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Fighting the Lies

Page 13

by Anna Edwards

  “A fantastic tale brother.” Nuka dragged her forward to the centre of the room. Scott prowled along behind them. “It doesn’t really work, though, unless you can actually present the woman.”

  “Damn it. I knew there was something I forgot to do.” He winked over at the side of the room where what looked like a woman sat next to Jessica with a hood pulled over her face. Her aged hands reached up and pulled the hood down to reveal the bright eyes of the woman who had given birth to her. Emma’s heart flew. Her mother was alive and in the same room as them. She wanted to go to her and embrace her, but Nuka still held her tightly. Phillip let out a cry of anguish and fell to the floor. He didn’t remember his mother at all. She’d left him. Her mother got to her feet as a collective hush washed over the rest of the room. She came to her son and knelt beside him.

  “I’m sorry. I chose my life over yours. I tried to rescue you so many times over the years, but your father had you so heavily guarded. The last time I tried I realised that it was too late. You’d become the excuse for a man your father wanted you to be.” She wiped a tear away from her eye. “My leaving made you a monster. I will never forgive myself.”

  Next, her mother turned her attention to Emma.

  “My daughter did not kill her father. I snuck into his room that night and removed his head. I’d been waiting for revenge for many years, and the opportunity presented itself.” Jessica, who’d been sitting with her, stood and presented her with the sword. Her mother took the weapon and wrapped her fingers around it in exactly the same position as the blue fingerprints. The entire room gasped when they noticed that her little finger was missing. There has never been a finger print for that position. That was why. “As you can see, it was me.”

  Nuka, who had still been holding Emma, let go. She rubbed at her neck. Scott was there in an instant and had her wrapped in his arms.

  “I want her arrested.” Phillip called out while her mother placed the sword down on the table beside her. “If Emma didn’t kill her then I want my mother arrested for the murder.”

  “No.” Emma pushed away from Scott and to her mother’s side. “He was going to kill her. She was abused by him. It was self defence.”

  “Defence so many years after the event doesn’t count.” Phillip was motioning for the guards who’d accompanied the jury to arrest his mother.

  “That may not count, but given your mother has no legal entity, as technically she’s dead, we can’t arrest her.” The judge bent over to pick up his gavel and banged it on the table. “Case dismissed. Miss Bryant, Mrs Bryant, you are both free to leave. Emma looked to Kas who sat back on his chair with a smug expression on his face. Nuka paled and was already half way to vacating the room. Another one of his plans had failed. She couldn’t help but feel relieved.

  “This isn’t over.” Phillip grabbed the sword and swung for their mother. Emma was on him in a flash. Her body might be weak from the abuse it had suffered, but she wasn’t going to let something like that stop her from protecting her mother. Phillip swung again, this time at her. She bent back and the sword missed her by inches. She kicked out with her foot and struck at Phillip’s leg. He yowled in pain but did not drop the sword. He made for another attempt to cut her down, but she was quicker and brought her hand down on his sword arm, cracking the bones in a loud noise which vibrated around the room. Phillip dropped the sword, his broken arm no longer able to support its weight. He slumped down onto his knees. Emma picked it up and readied herself for a death blow. She swung but stopped. This wasn’t her. This was the woman who was allowing herself to be consumed by the lies that surrounded her. She was better than that. She had fought the lies and won.

  Scott took the sword from her.

  “Shall we go home?” He asked.

  “Yes.” She stood on her tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “Just like Robin Hood, I got my Maid Marian.” She laughed, a genuine, full of relief laugh. It was then that she noticed Kas and Nuka by the door. She pushed past Scott eager to hear what was being said.

  “I warned you what would happen if you messed with my pack again.” Kas was angry. He was at his full opposing height, and even though they were identical twins in every way, the elder looked taller and stronger. “You have twenty-four hours to leave this land. This is part of our family heritage, and thus is mine. If you don’t leave, I’ll burn this house to the ground with everyone in it.”

  Scott grabbed her by the wrist and spun her back round to face him so she didn’t hear Nuka’s reply. Instead, she melted into her lover’s mahogany eyes, the events of the last few minutes leaving her body exhausted but happy.


  Scott had been virtually glued to Emma’s side, since she’d returned to the Glacial Blood mansion. The lioness had thoroughly explored the whole place to make sure nothing had changed. She’d wanted to shift and go for a run, but it was almost midnight, and the dark circles under her eyes suggested that sleep would be a much better alternative.

  “We’ll get up early and go for a run at first light. I just want you to to get a few hours sleep.” He stood up tall and commanding to the bottom lip that was protruding in a pout.

  “But I don’t need to sleep.”

  “When was the last time you slept for more than a little nap?” He questioned.

  “I don’t know” She shrugged her shoulders with annoyance. “Maybe a week ago.”

  “A week. We’re lions; we’re supposed to sleep for twenty hours a day.”

  “No, that’s a male lion. Females do the work, and we don’t get a chance to sleep as much as you do.” She rolled her eyes at him.

  There was a crackle of energy in the air. Not something else to delay him getting time alone with her. Jessica, Kas and, Emma’s mother, Isabella, appeared. They had stayed behind after he had left with Emma. Kas needed to ensure Isabella’s safety and also get her a new legal identity.

  “Mom.” Emma flew into her mother’s arms. “I can’t believe you are alive”

  Isabella responded with her own warm embrace around her daughter’s shoulders. The elder lioness had lived a hard life, and it showed on her worn wrinkled skin. The shadows under her eyes matched those of a woman always awake to look over her shoulder. Scott felt an urge to protect her, make sure she was alright. Where had that come from?

  “I’m so sorry I left you. I couldn’t see any other way.”

  “It’s ok. I understood.”

  “No, I never explained it to you.” Both lionesses sat down on the sofa. It was just them, Kas, and Jessica. All the others had either fallen asleep or previously excused themselves to go to bed.

  “Tell me now.”

  “I knew of Kas’ pack for a while. The humanity that existed within it compared to so many others. I knew you would be safe and welcome here. I knew that Kas would never let you be returned to your father.”

  “But why did you give me up?” Scott took a seat on the chair behind Emma. She reached an arm behind her and took his hand.

  “Your father told me that you were to be given to another pack on your fifth birthday. It would tie the pack to us and allow you to be raised within their rules, so you could eventually marry the alpha’s son. I did some research on the pack. They were not right for you. They were...” Isabella broke down.

  “They were just like the wolf pack that took the lioness.” Emma leant back against him. He slid his hand around her waist to give her the comfort that she needed. He remembered her telling him once about this girl who had been taken from her pack and sold to another. He had helped Emma go and find what happened to the girl. She’d been distraught when they found out she’d died brutally.

  “I’d hoped that you wouldn’t remember that, but when I found out you had visited the pack, I knew you had.”

  “You know I visited them? How?” Emma questioned.

  “I’ve known everything you’ve done in your life. I’ve had someone looking after you from the first day that I left you.”<
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  Emma looked towards Kas.

  “No, I wasn’t aware your mother was still alive.” Kas replied.

  “He was a shadow. Nobody you know, but he was always there.”

  “Is he here now? I’d like to thank him.”

  Isabella shook her head.

  “No, there’s no need for him any longer, so he’s returned to his own family.”

  “No need?”

  “It seems the Council doesn’t want the risk of me being a powerful nomad. I’m to align myself with a pack. Kas has offered Glacial Blood, and it seems as good as any. Besides, my daughter is here and her gentleman.” Isabella winked at him.

  “I haven’t even introduced you. Mom this is Scott. Scott my mother.”

  He held his hand out and shook Mrs Bryant’s hand.

  “Good to meet you. I won’t lie and say I’m a little concerned with my daughter falling for a lion as their reputations proceed them, but I can see that you make her very happy, so I will withhold judgement for now. Just know that I have a sword, and I’m not afraid to use it.”

  “Message received, loud and clear.” He laughed.

  Emma yawned and leaned further into him.

  “If you will excuse me, I think I need to get this young lady to bed before she falls asleep here.” He stood and pulled Emma up into his strong arms.

  “I’m fine, honestly.” She yawned again. “Ok, maybe I need a little sleep but first.” She tapped at his shoulder to get him to face Kas, “I heard what you said to Nuka. Is he leaving?”

  “My brother will not be bothering us for the foreseeable future. He’s lost everything.”

  “I know how hard it was for you to cast him out.” She slid out of Scott’s arms and placed her hand on Kas’ chest. The polar bear took her hand in his and kissed the top of it.

  “Not as difficult as you think. You, Scott, and everyone else in this house are my family. I’ll do all I have to, to protect you all. Nuka removed himself from that protection when he attacked first Selene and now you. I should have told him to leave the first time, but I was scared. This time, however, I will not fail you all.”

  “You’ve never failed us.” Scott felt a moment of passing jealously when Emma stood on the tips of her toes and pressed a kiss to Kas’ cheek. It passed, though, and he stepped forward to pat the polar bear on the back.

  “I have to agree with the sexy little lioness; you’re one of the good guys.”

  “Scott.” Kas looked downcast for a moment. “You know you are a part of this pack as much as anyone don’t you?”

  “I think the one good thing to come out of this little fiasco is that I’ve done a lot of growing up.”

  “Hallelujah.” Kas reached for the sky in a playful gesture.

  “Hey, I wasn’t that bad.”

  Kas raised an eyebrow.


  “He better have grown up, judging by the smell of my little girl.” Isabella mused.

  “Mom.” Emma shouted.

  “Smell?” Scott inhaled. Arousal? No. That was what she should be smelling of given they wouldn’t be sleeping straight off. He sniffed again. It was her usual musk that had him hard in seconds, but it was something else mixed into it. It was like a concoction of the two of them together. Emma placed her hand over her stomach. His mouth dropped.

  “Er…I…er…bbbb…aaa….bbbb…yyyy.” He muttered in complete gibberish. The air left his lungs in a whoosh of shock. He wheezed.

  “So much for growing up.” Emma slapped him hard on the back. His lungs filled with air again.

  “You’re pregnant? How did that happen?”

  “Do I really need to give you a birds and bees talk? Let’s go upstairs, and I’ll explain everything.” He nodded agreement and followed her in a bit of a daze. He was going to be a father. They’d only slept together once. How was that possible, and what freaky God decided to let that happen? Did that mean he couldn’t sleep with her any more? Fate transpiring to keep them apart until she had the baby. He would explode.

  “Sit.” Emma ordered when they entered his room. It was as he left it, right down to the Guns N Roses and Metallica posters on the wall. The picture of Marilyn Monroe in that dress would have to go. Everybody knew she was a shifter, because she had a perfect figure, but he didn’t want Emma having to look at it. “Get your mind off the posters and concentrate on the fact that you’re going to be a daddy.”

  “Daddy.” The word warmed his heart. It sounded like something that should be so fantastic. Especially with Emma as the mother.

  “Yes. Selene’s candles masked the fact I was fertile. When we made love, we also made a baby. That is why I asked Kas to get me out of there right away. Nuka told me you were otherwise engaged, and I feared for the baby’s life when Ciaran figured out the truth.” Emma twiddled her foot on the floor, when she spoke about him being otherwise engaged.

  “Engaged. Oh. He told you.” He cast his eyes downward in shame.

  “Did you do it? Will this child be your only one, or will there be more?” He ran his hand down her cheek. Emma tried to pull away, but he drew her in with his stare. It penetrated her thick skin built up from layers of abuse at the hands of her father.

  “No. You’re the only woman who will ever carry my child. You also don’t have to ever worry about me straying. It seems that, as well as my heart, you own my dick. It doesn’t work unless it’s for you. I made a mistake. I trusted Nuka to let you live freely here with Glacial Blood. I thought they could survive without me, but they needed you. I didn’t think that you needed me, and for once, I don’t mean that in a big-headed way. I love you, Emma. I’m sorry.” He gave her his best sorry expression. For once, it came to him easily. He had focused on the wrong thing to save her. He’d come good in the end.

  “You will have more to worry about than droopy dick, if you try to cheat on me. I know where my mum keeps her sword, and I’m just as handy with cutting off heads, legs, arms, appendages…hair.”

  “You wouldn’t.” He exclaimed.

  “Try me, buster.” She joked.

  “The mane is always off limits. You know that.”

  Emma stilled. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I’m scared of bringing a child into this world.” She lay her head on his broad chest. He swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He gently settled her down and lay next to her. He wrapped his arm around her and brought her head to lay in the crock.

  “I don’t even know who my father is. I know that he was a Moroccan King, just as my mother was a queen. My father was one of five breeding males, at that time, who visited my mother in a nightly cycle. There are not many of us left in the world. There must be no more than ten breeding age males, twenty women. I’m talking true bloods; Barbary lions through the ages descended from the first King. That is what I am, one of the ten. I have one brother and four sisters. My mother had three litters before she lost her fertility. To only have two males was a shame. How were we supposed to raise to the greatness of our ancestors again within only such a small pool of males? Except our ancestors weren’t great. They were elitist and ruined the lives of so many people around them, not bad for the pets that they were. Owned by the true human kings of Morocco. The famous story belies the truth.” He held her a little tighter.

  “How come you are not there as one of the males now?” She pressed a kiss to his chest.

  “My laziness saved me. My mother kicked me out when I turned sixteen. It didn’t matter what my lineage was. They knew that I would never make the required number of children to make the name good again.”

  “Yah for laziness.” She murmured into him, this time. The words sounded sleepy.

  “We both have bad blood in our bodies, but we have outgrown it and become good people. We fight for what is right, and we’ll fight for this baby. We’ll make the world it grows up in perfect. It’ll know that it’s loved by both its mother and father, as well as the numerous aunts and uncles it has in the pack. Even gru
mpy old granddad Kas will love it, I’m sure.”

  Emma softly chuckled. “Granddad Kas.”

  “I’ll let you tell him that he’s going to be called that. He’ll probably take a chunk out of me for even suggesting it.” He stroked her hair. Emma’s breathing was evening out. She was exhausted and growing their baby. She was so brave.

  “We’ll make good parents.” He spoke quietly.

  “I love you,” she replied.

  “Sleep. Grow our baby.”

  For the first time in a week, he allowed his body to relax. Emma’s breath evened out. She’d fallen asleep. He slid his free hand down to her stomach.

  “Hello in there. I’m your daddy. I’m going to teach you everything you need to know about how to be a lion, like which meat tastes best and how to eat it without having to lift a finger, and your mommy will teach you all the rest of the stuff, like how to catch it. We’ll be a family. Here, in Glacial Blood, you will always be loved. No one will ever tell you to leave, and you won’t want to, because this is home.


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