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Covington, Cara - Love Under Two Navy SEALs [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Cara Covington

  Julia set her fork down, sat back in her chair, and sent Richard a stare that felt lethal because, quite simply, it was.

  Before she could open her mouth, Adam said, “Personally, I’d be inclined to rule it ‘death by misadventure.’” Then he skewered Richard with as serious a stare as she’d ever seen on him. “If you open your mouth and say one more thing to your sister, I’m going to arrest you.”

  “What are you pissed about?” Rick asked him. “I don’t get it.”

  “That,” Adam said, “is clear to everyone.”

  Peter sat forward. “Despite Tracy asking me to stay, I do have to get going. Julia, can you walk me out? I’m planning the honeymoon trip, and I need to ask you something about both of my fiancées’ preferences.” He looked at Drew and Dev. “If you don’t mind?”

  Dev ran a hand down Julia’s back. Just that much of a touch eased her tension and steadied her.

  “No, of course not,” Dev said.

  Julia tilted her head to one side and wondered if Peter was just removing her from the front lines so the men could speak to her brother without her being there.

  Richard Benedict made a hell of a savvy businessman but one piss-poor brother. So if that was what he was doing, then fine. She didn’t mind getting help from her lovers in dealing with Richard’s stubbornness.

  Then again, it could very well be that Peter really just needed her advice. Who else would he ask? She pulled her thoughts back to the present, and Peter’s request. “Of course.” She looked down at her half-full plate. Her appetite had vanished. Thank you, brother mine.

  “I’ll be right back.” She got to her feet, and when Dev and Drew both stood with her, she kissed each of them in turn.

  Outside, Peter donned his sunglasses against the bight midday sun.

  “Nice job trying to intimidate the SEALs,” she said. “Except I don’t think they intimidate very easily.”

  Peter laughed. Then he slipped his arm around her shoulders. “No, I don’t think so, either. But we had to give it a try. My car’s just down by the sheriff’s office. Walk with me, please.”

  “Was that the plan regardless of whether or not I showed up with them?” She walked with him, but the pace was nice and slow.

  “Actually, the fact you were there with them surprised both Adam and me.”

  “But why let a change in facts spoil a good game?”

  Peter chuckled. “Busted.”

  Julia didn’t begrudge him or Adam their “game.” What they’d done really had been nothing more than teasing. Benedicts and Kendalls had been doing that to each other, in one form or another, all her life. “And the advice you wanted?”

  “It’s my job to arrange our honeymoon trip, and I want to surprise both Tracy and Jordan with my choice.” He stopped, and put his hands in his pockets. “Jordan’s parents are giving us the trip, and when Samantha told me how much money to spend…” He shook his head. “One of the things I keep forgetting is that the families are rich as Croesus. Until something like this happens, and I think, ‘holy shit!’”

  Julia wondered if anyone had told him that those marrying into the families were presented with a nice little fortune of their own courtesy of the Town Trust. “That’s a lovely compliment. We don’t tend to live lavish lifestyles, on the whole. But there are times when we open the purse strings. Honeymoons are one of those times.”

  “Yeah, well, I’ve been looking, because I think what would be nice would be some sun and sand and total privacy. I was looking at this private resort in the Seychelles.”

  Julia clapped her hands together once. “Oh, that’s perfect!” Then she threw her arms around Peter’s neck. He hugged her in response to her spontaneous burst of affection. She kissed his cheek then stepped back.

  “Tracy will love it! She’s always wanted some sort of exotic locale for her honeymoon, and what better place than that?”

  “I was worried she’d want to go somewhere more urban, than less off the beaten path. I think Jordan just wants us all to be together, and alone, for the week.”

  “You’re absolutely right, he will. I think they’ll both be thrilled.”

  Peter grinned. “Good. I’ll go ahead and book it, and just close my eyes when the price flashes up on the screen.”

  “And I won’t breathe a word of it to either one of them!”

  Peter caught her hand and kissed it. “Good girl. Now go back to those Navy SEALs before they come looking for me.”

  “You go on to whatever you have to do, and look out for stray bullets.” Julia tried to keep a straight face as she tossed that last bit in. Everyone teased him about getting shot twice in two months.

  “Ha, ha.” Peter got into his car, and Julia turned to go back to the restaurant. She knew Tracy would especially get a kick out of honeymooning where royalty had so recently done the same. She wasn’t concerned about her ability to keep the location a secret. She was very good at that sort of thing.

  As she neared the restaurant, the back of her neck itched. She looked around, wondering why she felt as if someone was watching her. She knew just about everyone she saw walking along Main Street. Some waved, and she waved back.

  Shaking her head and trying to rid herself of the weird sensation, she headed back inside. Hopefully Dev and Drew were nearly done eating.

  Julia sighed. She really should try harder to get along with Richard. He didn’t even see the way he came across with her—or with most women. Maybe she’d talk to Penelope and find out what, if anything, she’d done to help her cousins Josh and Alex to finally get a clue.

  * * * *

  Juan Pecos lowered his newspaper, getting a good look at the woman. He’d used his cell phone to discreetly snap a picture. He caught the couple’s moment of affection, as well as another of them as they’d emerged from the restaurant.

  He would see what he could learn about her over the Internet. In the meantime, he needed to keep his cover. He’d been in to a couple of businesses in town, dropping off his resumé, asking for work. He’d used his own name. If later the police questioned him, he would appear genuine to them. He was just a man looking for a job, with nothing to hide.

  He’d lived in Texas all his life, and he knew the way Americans thought. Afterward, when the cops looked into the woman’s disappearance, all that any in town who saw him would be able to say was that he was Mexican.

  That’s all he ever was to any of them, even though he was as American as they.

  No matter. He would grab this woman. But first he would see what information he could find out about her.

  He’d been loyal to Don Miguel for many years, and only now was he being rewarded. Juan wasn’t stupid. He knew the rewards came at a time when his Patrón was desperate for revenge—and desperate to appear strong.

  His Mama used to tell him that you need to be kind to everyone, because the people you met on your way up the ladder of success would be the same ones you met on the way back down.

  Juan Pecos knew that Don Miguel Ramos was on the way down. It was time for Juan to look out for himself, and his own interests.

  So he would see what he could find out about this pretty woman Special Agent Alvarez had chosen. Then he would take her—and perhaps offer her, not to Don Miguel, but to the highest bidder.

  Chapter 9

  “Well, that was very interesting,” Dev said.

  “That was a trial, and I think I need to apologize.” Julia turned as he shut the door behind them. He reached for her, and she went into his arms. She wound her arms around his neck, and he kissed her. His mouth, hot and hungry on hers, fanned the embers of arousal within her to instant flame. His flavor drenched her, and his hands, caressing up and down her back, soothed and excited at the same time.

  It occurred to her in that moment that when Dev or Drew held her in their arms, she felt safe and cherished, with not even a whisper of feeling bullied or controlled.

  These two Navy SEALs had to be at least as bossy as her brothers. Why didn�
�t she feel bullied or controlled?

  Dev ended the kiss, and eased her back and then looked into her eyes. “You went away on me just now, Julia. What do you think you need to apologize for?”

  “I shouldn’t let Rick get to me. I’m almost thirty. I should understand that he’s just totally clueless, and that when he does things—like hatch that plan to get me together with someone he thinks would be good for me, he’s doing it out of a good heart. He’s not mean or mean-spirited. He’s just…clueless.”

  “Cut yourself some slack, kitten.” Drew placed his hands on her shoulders. Dev released her and Drew gently turned her so that she faced him. “You’re a human being, not a saint.”

  Julia placed a quick kiss on Drew’s lips. “I’m not aiming for sainthood. Just to be a bit more tolerant of a brother who has no real social skills at all.”

  “Why don’t we just leave Rick where we left him, for now, hmm? Dev and I have plans for you, and they don’t include any of your brothers.”

  “Do you?” She wondered if he could feel her heart racing. She looped her arms around his neck. “And what sort of plans do you have, may I ask?”

  Drew leaned forward and nibbled on her neck and Julia grinned, the sensation of sweet, tickling arousal bubbling through her. Then he straightened and covered her mouth with his. His tongue delved between her lips to tease her tongue, the strokes strong and caressing. She opened wide and did some tasting of her own, even as she wondered if he was going to try and drink her down completely.

  He ended the kiss and set his lips on her cheek, heading south. “Instead of telling you,” he said between butterfly kisses to her neck, “why don’t we show you?”

  “Mm, yes please. I have it on very good authority that showing is always so much better than telling.”

  Drew smiled against her flesh. He straightened and looked over her shoulder at Dev. That man ran his hands down her back and then back and forth across her ass.

  Julia felt her juices begin to gather, and knew her body had become super sensitive to the touch of both these men.

  “I hope you had a good lunch, baby doll.” Dev leaned close to her and blew hot air on her ear. “Because I can’t guarantee that we’ll come up for air, or a meal, anytime soon.”

  A shiver coursed through her, a wonderful fire-igniting shiver that made her nipples pucker and her pussy clench.

  Julia was in the mood to lose herself in these two Navy SEALs. “Good,” she said. “So what are you waiting for?”

  “Well, since you’re in a hurry.” Drew had a look in his eyes that she’d begun to recognize. That look warned that he was about to do something totally outrageous. Before she could take a step back from him, her world turned upside down. He’d bent at the waist and effectively lifted her off her feet and put her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry.

  Julia shrieked with laughter and squirmed. Drew’s response was to lay a smart slap across her ass with his hand.

  “Oh, God.” She couldn’t keep the moan pleasure to herself. The heat from his hand radiated out across her ass, feeling like it traveled along all of her erotic nerve endings, all the way to her clit. “Drew, do that again.”

  “Holy hell, Drew, it looks like a whole new world of possibilities has just opened up for us.”

  Drew complied, smacking her once more and then smoothing his hand across her bottom as if to rub the burn away. “Kitten, you’ve got us both so triggered right now we’re going to go off like Fourth of July firecrackers.”

  Julia thought if he smacked her a couple more times she might just come then and there herself.

  He carried her up the stairs and set her down on her feet in the bedroom. Straightening up, he cupped her face and kissed her.

  Wild and wanton, wet and wonderful, his mouth took her over. The flavor of him excited her, and the dominance of his tongue enthralled her. He held her close, his hands setting off some of those fireworks he mentioned as they swept up and down her body, spreading heat and desire. He clutched her ass, and pulled her closer, and it felt as if her labia were opening, preparing the way so that she could receive his cock into her body.

  Drew ended the kiss and passed her over to Dev.

  Dev devoured her. He surrounded her and took her as if her sole purpose in life was to feed his appetite, an appetite that seemed voracious. He lifted her and pressed her tightly against his aroused cock. She’d dressed in capris that morning, and oh how wonderful it felt to wrap her legs around him and grind her pussy against that denim-covered hardness filling out his pants.

  “Christ Almighty, woman, you set me ablaze.” He set her on her feet and then, with Drew, began to strip her.

  She’d been undressed by men before, men who used dainty little maneuvers that eventually got her naked but seemed to take damn near forever to complete.

  These Navy SEALs sure as hell weren’t dainty, and thank God for that. They had her naked in less than a minute, and themselves in the same state shortly after that.

  Drew gave her no time to even take a breath. He turned her into his arms, smothered her lips with his, and bore her down onto the bed, coming down on top of her. Making a place for himself between her legs, he settled in, his hips spreading her legs wide.

  “God, kitten, I could eat you right up.”

  Oh, yes. Just the suggestion of that had her so hot she wondered she didn’t burst into flames. “Do it.”

  Drew’s gaze met hers, and the look in his eyes turned smoky. He moved, slid down her body, and then put his mouth on her cunt.

  “Oh, Drew, yes!” Julia arched her back, pressing her pussy closer to Drew’s lips and tongue, her arousal shooting very high, very fast. The swirl and lap, the suction, the caress of his lips made every part of her tingle. Tiny electric shocks traveled from her pussy to her nipples, spreading tiny shivers everywhere in between.

  Dev stretched out beside her. He used his right hand to play with her breasts, stroking the skin below her nipples, then using his fingers to pluck and pull the hardening nubs. He pinched, and she couldn’t help but groan. Arching, she pressed her pussy against Drew’s mouth and her breasts against Dev’s hand.

  “It fucking turns me on to watch him eat you, baby doll.” He edged closer and turned her head toward him. “Kiss me. Then we’ll both have our tongues in you at the same time.”

  Julia opened her mouth to him, giving him everything he’d demanded and taking all in return. Shivers wracked her body, a wondrous sensation of Eros. Her climax teased her, dancing just out of reach. She felt Drew’s tongue stroking in and out of her pussy, and couldn’t help but stretch out one hand, so she could comb her fingers through his hair.

  Her other hand reached down and fisted Dev’s cock.

  “Mm.” Dev’s lips left hers. He placed tiny kisses across her cheeks, and then moved lower to sample her neck. He eased her hand off his cock, and then he moved down her body even further to swirl his tongue around her nipple. He used his lips to suckle her, and his teeth to nip lightly at the pebbled flesh.

  Julia moaned, the double oral play making her ache for more. Their heat became her heat, their passion inflamed her passion. More than just physical arousal, her emotions swirled and ebbed, growing huge, warming her, filling her, until all she was became centered on them.

  They chased away every sad thought, every small bit of annoyance so that she felt lighter than light, and fuller than whole.

  Arousal, sharp and physically exciting, wrapped around and through the sweeter emotions, and she hungered to return some of the passion, some of the pleasure to these men that gave her so much. She hungered to taste as she was being tasted. “I need…I need to give, too. Dev, let me suck your cock.”

  “Julia.” He moved up, his body curving around her head, as he edged closer, offering his cock for her oral pleasure.

  She reached for him, her fingers barely able to close around his hot, hard shaft. He flexed his hips and brought his cock even closer to her mouth. Lying on his side, he caresse
d her head and murmured, sounds without words yet full of meaning her body had no trouble understanding.

  Julia sighed as she tasted him with her tongue, taking a long, luscious lick of him. The glistening promise of his seed made her mouth water. Taking his cock into her mouth felt good on so many levels. Something about the flavor of both Dev and Drew appealed to her where before, this kind of sex play only repulsed her.

  It’s because you love them.

  That had to be the difference. She sucked him in, and in turn felt Drew’s mouth suck on her, a teasing kind of oral manipulation that he worked on her. Back and forth his lips caressed, open and wet and tantalizing. His tongue and lips came close to, but didn’t quite touch her clit.

  Julia moaned around Dev’s cock, and gave herself over to the physicality of loving. The sensations of glide and slide, of lap and lick, fed the fire of her passion, making it burn hotter, burn higher. The heat of his cock filling her mouth held a pleasure all its own, and she moaned in appreciation. The tiny bit of liquid Dev gave her tasted salty and savory. She swallowed his body’s down payment on a much greater gift, eager for more.

  She arched her hips so that she could press her pussy closer to Drew’s mouth, her way of begging him to caress her clit. Inside her, the eruption swirled, the firestorm of climax began to gather, to burn. Then he rubbed his tongue back and forth over her clitoris, and she began to come.

  As her orgasm bathed her inside and out, she sucked hard on Dev’s cock, drawing the seed from his body.

  “Yes!” His masculine shout of triumph felt as if it echoed within her. She opened her eyes and took in the look of pure pleasure on Dev’s face, his eyes closed, his head thrown back in ecstasy. She swallowed every drop he gave her, then let him go gently, moving her hand up to stroke his chest. She looked down between her legs and encountered Drew’s glittering stare. His face, covered in her juices, smiled as he looked from his friend to her.


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