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SHIFTED: The midnight series

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by Toni Goode



  Toni Goode


  This book would not be made possible without the support of my children who have spent the majority of their lives dealing with my writing. Also, a special thanks to Jeremy who believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Last but definitely not least this goes to all my fellow Rodi’s friends who have been my second family over the past ten years or so. They have been an encouragement and a sounding board for countless stories I have written. Without you all I would not be where I am today

  Chapter One

  He ran until his lungs burned. He could hear them all around him and he cursed himself for falling into their trap. He should have known right away. He should have seen the signs but he hadn't, instead he had allowed them to move him outside of the border. They were trying to make him vulnerable but they didn't know him. They didn't know what he was capable of. What he had lived through thus far.

  He ran as fast as his legs would take him. There was no time to shift or change. He was going to have to make this work. He could hear them on the left and right of him as he hurled himself over large bushes and branches.

  There was only three of them, but he knew that in his current condition it wouldn't take much for them to bring him down and he would be damned to let that happen. His arm swung lifelessly against his body, no time to fix the dislocation. Not until he could stop and now was not the time. He tried to remind himself that he had felt worse pain then this. He had felt true pain, pain of a broken heart. This is what brought him out like this, alone.

  Images of her red hair passed by in his mind and if he allowed himself he could go there. To that dark place. “John.” her voice called out to him and he shook his head knowing that once he went there then he was as good as dead.

  The stinging on his chest brought him back to reality as he touched the large gash that had blood flowing down his bare chest and stomach. He kept running. He could take care of that when there was more time. There seemed to never be enough time. If he could of have had anything in this world it would have been more time. More time with her. Images continued to pass by him as he ran. It was one of the last times he had seen her. She had been waving to him as she left. A smile on her face. Her red hair blowing in the wind. She looked like an angel. Any day now she would have his child. He was about to be a father. His life was going to finally be complete. She was all he needed. He shook his head as he ran, forcing the images away.

  He finally saw the gravel up ahead. A road of some sort, he glanced up at the sky. The sun would be rising in a few minutes. He pushed himself harder wondering if he would be able to keep this up for five more minutes, he was losing too much blood. He turned back to see how much of an advantage he had and that’s when he felt it. The crashing into his chest as he went flying backwards onto the gravel and the bloodsucker landed hard on him, but a bright light sent it flying upwards with a loud scream.

  The screeching of tires quickly filled his ear as he looked down the road only to see an angry pair of tires coming at him until they finally came to a halt merely an inch away from his body. He was in and out of consciousness as he laid there. The sound of a car door opened and then a muffled scream as someone moved around him. The voice was shaking and terrified. He opened his green eyes and for a moment he saw her looking down at him. He reached for her, his hand grazing her face. ”So beautiful.” he managed to say before he passed out.

  One-hour prior

  She was excited as she grabbed the bag of food and smiled as she got to the art gallery. It really had been some time since her and her boyfriend Chris had got to spend a night together. With her work and his art it seemed like lately they were spending less and less time together. She was so close to finishing off her degree as a forensic tech, soon she would be working at the police department. It would finally make all the sleepless nights worth it. When she wasn't studying for school she was working up the road at a small bar, usually she closed it at night but tonight had been a surprise when her boss told her she could get off early. She jumped at the idea immediately. This was just the time she needed and so she quickly grabbed two burgers then headed over to surprise Chris.

  The lights were still on as she walked to the front door and let herself in. Chris had an apartment above the gallery and she was sure she had seen the light on up there as well when she had arrived. She headed up the long staircase with food in hand and a big smile on her face. She heard the loud music first and she was happy that he was still up. It was nearly midnight as she reached the door and then turned the door knob as she let out a giddy “Surprise babe!” but her laughter immediately turned into shock and disgust as she saw Chris impaling some blond haired girl. His head swung around as soon as the door opened and his eyes got wide.

  She stood for a moment as she watched it all unfold. She felt sick and she almost vomited. She couldn't even think of any more words as she threw the bag of food at him and then spun around. She nearly fell down the stairs as she ran, she could hear him calling her name but she didn't look back. “Briana! Briana wait!” He yelled but she kept running out the building and towards her car.

  She could barely breathe as she immediately put the car into reverse and then slammed on the gas. The car kicked up dirt and rocks as she screeched out of there, tears now falling freely from her eyes.

  The images continued to fill her head as she drove aimlessly around town. She was sick to her stomach not to mention she felt like a fool. She had thought he loved her. She would have bet money on that but it was all just a lie. Everything was a lie. She couldn't bear to bring herself to her apartment. She drove for almost an hour when she had decided at the last minute to go to her parent’s cabin in the mountains. It wasn't far from town and it was empty. She needed quiet, she needed her time.

  Tears filled her eyes still as she brushed them away angrily. She wanted to scream and yell. She felt so stupid, so very stupid and naive. She flipped on the radio and let it blare loudly as she slammed her hand over and over on the steering wheel. She began to laugh not because she found any of this funny but because of how ironic it was for her to get out early from work and find him like that. The radio began to play a song that Chris use to play for her. It was a cello group and she immediately went to change the station. She didn't want to see his face in her mind anymore but that simple act of taking her eyes off the road, just for a second had made something appear in her vision. She looked up quick immediately slamming on the brakes as she saw the silhouette of a body on the ground in front of her car as it came to a screeching halt and her body got jolted hard from the stop.

  Her headlights lit the foggy gravel road as she quickly jumped out and saw an arm laying in a grotesque position as she let out a scream and then quickly dropped to her knees in front of the shirtless, long haired man. His body was bloody, multiple broken bones. She looked at her car and saw no damage then she looked back at him...

  “Sir...Sir!” She yelled as her hands fumbled for her phone. Her heart was racing so hard that she could barely hear herself think over the loud pounding in her ears but then his hand came up and it startled her as green eyes met hers. For a moment she didn't move as she watched him touch her face...

  “So beautiful” he said before his hand dropped to the ground and his eyes closed.

  Briana was frozen for a moment as she looked at him. Who was this man? Where had he come from? He had called her beautiful and there was almost a recognition in his eyes though she knew she had never seen him before in her life. She would have remembered him that much she did know. He was gorgeous and built. He only wore a pair of ripped jeans and black boots. Even though his chest was covered in b
lood she could make out his muscles and then her mind snapped back to the fact that she must have hit him, he was bleeding bad. With shaky hands she pulled off her t-shirt, leaving her in a tank top as she pressed her shirt against the wound on his chest. He drew a hard breath as she held it there...

  “I'm calling an ambulance OK, you’re going to be OK” She said to him, but she wasn't sure how much of that was true. He had a huge gash on his chest and it was pouring out blood not to mention his left arm looked mangled. She yelled at her phone as the signal was lost over and over. ”Come on, come on damn it!” Her voice shook as she held up her phone. Finally, a faint signal came up on her phone as she scrambled to call the police. The 911 operator answered as Briana rattled off quickly what had happened. Tears in her eyes as she looked down at the motionless man. He looked dead, she assumed he was. She felt for a pulse as the operator got her location. “Please Hurry, He’s barely hanging on.” She cried out as her phone went dead. “Don’t you die on me!” She yelled as he let out a gurgled moan and then he began to spit up blood. He was going to die in front of her. She could see it happening and she was unable to stop it from happening.

  The time it took the ambulance to show up seemed like an eternity and in that time, she had used CPR on the motionless man two times. She was exhausted emotionally and mentally. She had cried out in relief as he was put onto a stretcher. He wasn’t moving and barely breathing. It all had happened so fast.

  One of the officers by the name of Jack questioned her as she stood there shaking her head. One of the bad things about living in a small town is that everyone knew everyone, and Jack just happened to be an old classmate from back when she was in high school. “I looked away for a minute, I swear. I didn’t see him, and my car has barely a scratch on it.” She said with tears as she kept looking back at the ambulance as they closed the doors and began to speed off.

  “It looks like he may have run into one of those mountain lions out there. He was clawed up but good.” Jack said with a shake of his head.

  “A mountain lion? Up here?” Briana said with confusion as she shook her head. She couldn’t even remember the last time anyone had seen any mountain lions or cougars in the woods surrounding them and she was born and raised in Sheppardsville.

  “My cousin Brian caught himself a bear one year. The black bears come around this time. You’re lucky you stopped when you did” Jack continued. “Let me call Chris, I’m sure he is worried.” He began as reality came crashing back to Briana. She shook her head as she looked at him.

  “No please don’t Jack. I’m fine, honestly. I just need to get to the hospital.” She said quickly as he looked at her perplexed. “Please, I’m fine.” She added as she stood there fidgeting.

  “Ok but you know you’re going to have to stop by the station and give an official statement. Are you sure your ok to drive?” He asked with concern.

  Briana wasn’t sure of anything at the moment, but she spoke anyway. “I’m good but I need to go.” She tried to keep her wits about her as she quickly got to her car only to stop as she looked at the blood on the ground in front of her car. There was so much blood. She sucked in a deep breath and quickly got in her car.

  Briana was not a fan of hospitals. She hated them actually. The last time she had been at the hospital was when her father suffered a heart attack two years prior. Things had been touch and go for days at that time not to mention seeing her strong independent father hooked up to machines was enough to break her down. Now she was back, and it was because of a stranger. One that was fighting for his life. She paced the small waiting room as her mind raced. Had he been attacked by an animal?

  “Briana?” The familiar voice of yet another high school classmate by the name of James came walking out from behind two double doors. He was a new resident doctor to the hospital and he looked shocked to see her standing there. “Are you ok? Is it your father again?” He asked with concern as he came over and rubbed his tired face.

  “No, there was a man brought in a little while ago. He was hurt bad. A possible animal attack.” She began to ramble quickly. “Have you seen him, is he ok?”

  “Oh, you mean the John Doe that came in?” He began, and she cut him off.

  “Yes, that’s him. Is he ok?” She couldn’t hide the trembling in her voice.

  “He was being brought into surgery. Briana what’s going on? How do you know that man?” He asked with confusion.

  “I um. I found him. Almost hit him with my car. Surgery? Is it bad?” She said as she wrung her hands nervously.

  “I don’t have many details. You don’t look good Briana. You should sit down. Do you need me to call someone? Is Chris on his way?” He said with worry. She hated so much right now that she was in a small town.

  “Yeah I don’t need you to call anyone. It’s fine, really.” She began as he looked past her, and she couldn’t help but turn to see who he was looking at. It was Chris and he was rushing over to her.

  “Oh my god Briana, Are you ok? Jack called and told me what happened.” He wrapped his arms around her before she could protest. “Is she ok? She doesn’t look ok?” Chris said towards James as Briana quickly pulled back from Chris. She didn’t want to make a scene now, not with a waiting room full of people.

  She answered before James could. “I’m fine.” She said coldly as she wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Baby.” Chris began as he reached for her and she backed up. He stopped moving.

  James looked between the two of them. “Listen I um, I have to get back in there. If I get an update I will let you know.” He said awkwardly before walking off.

  “Briana Please.” Chris said as he looked at her.

  “Not now Chris.” She spun around from him. She hated that he was there. He was making the situation even worse.

  “Listen I know your mad but it’s not what it looked like.” Chris began as Briana let out of sarcastic laugh.

  “Save it Chris.” She said under her breath as she walked over to the window and looked out. She told herself not to cry. She wanted to be strong, but it felt as though everything was just falling apart around her. She sucked in her tears as she stood there. She could feel Chris walking up behind her. “Just leave me alone.” She said with a whisper like voice as she stared out the window.

  “Bree? Chris? What are you guys doing here?” The voice of her best friend Emma said in shock as Briana turned to face her. Emma was at Registered Nurse at the hospital and apparently just finishing up her shift as she rushed over. “Oh my god is it your father Bree?” She said with worry.

  Briana walked past Chris and over to her friend. Chris began to talk but Briana ignored him, and it wasn’t lost on Emma. “There was an accident. This guy came out of nowhere. He was tore up Emma.” She forced the words out as Chris came over towards them and Briana shot him a look.

  “Ok, um. Who is the guy?” Emma said as she looked between the two of them.

  Chris walked next to Briana and put his hand onto her back and she jumped from him as Emma looked on. “Can you just bring me to him please. I don’t know who he is.” Briana’s voice was pleading.

  “Ok um. Come with me.” Emma said with confusion as she looked at them.

  “Just me, he can go away.” Briana said quickly as Chris sighed heavily.

  “Babe come on.” Chris began as Briana spun around and looked at him.

  “Don’t babe me. Just get the hell out of my face!” She snapped at him and then quickly turned to Emma who stood there with wide shocked eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it, can we just go please.” She finished as she looked at her friend who quickly brought her behind the double doors.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about this?” Emma said as they walked down the long white corridor.

  “I really don’t, not right now. It’s been a long night.” Briana said quickly as Emma shook her head and walked up to a nurse station and began looking on the computer.

  “There was a John Doe broug
ht here about two hours ago. It looks like he just got out of surgery. He is in ICU.” Emma looked up at Briana.

  “Can I see him please.” Briana pleaded.

  “Sure um. Here this way, but let’s make it quick ok.” Emma said as they began walking down the hall.

  Emma and Briana had been lifelong friends. They had met in first grade and were inseparable since then. It was something about these small towns that made friendships last lifetimes. Emma was great with people too. At one time Briana had thought about being a nurse but there was something about the excitement of crime scenes that got her motivated. One day she would be a forensic tech, that is if her life would stop throwing her curve balls. They walked down the hallway in silence as Briana let the nights events replay in her head. She honestly didn’t know if things could get any worse. She would have to deal with Chris sooner or later and she was sure the entire town would be talking about her life in no time. The thought made her ill.

  Emma stopped at a door and ran her hand through her short platinum blonde hair. “He’s in there. You got to make it quick though Bree. I could get in trouble for this.” She said quickly as she looked around and then nudged Briana in. “I’ll keep watch.” She said as Briana walked into the room.

  It was cold and white. The sound of machines beeping filled her head as she looked at the bed and saw him. He was bandaged up and barely recognizable with all the tubes on him. There was a folder at the foot of the bed and it read “John Doe”. She glanced at it and then walked up closer to the bed. He was alive and breathing. A blanket covered his battered body. Her eyes went to his arm that was in a sling. A few scrapes on his face with spots of dried blood on his lips. He was beautiful. She blushed at her mind for even going there but who was she kidding because behind the broken body was a gorgeous man.

  His long hair was laying against his face and with every breath he took the blanket moved up and down. He was much bigger than she had originally thought. He was at least six foot two and built. Guys in Sheppardsville definitely didn’t look like this! The hint of a tattoo was seen on his other arm as it stayed covered beneath the blanket.


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