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SHIFTED: The midnight series

Page 17

by Toni Goode

  “You are.” She smirked, and he leaned down and kissed her forehead before smacking her bare ass as she laughed.

  “You know if you keep looking at me like that then I’m never going to be able to feed you tonight.” He said as she rolled her eyes at him.

  “Food is overrated.” She smirked at him and then she got up as she pulled the blanket with her.

  “Let’s see if you feel that way when the pizza shows up.” He pulled her close and kissed her softly.

  “Which way to the bathroom.” She said as she pulled back from him.

  “Upstairs and to the left. The one downstairs is acting up.” He said as she kissed him one last time before making her way up the stairs. His house was beautiful and big. She hated the thought of him being sad in it. She could see why he didn’t go there often. She walked down the hall and peeked in each room she passed. She couldn’t help herself as she saw different rooms and offices. There was at least four bedrooms but then again, she was sure he was wanting to have a lot of kids. She sighed at the idea. She was worried about the council, maybe they would be upset. Maybe they would refuse his request.

  She got to the bathroom but then she saw a room across the hall. There was a picture of a teddy bear on the door and she couldn’t help herself as she walked over to it and pushed it open. The sight of a nursery made her gasp. Had he made a nursery for Ana’s child? She honestly felt sick as she stood there. He had been thinking about the baby a lot. She had heard his thoughts. She walked over to the crib and she peered inside. There was a tiny foot ball in there. It said daddy’s boy. She picked it up as she looked at it. Was he already preparing for a boy? She quickly put the football down and she spun around to leave but he was standing in the doorway.

  “Oh my gosh.” She said in shock as she jumped. She didn’t know what to say. She was busted. “It’s not what it looks like.” She said quickly but she knew it didn’t sound convincing.

  “Well it looks like you were snooping.” He said as he walked past her and over to the crib. He picked up the football and looked at it. She couldn’t read his reaction. Was he pissed or upset? She didn’t know what to say. Before she could say something, he did. “Kate had been eight months pregnant when she died. We were going to have a boy.” He said quietly as Briana gasped some. She had no idea, even when Maria told her about Kate she had never mentioned a baby. “We were still figuring out a name for him.” He said as he put the football back into the crib.

  “I am so sorry John, I didn’t know.” She said with a shake of her head. Even in his thoughts he had never thought of him.

  He turned and looked at her. “Somethings I just don’t think about. It was better that way.” He said honestly. She felt like shit as she stood there. “I wouldn’t have used this nursery for Ana’s child.” He added, and she swallowed hard. So many thoughts ran through Briana’s head, she felt sick, she felt sad. He walked over to her. “I should have said something.” He finally added as tears filled in her eyes. She couldn’t imagine the pain he had gone through.

  “It’s just so horrible. I am so sorry.” She couldn’t fight back the tears that fell. There was something about feeling his emotion as well as her own. It was overwhelming.

  “I was angry for a long time.” He said honestly as he put his arm around her and kissed her head. You make me want to feel things again. His words filled her head and she cried a bit harder against him.

  If I could take away your pain I would. I would take it all away. Her thoughts ran through his head as he kept his arms around her. The sound of the door bell ringing made her look up.

  “We should head down, it’s the pizza.” He said as they stepped out of the room and he closed the door.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom now.” She said as she wiped her eyes. He smiled softly at her as he walked down stairs. She got into the bathroom and continued to cry not only for him but for the child he had lost.

  They ate pizza in silence and finally she spoke. “Your worried about Ana.” She spoke as he looked up at her now.

  “I don’t want you to think too much into it but yes I am.” He said honestly. I don’t want to lose another child. His words filled her mind as she looked up at him. Briana began to feel bad for all the nasty things she had thought about the woman. She had not known what he had already been through. She was embarrassed at her thoughts.

  “You shouldn’t go to the council John.” She said quickly and before she could think anything else bad. He looked at her in shock.

  “What? Why?” He said in shock as he looked at her. “Let me explain to you about Ana.” He said quickly.

  “John that’s not why I am saying this. I understand you care about her and I know you love me, but she loves you and that baby loves you.” She said quickly as he looked at her perplexed. “She doesn’t need stress from the council or stress from me, what she needs is you John. She needs you so that she can wake up and have this baby. Your baby.” She said quickly.

  “But I don’t want to marry her.” He began as she shook her head.

  “It’s not like your going to marry her in the hospital. She’s in a coma John and for right now she needs all the positive thoughts she can get and so does your baby.” She said with a soft smile. “I don’t know if I ever told you about my best friend Emma but when she was becoming a nurse she had done her clinicals at the hospital. One of the jobs they made her do was see the babies in ICU, some of them didn’t have parents and some of them had parents who had other children at home, so they couldn’t be there all the time. Those babies thrived on love and it didn’t matter where it came from. Your baby needs that too and so does Ana.” She said softly as she reached out and took his hand. “There will be time to go to the council John, just not now. There is no rush.”

  He brought her hand up to his lips and kissed it softly. “You amaze me every day Briana.”

  “Yeah well you’re pretty amazing too.” She smirked some.

  “I love you Briana.” He said seriously as he held her hand.

  “I love you too John.” She said as she squeezed his hand.

  By the time they were done eating they had made their way back in the living room. The fire was still going in the fireplace as they sat on the couch. Briana sat between his legs with her back on his chest. He was so warm. She sunk into him as they sat there. He ran his fingers up and down her arms lightly as she sat there. “You know I could get use to this.” He finally said as she turned her head and looked at him.

  “Pizza and sex, me too.” She smirked, and he rolled his eyes at her.

  “Well that too.” He smirked. “But I mean this, you and me. Here., I had never really wanted to bring anyone here but with you it’s different.” He said seriously as she kept looking at him. “What if you didn’t have to leave tomorrow, what if you just stayed here, with me.”

  Briana blinked in shock as she looked at him. Are you asking me to move in? Her thoughts filled his head and he grinned. “Sorry I didn’t even mean to think that. I just.” She began to ramble.

  “That’s exactly what I meant.” He cut her off as she pulled back and turned to face him.

  “Are you really serious, like you want me to move in?” She thought she was misunderstanding him. Her heart was racing. But before he could answer her his phone began to ring as it sat on the coffee table.

  “I’ll let it ring.” He said, and Briana quickly stood up.

  She picked up his phone and handed it to him. “It could be important.” She said as she thought of Ana and he shook his head as she handed him the phone.

  The number was from one of the younger guys in the pack. His name was Trent. He was currently on border patrol and if he was calling at this time at night it only meant one thing. John quickly answered as he stood up.

  Briana could hear the frantic voice of a young guy on the phone and then there was yelling and cursing. “Just calm down and tell me what is going on over there?” John said with annoyance as Trent yelled frantically.
  “She’s throwing shit around and demanding things. Just get down here before she tears the place apart!” Trent yelled and then his phone went dead.

  “I got to go.” John said quickly as he looked at Briana.

  “Is everything ok? I can go too.” She began, and John shook his head.

  “No, its not safe plus I don’t know what is going on over there. It would be safer for you to just stay here.” He said as he grabbed a shirt from the chair.

  “Ok.” Briana said reluctantly as she stood there.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing but I have to check. “John said as he pulled her close and kissed her softly. “I’ll be right back.” He got to the door and looked at her. “Think about what I said.” He smiled as he left, and Briana sighed as she stood in the middle of the room. It was a really nice place. She smiled as she stood there.

  John got to the edge of town in a matter of minutes. He could hear yelling coming from the surveillance cabin as he got out of his car. The sound of a crash was heard, and he ran up to the door. “What the hell is going on in here!” He yelled as he swung the door open and his eyes got wide at the huge mess. Papers were thrown, and a television was knocked over not to mention he could hear a very pissed off woman yelling from behind the closet door.

  “She is crazy! By the time I noticed her, she was already on the land and she had been freaking out and yelling. I didn’t know what to do. I pushed her into the storage closet. She is like a tornado, look what she did!” Trent spoke a mile a minute as she stood there. His blue eyes were wide, and he looked nervous. He was one of the young ones in the pack, only twenty years old and he was a late changer to boot. John had contemplated even having him sit watch, but his father was one of the bar owners and he was giving the kid a shot. All the young ones wanted border patrol, they craved excitement and well now Trent finally got it.

  “She’s human?” John said as more of a statement as he looked at Trent.

  “Yes, Sir and a crazy one at that. I don’t even know how she got this far onto the land.” He began quickly.

  “Let me out of here!” The woman yelled. “I’m going to call the cops! LET. ME. OUT!”

  “Good luck finding a signal, you psycho!” Trent yelled at her.

  “Take it down a notch ok. “John rolled his eyes and walked over to the door.” Maam, I am going to open this door, but I need you to promise me that you will calm down.” John said seriously.

  “Ok. I promise.” She said softly, and he looked at Trent who quickly backed away from the door. John opened it and before he could say anything he was hit by a dirty mop as the woman pushed into him hard.

  “God damn it, really?” John snapped as he spun around and faced the crazy looking woman. She stood about five feet seven and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet. Her spunky blonde hair was cut short and spiked in places. She was dressed in all black with big black boots to match, they looked military grade.

  “It’s you!” She said with wide eyes as she looked at him.

  “Maam listen I need you to just calm down ok. No one is trying to hurt you.” He said as he put his hands up.

  “Bullshit. I know what you did to her and I’m going to kill you!” She yelled as she lunged for him and he moved out of the way fast as she grabbed a pair of scissors from the table.

  “Oh shit. She’s armed. She’s armed!” Trent yelled out as John looked at him and rolled his eyes.

  “Maam that is not even necessary.” He began as she held the scissor tight.

  “Don’t you Maam me! You can’t kill someone and get away with it!” She yelled as she swung her arm with the scissor.

  John had no idea what she was talking about, but the situation was escalating, and he needed it to end and so he walked right at her as she yelled and swung the scissor back and forth. He grabbed it with his hand and it actually punctured his skin, but he didn’t react as he grabbed the it and then her arm as he swung her around quick until her body was flush on the wall with one hand behind her back as she yelled out. “Enough ok! I said I didn’t want to hurt you but if you push me anymore!” He yelled.

  “You might as well kill me because I am not leaving until your dead!” She yelled.

  Briana stood in the living room as she looked around. She wondered what it would be like to live with him. It’s not that she didn’t want to live with him, but he was technically engaged to Ana and she was expecting his child. Talk about a messed-up situation. She couldn’t think of a way that this would turn out that was in her favor at all. Not to mention the recent news of Johns first unborn child was too heart breaking to think of.

  Briana looked up the stairs again as she stood there. She knew she shouldn’t snoop anymore but how could she not. She was in his house that he had not gone back to in weeks because of the death of his wife and child. She began to head up the stairs. She couldn’t get Michael’s words out of her head, “You look like her ok. No one else is going to say it but I will. You look like Kate. That’s all this is about and the sooner you realize that, the better.”

  She stood at the top of the stairs and she looked at the front door. She felt nervous. She wondered if John could hear her. She hoped he couldn’t. She walked down the hall and over to the last door she hadn’t peeked in earlier. She took a deep breath as she stepped in. It was definitely his room. She walked around as she looked at the bed and the big television on the wall. Her eyes dropped on the photo sitting on the counter, it was the wedding picture of John and Kate.

  She swallowed hard as she picked it up and looked at it. They both looked so happy and Kate definitely had some physical qualities that Briana had. The red hair and blue eyes. She looked to be the same height as well. She thought of what Michael said again. She wouldn’t let herself believe that any of it was true.

  Meanwhile John looked at the crazy girl he now had handcuffed and in a chair. She kept on yelling at him and he could barely get a word in. Finally, he yelled with annoyance. “You need to calm the hell down. I don’t know what your problem is, but I do know that you have me confused with someone else!”

  “Oh, I don’t. I know exactly who you are! John.” She snapped at him and he blinked a bit in shock.

  “How does she know your name?” Trent asked quickly as John just looked at him. “Ok I’m going to mind my own business over here.” He quickly added as he walked across the room.

  “So how do you know my name?” He said as the girl huffed.

  “Are you going to kill me, is that your plan?” She said angrily as she fidgeted with the cuffs.

  “You know the more you fight with those cuffs, the worse it gets. What’s your name?” He tried to stay calm.

  “Your worst nightmare.” She glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

  “I could just check your wallet.” He said as he walked over to the desk and he picked up wallet that she had had in her back pocket.

  “That’s mine! You don’t touch that!” She snapped as she fought against the cuffs some more. He ignored her as he opened the wallet and pulled out her ID. The name threw him for a loop as he looked at it.

  “Emma.” He said as he looked at her. He remembered Briana mentioning the name but what were the odds that it was the same person. Then he remembered that Briana said she was a nurse. He thought back to the hospital. He had seen her before. He continued to look at her.

  “Yeah buddy, you messed with the wrong chick!” Emma snapped at him.

  He looked at her ID again. She was from Briana’s town. Was this “the Emma” that Briana was talking about. Could be. He began pulling things out of her wallet

  “You know that’s illegal and kidnapping someone is illegal!” She yelled at him.

  “For starters you came here and made a scene. I only handcuffed you so that you wouldn’t hurt yourself. So, calm down!” He snapped back at her.

  “Oh, you have no idea the can of worms you have opened. Your going down!” She snapped.

  “Who exactly do you think I hurt?” He asked a
s he looked at her.

  “Hurt? Oh no, more like murdered, you’re a sick bastard!” She yelled, and she frantically tried to get the cuffs off.

  John got right in her face and tilted her chair back as he looked at her. “I’m only going to ask you one more time. Who do you think I killed?” He said sternly as her eyes began to fill with tears.

  “My best friend. You killed Briana.” She finally said with tears and he stepped back, and Trent looked at him.

  “Isn’t that the girl that.” Trent began as John looked at him hard. “Um. I didn’t mean that I saw a girl. I meant that.” He began to ramble as John sighed.

  “Just get out.” He said to Trent who went to talk, and John yelled now. “Just get out!” He snapped at him.

  “What was he talking about. Was he talking about Briana, was he involved too?!” Emma yelled out as Trent quickly left and John ran a hand through his hair as he paced. This was definitely her best friend and it left him in a huge predicament.

  “How did you find this place?” He needed to know as she rolled her eyes at him.

  “I have my ways!” She snapped. “She had a family and friends. How do you sleep at night!” She yelled at him as tears streamed down her face.

  John had faked Briana’s death with the help of someone he knew in the morgue. He had used her dental records and made it seem like a fire. He had to make it look real but how did Emma find him? “How did you find me?” He asked again, his voice lower this time.

  “Your unbelievable, you know that, and she was worried about you. Like so worried that she stayed at that hospital and then you… you... I’m going to kill you! She yelled with tears.

  John turned from her and went to the door. He wasn’t sure what to do or what to say. They never really had something like this happen.

  “You’re a coward!” She yelled as he stepped outside. She continued to yell as Trent looked at him.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to mention you know who.” Trent said now as John looked at him.

  John ignored him as he paced. He had to do something. He had a feeling that Emma wouldn’t stop until she got her revenge. He thought of Briana and how upset she had been with losing her family. Emma had been her best friend and he could see that she missed Emma. It was forbidden for him to tell a random human what he was unless he was planning on ending their lives but what if she didn’t need to know everything. What if she was told only certain things. Maybe if Briana saw her they could keep their friendship after all. The question of the hour was, could Emma keep her mouth shut to the rest of Briana’s family? He didn’t know but part of him felt like he should take the chance that she wouldn’t say anything otherwise the alternative would end badly for Emma and he knew he wouldn’t be able to be the one to do it.


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