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Chasing Me

Page 20

by Cat Mason

“Ah,” I moan arching my hips to seek more of his mouth.

  Hunter smiles against my skin. “Good, you’re awake.” Parting my thighs, he blows lightly over my heating flesh. “I was just telling your pussy how much I miss her.”

  “Were you?” My words come out breathy and needy.

  “I was,” He confirms, spreading me with his fingers. Hunter flicks my clit with his tongue, playfully licking and sucking. As he arrogantly drives me up the wall to orgasm, I cling to the sheets with both hands.

  “Hunter!” I whimper when he stops suddenly and begins teasing me with only his finger. Slipping in and out, tortuously slow and I never want it to stop.

  “It should be a crime for you to sleep like that when my wire is begging to be grounded in you.”

  “We had sex just hours ago, honey.” I moan when his thumb circles my clit lazily. “Not days.”

  “I never sleep late when big shit has me excited, babe.” Hunter explains leaning down so that his mouth is inches from my now throbbing sex again. “I figure if I can’t sleep, I’ll just wake you up.”

  Sliding his hands underneath me, Hunter fucks me slowly with his tongue. He slides in and out of me slowly between teasing my clit, only to stop every time my orgasm is within reach. Sexy, arrogant bastard. My body is wound so tight, I feel like I’m going to explode.

  My hands dive into his hair, desperate to hold him to me. Hunter hums his approval, sucking me into his mouth again. I explode, my legs shaking as I thrash through my climax. “Oh God, Hunter.”

  Sliding up my body, Hunter gives me just a glimpse of his satisfied grin before his lips take mine. Electricity sparks between us, jolting throughout my body. It shakes me to the core, only making me hungrier for him. Our teeth clash, tongues tangle, as I fumble between our bodies to line his erection up at my entrance. No words need to be spoken; we both need this now. Without hesitation, he thrusts into me.

  Hunter’s tongue glides against mine, slowly teasing me, while he pumps his hips hard and fast. Tasting myself, mixed with his addicting taste, drives me fast toward another orgasm. Every inch of his length awakens my entire body, as he drives into me faster and faster.

  “Fuck, you’re so sexy Tiger Lily. Give me more. Tighten around me, yeah just like that.” He pants breaking the kiss. His hooded eyes stare into mine as he pumps into me wildly. His thumb finds my clit still sensitive from his mouth before.

  The minute my nipple passes his lips, I fly over the edge. “Fuck Hunter.” I cry out, my fingers clawing down his back as I ride the wave of my release.

  “That’s goddamn beautiful.” Hunter pants. “Hang onto me babe.” He says and it’s almost a plea as he stills. “Mmmm fucking love you.” He murmurs, nuzzling my neck.

  “What was that?” I giggle. “Was that ‘fucking love you’ or ‘love fucking you’? I do drink coffee, so, since it’s early, I may need you to repeat that.”

  Rolling us to our sides, Hunter laughs. Hard. His beautiful brown eyes light up almost as bright as the smile nearly splitting his face. “Let’s just go with both to be sure I’ve covered all the bases, okay?” He teases, running his thumb along my cheek.

  “I can live with that.” I reply catching my breath. “So tonight, huh?” I ask, nervously. To Hunter and the guys this is just the norm. Me, I’m scared as hell.

  Hunter nods. “Yep. It’s gonna be fun as hell. Let those nerves go, Tiger Lily. You have your part down, we added mine yesterday. We’ll run through it again several times, I’m sure, today. We’re ready. You step on that stage, they’ll all love you. Then it’s just you and me makin’ ‘em scream babe.” Pressing a kiss to my shoulder, he rises from the bed. “The best part of waking up, is Chase coming on my tongue.” Hunter sings before disappearing into the bathroom.

  “Chase Hanlon!” Daisy shouts from the other side of the closed bedroom door. “If you don’t have that not-pregnant ass out here in ten minutes, this very pregnant ass is going to drag you off of Hunter by your hair. Cam and Aiden have an tight schedule today and it’s iron clad.”

  “The door is unlocked baby momma, but if you come in you gotta pull my hair too.” Hunter shouts walking out of the bathroom in just unbuttoned jeans.

  “Disgusting,” Daisy huffs loudly. “Ugh, just when pregnancy stopped making me sick leave it to you to make me heave.”

  “Be out in a sex!” Hunter’s eyes light up my slip. “Shit! I mean sec!”

  “Get ready, I’ll get Jazzie up and fed.” He smiles, stretching his arms over his head. The lightning bolt peeks from the waistband of his unbuttoned jeans, calling to me like a flashing sign.

  “Tiger Lily,” His voice jars me out of my haze. “We don’t have time for that hot scene playing in your head right now.” Jerking his chin toward the door, he grins. “There’s too much whining on the other side of that door. Which means it’s only a matter of time before Daisy gets tired of listening to Mack piss and moan and comes barging in here. She’s seen me naked enough to do some serious damage to Gray’s ego. Hell that poor kid may even come out with penis envy!”

  “You’re horrible.” Biting back a grin, I shake my head at him. “Get outta here.” I shoo him, pulling the sheet up to my chest.

  Hunter clutches a t-shirt to his chest. “Now that I’ve never heard before in my life.” He gasps. “I’m hurt; I’ll never recover. Oh, Chase if you’re going to blow me off, at least swallow. That cuts me, deep.” He wails dramatically.

  “Okay, so since Mack is staying with Jasmine today, I thought of asking my brother to hang here too.” I shrug. “You know, let him spend some time with her while he’s conscious this time?”

  Hunter laughs, slipping on a pair of sneakers. “Sounds good. I’ll let the kid know she has another ink session with Uncle Luke. Hmm, maybe I can find permanent markers.” Still chuckling, Hunter leaves the room closing the door behind him.

  The minute Hunter shuts the door, it flies open again. “Get your skinny ass up!” Daisy nags, slamming the door behind her. “If you’re looking for the sweet lovable Daisy, you’re gonna be disappointed.” Jerking the drawer open she tosses clothes to the bed.

  “Aw what’s the matter, Buttercup?” I ask, jerking a shirt over my head. “Are we out of cookies and squirt cheese?”

  Her face goes stone cold. “Don’t joke about things like that, Chase.” Her manicured finger pointing at me, and I stop. “You smartasses pulled one over on me. Me!”

  “Suck it up. Isn’t that what you always say?” Climbing from the bed, I avoid her side of the room at all costs.

  Daisy sags to the bed, burying her face in her hands. “I’m sorry, shit. I just haven’t been handling things very well lately.” She admits. “Xandra threw me for a loop with her snide comments about how I would lose everything over my ‘stupid mistake’.” Her tear filled eyes meet mine. “I’m just scared, I guess. What if I can’t do this? What if Gray and I can’t find a balance?”

  Turning, I take in her defeated form. Daisy has been holding onto all of this the whole time. Walking over, I sit beside her on the bed. “Listen, I know better than to ever think you are anything like that bitch. You will be an amazing mother. If Hunter can figure out a balance as quickly as he has, I know you and Gray will be fine babe. You’ve got this; look how good you are with Jazzie. Stop stressin’ and concentrate on baking our baby boy.”

  Daisy sniffles, blowing out a breath. “Ugh, I hate being so emotional. Gray just doesn’t know what to do with me sometimes, and I seem to apologize more than I do anything else. I can’t stop crying or eating, but…” She cups her belly. “It’s going to be worth it.”

  “Yeah,” I say touching her belly.

  “So, what are you two lucky bitches naming my baby?” Daisy asks rolling her eyes.

  “You’ll just have to wait.” I tease her. “Cam and I haven’t had a chance to discuss names for the newest Shaft member just yet.”

  “Oh!” Daisy gasps, her hands flying to cover mine. “Did you feel?” She asks shakily.

/>   “What the…” I start then the flutter happens again. “Oh my!” I scream.

  Dropping to my knees, I cover her belly with both hands hoping to feel it again. “What the fuck is going on in here?” Hunter shouts flinging the door open, Grayson shoving them both into the room.

  “This is beautiful!” Hunter says clapping his hands together. “Gray. Get. The. Camera.” He says, not taking his eyes from me.

  “The baby is moving, jackass.” Daisy snaps, a tear slipping down her face. “Leave it to you to automatically think Chase was feeling me up.”

  “Hey, can you blame a guy from trying?” Hunter shrugs. “No one has to know, we’ll just say the kid was sitting really high. Go ahead, grab a tit.”

  “I blame you for nearly everything.” Daisy giggles, I flip him off. “Come feel, baby.” She motions Gray over so that he can feel his baby boy moving for the first time.

  Gray shoves his way over, replacing my hands with his. Standing to my feet, I head into the bathroom. “Gimmie time to clean up and I’ll be ready to go.” I call out shutting the door behind me.


  The moment I step out of the bedroom, the day turns into a whirlwind. Luke was more than happy to stay and hang out with Jazzie and Mack. My brother even seemed excited to spend his day knee deep in a glitter covered diva and a barking wiener. I barely have time to say goodbye to them before we’re carted off to the studio to sign final papers for my end of things and put finishing touches on the duet. Once we’ve made sure everything is perfect for tonight’s performance, Cam has me taken through the ringer. According to her, nothing I have will do for tonight so a stylist meets us at the venue with a rack of dresses to choose from.

  “It’s different than the guys.” Cam scolds flipping through the dresses. “They can wear a t-shirt and jeans and it’s no big deal. You, on the other hand, will be scrutinized down to your perfectly painted toes. It’s part of the biz, Sweets.” She shrugs, handing a white strapless mini-dress to me with black lace draping over the top of the bodice. “You keep those blue spike heels on with that, you’ll have them all walkin’ around with their tongues hangin’ out.” She winks.

  “It’s um,” Hunter interrupts, opening the door. “Time for sound check,” He adds swallowing hard. His eyes rake over me in just my white lace bra and panties. “So, this is what happens when we leave you ladies to rehearse? I feel so left out of the fun.”

  “She’s getting ready.” Cam snaps, shoving the door closed behind him.

  “She. Got. Naked.” He replies. “Without me. This is a tragedy. Shaft policy frowns upon this type of secrecy. I really should print a handbook to prevent these kinds of violations.” Hunter adds, not taking his eyes from me as he inches closer. “Cam, I’m sure someone needs something very important at the other end of the building.” He waves them off. “I’ll help Tiger Lily with her outfit.”

  “You will not!” Daisy exclaims, opening the bathroom door behind me. “Get out of here pervert. She’ll be down for sound check in a minute. Honestly, you boys could handle that without her anyway.” Stomping up to Hunter, she gets between us. Daisy’s blue eyes, no doubt pressing into hardened slits as she taps a finger against his chest. Her baby bump presses against him as she stars him down. “None of the thoughts in your head are happening right now, so go jerk off.”

  Hunter clutches his chest, whimpering. “Oh Baby Momma, you wound me. Your hormonal pregnant claws cut so deep.” Daisy digs in her heels, unmoving. “Oh fine,” Hunter huffs. “I’ll be down on the stage waiting for you babe.” He purrs, before leaving the room. His voice laced with promises of what’s to come later.

  Shimmying into my dress I turn, allowing Cam to zip it up. “I can’t believe I’m singing in front of all those people tonight.”

  “You’re going to be great Chase.” Daisy says sitting in the chair. “Between bathroom breaks every five minutes and not being able to stand on my feet in these heels very long, I haven’t been much help today.” Running a hand along her belly, she sighs. “I’m assuming that I’ll be on Shaft maternity leave after this. Jazzie and I can hang in the back and eat cookies.”

  “You’ll be fine Daisy, you may just need to wear flats.” Cam says, adjusting my hair clip.

  “I’ll push this kid out in stilettos. Flats are for pussies.” She huffs, crossing her legs so that she can adore her new bright red heels.

  “Agreed,” I giggle turning to face them both. “I’d never give up my stilts.”

  “Camaron, you only have yourself to blame for my shoe fetish. I happily wore my converses before. It’s. All. Your. Fault.” Daisy scolds, shaking her foot as she enunciates each word. “I could totally love these almost as much as my first born. Almost.” She repeats.

  The door opens behind us again, “Just checking in.” Henry says with Katheryn in tow.

  “Hi,” I say sweetly, playing it up. “I’m all ready to go, just nervous.”

  “You’ll do great.” Katheryn says, then nods a greeting to Daisy and Cam.

  “Well, I don’t know if my feet are gonna hold out through the show, let alone an after party.” Daisy says pushing to her feet.

  Katheryn’s eyes widen at the mention of our after show plans. I have to bite back the urge to call her out here and now. Henry turns to Katheryn. “Why don’t you go back out and grab a seat? I’ll be down once I go check on something.” Reaching up on her toes, she kisses his cheek and leaves the room.

  Once the door closes, I blow out a breath. “I don’t fucking like this shit at all.” Cam snaps and all I can do is hope that Katheryn isn’t on the other side of that door listening.

  “Last night, I told her that if this was ever going to be something I had to be able to trust her.” He explains. “I can’t take a chance with someone if I can’t believe what they say. I don’t know if I believe her now. I’ve been wrestling with making a decision since yesterday, the possibility of this falling on me makes me feel about an inch tall.”

  “Big Man, it wasn’t your fault. None of it is.” Daisy argues.

  “Doesn’t matter, she’s with me. I chose to keep her around even after Hunter was done with her. I brought her in when no one else wanted to. It falls on me if she’s causing trouble. That means I’ll take care of it, end of story.” Henry says, patting my shoulder. “You ready to do this?”

  Nodding, I take a breath. “Let’s not keep Hunter waiting.” Opening the door to the hallway, I head toward the stage.

  “Holy shit, look at my woman! Ladies, hold onto your men or I’ll rip off their balls.” Hunter yells into the mic when he spots me. “Chase motherfucking Hanlon, my Tiger Lillllllly!”

  “One, there’s no one here yet,” I tease, stepping onto the stage. “Two, my middle name is Harleigh.”

  “Like the bike?” Aiden asks from behind his kit, amusement spreading across his face.

  “Nope, H-A-R-L-E-I-G-H. Harleigh, like the girl.” I reply, strutting across the stage toward my mic.

  “All this time Hunter’s been ridin’ a Harley.” Mack teases, walking up the aisle, earning him a slap to the back of the head from my brother. “Ouch!”

  “Dumbass, that’s my sister.” Luke says carrying Jazzie on his back.

  “Well, dude. Just sayin’, your sister is hot.” Mack replies, shaking his head.

  “Shut the fuck up.” Luke snaps, slapping him again.

  “Why is everybody beating me all the damn time?” Mack shouts, throwing up his hands. “Do I scream punching bag?”

  “I think you scream the produce specials when you come, you kinky shithead.” Henry deadpans, getting laughs from everyone. Except Mack.

  “One time,” Mack roars. “One fucking time and I’m classified as a veggophile!”

  “Oh my God!” I whip around and double over laughing. “It has a name?” Unsteadily, I teeter back in my heels, causing Hunter to grab my hand. With one quick yank, he pulls me flush against his chest. The heat of his body and that scent that is only Hunter, surrounds m

  “Can’t have you fallin’ now can we?” He purrs, his hand sliding down my hip. “Besides, it’s a perfect excuse to cop a feel.” He teases, making me ache for him.

  “Hey,” A man yells from the front, our moment forgotten, for now. “We’ve had to open the doors. Got ‘em lined up around the block already.”

  “Yeah, we’re all set. They know how shit works, let the masses in.” Henry says, starting toward backstage. Katheryn follows behind him, her eyes glued to her phone. Looking over at us, Big Man just shrugs. “You all just hang in staging, I need a few minutes.”

  Scandalous Bitches


  ‘Stupid! How in the hell could I have been so stupid? Fuck.’ I scream inside my head. Years now, I’ve protected these guys. Now even the girls have become my priority. Guilt swells in my gut at the thought that I’ve compromised them because I was thinking with my dick instead of my common sense.

  With Mack being a great fit for our way of life, selfishly I took time for myself. Something I’ve not done in nearly twenty damn years. Now look what it’s done. I told Katheryn things while she warmed my bed. The second woman to ever get that close to me, though she isn’t Jenn. She never could be and I realize that now. I was lying to myself thinking that anyone could replace her no matter how much time passed.

  Things that Kat may have overheard make bile rise in my throat. My job, my main concern, is to protect my family. That takes precedence over everything, even my dick. I failed again. Now only I can make it right.

  Memories of Jenn and how I failed her too, flood my mind. Regret choking my throat. Clawing at me like razor sharp knives, the pain I’ve carried for nearly twenty years cuts me to the bone. I take care of the people I care about, no matter what it does to me in the process.

  Leading Kat back down the hallway, I take us back into the room Chase had dressed in moments ago. Her eyebrow arches as I close the door behind us. “I doubt we really have time for that, baby.” She giggles, tossing her auburn hair over her shoulder. “Though, you’re so tense.” Stepping toward me, her eyes heat up. “Let me help you relax before the show starts.”


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