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Fur and Feathers [A Raven Saga Book 2]

Page 11

by Crymsyn R. Hart

  With the moon giving her enough light by which to see, Alena raced into the woods, not caring where she was going, just trying to keep up with the child. Every time she seemed to, the girl would come into view, Alena would lose her again around a corner. The girl was tireless, running as if the devil were on her heels, and Alena was having trouble keeping up. She was getting out of breath and about halfway into the forest, and having forgotten to put shoes on, her feet were cut and sore from tripping over brambles.

  Finally, she stopped on the outskirts of a clearing. When she did, she saw her cousin looking up at a woman who was familiar. Alena got as close as she dared to get a better look. Her breath froze in her throat. The woman's hair was dark under the moonlight. Her face looked older, but Alena remembered it. Power radiated off her like Marija. One word froze on her lips. She took a step forward, and the woman and her little cousin looked up.


  The woman met her eyes, and Alena noticed they glinted in the light like the rest of the packs'. Was it possible? Was her mother really alive? Had she been transformed into a wolf? Why hadn't she come forward after the accident? Slews of questions and emotions raced circles in her mind like a dog chasing its tail. Not knowing what else to do, Alena stepped into the clearing, her whole body shaking. Her mother smiled at her and then turned and ran into the woods. Her cousin did the same.

  "Trina, wait!” she called after the teenager, but she kept on going. Then, from the darkness, she heard a low, feral growl. Whatever was out there, this was the thing killing the children. Alena knew it. She dropped the walls around her mind and felt its emotions. There was nothing human to the creature's mind, only instinct. Blood and meat were what the beast cared about. Rage and causing pain. And a deep-seated hunger. Alena had never felt anything so black before in her life. Not even from a mortal. Some she had encountered had dark spots, but nothing like this. Alena swallowed, desperately wanting to go after the two figures, but she had to run for her life and tell Jamie and Vincent about Trina. They had to find her to be sure she was safe. Alena didn't wait to find out if the thing was getting any closer. She turned and ran as fast as she could through the woods knowing the wolf was only feet behind her. Getting closer to the pack compound, she didn't sense the thing. However, Alena didn't stop. She ran to Jamie's doorstep and started banging on the door. A sleepy Jamie opened it.

  "Jamie...” She tried to catch her breath.

  "Alena, what happened to you? Your feet. They're all bloody."

  She waved her hand telling her she was fine. Her throat burned, and she couldn't draw enough air into her lungs. Her head reeled while she tried to get enough oxygen. She was out of shape, but she didn't think she was that bad, but then again, running for your life gave you some inspiration to move your ass.

  "Trina. Saw her. Forest. Chase,” was what she got out.

  From all the banging, Vincent and Marija appeared out of the darkness, and so did Darius. Jamie handed Alena a glass of water, which she drank in one sip. Ben came out dressed in his pajamas bottoms and looking a little flustered. After a moment of catching her breath, Alena leaned against the cabin and looked at her cousin.

  "Tell us what happened,” Marija urged her.

  Alena told her story saying she had woken up and saw Trina running off into the woods. She followed, got to the clearing, and saw her there with her mother. And then about the thing which had chased her back.

  "But that's impossible,” Jamie uttered.

  "I swear it was my mom."

  "What's impossible?” Ben asked.

  Alena opened her mouth to say something when Jamie interrupted her.

  "No, not about her. About Trina. She's been asleep in her bed. I just checked on her before I came to the door. She's been sound asleep since ten. She wasn't feeling good. I—"

  Alena pushed past her cousins into the room which had been hers. She peeked inside and indeed saw her cousin's daughter sound asleep. The window was closed, so there was no way the girl could have gotten back inside and so quickly fallen asleep. Alena walked back outside shaking her head. Everyone was looking at her strangely.

  "Ben, Jamie. I know what I saw and what I heard. Trina was out there with my mother and that thing."

  "What did it look like?” Vincent asked.

  Alena shook her head. “I'm not sure. I didn't stick around to find out."

  "Well that's a big help!"

  "Vincent, shut up and let the poor girl talk,” Jamie snapped.

  "I didn't see it, but I felt it. It had no personality. The creature was only instinct. It wanted to feed and rip and tear away at things. I didn't dig around in its emotions long, but whatever it is, wolf or not, it is feral and insane. I've never felt such hatred."

  "I'll send someone to look for the thing. Why don't I come with you to be sure you are all right?” Vincent said. He motioned for one of his minions to run off in the direction of the path Alena had come from.

  Panic jolted her and she looked at Marija. Please not, Vincent. She hoped the vedma would hear her thought.

  Marija put her hands around Alena's shoulder. “It'll be all right. Come on, let me take care of your feet. Vincent, you should go with Scott to make sure he's all right. Darius, why don't you come with us and Alena can tell you more about what she saw."

  "He doesn't have to do that. I can tell him tomorrow,” Alena said. She saw Darius wince at the suggestion. He was the last person she needed to be around at the moment. She wasn't in the mood for having her heart put through the wringer twice in one night.

  "Nonsense. Darius has healing powers and can help with your feet. Besides, that's what he is here for.” Alena noticed the vedma's gaze did not leave the Warrior. He shrugged his shoulders and followed them back to the cabin. The gypsy sat her down and went into the kitchen to get some water and rags. While she was looking around in the kitchen, Alena tried not to look at the Darius and noticed he avoided looking at her. Now wide awake from her run, she opened her mind and tried to examine Darius, making no effort to hide what she was doing. Her probe made him look up.

  "You really shouldn't be poking around where you're not welcome."

  "I think I am. You just don't want to admit it. There's so much indecision around you, Darius. It radiates off you like a mini sun. Why—"

  Before she could finish, Marija came back in with the cloth and a small basin of water. The vedma looked from Darius and Alena. Alena caught her small smile. She had set them up. She knew Darius felt something for her and vice versa. The witch was playing matchmaker. The cool water on her feet made the wounds feel better. Soon the water was pink.

  "Darius, would you use your powers and heal the poor girl."

  Darius only sighed and knelt next to Alena's feet. She watched while he concentrated and saw a blue spark move between her feet and the middle of his palms. A tingling warmth snaked its way up her body, and she had to physically hold herself down from letting out a moan and arching her back it was so close to bringing her over the edge. Marija watched her fidgeting in her chair, but said nothing. Finally, Darius finished and moved across the room to the fireplace. He had his back to her, and she noticed he gripped the stone mantle hard enough it might crack. His muscles were stone under his shirt. Everything about him was tense, as if he fought something inside himself. She wanted to know what that was. All she wanted to do was go over to him and ease his pain the same way he had healed hers.

  "Well, you're mended, and we can discuss what happened in the morning. I'll leave you two to talk."

  "Marija, you believe me about what I said that I saw right? I swear I wasn't dreaming."

  The witch stopped in the doorway and drummed her fingers on the frame. “I believe you, Alena. There are powerful forces at work here. Even I'm not sure exactly what to make of them all. It will all work itself out in the end. I just don't know what has to happen to get there. Good night."

  Marija disappeared down the end of the hall. Alena held her breath until she heard the door
close and the latch click. The werewolf was not coming out for the rest of the night. Standing up tentatively, she tested her feet, knowing the flesh was whole, but it still didn't mean walking wouldn't hurt. She was relieved when she found it did not. Slowly, she made her way across the room. Chewing her lip, she wondered what she should do. She had a decision, to let him stand there all night or she could think of something. She wasn't sure. Either one would have consequences.

  Lightly, she touched the Warrior's back. Even with the gentle stroke, she felt him shudder under her fingers. “Thank you for healing my feet. I guess that's two things I owe you. First my hands, and now my feet. Soon I won't have any other body parts you haven't seen."

  He didn't say anything, but cast a sideways glance at her.

  She felt defeated in that moment. Maybe she should say what was really on her mind. “Come to bed with me, Darius. Let me thank you. I understand from before if you don't want to. I'll leave the door open. Come in if you want."

  Alena bit her lip and slipped into the hallway. Her heart tap danced against her chest. I can't believe I did that. He'll say no. She walked into her room, her arms wrapped around her remembering what it had felt like to be in his. God she needed someone to hold her right now after what had happened. She knew she had seen her mother. Now she just had to prove it.

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  Chapter Eleven

  Did I hear Alena right? Did she invite me into her bed? I can't believe it. Mentally, he patted himself on the back. He had been leery of coming to the house with Marija, but he had no choice. She mentally told him he was coming or else. Then he was forced to heal Alena. Not that he minded touching her, and as soon as he did, he felt that same spark he had experienced when curing her in the kitchen earlier. Listening to her story, he didn't doubt something had happened to her. He just wasn't sure what.

  Taking a deep breath, he mulled over what Caleb had said. If he loved the woman and not the act, he wouldn't change. Well, he didn't really know how he felt for Alena except to say he was flip-flopping on the subject. He definitely felt something for her, but what he did not know. If she was inviting him into her bed, then obviously that meant something. She had feelings for him. Holding her in his arms had seemed like salvation. Maybe, just maybe that could happen again.

  He gripped the mantle one more time, then propelled himself off and made his way into the hallway. Her door was open, and she sat on the bed playing with the tassels on the corners of the quilt. When the wood creaked and made her aware of his presence, she looked up. Unshed tears glistened in her eyes like rising stars. The Raven Warrior sensed her thoughts, and she assumed he would walk out of the house and not come back probably because of how he had treated her earlier in the night.


  "Hi,” she whispered back and moved over on the bed, making room for him. After a moment, he took her up on her silent offer and sat down beside her. The heat of her body warmed him like the blazing fire from the other room. In the low lamplight, he saw how her hair was made up of different shades of copper and red, like a sunset or a bonfire. He reached out and brought a strand to his lips, feeling how smooth it was and then realized she was staring at him with the most beautiful smile on her face. That gesture made him want her right there. That was his deciding factor. She was going to be his. He had already laid claim on her and now he desired to collect.

  "Darius, look, I understand if you don't want this considering earlier you—"

  "Alena, that was a mistake. There are things about me that I can't tell you. I'd love to share them with you. God why is this so hard?” Darius growled and without another word, he turned and claimed Alena's lips, flattening her on the bed with him on top of her. Her surprise was evident at first, but then she gave way under him. He felt her relax like a flower opening its petals to the sun. She moaned and wrapped her legs around him. He broke his kiss then and looked deep into her blue eyes. They were beautiful to stare into like the early morning sky before the sun peeked over the horizon. Her smile made his heart melt, and she giggled, bringing her hand up to trace the side of his jaw. As she did, he felt the spark between them.

  "Why do you make me feel this way?” Alena whispered.

  "Because I can.” He chuckled.

  "I'm serious. Why do we spark together?"

  He brushed his lips against hers again and tickled his fingers over her T-shirt. “I want you, Alena. I wanted you on the ridge. We fit together like we were made for one another. Don't let the shadows of my past throw you."

  "I felt us click in the kitchen. I wanted you then as I want you now.” Alena squirmed from his fingers moving slowly over her sides, and she squealed.

  "What did I do wrong?” He tried to keep his tone light, but could not.

  "Nothing, silly. Before we get frisky, I have to use the restroom."

  "Oh.” Darius rolled off her, feeling her absence already. He didn't like the alone feeling. He wanted her next to him all the time. And he had been with her and hadn't started to change. That was amazing. He had felt her curves, kissed her, touched her even, and his skin hadn't tightened. He got off the bed and paced the room while he waited for her. When she returned, he felt everything inside of him tighten with excitement.

  He watched Alena walk in. She was not shy like she had seemed on the bed. She was sure of herself sauntering in and closing the door behind her. He reached out, grabbed her arm, and pulled her to him. She didn't fight him when he pushed her hard against the wall, the pictures shaking around them.

  "You're so beautiful, Alena."

  "Darius, God, I need you."

  With her statement, Darius locked his hand around both of Alena's wrists and pinned her to the wall. Her breathing was heavy, and there was a look of fear in her eyes. He liked that. Her heart pummeled against her chest and her nipples poked against her shirt. Her excitement urged him on. So did her fear. The Raven Warrior peered down at her soft skin, and he ran his free hand along her cheek. Alena trembled under his touch. He dragged his finger lightly across her lips, feeling how smooth they were before he claimed them with his mouth. She parted them and flicked her tongue over the tip of his finger. The corners of his lips cracked into a smile watching her suck in his finger and play with it. If her tongue promised of events to come, he was going to have fun with this one. Slowly, he moved his finger in and out of her lips, feeling the friction on his flesh, knowing what she could do with her tongue later. With his knee, he separated her legs a little farther. He felt her hips moving. She was ready for him even now. He could tell. She would be a good fuck.

  He pulled his finger away and claimed her luscious lips with his own. They were as soft as they promised and tasted a little bit like mint with a hint of spice. His tongue met hers in a frantic dance until he had to pull away to catch his breath. He ran his cheek along hers before he whispered in her ear. “Do you want me, Alena?"


  Darius tugged her shirt out of her jeans with his free hand and tickled the smooth flesh of her stomach. Alena tried to suppress a shudder, but her muscles gave her pleasure away under his palm. He smiled licking her neck and inhaling her scent. His grip on her hands tightened. He sensed the wall around her mind and emotions was crumbling fast despite her desperately trying to hold the barricade in place. His fingers slid over the lace of her bra, feeling the scratchy material on his palm. Her nipples were hard, waiting for him to tweak them and roll them between his fingers. He desired to pinch and play with them until she rippled in pain, trapped underneath him. His balls were already tightened. His dick was ready for her wet depths. God, he hadn't had a woman in a long time. So very long. Why hadn't he seen that she was so fuckable before? He had desired her when she was in the kitchen cooking, but his anger had gotten the better of him, and he pushed her away creating a rift between them. And then her hot, stolen kiss under the moonlight had nearly driven him crazy.

  He grabbed a handful of her breast and squeezed hard enough to leave a bruise. She
moaned, and he heard the rap of her head falling back against the wood. Her back arched, which brought her closer to him. He let go of her wrists and rubbed his hand between her legs, feeling the waiting warmth which would accept him. Darius watched her eyes flutter shut. He applied more pressure, making sure the hard seam of her jeans and his fingers hit her sweet spot perfectly.

  "Come for me, precious. I know you're almost there. Why fight it?” He nibbled her lips and moved his other hand under the lace taking the full weight of her breast in his hand.

  Her hands gripped his manipulating hand. He heard her heart slamming against her chest with her quickened breath. Darius massaged her harder through the material. She was so ripe. His cock wanted to be free of its restraints and to fuck her. God, she would feel so good around him. It would ease so much tension.

  "That's it, Alena. Just a little more,” Darius whispered against her feeling something happening to his fingers. They were shortening. He glanced down at his arms and they were darkening. Panic seized him. This was not supposed to be happening. He had just been on top of her, worshipping her, trying to sort out his feelings for her. He had kissed her before. Marija had said Alena was his soul mate. Caleb had said the same thing. She should have been the one to have broken his curse like Linnea had done with Tremain. This was not happening to him. He pulled his hand away from Alena's chest. Her eyes opened and a look of confusion broke through the passion. His transformation was continuing, his bones lightening. He stepped away, leaving the heat of her body. He whirled around and gripped the windowsill hard. His muscles shook as he tried to calm himself. Taking in deep breaths, he fought the change. He would not turn into a bird and show her what would happen. He did not deserve this. This was her doing. She had come onto him. She was the one who had invited him into her lair. She was the one who had told him they were perfect for one another. If she hadn't flaunted herself, none of this would be happening to him.

  Marija had lied to him, too. This woman was not his heartmate. Caleb, his leader, had lied to him. He never thought his own leader would betray him. Alena was nothing more than a distraction put in his way. An act to entice him. Darius didn't need her. He took in a few deep breaths, feeling his muscles stop shaking and the transformation receded. His fingers returned to their normal length and so did his skin. He felt a light touch on his shoulder.


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