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ROMANCE: Badass Boss (Billionaire Alpha Bad Boy Romance) (Western Mail Order Bride Calendar Contemporary)

Page 11

by Susan Fleming

  “Oh my King!” screamed Elizabeth, “Yes my King! Pull my hair as you spill your seed into me! Harder my King! M-my King! I... I…”

  Elizabeth howled as the third orgasm of her life ripped through her like a ball of flame, exploding within her, turning her into a shrieking banshee, and such was the force of the climax that she began to shake uncontrollably.

  When it was done, they lay next to each other, gasping, and then laughing at what they had shared.

  Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the King stood up to put on his robe so that he may answer it.

  When he opened the door, he saw his Prime Minister, Winston Chamberlain, standing before him.

  “Winston!” said the King, with a bright smile on his face.

  “Henry?” said the Prime Minister, almost unable to recognize his King. “Are... are you smiling?”

  “Yes I am. I have found myself a bride!”

  “Oh, wonderful!” said Winston, “Is it Lord Ashmont's daughter?”

  “No,” said the King, “Come in and meet her for yourself.”

  Winston entered the room to see Elizabeth sitting on the bed in a robe. At first, he was outraged at the thought of his King marrying a common girl, but after speaking to her he saw that she was a kind girl with a noble heart, someone that the commoners could come to love as their queen.

  “If she makes you happy,” said Winston to the King, “That's all that matter. Now all we need is for you to get married and to have a baby!”

  Henry gave Elizabeth a conspiratorial glance and they both laughed.

  “Am I missing something?” asked Winston, confused.

  “I spilled my seed within Elizabeth not once, not twice but thrice in the last two hours!” said the King, “I expect she will be pregnant by tonight!”

  “Wonderful!” said Winston, his face brightening up considerably, “The people of the country will be so happy to hear it!”

  Faith In Love

  A Mail Order Bride Romance

  This deliciously dirty story is a part of Susan Fleming’s super-charged, highly lewd collection of love and lust, written in 2015. Those who attempt to steal any part of this goldmine and take it as their own risk being a fiery, hot death from a hunk bearing copyright notices—and she’s not about to play with you.

  This is a work of fiction—although we wish that people like this really existed, it’s nothing more than a figment of a very, very overactive imagination. Any resemblance to someone you know, a place you love or anything you hold dear to your heart is nothing more than a craving in your heart that these carnal desires and actions were true!

  It goes without saying that this book oozes with erotic sex appeal, and is filled to the rafters with a smorgasbord of acts that you certainly wouldn’t tell your grandmother about. Bodice-ripping, panty-dropping and glasses-steaming, the scenes contained herein are wickedly naughty!

  Although all the saucy characters are flirting with forbidden desires and sometimes taking the naughty fruit they really shouldn’t be, all are consenting adults over the age of 18 and not blood-related. What they are is passionate and eager to explore their carnal desires all day long.

  In short, this book is going to get you very, very hot!

  © Susan Fleming

  All Rights Reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any many whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review. This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locations is purely coincidental. The characters are all productions of the author’s imagination. Please note that this work is intended only for adults age 18 and over. All characters represented are age 18 or over.

  Table Of Contents

  Chapter 1: Needing A Home

  Chapter 2: Traveling Alone

  Chapter 3: The Doctor Finally Shows

  Chapter 4: Getting To Know Each Other

  Chapter 5: The Marriage

  Chapter 6: More to Love

  Chapter 1

  Needing A Home

  Julie Hannahs was a nineteen year old girl who was the eldest in the long line of children between her Christian, God fearing parents. They lived in a small town in Montana in the middle of nowhere, and she was making the decision to leave because her family couldn't afford to feed her anymore. In the eighteen hundreds, there just weren't a lot of husband choices, and it was either marry the old rancher down the road who was like sixty, or look somewhere else.

  The man had already buried three wives, and at least one was a suspicious death, there was no way Julie was going to marry him. She just couldn't bring herself to marry someone that old.

  Instead, she'd found a paper from California. A paper that was looking for brides for men who'd moved down there for the gold rush, who hadn't had a chance to find women. Julie had sold everything she'd ever had, including her bible to respond to one of the ads via a telegram response. She was going today into their small town to find out of he'd replied back.

  The man wasn't rich most likely though she didn't know for sure. She assumed a doctor made more than her family did who made just enough to survive. He was a doctor in a small mining town. He was in his late twenties, and was looking to settle down and have a wife and children. She imagined that the women there probably were the wrong kind of women if you wanted to settle down.

  Working with animals on their small ranch in Montana, she wasn't exactly an idiot when it came to reproduction and mammals. Humans or otherwise. Her parents might have never told her exactly in detail the act of sex or childbirth, but she'd seen enough with their animals to get the gist and know what was expected of a wife.

  She could do this. She could travel to find a husband, leave her family behind and become less of a burden on her already struggling family. There were currently nine children in the family ranging from two, to nineteen, and her mother was pregnant again. She just couldn't take food away from the other mouths to feed when she had options.

  Julie just didn't want to marry the man down the road, she didn't care if he had money, and she couldn't bring herself to marry a man older than her grandfather. Feeling like she'd made the right decision, she rode her horse into town, and then tied it in front of the little communications office.

  “Morning Julie,” Hank nodded when he saw her, pushing his glasses up his nose as they had a habit of always slipping down his face.

  Julie smiled at him, “G'morning Hank. Did I get a response back yet?”

  “Sure did! Let me go find it for you, I put it in the back so I wouldn't lose it,” he told her and disappeared through a wooden doorframe into the back of the building.

  A few minutes later, he came back holding a piece of paper in his hand, and read it out loud to her.

  Relief poured through her veins as she heard the good news. The doctor would accept her as a bride, and had sent some money for her travels, there was enough to get to Oregon by train, where the rest of the money for the trip would be waiting for her to finish the rest of her trip to California.

  Excited, she told him to send the man a response and let him know she was coming. She went home to pack the few bits of clothing she had left, and say goodbye to her family. She knew they would be surprised, as she hadn't warned her parents of her plan, but they were planning her wedding to the rancher she didn't want to marry, and she was of an age where they couldn't force her to marry him.

  She was vaguely worried they'd marry her seventeen year old sister off to him if she left, but she decided she'd tell her sister how to find her if she needed to leave home. Hopefully the good doctor wouldn't turn down family, and with young, strong men around, finding her sister a husband if needed wouldn't be that hard... she hoped.

  When she got home she packed. She would miss her horse. She'd had it since it was a baby and wished she could bring it with her. Instead, she told one of her younger sisters to take good care of it, and it was her’s now. F
eeling herself tear up, she tried to be strong.

  Now she just had to break the news to her parents.

  “Momma?” Julie called out to the barn, trying to find her mom. She was due any day now with the newest baby, but it didn't stop her mom from working all day long. Julie didn't want to be like that. She loved children and wanted a few, but she wanted to enjoy her life too, not work from sun up to sundown and never get to stop and actually enjoy looking at the stars or the blue skies.

  “Yes Julie, I'm in here honey.” Her mom was mucking out a stall, one of their cows was about to give birth and her mother was preparing the labor stall.

  “Momma, I have something to tell you,” Julie started to say when her mom stopped and leaned on the pitchfork.

  “You're leaving us,” Her mom asked her bluntly.

  Julie was surprised, “How did you know?”

  “There's no secrets in this town Julie, and Hank has a big mouth. Your Poppa and I knew you were talking to a man in California to be his bride. I'm assuming you two came to an agreement?” her mom asked her.

  “Yes, we did. I'll be leaving in the morning,” Julie told her, “You're not mad?”

  “Julie, honey we love you, but you leaving gives us more food to feed the rest of the mouths we have, and the new ones to come. I wish you the best of luck, and hope you send me letters and telegrams sometimes, but I want you happy and want more for you than struggling to find enough food to eat.” Her mom set the pitch fork down and hugged her daughter, then stiffened.

  “Are you okay mom?” Julie asked her when she realized her mom wasn't hugging her back after a minute.

  “My water just broke, I guess your new brother or sister has decided to make its arrival before you leave so you can meet them. Go get your father.” Her mom hobbled back to the house leaving Julie to locate her dad.

  Chapter 2

  Traveling Alone

  Julie sat on the train and looked out the window watching the scenery pass by. The greenness of the trees and beautiful crystal blue water left her in awe. She'd never been on a train before, but she was enjoying herself.

  She'd been given enough money for first class tickets, but she hadn't needed something that fancy, and instead had gotten coach and saved some of the money. When she reached Oregon she planned on adding a few things to her wardrobe so she wouldn't appear to be so penniless and threadbare when she arrived to her husband-to-be in California.

  She clutched the telegram to her chest. He had described himself. Dark hair, blue eyes, tall in stature. She was excited, it would be a nice contrast to her short self. She had long blond hair, that when she wore it down went to her waist and green eyes.

  Her dresses from back home weren't exactly fancy, and she looked like a dirt poor woman compared to most of the women on the train she was riding with. It had made her decide she needed to get at least one or two generic dresses from a store before finishing her trip so she could at least walk off the train and look a little less farm-girl like.

  Having made the decision to do this, she was hoping she wasn't making the biggest mistake of her life. How did she know he wouldn't hurt her? Once she was his wife, he could do anything he wanted to her, she would think a doctor would be an honorable guy, but you never knew.

  Trying to force herself not to be scared, she went to sleep early in the evening and was woken up the next morning when they arrived in Oregon. Just three more days and she'd be in California. The evening train would leave tonight, giving her the day to go shopping at the small town they stopped in.

  She got off the train and they pulled her luggage and stored it for the train when it arrived tonight. She went into the small town and tried to pick up a few essentials and a couple of dresses.

  Julie walked into the little town store and saw the prettiest little pink dress she'd ever seen in her life. The ruffles around the skirt and lace and buttons on the chest were beautiful and it was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen.

  “How much?” she asked the shopkeeper.

  “Five dollars,” he told her and didn't look up from the book he was reading.

  “I can afford three dollars,” she told him and then stared at it, feeling upset, she couldn't spend all the money she had on one dress. But she really wanted it. For once in her life, she wanted to buy something for her, something that made her feel beautiful in. She deserved it. She also wanted to look nice for the man she was about to meet.

  The man looked up at her and looked her head to toe and then at the dress she was holding.

  “Fine, give me the three dollars and just don't tell my wife. She made it,” he told her and then took her money, wrapping the dress up in brown paper.

  “Thank you so much!” she told him, clutching the package, thanking the good lord for the kindness of others.

  She wandered around the town and found a couple more cheap dresses, but the pink one was the one she planned on changing into for when she got off the train to meet him.

  Marshal Masters. She was excited to meet him, she was looking forward to the rest of her trip. She got back to the train that night, and boarded, her ticket had been in her pocket, unwilling to risk losing it.

  She slept most of the night, waiting until morning to slip into the pink dress. She finally changed into the dress when they announced they were a couple hours from the train station, and about to reach their final destination.

  When the train came to a lurching stop, she anxiously collected her things and got off and stood in the pickup area, waiting for her luggage and to find Marshal. Slowly, everyone who got off the train with her had disappeared and it was just her standing there, confused.

  She sat on the bench, alone, waiting for hours. Finally one of the people from the train station came outside and asked her if she needed help.

  “I was waiting for someone,” she told him, wondering why the doctor had stood her up. She was angry. She traveled all this way, just to have him be a no-show. She didn't have enough money to get back home, what would she do now?

  “I can take you into town to the local hotel, it's better than sitting here all night, come on, I have my buggy out back,” the man told her and grabbed her luggage for her.

  “Thank you, I suppose I should have expected that it was a possibility I'd get here and he'd stand me up, but I didn't think he would,” Julie admitted as she climbed into the seat next to him.

  The man took her into town and stopped in front of the local hotel, which wasn't much of a hotel. It was a four bedroom house with a plump older lady who offered food and extended stays for twelve dollars a month.

  Chapter 3

  The Doctor Finally Shows

  Julie was haggling with Bettina, who owned the local hotel. She didn't have the money to pay for the monthly fee, but she had a strong back and could work. Bettina agreed to let her stay for a week in return for housekeeping services and only because she didn't have anyone trying to rent the room right now.

  The first time she was full, she'd kick her out to make room for a paying customer. Julie was thankful for the time she was given to sort the situation out.

  She was sweeping the main entryway when a man walked in he had a full, bushy beard and was the size of a bear. He stopped when he saw her and just stared at her, she arched a brow at him and then continued to sweep, ignoring him.

  “Julie?” He walked over to her and asked her, hesitating as he stood a couple feet from her.

  “Yes, can I help you?” She stopped sweeping the floor and looked up again at him.

  “I'm Marshal, I'm so sorry I didn't show up yesterday at the train station, I was delivering a baby and I couldn't leave her, it was a rough delivery,” he told her and pulled the hat off his head and held it in his hands. “I promise that I wouldn't have left you there otherwise, and I didn't have a way to send someone to tell you.”

  “You're forgiven,” she told him, then resumed her sweeping.

  “Why are you still cleaning?” he asked her, looking confused, he r
eached out and stopped the broom by grabbing the end of the handle.

  “I have to pay my keep somehow,” she replied to him, speaking slowly as if he was dense and tried to jerk the broom from his hands.

  “I already paid for your room and board for the next week. You don't have to do this unless you want to do it for some odd reason. Our marriage license is already approved, but there was a grace waiting period that will be over next week. We can be wed after that, if that's agreeable with you,” he told her, finding her attractive and more than he expected.

  “That's fine,” Julie said, swallowing hard, realizing that this was really going to happen and trying not to show her fear.


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