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One Bite Stand

Page 25

by Nina Bangs

  Since it didn’t look like an extreme makeover for Celaeno was in the offing, she turned her attention to Daria. “See, under all that magic you have a face that could be beautiful with the right makeup.”

  “My daughter doesn’t want to be beautiful.”

  Speak for yourself, Mom. Daria figured if she’d come this far, she might as well go all the way. She wasn’t stupid, though. No way would she admit that in front of Mom. But Mom couldn’t say too much if Daria lost the bet again tonight. After all, the terms of a bet had to be honored.

  For once, Sparkle showed good sense by not contradicting Daria’s mother. “You’re probably wondering where Declan is. He should be back any minute. He went to collect his fish. Katie has shut down the Guardians for a few minutes.”

  Daria didn’t even have time to feel horrified before Declan walked into the parlor. Every time she saw him was like seeing him for the first time. He was wearing his sexy leather coat, and as he moved she could see the hilt of his sword. At least he’d taken a weapon with him. His dark hair was windblown, and he held a clear plastic bag filled with water. Two minnows swam around inside the bag.

  “You can add breath of fishes to your done list, Ganymede.” He spotted Daria, her mother, and Sparkle watching him. From the look on Daria’s face, she wasn’t thrilled that he’d gone for the fish without her knowing. Well, might as well face her now as later. Handing his fish to Katie, he went to join them.

  Daria gave him a narrow-eyed stare. “You went alone.” Definitely an accusation.

  “Everyone else was busy. I was armed, I was careful, and I came home safely. End of story.” Declan was matter-of-fact about it, but her concern made him feel good. He’d gone into danger so many times in his life when no one cared whether he made it out or not. Sometimes he didn’t even care.

  Daria pressed her lips together and said nothing. But her eyes said everything. She was mad because she’d been scared for him.

  He didn’t get time to enjoy that revelation, because Ganymede leaped onto the fireplace’s mantel and spoke.

  “We’re almost done here. We have everything except the woman’s beard.” Ganymede glanced at the unopened bag of cement. “You lugged that bag out of the cellar for nothing, bloodsucker. Sparkle got to thinking about how long it would take the cement to harden and came up with another idea. Cindy had some clay. It was with the teddy bears. Sparkle just flattened that clay out and pressed my feet into it. Instant cat footsteps.”

  “Hey, no problem.” Declan felt a need for sarcasm. “I almost got myself kidnapped—which would’ve led to the end of the universe—for that bag of cement.”

  Cats were good at blank stares. “We need a lady with a beard so we can get this show on the road. Donate. It’s for a good cause.”

  Celaeno leaned close to Sparkle. “You have a hair sticking out of your chin. Someone get me a baggie and tweezers.”

  Sparkle widened her eyes in horror. “I’ve never had facial hair. A hair wouldn’t dare grow on my face. This is just a cheap harpy attempt to blacken my character.”

  “Get me a mirror too.” Daria’s mom was smiling. “I don’t know what your problem is. A chin hair is a harpy badge of honor.”

  “Ack!” Sparkle grabbed the mirror Katie put in her hand.

  Daria winced. Declan saw why. There was a short hair under Sparkle’s chin.

  “Omigod! Hand me the freaking tweezers.” Sparkle put one hand over her heart. “I think I’m having palpitations.”

  “Let me do it.” Before Sparkle could object, Celaeno took the tweezers from Katie and plucked the hair from Sparkle’s chin. Then she dropped the hair into the open baggie Katie held. “I’ll keep this.”

  Sparkle didn’t respond. She was staring into the mirror with unblinking intensity.

  “Yo, ba… uh, a hair here and there shows character.” Ganymede meant well, but his compliment was a dart to the heart of the Woo Woo Inn’s queen of vanity.

  She glared at him. “Say one more thing and I’ll use those tweezers in new and creative ways.”

  Ouch. Every man in the room winced.

  Walt dragged over a plastic trash bag. “ All the stuff is in here.”

  Celaeno dropped in the hair and then tied the bag shut. “I’ll take this to Apollo and ask him to make your magic ribbon. Let’s hope he’s not in a bad mood and that he’s susceptible to feelings of guilt. Ocypete, you can stay here.”

  “Be careful.” Daria touched her mother’s hand. “When will you be back?”

  “Summer solstice is only a few nights away. I’ll be back before that, with or without the ribbon. I won’t let you and Kal go into battle without me.”

  Declan watched Daria as her mother left. He decided Celaeno couldn’t be a monster if she inspired so much love. That opinion came from a guy who had lots of experience being a monster.

  Once her mother was gone, Daria wandered toward the stairs. Declan followed her. She waited for him. When he reached her, he put his arms around her. It took him a moment to realize she wasn’t looking at him.

  He turned to see who’d caught her interest. Sparkle was standing close by, still staring into the mirror. “Hey, Sparkle.” Daria waved at her. “See this?” Sparkle looked a little disoriented. “What?” Daria reached up and pulled Declan’s head down. Then she put her mouth over his and laid a kiss on him that almost made his knees buckle. When she finally broke the kiss, she glanced at Sparkle.

  “Put it in the record books, Sparkle, because that was a certified lust-filled touch.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The last few nights, Declan’s awakening had been a three-step thought process: awareness, Daria, other problems. This night was no different. He’d lain in bed a few minutes anticipating seeing his favorite harpy, talking over the day’s plans with her, and touching her. Yeah, so he’d spent the most time on the touching part.

  Reluctantly, he went on to his checklist of the good, the bad, and the ugly from last night: Celaeno left last night to ask Apollo for huge favor—check and fingers crossed. Mel and Eris gone—check and thank the gods. Frost giants entered battle on Fenrir’s side—check and multiple curses. Daria kissed him and then spent rest of night running errands for Ganymede—check and threaten to strangle cat.

  There. Satisfied he’d covered all the important events of last night, he rose and got ready for a new night. Before leaving his room, he strapped on his sword. He didn’t bother taking his coat. If his weapon shocked someone, too bad.

  Declan was halfway down the stairs when his cell rang. As he continued to the bottom of the steps, he pulled the phone from his jeans pocket and answered. “Yeah?” This wasn’t a night for wasted words.


  Relief washed over him. He’d been afraid the council members wouldn’t make it in time. “When will you be here?”

  The silence dragged on for a little too long. “Uh, we’d really like to be there, Declan. You know how we love a fight.” False laughter. “But, um, the British government revoked our passports.”

  “Why?” Declan hoped pissed-off-vampire was coming across loud and clear.

  “Uh…” Whispered aside. “Why the bloody hell did they revoke our passports?” A whispered answer Declan couldn’t hear. “Er, we were the victims of physical and emotional trauma that made us mentally unstable,” Valgard’s voice brightened. “We could be a danger to ourselves or others.” He seemed pretty happy about that. “But we have every confidence you’ll defeat this Fenrir.”

  Declan did some counting to achieve inner calm. Backward. “What you’re saying is Sparkle scared the crap out of you last year, and you’re afraid if you show up at the Woo Woo Inn, she might steal your equipment again.”

  Some blustering went on at the other end of the line.

  “But you know something? Sparkle wouldn’t be able to do a damn thing this time because you’ve already lost your balls.” He closed his cell phone and shoved it into his pocket.

  Well, that was a g
reat start to the night. He felt the slide of his fangs and curled his lip back just to express how much he’d like to rip out a few cowardly throats.

  He’d only taken a few steps toward the parlor when he saw Daria sitting at the registration desk. She didn’t even pretend not to be watching for him. Her smile kick-started his whole evening.

  When he leaned down to kiss her, he didn’t think about possible watchers or if this would compromise his uncommitted loner status. Declan was beyond that.

  Her lips were warm and soft, her mouth hot and welcoming, his body hard and determined. Tonight they’d make love. In his bed and in his room, the one without a Sparkle upgrade. No more forest floors or Ferris wheels.

  “Is your mother back?” Declan tried to hold up his half of the conversation while his senses pushed and shoved to get his attention. Hey, did you get a look at that gold dress? It’s the kind of dress that looks good coming off. What about that vanilla scent? Bet it’s her shampoo. Go take a sniff. Wonder if she tastes like vanilla too? Go on, you know you want to, just a little bite. Okay, enough. He slammed the door shut on their chatter.

  “No.” Her eyes clouded with worry.

  A week ago he would’ve grunted and walked away. He didn’t do sympathy. But now he shifted into distract-and-cheer-up mode. “Your mom’s a tough lady. She’ll be back soon. Looks like everyone’s in the parlor. Let’s see what’s going on.”

  Ganymede was crouched on the mantel when they walked in. Everyone was scattered around the room.

  Sparkle wandered over to them. She still wore a sexy black dress, but she didn’t seem to have the, well, sparkle she usually had.

  Daria nudged him. “She’s wearing the same dress and shoes as yesterday.”


  “Sign of serious depression. I’m worried about her.”

  Jeez, he was a guy. Nothing in his code of manliness addressed how to figure out women’s emotional states by the clothes they wore. It was all a mystery.

  Sparkle stopped and smiled. Declan narrowed his eyes. Yeah, it was kind of a sad smile.

  “Ganymede’s getting ready to let us all in on his battle plan.” Sparkle shrugged. “Not that I care. Let Fenrir and Loki trash the universe. It’s a crappy world anyway.”

  Daria looked shocked. “Sometimes. I guess.” She glanced at Declan.

  He raised one brow.

  “I thought since you won the bet last night, you might want to demand I wear makeup.” Daria looked hopeful.

  Sparkle waved a dismissive hand. “Whatever. If that’s what you want, we can do it after Ganymede’s speech.”

  “Mind if I tag along?” He didn’t know if makeup was such a good idea. Daria already looked great to him.

  For a moment, Sparkle seemed to regain her sense of humor. “Men are so predictable. Let me guess. I’d say from your expression, you think you’re a guy who likes the natural look.” She cocked her head to study Daria. “She’s too pale. Good bone structure, though, but pretty ordinary without color and definition.”

  He bristled.

  “She has potentially gorgeous eyes. I’ll make them look bigger, more spectacular. Her lips are full and sensual. She needs a lip shine that’ll emphasize their kissability.”

  Declan thought Daria’s lips were already emphatic enough. He didn’t want any other men noticing their kissability. Was that being possessive? You bet.

  He’d just opened his mouth to express his opinion when a booming voice from outside rattled the windows.

  “Fenrir the terrible is here.” Sounds of hearty cheering. “Son of Loki the trickster, brother of Hel the queen of death and Midgard the serpent, father of—”

  Declan couldn’t take any more. Ignoring Daria’s attempt to stop him, he flung open the door. “Declan, son of a horse’s ass, is here.”

  Fenrir’s forces were spread across the lawn behind the Guardians’ invisible line. And Fenrir himself stood in front. In human form.

  The reality of their relationship hit Declan smack in the face. His father looked a lot like him. Only bigger. And meaner. And more arrogant. Some of his own arrogance must’ve come from Fenrir.

  Fenrir ignored the horse’s ass comment. “I am no longer amused by your insolence, Declan.” He sneered as he scanned the front of the inn. “How can you hide away in this veritable mouse hole? I will not insult my army by ordering them to waste their energy destroying this hovel.”

  Daria edged up beside Declan. “Translation: his army can’t get past the Guardians.”

  “I came here only to show that I am no longer bound to the church.” Fenrir looked as if he was savoring his next words. “And to deliver an ultimatum.”

  “Love those ultimatums. It’s my latent need to have a man tell me what to do.” Daria.

  “If you do not turn yourself over to me after you rise on the eve of the summer solstice, my minions will destroy the town closest to this place.” Fenrir smiled but looked kind of wistful. “I would wish you to be late.”

  Declan saw in Fenrir’s smile the resemblance to Dad’s wolf form. It was in the teeth and eyes. “Bet if I stuck a pin in you, all that escaping hot air would heat the whole Jersey shore.” Was it smart to make his father crazy angry? No, but it felt so good.

  Fenrir threw back his head and roared. The frost giants shouted. Midgard the serpent hissed. And Hel just laughed. Declan decided Hel scared him the most.

  Declan didn’t even wait for all of them to leave before slamming the door shut. When he and Daria turned, everyone standing behind him hurried back into the parlor.

  Ocypete lingered. “My frost giant was out there. Did you see him? So big, so savage, so fine. He’s mine. If Celaeno hadn’t told me to stay here, I’d go and collect my guy right now.”

  Trying to imagine that mating gave Daria a pain right in the middle of her left eye. She reached out to clasp Declan’s hand. No matter how he denied it, facing his father couldn’t be easy.

  They entered the parlor just in time to watch Ganymede leap onto the mantel again.

  “Yo, we don’t have time to waste. We have to get our battle plan moving. Here’s what I’ve worked out. First—”

  The strains of “Heartbreak Hotel” sounded in the distance.

  “Hell.” Ganymede’s eyes widened. “The last container of Ben & Jerry’s.”

  Everyone waited expectantly as the music grew louder and louder until it stopped in the parking lot.

  Ganymede glared at Katie. “Tune up your broom. Make magic circles until you run outta chalk. But figure out how to keep that… darn guy out.”

  Katie set her lips in a thin line of disapproval. “I’ll break open my new box of colored chalk right away.”

  A few minutes later the ice cream guy joined them. He smiled at everyone and then sat in an empty chair. Daria could’ve sworn there weren’t any empty chairs a minute ago.

  “The cat’s cursed so many times, all my desserts are gone. You owe me for them.” Katie didn’t care who he was.

  He smiled serenely. “They’ll be replaced. I really enjoyed your devil’s food cake. You’re an excellent cook.”

  Katie harrumphed but looked pleased. Ganymede was one nervous kitty. But he pulled it together enough to lay down his plan. “Harpies, air attack. Werewolves and Trouble, ground attack.”

  “Me, me, me? I can help?” The dog didn’t seem to notice everyone else’s lack of enthusiasm.

  “Declan and Sparkle, covert action. Katie, annoying spells. And Walt, official battle historian. I’m the general.” Ganymede looked at the ice cream guy. “Yo, Chill, you gonna be around?”

  “Oh, I’m always around. Call me an interested observer.” He watched the cat from those strange eyes. “Now that you have this plan, how are you going to execute it?”

  Ganymede looked uncomfortable and grumpy all at once. “We’ll figure it out as we go along.” He looked back at his fighting force. “One more thing. Fenrir expects Declan on the twentieth, so we’ll attack on the nineteenth. Catch him by s
urprise and kick his… behind.”

  Sparkle made her way to Daria, pausing to throw Chill a death glare. Ganymede watched her but didn’t try to approach.

  “Let’s take care of your face now.” Sparkle didn’t look at Ganymede as she led them from the room. “I’ll get my makeup kit and meet you—”

  “In my room.” Declan seemed certain of that.

  “Look, you guys go on up and I’ll be with you in a few minutes.” Daria hoped Declan wouldn’t ask any questions. He must’ve read her expression, because he simply nodded.

  Once they’d left she walked over to Chill. “Hi, I’m—”

  “Daria.” He smiled. “You didn’t want Declan and Sparkle to see you doing a good deed.”

  “Uh, yeah. How’d you know?” He had the strangest eyes she’d ever seen. No matter how hard she stared, she couldn’t tell what color they were.

  He shrugged. “Knowing things is my business.”

  Daria decided he had a really nice smile and a great voice. He made her feel… peaceful. “I get the feeling from Ganymede that you can do just about anything.”

  He chuckled. “I try.”

  She took a deep breath. “Well, here it goes. Would you—”

  “Free the chimney-sweep spirit?”

  Okay, she was officially weirded out.

  Chill glanced at the fireplace and there was a popping sound.

  “Yahoo! Freefreefreefree…” The voice coming from the chimney faded into the distance.

  Everyone stopped to listen, and then conversation picked up again.

  Daria swallowed hard. “Thank you.”

  “Now I want you to do something for me.”


  “Go where your heart leads you.”

  She. nodded even though she didn’t believe her heart could lead her away from Hades. But as she climbed the stairs to Declan’s room, she decided she did believe that Chill knew a lot about hearts.


  A half hour later, Daria stared at a new woman in the mirror. When she turned, she saw that woman reflected in the eyes of Declan Mackenzie. His expression said it all.


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