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SHIFTED: The midnight series

Page 6

by Toni Goode

  The sound of voices outside made her quickly go over to the window. As she looked out she saw a group of people talking but one was familiar. The green-eyed man, John Doe. He looked up at her and she quickly moved out of the window view. Her heart raced as she stood there. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong! Where the hell was she? Had he kidnapped her? The idea was almost laughable but then again, he had shown up in her house naked not that it was an unpleasant sight but still. Briana quickly got to the bedroom door and opened it as she looked down the long hallway. This definitely was someone’s house, she knew that much. She began to tip toe down the hall as she looked in each available room. There was no one there but she could hear voices below her and she walked over to the long spiral staircase. She could see the top of three heads, two of them men and one a pregnant woman. Her eyes got wide as she remembered the face of the pregnant woman. She had given her something for the pain. She had seemed nice enough though nothing made sense. The sound of the front door opening made her back up as she heard a familiar voice. It was the green-eyed man. She quickly ran down the hallway and back into the room, closing the door as she got in.

  Briana looked at the window and an idea came to her. She needed to get out of there and jumping seemed to be the only option. She looked down again. She was on the second story but there was a small landing on the first-floor roof. She didn’t hesitate as she opened the window. She could hear voices getting closer as she put one foot out the window and then the next. She could hear the door knob being turned and she let herself drop onto the first-floor roof. She let out a small yelp as she looked around. This all seemed like one hell of a dream and part of her was convinced that it still may be a dream. She could hear voices as she leaned up against the roof shingles. Her heart racing as she peered over the edge. Briana wasn’t one for sports or physical activity such as this. Hell, she was scared to death as she looked over the edge. She was sure she would make the jump, but she worried about the landing. She was sure that something would get broken and then what? Then she would be at the mercy of these people who were keeping her hostage? Her mind went back to the green-eyed man, how the hell was he involved in all of this and then she thought back to her house. He had told her not to call the authorities. Now she was beginning to see why, he was probably a psychopath albeit gorgeous as hell but psycho none the less.

  Briana moved quickly on the roof though she tried to stay away from the windows. This was all insane! She wondered if her parents were out looking for her. They would realize that she was gone, and she was sure that Chris would have noticed her absence. She wasn’t dead though, she actually had seemed to be cared for. Wouldn’t they have killed her already if they wanted to? Her mind was filled with questions that had no answers. The main question she had was where the hell was she! She looked over the side of the roof once more, she could see a bunch of bushes that could possibly cushion her fall.

  “You know there are easier ways to get out of a house then this.” A familiar male voice said as she spun and saw the green-eyed man standing on the roof. He was dressed now in a t-shirt and jeans thankfully though part of her wanted to see him naked again. She blushed and then remembered the dire situation she was in.

  “Don’t come any closer, I will jump.” Her voice shook as she stood there.

  “Well that would most likely lead to an unwanted injury. A broken ankle hurts like hell, I know.” He said honestly as he looked at her.

  “Who are you and why am I here!” She tried to sound stern, but it fell short because of the shaking in her voice.

  “My name is John.” He began, and she couldn’t help but laugh a little. “What’s so funny!” He said in an angry tone.

  “I’m sorry it’s just that in the hospital they called you John Doe, and I mean they weren’t that much off.” She said with a shake of her head, but he didn’t laugh. She swallowed hard. “Why am I here? Did you kidnap me?” She said quickly as he rolled his eyes now. “I’m serious, what’s going on here!” She snapped as she backed up some and kept looking over the side of the house.

  “Trust me if I wanted you dead it would have been done already although at this moment I am wondering if it would have saved everyone all this bullshit that is currently happening.” He said honestly.

  “Fine, then why am I here.” She put her hands on her hips and then she remembered how ridiculous she must look in this night gown and she quickly wrapped her arms around herself. “You drugged me, didn’t you? That’s why everything seems so weird and I have misplaced memories.” She began as she shook her head.

  “I really would much rather do this inside or outside, anything but on this roof. I don’t think my brother reinforced any of these tiles and if either of us crash through the roof then it’s going to take days to repair it.” He said seriously.

  Briana’s eyes got wide. “Your brothers place?”

  “He’s a doctor, he is the one who fixed you up.” He continued as she blinked in shocked.

  “Fixed me up? Why, I wasn’t hurt.” She said in confusion as small bits of memory came back to her and she gasped. “That blue eyed man, he had like… No, no… and then he… And then I.” She began to ramble.

  “Like I said, I can explain it all to you but inside.” He said quickly.

  “How did you even know where I live? And what is up with this mark on my neck? And where is my phone. I’m sure my entire family will be out looking for me.” She added as she stood there.

  “Listen Lady I have had the worst couple of days and frankly I’m not in the mood. Now just get inside!” He snapped rudely at her and she gawked in shock.

  “Excuse me! First off dude.” She said sarcastically to him. “My name is Briana and secondly I don’t listen to orders being barked at me like I am a child!” She snapped at him.

  “Fine, this is the way you wanna do it then.” He said as more of a statement as he began walking over to her and she backed up more until she was on the edge of the roof.

  “You better stay back, I mean it!” She yelled at him. He kept walking towards her as she looked around for an escape. This man was crazy, like really crazy! She moved her foot some and it slid off the roof as she fell backwards. She let out a yelp and he grabbed her arm as she dangled over the ground.

  “And you were saying?” He raised an eyebrow as he held onto her arm. She sighed heavily as she looked away from him and then he pulled her up. “Perhaps we go inside.” He finished as he began walking back to the opened window.

  Briana slowly walked back to the window. Obviously, he would have killed her if he wanted to harm her, but she still did trust whatever intentions he had. She would play along with this game and the second she had a chance to get away then she would. He was out of the room by the time she got back into it and now a fresh pair of clothes laid on the bed for her. She walked over and picked up the sundress that was laying there. A pair of panties and a bra was also there. She picked them up and looked at them. Oddly enough it was the correct size. She looked at the door and then sighed again before getting dressed.

  John grabbed a beer from the fridge as his brother came into the room. “Please tell me she didn’t jump.” Michael said with worry.

  “She is getting dressed.” John said dryly as he took a large swig of his beer.

  “So how are you going to tell her?” Michael continued.

  “I’m just going to tell her, it’s like ripping off a band aid.” John said with a shrug of his shoulders.

  “This a bit bigger than a band aid John. The council is going to want updates. Your lucky they let you walk out alive.” Michael said honestly.

  Two hours prior

  John stood as the council came back in the room to give him his verdict. He actually hoped for death because at least then he could finally get peace and he could see Kate again. They all took their seat as they looked at him.

  Gregory spoke first “We have deliberated and have come up with a sentence for you.” He said seriously. “I would
like to say that the fact that you came to us right away has been noted. You’re a great leader John, like your father may his soul rest in peace.” Gregory continued. “Last time you were in front of us was when your wife Kate had passed and at that time I told you that we were going to take care of the situation. I told you not to go looking for trouble, but you went anyways and now were here.” Gregory took a deep breath. “Your death would do more harm then good but there are certain requirements that need to be upheld.” Gregory looked at the council and they all shook their heads in agreement. “If the girl survives you will be responsible for training her and showing her the ways of our world. We would like to have a formal meeting about this girl within a month. You will also remarry, Ana is next in line for the bloodline.” John blinked in shock. He wasn’t expecting that.

  John cut him off now. “Please excuse my interruption Gregory but to ask me to marry again…”

  Gregory cut him off now. “I was not asking, I was telling. You’re an Alpha John and Alpha’s need a wife as well as babies. Ana will do well.”

  “If I can just add something.” John began. The idea of remarrying was not even a thought he had and to marry Kate’s sister seemed more of a disgrace then anything else. He would honestly rather be dead.

  “There’s nothing more to add, I will be expecting my invitation in the mail for the big day.” Gregory and the elders stood up now.” Oh, and I don’t want to hear that you have taken any matters into your own hands John. Next time, if there is a next time, I won’t be so lenient.” John went to say something, and Michael shook his head. He walked up to him as the elders began to leave the room.

  “Leave well enough alone John. Your lucky to be coming out of this alive.” Michael said honestly.

  John took another gulp of his beer as he stared out the window. Michael was still talking to him, but he wasn’t paying attention. For the first time in forever he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t want to remarry, he wanted revenge. He owed that much to Kate.

  “Have you talked to Ana yet?” Michael began but then he stopped as he looked past John and over to Briana who stood in the doorway. John turned and looked at her too. She was standing in a purple and white sundress. She looked different now. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail. The dress hugged her curves in all the right ways. She was beautiful.

  Briana stood in the doorway of the kitchen looking at both men. She assumed the other man was John’s brother. They looked similar even though John’s brother had short clean-cut hair. He was tall as well and slenderer than John, but the resemblance was still there.

  “Briana, correct?” Michael said with a soft smile. “I’m Michael, John’s brother.” He added. “I hope you found everything ok.”

  “I did but I can’t find a phone.” She said as she looked between the two. Besides their size they didn’t seem very harmful but that only gave her more questions.” I would like to use a phone.” She looked only at Michael now.

  Michael looked at his brother then back at her. “I’ll be right back.” He said as he quickly left the room.

  “I would like to go home now.” She said sternly as she looked at John. She hated how gorgeous he was. She wanted to touch his long dark hair, it looked soft and inviting. She tried not to look at it or at him as she walked over to the coffee pot and then began searching for a cup. “If we get on the road now we can miss the evening traffic.” She added as she pulled a coffee cup out of the cabinet.

  “Yeah I am not going to be able to do that.” John said nonchalantly as she stiffened some.

  “No? I have classes and work as well as bills, family and friends. You know just your everyday things.” She tried to not seem affected as she poured her cup of coffee. “Listen my family is probably worried and as much as I would enjoy hanging out with your family. I really do need to get going.” She said as she sipped her coffee.

  “You can’t leave, it’s complicated.” He honestly didn’t know how to tell her what she was now. He was surprised that she had survived.

  “I’m sorry what?” She said in shock as she looked at him. “I don’t know what kind of person you think I am, but I am not staying here, not one more minute!” She raised her voice some.

  “Just calm down ok, I will explain everything.” He said as she backed up from him.

  “I will call the cops, I will.” She began to get scared now. She had no idea where she was. She didn’t know who he was other than the fact that he had tracked her down and held her hostage. She panicked as she looked at him and she did the only thing she could think of. She tossed her hot coffee at him and ran out of the kitchen. She made out the front door and she then she ran for a truck that was parked a few feet away. She had no idea how to hot wire a car, but she would figure something out but as she got to the car door she heard something loud, a growl. When she turned around she let out a scream as a huge black wolf stood facing her!

  Michael came running out of the house with Maria behind him. “God damn it John, what the hell are you doing!” Michael yelled but Briana was not paying attention but then the next thing she saw was the wolf transform in front of her. He transformed into a very naked John. The last thing she saw before she hit the ground was him running over to her. “That was really stupid, what the hell!” Michael ran over to her as John picked her up, she was out cold.

  “I panicked ok, it’s not every day that I go around changing in front of people.” John snapped with annoyance.

  “You could have scared her to death, you know that right!” Maria said with a shake of her head.

  “Well she is still alive ok, just passed out but at least she knows now.” John said as he carried her body back in the house.

  “Oh, you think it is going to be that easy?” Michael shook his head. “You brought this on yourself John, you just had to bite her didn’t you.” He huffed with annoyance.

  “It’s better for her to freak out now and get it out of her system.” John said as he put her on the couch.

  “I’m sorry but seeing you stand there naked is enough to frighten any girl.” Michael laughed a little now. “Seriously get some clothes on, no one wants to see all of that.” Michael shook his head as he walked over to Briana who was starting to come around. “Get my bag, this time we are going to be prepared if she freaks out.” Michael said towards his wife who went to get his bag as John went to get dressed. Briana’s eyes began to flutter open as she laid there and then her eyes got wide as she yelled out and tried to hit Michael away.

  “Get away from me, get away!” She yelled as images of that wolf filled her head. Maria came running back in the room as Michael tried to calm her.

  “It’s ok, nothing is here, it’s just me.” Michael began as Briana continued to yell out and hit at him. Maria handed her husband the syringe filled with diazepam.

  “Don’t you stick me, don’t you do it!” Briana yelled and nearly hit the syringe out of his hand, but he was too quick as he stuck the needle in her arm. “Ow... ow, why did you have to go and do that.” Her voice calmed, and she stopped fighting against him. She looked completely drugged as she sat there.

  “No more fighting ok.” Michael said as she smiled lazily and leaned her head back.

  “This stuff is good.” She smiled and then laughed as she sat there. She then moved her hand slowly in front of her face and then moved it faster. “Do you see this, oh its so cool.”

  “Briana, I need you to look and me and listen ok. Did you see that wolf? You’re like that wolf now.” Michael began as she began to laugh.

  “Like a doggy, woof woof.” She laughed hysterically, and Maria let out a small chuckle as Michael looked at her.

  “Come on it is a bit funny.” Maria smirked.

  “Are you a cat?” Briana laughed towards Maria. “Meow.” She teased and made hissing sounds.

  “Seriously you think this is better than my idea?” John said sarcastically as he came into the living room.

  “I would rather she laugh then screa
m.” Michael said as he stood up now.

  “Oh, and he is the big bad wolf, huh!” Briana laughed. “Oh, my what big hands you got!” she laughed and then tried to whisper to Maria. “You know what they say about big hands!” She laughed, and Maria laughed some too.

  “Oh lord.” Michael shook his head, but he had a smirk on his face.

  “This really isn’t a joke.” John said seriously as Briana rolled her eyes.

  “Oh, is the poor wolfy man upset.” Briana laughed and so did Maria.

  “I’m just going to... go.” Maria said quickly as she quickly walked out of the room laughing.

  “I’m going to... um... “Michael said as he quickly left the room too.

  “You know your not so big and tough.” Briana said to John as she reached out and poked his arm. “Or maybe you are, is this real?” She said as she grabbed at his bicep and John pulled his arm back. “I got muscles too, see?” She made a muscle and John rolled his eyes. What had he gotten himself into?

  “We need to talk.” John kept his composure.

  “Your pretty.” Briana continued as she grinned. “I mean handsome and dreamy.” She giggled. “Have you tried this stuff, it is so good. You know I never even smoked a cigarette or weed. Is this better than weed because I hear weed is crazy!” She laughed loud.

  “I need you to be serious.” John continued as she grinned.

  “Why so serious!” Briana laughed in her best joker impersonation. “I’m Batman and you are?” She continued to laugh.

  John shook his head as he kept his wits about him. “So, you’re a wolf too, you understand that, right?”

  “I can be whatever you want honey.” Briana went to stand up quick but almost fell as he grabbed onto her arms.

  “You need to be more careful and you need to listen to what I say ok.” He began as she smiled and touched his covered chest.

  “You are strong and big.” She grinned. “We should dance, I wanna dance.” She began to sway side to side.

  “Listen we don’t have time for this. There is a lot of shit to digest and not a lot of time.” He began as she ignored him.


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