guys.” When I nod, Mack turns making his way out the door, leaving me alone in the chapel.

  Walking up to the front, I grab the acoustic guitar off the stool and sit down. I adjust the mic to my level and begin to strum. I need to warm up my voice and I’ll be damned if I will practice with him. Closing my eyes, I enjoy the last few minutes before being forced to paste on a smile and forget the last few months ever happened. Not once in my life, have I wanted to stay with just one man. My mom jumped from man to man for years, desperate for their acceptance and love to
make her feel worthwhile. The disappointment in her eyes every time they split made me swear off that shit. I enjoyed the fact of answering to no one, if I wanted something or someone I went for it. I didn’t ask for cheap, meaningless words or promises, and when we got tired of each other it was a clean break.

  In my mind; sex does not equal love. Sex, if done right, equals an orgasm. In very lucky instances it can equal multiples. That has always been my way of thinking. Let feelings swirl and heart strings get pulled in a good hard bang session, and then you are just setting yourself up for heartache. Now, as I sing, I start to wonder if I have been playing the entire thing wrong. For the first time in twenty seven years, I start to wonder what it would feel like to have someone to fall in love with me.

  Songs, movies, and books all paint an unrealistic version of love while we are left mildly disappointed with our results. But if what I thought I felt for Hunter is anything close to real, I want to share that with someone. My fingers stumble on the frets because although I can’t see him, I know he is here watching, somewhere. Hunter. I can feel the way my skin still heats when he watches me, the way my body is so aware of him when he is near. Taking a deep breath, I force myself to shake it off and finish the song. I’ll be damned if Hunter Chesterfield is going to see my fingers tremble, just because he walks into the room.

  Being Schooled in Sin City


  As soon as my tattoo is done, I pay that asshole and tell Henry I’m going to walk the three blocks to the chapel, claiming that I want to check the setup for our little serenade. I’m sure Chase is going to be pissed when she finds out that I will be the one singing with her. I mean it’s not ideal, but it is short notice. She can work with the only option we have. Me. I have to push thoughts of how well she can work me when I see Mack standing at the top of the steps.

  “How did it go? I sure hope Aiden didn’t scream as loud as your mom did last night?” Mack chuckles, arrogantly.


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