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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Navy SEALs [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Cara Covington

  “Let me guess,” Dev said. “He would be the sheriff?”

  “He would. Actually, I’m surprised he hasn’t been by to visit the two of you already.”

  Drew leaned over and kissed her. “We only just began our campaign today. Give it time.” Then he rolled off the bed and reached for her.

  Julia shrieked when he scooped her into his arms. “Let’s shower,” he said.

  “Ooh, water sports,” Julia teased.

  “In this hedonistic bathroom?” Dev said. “You bet your very fine ass there are going to be water sports.”

  * * * *

  Drew had very rarely allowed himself to hope for things in life. One of his earliest lessons was that mostly, you didn’t get what you wanted no matter how badly you wished for it. Since each disappointment had devastated him, he’d learned to stop wishing.

  At the moment, however, he figured all those disappointments, from the time he’d been sent to his first foster home, to now, had been worth it. They had guaranteed his having the one thing he wanted more than anything in his life to date.

  He’d wanted Julia Benedict with a craving that had frightened him just a little. More, he’d wanted—no, needed—her to accept both him and his best friend as her lovers.

  “I like my showers hot,” Julia warned.

  He set her down gently outside the glass-enclosed stall and placed a kiss on her nose. “What a coincidence. That’s how I like my woman. Hot.”

  He set the water temperature, then picked her up and carried her in. Looking over his shoulder, he watched as Dev came into the bathroom, a tube of lube in his hand.

  He and his brother—for that is how he’d thought of Devon Wakefield for years, now—apparently were of the same mind.

  He turned Julia around so that the water didn’t hit her face, and eased her away from the nozzle to make room for Devon.

  Julia’s sigh as the hot water rained down on her made him smile.

  “We didn’t hurt you, did we, honey?”

  “Of course not.”

  “There’s no ‘of course not’ about it, Julia. Dev and I are both big men.”

  “Brag, brag, brag.” The words came out against his chest. He felt her smile, and then she straightened, insistent, he thought, on standing on her own two feet.

  “I wasn’t talking just about our cock size. We’re both a lot bigger and stronger than you. We have to be careful not to hurt you.”

  Julia frowned, then went up on her toes and cupped his face in her hands. “Drew, there’s not a lot I know in life, but I do know one thing. You and Dev would never hurt me.”

  “Certainly not on purpose.” Drew could see the conversation was upsetting her, and that was the very last thing he wanted.

  “Give me your arms, baby doll.” Dev reached from behind and took Julia’s arms in his hands, stretching her up just a little. Drew grabbed the soap and worked a good lather into his hands.

  “You’re so beautiful to me,” he said. He covered her breasts with lather, smoothing it back and forth over her nipples, and then spreading the soap down, over her abdomen then around her hips to her ass.

  He brought his hands back around to her front. Leaning down, he spread foam down her legs before he brought both hands back up to caress over her pussy.

  “Mm, that feels good.” Julia had closed her eyes, nearly purring, and looking very much like the kitten he likened her to.

  “Enjoy, Julia, because I sure am.” She felt like every definition of heaven he’d ever come up with, right there under his hands.

  “Mm, let’s see how Julia under foam feels,” Dev said. He let loose of Julia’s arms and kissed her ear. Then he lathered his hands and ran them down her back, and over her ass. When Julia jerked, Drew met Dev’s gaze. The sparkle in his eyes told him he’d just stroked over her anus. “Wonderful, that’s how you feel,” he said.

  “Not fair. I want to play, too.”

  Drew grinned at the pout in her voice. “Who’s stopping you?” he asked.

  A few moments later he wondered if he should have issued such a broad invitation. Julia’s small hands, soft and slippery from the soap, petted his chest, stroked his arms, and even caressed his back.

  He groaned when she pressed herself against him and rubbed her breasts with their pebble-hard nipples back and forth against his chest.

  “Like that, do you? Then you’re going to love this.”

  He heard the teasing in her tone and could only gasp when she fisted him and began to wash his cock more thoroughly than it had ever been washed in his entire life to date.

  “God, woman, you’re right. I do love that.”

  “Mm, good. Now I have just one more thing I need to do.” She stepped to the side so that the water rained down on his chest, washing the lather from his body.

  “Only one more thing? Kitten, I have a lot more than one more thing planned for you.”

  She stepped in front of him again, then closed her eyes and groaned when Dev reached between her legs and teased her with his fingers covered in suds.

  “Do you really?” She all but purred that. Drew grinned because between them, he and Dev were coaxing some very interesting sounds out of Julia Benedict.

  “Yes. As a matter of fact I…mother of God!”

  Drew closed his eyes and threw his head back. Julia had bent over, wrapped her fingers around his cock, and then sucked him into her wonderful, wet, fabulous mouth.

  Liquid heat surrounded his cock, and Drew shivered as the amazing sensations assailed him, one on top of the next.

  Julia sucked, tiny little rhythmic motions that he swore made his cock grow five inches. She ran her tongue up and down along his shaft as she moved her head up and down on it.

  “God, kitten, what a great mouth you have.” He couldn’t stop himself from gripping her head, neither could he stop his hips from rocking. He used every bit of his will to ensure that the motions were small. He wouldn’t hurt her for the world yet there was a part of him, a very greedy, primitive part that wanted to fuck her mouth with the same deliberation he’d just used to fuck her cunt.

  “God, that’s hot,” Devon said. “Our woman looks good with cock in her mouth.” He’d lathered his hands again and worked on cleaning himself, including his cock, which was hardening with every moment of the show he and Julia were giving him.

  “Wait until you feel her mouth on you, Dev.” Then he closed his eyes in pure bliss. “Mm, Julia, yes, baby. That feels so damn good.”

  Julia hummed around his cock, and Drew damn near shot his load right then and there.

  “Easy, kitten. No humming. It’ll be over before I’m ready for it to be.”

  Julia lifted her mouth from him, and he had to resist the urge to cry. “You want to make this last, do you?”

  “God, yes.”

  Julia looked over her shoulder at Dev. “You’re next,” she told him.

  “Actually, I thought we’d see if we could all come at the same time.” Dev rinsed himself, then stepped a bit closer to Julia. “You’re bent over so nicely, honey. Just at the perfect angle for me to fuck you from behind.”

  Julia moaned around Drew’s cock when Dev suited actions to words. He took a moment to move her feet just a bit farther apart. Then he took his cock in hand, stepped closer, and impaled their woman with one solid thrust.

  Julia lifted her mouth from Drew but kept her hand wrapped around him. She pumped him slowly as she looked over her shoulder at Dev again.

  “So you believe in simultaneous orgasms?”

  “Not only do I believe in them, I’m counting on them. Put your mouth back on Drew’s cock, baby doll. Let’s rock and roll.”

  Julia moaned as Dev began to fuck her, his hips moving in a nice, steady rhythm. Then she sucked Drew’s cock into her mouth again, and he sighed. With the way she sucked on him, it really wouldn’t take him very long to come.

  He watched Dev, and then began to thrust his cock into her mouth using the same rhythm his brother was usin
g on her cunt. Julia hummed her approval, and began to suck on him a little harder.

  Drew inhaled and grasped her head just a bit tighter. He combed his fingers through the wet brown strands and gritted his teeth, determined to hang on to this incredible high, this amazing sensation of being on the very edge of ecstasy.

  Julia whimpered as Dev increased his pace. Drew watched as he reached onto the shelf for the lube he’d placed there moments before. He coated two fingers of his right hand, then brought them to Julia’s ass.

  He felt her shiver when Dev touched her. She groaned around his cock as Dev spread the gel over her anus.

  Dev met his gaze for one moment, then brought his hand to a stop and, instead of moving his fingers up and down, began, instead, to push in.

  Julia jerked, and let out a long, low moan even as she cupped Drew’s balls and squeezed gently.

  Unable to hold off completion another moment, Drew closed his eyes, threw his head back, and shouted out as his climax shot out of him, stream after stream, only to be sucked up and swallowed by the woman he’d been in love with for the past six months.

  Chapter 5

  Julia shivered as tiny little aftershocks of delight shimmered through her. Slowly, she released Drew’s cock from her mouth, giving it a final couple of licks in farewell. He had his hands in her hair, and Dev had his hands on her hips, otherwise she felt certain she would have landed face-first on the shower floor. The sound of heavy breathing echoed against the glass enclosure as they all three tried to catch their breath.

  Still bent over at the waist, she felt totally weak and completely giddy. “I read somewhere that 95 percent of all household accidents occur in the bathroom.”

  To their credit, neither man snickered. “Do you think that percentage is higher in Lusty? I’m wondering if the larger bathrooms here would increase the risk,” Drew said.

  Julia groaned as she tried to straighten. Immediately she felt two pairs of hands helping her, easing her upright. Someone—probably Dev—had turned off the shower. Tiny little drops of water dripped off their bodies, making plopping sounds that were strangely musical.

  Julia smiled. “No, actually, I think that rate is much lower in Lusty. The men tend to take care of their women here, more than in most places. Or so I’ve come to believe.”

  “That sounds like a reasonable assumption.” Dev turned her into his arms, kissed her, then picked her up. “It’s a practice that I, for one, applaud.”

  Julia nearly protested that she could walk, but quite honestly, she wouldn’t want to bet the farm on it. Her knees still felt weak, the accumulative effect of three orgasms in such a short period of time.

  Dev snagged a towel, wrapped it around her, and then sat down on the ledge of the hot tub with her on his lap. He began to dry her gently by moving his hands over the towel, patting it against her skin. “I’d like nothing more than for us to continue our party in here”—he nodded toward the spa—“but I think we could all use a bit of a rest, first.”

  Drew came over with a second towel and began to blot the water from her hair. “Did you have dinner tonight, kitten?”

  Julia had closed her eyes in order to better enjoy the luxury of being completely pampered. Drew’s question sounded kind of funny, but she couldn’t imagine why that would be. Was he coming down with something? The words had echoed, as if he had something wrong with his throat. She blinked when she felt herself being lifted again, and realized she hadn’t answered Drew’s question. “Mm? Dinner?”

  Drew laughed. “Maybe you need a nap more than you need something to eat, kitten, as I asked you about dinner five minutes ago.”

  “It’s been a stressful day.” She yawned around the words.

  “Really? What stressed you out, Julia?” Drew asked.

  “Well, apparently a couple of Yankees have been going around town introducing themselves as my future husbands.”

  “Imagine the nerve,” Dev deadpanned. He carried her out of the en suite bathroom and into the bedroom.

  Julia smiled. “Add that stress to the very wonderful orgasms I’ve just had, and yes, I am tired. But I’m hungry, too.”

  “Nap first, then food.” Dev’s tone brooked no argument. He set her gently on the bed.

  Julia raised one eyebrow as she looked at him. “That sounded very bossy, very alpha male,” she said. “I don’t generally take orders all that well, especially from alpha males. You should probably write that down for future reference.”

  Dev nodded. “I’ve a good memory, so writing it down won’t be necessary. I understand your feelings on the subject. It’s because your brothers, being all alpha males and bossy men, had a tendency to order you around,” Dev said.

  “Yes, that’s it, exactly. It pissed me off to no end.” Julia looked at him. She had accused both him and Drew of not knowing her, but maybe she didn’t give them enough credit. Perhaps they knew her better than she realized.

  “I imagine it would,” Dev said. He easily pulled the top sheet out from under her, and then climbed into bed beside her, on her right side. He pulled the sheet up to her waist.

  “We don’t blame you one bit for being pissed with them. They’re your brothers. It wasn’t their place to order you about.” Drew tossed the comforter on the bed, straightening it neatly. Then he climbed into the bed on the other side of her.

  Dev cupped her face with one hand. He turned her head toward him and met her gaze. “We, on the other hand, are your mates. It is our place to order you around.” Then he grinned. “Which we will only do in the interests of taking care of you when you need us to do so. You fell asleep on my lap while we were drying you, baby doll. Nap first, eat later.”

  She’d discuss that delusion they seemed to have about being her mates, later. For the moment, her top priority was not letting them get the upper hand. Her mother had always told her to start out as she intended to go. That meant she had to establish her boundaries immediately. “I’m not tired!” Julia thought the effect of the stern tone was probably somewhat negated by the yawn she couldn’t quite stifle around it. Not only had her yawn weakened her argument, but the ease with which Dev stretched her out on the bed worked against her, too.

  “Do you want to stomp your foot, kitten?” Drew’s smile should have made her mad as hell. Whenever Richard, Trevor, or Kevin—her triplet brothers who were the bossiest of her siblings—compounded their sin of bossiness by laughing at her protests, her vision would literally turn red. Since she possessed one hell of a temper, it was a miracle she hadn’t killed at least one of her brothers by now.

  Looking at Drew’s smile, all she wanted to do was laugh.

  Well, I am being kind of silly. However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t come out on top in this particular exchange. She just had to work her way around to it.

  “You’re right, I am tired. I should just go home, get some sleep.” She sat up in the bed, only to be eased back down again, by both men this time.

  “You’re too tired to get dressed and go home, baby doll.” Dev turned onto his side and laid his arm across her middle.

  Well, that’s convenient. No way can I leave the bed when he’s pinning me down. “I am, huh?”

  “Absolutely,” Drew agreed. He turned on his side, too. His arm spanned her waist, just beneath Dev’s.

  Julia liked being in the middle of these two Navy SEALs, having them both looking down at her, though of course, she wasn’t going to tell them that. Time to turn the screws.

  “All right, then.”

  Dev met Drew’s gaze and she could practically see their minds working.

  “All right?” Drew repeated her words, and she didn’t miss the caution in his tone.

  “Mm. Yep. I am sooo tired.” She yawned again, partly for effect and partly because she really was sleepy, and getting sleepier by the minute. “I know how very much you both want to take good care of me and see to it that I get a good night’s sleep.”

  “That’s right.” Dev’s were the words of
agreement even if his tone held uncertainty.

  “Good. Then I guess you won’t be waking me in the middle of the night, wanting more sex. I’ll see you both in the morning. Nighty-night.”

  The two men looked at each other, and Julia thought they might be wondering just exactly when they’d lost control of the situation.

  She closed her eyes, fully planning to give them just a few minutes to stew before she took them on again. She wasn’t anywhere near finished having them yet. She felt herself settle comfortably into the bed, and realized, somewhat absently, that the bed seemed to be pulling her down into it deeper and deeper. She felt the men lie down beside her, felt them each kiss one of her cheeks before snuggling her in close. She thought she might have smiled, even as she realized she really was falling asleep.

  Her last thought as she drifted off was that she felt totally safe, secure, and cared for.

  * * * *

  Dev opened his eyes. He didn’t need to check the clock. He’d willed himself to sleep at nine-thirty, moments after Julia had dropped off like a stone, and told himself to sleep for three hours.

  Lying on his side, his arm wrapped around his woman, he let himself cherish this moment. She was asleep, and in the state of slumber, more than acquiescent. Not a condition that would likely last, come morning. Oh, they had her in their bed, but he didn’t kid himself for one moment that the battle to have her in their lives permanently had been won.

  They’d only won the first skirmish.

  He glanced over at Drew, unsurprised that he was awake, and watching her, too. “I sure wish this would last,” Drew said. And then he grinned.

  Obviously his best friend—his brother in all but blood—saw things the same way he did. No surprise there, either. “Yeah, a part of me does, too. But I bet the tussling will be fun,” Dev said.

  “I have no doubt about that.” Drew kept his voice quiet. “Personally, I can’t imagine that life with our woman is going to be smooth sailing. The peaceful times may all very well mostly occur only when she’s sound asleep.”


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