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The Biker's Nanny (The Nannies Book 3)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  It would be so easy for him to come, to flood her pussy with his spunk.

  He pulled out and lifted her up. Sliding his tongue across her pussy, he sucked on her clit.

  She cried his name, the sound echoing around the room, and he fucking loved it.

  That’s all he wanted to hear coming from her lips as he fucked her harder than he’d ever taken a woman.

  She panted his name, and as she came, he licked her cream, relishing the taste of her sweetness.

  Pushing his cock inside her, he started to fuck her, holding her hands above her head.

  “I’m not going to last for this one, baby. Next time though, we’ll explore that dirty side of yours.”

  He pushed inside her, fucking her. Looking down at where they were joined, he watched his cock, slick with her cream as he pounded away.

  “Look at us, baby. Look at my cock inside you. So fucking good. You’re so perfect.” Driving inside her, he felt the first stirrings of his orgasm as it started to build.

  He didn’t stop, fucking her to his release, which he thrust in deep, flooding her pussy.

  Hawk didn’t give a flying fuck that he’d not worn a condom or what it could mean.

  All that he cared about was how good she felt wrapped around his length.

  Jasmine was perfect to him.

  So beautiful.

  All his.

  He wanted to own and to possess every inch of her, and he had no intention of ever letting her go.


  Jasmine stared up at the stars. She had on a robe to hide the nightshirt she’d thrown on. Everything had changed tonight.

  After Hawk had come inside her, someone banged on the door, demanding his attention. She hated having to share him in that moment.

  For a short time, it was like a blanket had covered them and it didn’t matter what was said or done. His touch had awakened something inside her. Something she’d been hiding for so long, even when she was married.

  Sex was … boring.

  She’d always found it a chore.

  Closing off that need that curled inside her when her ex would screw her, she’d lie there, make all the right noises and pretend that he was the best man on earth. That’s what women did, right? They pretended everything was fine. It was part of the reason they were struggling as a couple. She couldn’t keep faking it.

  The needs that were building inside her wouldn’t disappear.

  She couldn’t make them close off or turn them away. She’d wanted and craved the fire, the passion, and the dirty talk that Hawk had given her a glimpse of.

  It was like she’d finally found someone who got her, and she’d been unable to turn it off. The way he’d presented his cock to her mouth. The way his pre-cum slid across her tongue. There hadn’t been enough to taste him, and she’d wanted to be dirty so badly.

  Staring up at the stars, she felt tears in her eyes.

  For so long she’d thought she was wrong.

  That she’d fucked up.

  That she wanted stuff that no normal woman wanted.

  What if the lie was everything she believed she was supposed to have?

  This wasn’t supposed to be the way her life went.

  “I’ve been looking for you,” Hawk said, drawing her attention.

  Wiping the tears that had fallen onto her cheeks, she turned to look at him. “Don’t worry. I’ve still listening for Bethany. I just needed some fresh air. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine.” He moved up to the bench, his hands going to her knees and sliding down beneath the robe and her nightshirt. His fingers were so close to her pussy. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Don’t tell me that. Don’t hide this shit from me, Jasmine. I’m not going back to you just being my nanny. I know too much. You’ve shown me something, and I’m not going to let you get away with that.”

  “It’s stupid.”

  “Nothing that you could ever want is stupid.”

  “I’m not this person.”

  “What person is that?” he asked.

  She glanced around the back of the clubhouse and leaned close, whispering. “The kind of girl that gags on your cock or gets turned on by your talk. I’m not her.” She moaned as his fingers stopped teasing and touched her pussy while she sat there on the bench. To anyone looking, it would seem that he was touching her legs, nothing more.

  With both of his hands on her pussy, he spread her lips and his fingers teased her. “You feel that? It’s you and me together. My cum is dripping from your pussy, making you so wet.” He pressed fingers inside her, she didn’t know how many. “You think what I saw upstairs was wrong? I think it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed.” He leaned in close so that his lips were at her neck, near her ear. “I love that no one knows the real you. That they don’t even have a clue how wet you are right now and want to feel my cock deep inside you. I love that you have this part of you, Jasmine. A part that has been unexplored for so long.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy, and he placed two fingers at her lips. “Taste us.”

  She opened her mouth, and he slid them up.

  Jasmine tasted their combined release and gave a moan. Once his fingers were clean, he sank them into her hair, and tilted her head back to lay claim to her lips. His tongue traced across her mouth, and she opened up.

  He plunged inside, and she moved to the edge of the bench, spreading her legs wide. He stepped between them.

  His cock was already rock-hard.

  They were out in the open. Anyone could see them.

  She didn’t care, as he opened the robe and lifted up her shirt.

  “Take my cock out,” he said, breaking the kiss.

  Without dropping her gaze, she reached out to his pants, unbuttoning them, sliding down the zipper, and reaching in to take his cock.

  He’d not put on any boxer briefs, so she didn’t have to fight with the elastic that kept them up.

  His jeans fell down; she heard them as the belt clattered against the ground.

  “Touch me.”

  She wrapped her fingers around his dick, working the length up and down.

  “You think I’ve got a problem with what you need? I fucking love it, baby, and believe me when I say we’re going to explore this.”

  He pushed her hand away, and he broke their gazes. It didn’t last for long as he ran the tip of his cock between her slit.

  Looking down, even in the small outdoor light, she saw enough that she moaned. How could she not? It looked sexy as hell. Her pussy was so wet, and this time when Hawk thrust inside her, he did so with ease.

  She was so wet and ready for him.

  He pushed her down across the bench, lifting up the nightshirt to expose her tits.

  He cupped the two mounds, and she watched him as he flicked his tongue across each nipple. The sensation created an answering pull between her thighs.

  She wanted him.

  Hawk didn’t make her wait for long.

  He pulled out of her only to slam back inside.

  The bench wasn’t the most comfortable place to be to get fucked, but she didn’t want to move. When she made to wrap her legs around him, he stopped her, keeping her feet to the bench so that it opened her up.

  He stood up so that he was no longer pinning her to the bench.

  “I want to watch you touch your pussy,” he said.

  At first, she hesitated.

  “No. I don’t want you to listen for her. I want you to touch yourself. I want to see you lose control. Let me feel you as you come all over my cock. Give this to me, baby.”

  She slid a hand between them and touched her pussy. The first stroke against her clit made her cry out. She was so hungry for more. She didn’t want to stop.

  Gliding down, she felt the hard ridge of his cock as he fucked her. Touching him, she felt how wet he was, how wet she was. She’d never been like this, not ever.

  Stroking her clit, she stare
d up at him, and couldn’t believe she was outside in the middle of the night, where anyone could find them, fucking her boss.

  Hawk was her boss.

  The scary biker guy with the cute daughter.

  Pushing those thoughts aside, she focused on him.

  There was no going back after this.

  She’d already crossed that line, and it made her wonder for a split second if this was what the other women went through at the agency. The attraction to an employer that just made them cross that line. She was in no way different now.

  “Come for me, Jasmine. Come.”

  She worked her clit, feeling her arousal build until she came, calling out his name as she tightened around his cock.

  He held her hips and fucked her harder, if that was even possible. The bench didn’t move even as he drove within her, taking her to a new height of arousal. Nothing made sense to her in that moment.

  Hawk clouded everything, and as she felt him slam inside her one final time and his cum spill deep within her, she didn’t want this to stop.

  He didn’t pull out of her immediately. He stayed still within her, and she stared up at him, in a bit of shock that she’d done this again.

  She placed her hands over his and released a sigh.

  “You’re incredible.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  They both looked toward the edge of the clubhouse as they heard laughter.

  Hawk pulled out of her, and helped her pull on the robe.

  Within seconds, they both didn’t look like they’d fucked each other’s brains out, and as Bear and another woman rounded the corner, Jasmine stared at the ground.

  “Wonderful night,” Hawk said.

  “I better head inside,” she said.

  Without waiting for a response, she rushed inside the clubhouse, hoping no one saw through the robe or could see his cum sliding down her thigh.

  Chapter Eight

  Bethany had woken up once during the night and Hawk had made Jasmine stay in bed as he attended to his little girl.

  Staring at the monitor, he saw Bethany was still fast asleep, and his woman was as well. She wore the shirt he’d given her last night. The blanket was thrown across her stomach. The shirt had ridden up, showing off her pretty pussy, and he wanted inside her again.

  His cock hardened at the memory of her tightness wrapped around him.

  He didn’t think for a second he’d ever stop wanting her. In fact, he knew it.

  She rolled over, and her eyes opened.

  Smiling down at her, he waited for everything they’d done last night to come back to her. When it did, she lifted the blanket up to her face, glancing at him over the top. “That wasn’t a dream, was it?”

  “Not even close.” He laughed. Tugging on the blanket, he refused to let her hide.

  “I’m going to lose my job.”

  “You’re not, and even if they don’t hire you again, I’ve got a permanent place here for you. Bethany adores you, and I think you’re okay.”

  She burst out laughing. “Okay?”

  “A little more than okay, but I’m not about to get you thinking you can walk all over me.” He cupped her pussy and she gasped, moaning.

  As he slid a finger in deep, Jasmine spread her legs wide, giving him better access.

  “Wait, wait. Hold on. I have a few conditions,” she said.

  He sighed. “Can you tell me them while I finger this perfect pussy?”

  “No. I need you to focus on me.”

  “I am focusing on you and this tight cunt.”

  “Please. Just for me.”

  “Fine, fine. I’m listening.” He withdrew his finger, but didn’t stop touching her. Keeping his hand over her pussy, he waited. “I can hear everything you’re saying.”

  “You’re going to make this so difficult for me.”


  She giggled. “Fine. I don’t want you screwing anyone else.”

  “Already done.”

  “No, I mean it. Those other women can’t have anything to do with you. If you want your needs attended to then you’ve got to come to me.”

  “Already there, babe. ‘Other women’?”

  “The women that are part of this club.”

  “What women?” he asked, knowing exactly who she was talking about.

  “I’m not going to call them what you and your men do. That’s not right.”

  “It’s what they are.”

  “It doesn’t make it right. I’m not going to say it.”

  “I won’t fuck any of the whores. My cock is for you and you only.”

  “Good.” She pressed a kiss to his lips, which he found utterly sweet.

  “Another condition?”

  “Yes. This one isn’t such a big one, but you might not like it.”

  “Let’s hear it then.”

  “If this doesn’t work out between us and the agency discovers it, could you help me find another job? This one is really serious. I want to be able to support myself, and if I can’t work as a nanny I’m going to need help.”

  He placed a finger against her lips. She looked so damn scared and worried. He hated that look.

  “I’ll help you find and do anything. You don’t even need to worry about that stuff. I’m here.” He had no intention of ever letting her go.

  She was so good with Bethany, and he loved her riding his cock.

  “Is that all?” he asked.

  “That’s all.”

  “Good, now can I deal with my morning wood?”

  “Oh, my, how can you … ohh, that feels so good.”

  He pushed two fingers inside her, stroking his thumb back and forth over her clit.

  She pushed her pelvis up against his hand and whimpered as he kept on teasing her. Her cunt tightened around him, sucking on his digits as he worked her body.

  Pulling his fingers from her pussy, he moved down the bed, grabbing her hips and turning her so that she was on her knees. He got off the bed and stared down at her perfect. heart-shaped ass.

  Running his hands all over, he spread the cheeks wide, staring at the pretty anus and the soaking wet slit.

  His cock was already rock-hard with copious amounts of pre-cum spilling from the tip. He wrapped his fingers around the length. With his other hand, he teased her pussy, drawing some of her cream back to stroke across her anus. She let out a little gasp, and he couldn’t resist smiling.

  “You ever had a fat cock here?” he asked.


  “I’ll show you just how good it can be.”

  “I doubt it can be good.”

  “You won’t know what you’ve been missing all this time. Don’t worry, I’ll get you nice and prepared.” Rubbing his slick fingers across her ass, he watched her tense up at first. He teased across her anus, pressing against that puckered hole.

  The muscles kept him out at first.

  He wasn’t a man to be denied.

  Pushing past that tight ring of muscles, he filled her ass, listening to her moans as he pumped in and out of her.

  Stepping forward, he placed the tip of his dick at her entrance and slowly filled her pussy as he worked a second finger inside her ass.

  “Play with your pussy, baby. I want to feel you come.”

  She began to stroke, and with his dick balls deep within her, he played with her ass, getting her accustomed to the feel of him.

  With two fingers inside her, he was able to stretch her. Each thrust inside, she’d tense up, and he’d wait for her to relax before doing the same thing again. With his hand on the base of her back, he held her still as he pulled his cock out of her, and saw her cum soaking his dick.

  Slamming back in, he closed his eyes, enjoying the pleasure of her squeezing him.

  Rocking back and forth within her, he couldn’t resist watching her once again. Pumping his cock and fingers within her pussy and ass, he worked her until she was gasping.

  When she finally came, shouting his n
ame, he gripped her hip, slamming deep within her one final time and filling her with his cum.

  It was the best way of waking up in the morning. Pressing a kiss to her ass, he pulled out of her, seeing his cum spill from the lips of her pussy.

  He couldn’t resist cupping his creamy mixture and pushing it back inside her.

  “You’re not begging me to wear a condom,” he said.

  “You don’t need to. I’m on the pill. I’m clean.”

  “I’m clean as well, babe.” He didn’t like that she was on the pill.

  Hawk didn’t like what he was thinking either.

  “Come on. Let’s take a shower, and then I’ve got to handle church.” He took her hand, leading her into the en-suite bathroom. They wouldn’t have much longer before Bethany woke up.

  “I could get used to this,” she said. Her head tilted back, the spray hitting her face.

  Her blonde locks looked darker as the water cascaded over her.

  Grabbing the soap, he washed his hands, and then used them to soap her body. He took his time, caressing her skin, going all over, not leaving a part of her untouched, getting her nice and clean.

  Hawk couldn’t think of the best part of her body. He loved every single inch of her. He adored her ass, and when he was pounding that little asshole, he’d be in heaven. Her pussy was so tight and he loved being inside her. He knew from the moment he met her, once would never be enough. Then you had her tits. So big and juicy, he could suck on them for days.

  Cupping the mounds now, he held them up to the water before giving them another taste.

  So perfect.

  “Please, Hawk,” she said.

  “You want to come again?”

  “Yes, please. Yes.”

  “Tell me to make you come.”

  “Please, Hawk, make me come.”

  He pressed her against the cold tile, forcing her to lift a leg up so that he had easier access to do all the wicked things that he wanted to do to her.

  Sliding his hand up between her thighs, he cupped her already filled pussy. Drawing his fingers out, he slid them across her clit. Her moans filled the bathroom. He loved the sounds she made. Pushing two fingers inside her, he took one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it. Moving across to her other nipple, he lathered that with the same kind of attention before kissing down her body. When he was on his knees before her, he stared at her pussy. “This all has to come off.” He pulled his fingers from her pussy, teasing through the strands of hair.


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