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Appetite of a Vampire [Vampire Love and Lust 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 8

by Dani April

  “Later. Right now, I want to make sure you’re okay, and my motel is closer to the hospital in case we have to take you back.”

  They pulled off the street and under the bright lights of the motel parking area. Derrick’s motel was simple but looked like a nice enough chain establishment from the outside. They drove past the pool off to one corner which was empty at this hour, and Derrick kicked the bike to a stop in front of his door.

  He got off the bike first and reached in to help Marty down. She stumbled on her way to the pavement, and he caught her up in his arms. The worried expression on his face spoke his words for him.

  “I guess I’m still feeling a little light-headed,” she told him as an excuse for her clumsiness. “Maybe I lost more blood than I thought.”

  “Come on, let’s get you inside my room and get that blood cleaned off you.”

  He helped her, and she leaned against him for support. Her stomach felt queasy, and she had never been so happy to have someone to lean on for support. In lieu of her maker, who was still a no-show in her life, she needed a hero. Derrick was filling in perfectly at the moment.

  He opened the door to his room and turned on the light. He had rented a suite of rooms, with a living area and kitchenette in front and the bedroom and bath in the back. The place felt nice and cozy with the lights of the pool streaming in from one side and the passing lights on the highway throwing off shadows from the other.

  He helped her to take a seat on one of the big, reclining easy chairs placed in front of the TV and was courteous enough to just let her sit and rest for a few minutes without need of conversation or activity. She was able to try and think and clear her head. A quick examination of her clothes and body showed most of the blood had dried and soaked into her white blouse, with a few spatters down her skirt. This was going to leave a stain. Even with the strong detergent Barry had purchased at the grocery store back at her home, it would still probably remain stained. She was fast running out of clothes. Next she would have to send Barry in to shop for her. Of course when winter came, the sun would be setting earlier, and then she could get a few things accomplished herself.

  Her tired and blood-starved mind was running in all sorts of random directions when Derrick came back into the room with her.

  “Where’s your sidekick?” Marty asked him as she thought about the handsome African-American he traveled with.

  “Aaron’s got a room in the inn across the street. It’s a good thing he doesn’t know I’ve got you here in my room tonight.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “He’d be over here in a second. He found out you were a vampire, and ever since, he’s had a serious crush on you.”

  Marty smiled tiredly and laid her head back on the recliner. “Well, tell him I like him, too.”

  He kneeled down to the floor in front of her chair. “Seriously, are you all right?”

  “Just tired.”

  “I take it meeting your own kind wasn’t what you had hoped it would be.”

  “I had never met another vampire before. Until tonight, I wasn’t even certain they were real.”

  “But you are a vampire.”

  “I thought maybe I was the only one. Now I know there are others out there.”

  “How does that make you feel?”

  “More terrified than you can imagine.” She cast a pleading look into his eyes. “Derrick, they were evil. When I got in that car with them, all I could sense was something unclean and wrong. It was like food that has spoiled, not a smell really, just an inner feeling but every bit as strong.”

  The tears were rolling down her face, and he took her back into his arms and held her tightly against him. He patted her hair down soothingly, and she tried to calm her overwrought emotions.

  “They’re gone now, baby,” he told her.

  “No. They’ll always be with me, because I am one of them.”

  “You’re nothing like them.”

  “Yes, I am.” The tears refused to stop falling down her face. “We’re the same. I am one of them. That’s why they scared me so much.”

  He let her lay back in the chair and got up and paced the room. “I wish you could drink,” he said. “I’d pour you a stiff one now.” Instead, he ended up mixing himself a whiskey from the bar counter.

  “Those vampires have ruined all my plans,” she told him.

  “How did they do that, honey?”

  “Before they showed up tonight, I had made up my mind to not see you and Aaron again, and to ask Barry to leave my house. I was planning to be on my own like I was before I met all of you. It seemed safer for everybody that way.”

  Derrick set his drink aside and came back to sit on the arm of her chair. He took her back into his arms. She welcomed his touch.

  “That was a silly idea,” he told her. “Whether you’re a vampire or a human, it isn’t easy finding people who care about you. You have some now. Don’t force us away.”

  She was quick to break their embrace. It would be so easy to give into her warm feelings for this man, but she knew she could not allow herself that luxury. Because she had started to care about him was the reason why she had to force him away.

  “I think maybe you should take me back to the hospital,” she told him. “If I get back there now, I can still work part of my shift.”

  “Marty, I won’t let you go back to work tonight. Surely you have sick time off from the job, right? Tonight would be an excellent time to take some of it.”

  “If I go back now, I’ll have time to get some blood before I go home.” She rubbed her hands together and felt them tremble. “I hate to admit it, but I think I lost too much blood tonight. I’m in pretty bad need of some more.”

  He pulled away from her and stood back up. He was fishing in his pocket for some unknown item. At the same time, he was shrugging out of his shirt. “You don’t have to go to the hospital and steal their blood.”

  “Yes, I do have to go.” She struggled to stand up from the chair. When she was upright, the room began to spin around. “I’m not feeling well, Derrick. I hate stealing that blood, and I hate the thought of tasting it, but I don’t have a choice right now. If I don’t get some pretty soon…” She broke off because she didn’t know what lay beyond her words.

  “I won’t let you steal blood from the hospital anymore. God only knows what kind of chemicals they put in it. It’s a wonder you’ve survived as long as you have. I won’t let you drink that anymore.”

  He brought a knife from out of his pocket and held up his hand. “You’re going to have my blood tonight, Marty.” He slashed the blade of the knife across his open palm. A red line followed the bright, shiny blade across his skin.

  She took a full step back away from him, but what she wanted more than anything was to go to him. Her heart was hammering in her chest, and the burning fire of her appetite had never been so urgent. She could feel her mouth starting to water as she watched the droplets drip off his palm.

  He came to her and took her by the waist with his free arm. He was strong and refused to let her go. When she read his mind, she found it filled with reckless abandon. He was deadly serious about what he was offering her.

  “Drink, Marty…” He held his palm up to her mouth.

  At first, all she could do was cower against his naked chest. What he was offering her, she was hardly prepared to accept. However, he would not let her back away from him anymore and was forcing his hand down to her mouth.

  “Drink!” he commanded her again.

  A drop of his blood fell off his palm and into her mouth. That drove her over the top, and she could no longer control her actions. Her eyes glowed red, and her incisors protruded from her mouth.

  She gratefully brought his hand into her mouth and bit down. She felt him stiffen above her, but he did not pull away. The blood flow in his hand was small compared with what she could have taken from other veins in his body, but it tasted wonderful, and she felt it slowly reversing the deadly course of
the weakness that had been consuming her.

  “I’ve been doing some research about the blood vessels in the human body. Most of them are actually okay to puncture. Doctors do that all the time when they give us shots.” He tensed up again as she bit down harder, but he soon relaxed. “The incident you described with Barry the other week probably resulted from his jugular being punctured. That wasn’t such a good idea. He could have died. But if you need our blood, there are many other less life-threatening veins you’re more than welcome to have.”

  She pulled away from his hand and went back to cuddling his chest. He had given her the most precious gift in the world and may well have saved her life in the process. She placed a kiss over his breast.

  “Derrick, I don’t know what to say. You’ve been so good to me…”

  He reached down to her and kissed her lips. She wondered if he could taste himself in her mouth as their tongues met.

  “Don’t give up on this thing, baby,” he told her. “I don’t know what I should be feeling right now. I don’t exactly have a road map for this type of relationship, but I know I won’t let you suffer anymore.”

  “I know what I feel now.” A new heat had found its way into her body and was centered between her legs. “I feel like I’m wearing too many clothes.”

  He bent to kiss her again. “That’s something else I can help you with.”

  As he removed her blouse and skirt, she helped to unzip his pants and lower them to the floor. When she walked back into the bedroom with him, she still used his body to lean against. This time it wasn’t from weakness and blood loss, but from the fire of lust coursing through her body.

  By the time they sat down on the bed they were both naked.

  She stilled him with her hand on his chest. “We’re going to take it slow this time, right?”

  He was already cupping her breasts and pinching her nipples before the words had left her mouth. “We were pretty good together last time, as I remember.”

  “Indeed we were, except for the little fact that I tried to kill you.” She arched her back and gloried in his touch along her nude body.

  “True,” he admitted as he kissed his way down and repositioned her underneath him. “But other than that one little thing, it was the best sex I’d ever had.”

  “Let’s see if we can make it even better this time, darling.”

  She let out a gasp as he opened her legs and went between them. She ran her fingers through his thick hair and gritted her teeth as his tongue brought her pleasure. “I guess it’s only fair,” she said and moaned through clenched teeth. “I did get to eat you, after all…”

  He moved her body around and over so she was on her stomach. “We’re going to try it a different way this time.”

  “Good idea,” she told him as she got comfortable on her stomach and smoothed down the bedspread before her. “I think it’s safer this way. I won’t be able to see that delicious neck of yours.”

  “I hope you think other parts of my body are delicious, too.” He crawled over her back and set his weight down on his arms at her side. Next she felt his palm spreading her butt cheeks, and then the fire of his cock start to invade between her thighs.

  When he entered her, he set his weight down on top of her and pushed deep inside. She groaned again. Her body was being filled to the brim, and his heavy body covering her made her feel safe and secure in a world that normally seemed insane.

  Then he placed his hand out in front of her. She knew at once what he was doing. He was offering himself to her just as she was giving her body to him. She wanted to cry, as his kind gesture made her so happy. Still, she hesitated because she did not trust herself. With each thrust he took up inside her, a passion was being unleashed, and this went part and parcel with her ferocious appetite.

  He moved the offered hand up to her face and caressed her cheeks, closed her eyelids, and ran fingers down to her mouth and across her open lips. From behind, he bucked into her harder. She let out a little scream. Now his finger had entered her mouth and was gliding over her tongue. She tasted his flesh and sucked his finger in further.

  “I know you want it,” he whispered into her ear, mere inches away. “You want to have me just like I’m having you now.” He took a couple of giant thrusts inside her pussy. “Go ahead, Marty. This is my gift to you. I want you to have it.”

  Her teeth had grown long again, and her eyes were glowing red as her first orgasm built between her legs. “I’m afraid,” she whispered back over her shoulder to him. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. Am I hurting you now?” He pounded her rear, his hips slamming into her, each drive bringing his penetration deeper.

  “You’re not hurting me…you’re just making me crazy…”

  She was losing all control. She could not hold herself in check any longer. Her breath was ragged, and another scream escaped her lips. “Goddamn it!” she swore. “Goddamn you, Derrick. You know you’re playing with fire here. One of us is going to die, and I think it’ll be me if I don’t get relief soon.”

  He responded by moving his hips faster, every pump harder.

  “Oh fuck!” she screamed. “All right, I can’t stand it anymore. Give it to me.” She reached to bring his hand back to her wide-open mouth. In her delirious craving, the palm would not be good enough. She turned his hand around and bit in deeply to his wrist.

  Instead of feeling pain, her action seemed to drive him wild, and he plunged into her from behind her with all his strength. They were both moaning together. Then they were screaming together as climaxes rocked their bodies and sent their souls soaring high.

  * * * *

  Marty reflected that before all of this had happened to her, before she had become a vampire, she had always been scared of the night. She loved the warm light of the sun and the way it felt against her skin. Now she saw the night through new eyes for the first time. Out of Derrick’s bedroom window she could see the lights of cars and trucks passing on the highway. Somehow the flow of those lights was peaceful and beautiful to her.

  It was a warm night but not quite warm enough for the air conditioner. Marty and Derrick lay naked above the covers of the bed, their arms wrapped around each other and their legs entwined. For the first time, Marty felt okay with her situation and thought, perhaps with the help of this man, she could live as a vampire for a little while longer.

  “Did I hurt you?” she asked him, her voice filled with satisfied exhaustion.

  He shook his head and stroked her face. “Did I hurt you?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “Hold out your hand,” she told him, and before he could respond she had brought it up to her vision.

  “No damage done. There isn’t anything to see, only those two little marks. Other than that, you wouldn’t even know I was just bitten by a vampire. They’re love bites, kind of like a hickey.”

  “You look pale, and you feel like you have a fever.”

  “I got quite a workout.”

  She snuggled in closer to him. “I could get used to this. I don’t think I ever felt this alive when I was a human. We may have opened up a can of worms here. Now that I’ve had you, I’m going to need it again every night.”

  He wrapped an arm around her and gave her a kiss. “By all means, let’s do this every night, maybe two or three times.”

  “We can’t do it again for about a week. Otherwise it wouldn’t be safe for you.”

  “I feel a little light-headed, but I’m okay.” He smiled. “That was the most fun I’ve ever had donating blood. I think I’m ready to donate again.”

  “That was more than a simple blood donation. It was more like ten blood donations in the space of an hour. You’re going to need your rest.”

  She looked down at him. His weakness notwithstanding, he was still ready to have her. His cock had swollen to full mast. His hands were already having their way with her body again. She pushed him back.

  “There’s something in a vampire’
s blood that makes humans…” She thought on what the right word was. “Horny. When I bit you, a little of that got in your blood. Even when you kiss me, a little of that gets in you. It’s like an aphrodisiac. I suppose it’s how an unscrupulous vampire would lure its human victim.”

  “Well it’s working on me, baby.”

  “I know, but we have to go slow. What we did tonight was wonderful. Let’s not ruin it. I’d like to do it again.” She put him down on his back, and his hands ceased their exquisite torture, however, his cock stayed strong and angry. “I think it’s even helping me to clear my head. I feel like my memory might actually return to me.”

  “It’s amazing what good fucking can do.”

  She had to hold him back again. “The sex was great, but I’m talking about the blood. It may be I’ve had amnesia because I haven’t been feeding right.”

  “You just hadn’t met the right guy to feed on.” He smiled up at her.

  “Guys,” she corrected him and approached another delicate subject. “If it’s all right with you, I’m going to try it with Barry. I’m pretty sure he won’t mind, and I don’t want to let myself get sick again. Between the two of you, I still won’t get enough, but it’s a whole lot better than it was before I met you.”

  He laid his head back on the pillow and brought his arm up over his head. “Actually I’m glad you’ve got Barry also.” She felt relief that he wasn’t going to be the jealous type. “As much as I’d like to get back between your legs again, I am feeling pretty weak. I think you’re right. About once a week is all a human man can take.”

  She kissed his chest. “Thanks for understanding about Barry. Thank you for everything, Derrick. This night started off bad, but it turned out amazing.”

  “Barry should be the one to thank you.”

  Marty laughed when she thought of the possibilities, and she felt happy to be alive even as a vampire. “Tomorrow night I’ll probably be the one thanking Barry.”

  She curled up next to him and listened to him sleep peacefully for the rest of the night. The possibilities for the future were suddenly very interesting.


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