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Page 37

by Fiona McIntosh

  ‘After them!’ he shrieked.

  Despair that he had allowed her to slip away like this, and that bastard physic with her, fuelled his anger to breaking point. He was the first man mounted on his horse and whipped its flanks mercilessly as they gave chase.

  Tor, hidden just inside the gates, raced out onto the road. He removed the horse’s head he had changed into and watched the Inquisitors disappearing through a haze of dust. Alyssa pushed through the crowd and ran to his side awkwardly on her tall heels. Xantia was close by, screaming from behind her Virtuous Maiden’s mask and Elder Iris arrived just moments later.

  ‘Physic Gynt…what occurs here? Alyssa, Xantia…what is this behaviour?’

  No one answered. Xantia began to pull at Alyssa’s mask but Alyssa held onto it firmly, determined not to show her face.

  Above the confusion Cloot spoke calmly to Tor. Stop the horses and you will stop the men.

  Tor, his arm around Alyssa, gathered the Colours within him. He knew the glamour would be wearing off by now but Saxon did not have far to go before reaching the fringe of the Great Forest. He and Sorrel would be safe there. Cloot was right: all it would take was to slow down the horses.

  He cast.

  Saxon was laughing wildly although his eyes saw nothing. Kythay and the nags were under one of Cloot’s spells and seemed to know exactly where to gallop and in which direction.

  It was one of the few times since Saxon’s disfigurement that Sorrel had heard his voice. She pulled off the fox mask and noted Saxon had already thrown off his pig’s head. She could hardly believe it when she saw Kythay leading the gallop in pace with the horses. The donkey’s eyes were as wild and wide as Saxon’s.

  She clung to the side of the cart, frightened of being tossed over the side, and looked behind her. She did not need to see Goth’s men; she could hear them and they were closing fast. She swung back and looked ahead to see the Great Forest; one of its long fingers was reaching towards them. Tor had said they only had to make it to the woods and there they would find sanctuary. He had also warned them that Goth must not recognise Saxon. Once the trick had worked, he was to be well hidden.

  Saxon was no longer holding the reins; there was no need. The horses galloped as though possessed, following Kythay who seemed to have no intention of stopping until he had reached the forest’s cover.

  ‘Get behind the bales,’ Sorrel yelled at Saxon. She pushed Saxon’s head down and looked behind them again. Just in time. She swore she could see the whites of Goth’s eyes. In sudden defiance of his menace, she echoed Saxon and his wild laughter.

  The ruse had worked; all the filth had followed. Sorrel heard Goth curse when he finally saw his prey close up. The Inquisitor realised he had been duped superbly and there was murder in his eyes.

  Sorrel felt her knees weaken. There was no laughter in her wrinkled face now; only fear.

  ‘I will make you suffer.’ The effeminate voice sounded clearly above the din and she prepared herself for death. As she closed her eyes Sorrel suddenly felt the thrum of powerful magic being wielded.

  The horses carrying the Inquisitors were almost close enough to leap aboard the cart but suddenly the beasts began to slow; the riders could do nothing. It made no difference whether they whipped or kicked at their mounts. As one, the horses slowed to a walk. Aghast, Goth guessed that magic was being wielded.

  Sorrel just laughed louder as the cart swung into the safety of the trees of the Great Forest, which seemed to part and then close behind them, surrounding them with peace.

  Saxon climbed out from behind the bales and looked around in wonder as the Heartwood’s sanctuary welcomed another of its precious Paladin.

  At Caremboche, the crowd milled in confusion. The ceremony had come to a halt and it did not look as though the Chief Elder was going to re-start it. She was busy demanding information from the trio in the road.

  Tor hardly heard Elder Iris’s questions. Alyssa clung tightly to him. Xantia was hysterical, first directing a torrent of obscenity at the pair of them before turning her wrath on Elder Iris.

  What Tor wanted to hear finally came. They’re safe in the Forest. Saxon was not seen, Cloot said.

  Tor felt elation. Goth?

  Fuming on a horse which won’t go faster than a limp. Good luck with the next bit—I’ll be waiting for you, my friend.

  And I’ll be with you soon, Cloot.

  Tor turned wearily to the others. ‘Elder Iris, it’s time for us to leave.’

  The older woman pulled off her mask, finally realising the Festival would not be progressing much further tonight. She fixed him with a baleful stare.

  ‘Xantia, shut up, please,’ she said, tired of the young woman’s abuse. ‘It’s probably appropriate for you to leave, Physic Gynt. Please explain what you mean by “us”.’

  Tor had not let go of the Colours. What he planned to try was loaded with risk and no certainty of success. He pulled Alyssa closer still. She felt like a rag doll in his arms.

  ‘Alyssandra Qyn was forced to remain here because of Inquisitor Goth but she does not belong here.’

  Elder Iris stifled her exasperation. ‘Her name is Alyssa to us. And where does an Untouchable belong, physic?’

  ‘This one belongs with me and I am taking her to a secret and safe place.’

  At his words, Xantia began a fresh stream of abuse but this time in another language—an ancient one. Tor felt Alyssa stiffen next to him and then she began to tremble.

  What’s happening? he spoke gently into her mind.

  She’s invoking a curse on us. She’s speaking in the language of the books.

  We go, he said, knowing Alyssa’s fragile control would not hold much longer.

  Someone in the crowd shouted out and Tor looked up to see Goth running towards them. Baffled by the actions of the horses he had resorted to his own legs. Tor felt a brief moment of respect for the man’s powerful determination and watched, amazed, as the short man’s legs brought him closer disturbingly quickly.

  ‘Physic Gynt, release Alyssa immediately!’ commanded Elder Iris, who still believed she was in charge of proceedings.

  Tor shook his head. ‘I’m sorry, Elder.’

  He gathered the Colours, intensified their brightness and focused. The last sound he heard was cries from the crowd.

  The last sound Alyssa heard was Xantia’s voice invoking a terrifying spell. It was connected to the release of a dark and vengeful god. The words frightened her more than anything she had ever experienced before. Her mind fled to the story of Orlac and how Tor’s chilling revelation that the god lived and would return to Tallinor for revenge.

  And then she felt it. It was very distant. Something opened its eyes and smiled in answer to the ancient invocation. Alyssa’s body became cold as she felt its feathery touch on her senses.

  Tor should have felt it too but he was immersed in recalling the exact scent, colour combination and minute details of Darmud Coril’s power. The feathery touch of one god passed his notice as he called upon the power of another god.

  He demanded the power answer him and link with his own magic; he opened himself to the God of the Forest and beseeched his help. He felt an enormous surge as Darmud Coril heard and responded.

  Onlookers watched in terror and awe as the entwined couple suddenly blazed in a rainbow of colours which arced from them towards the Great Forest beyond. It burned so brightly that all were blinded momentarily, and in almost the same instant all was dark again and the couple were gone.

  Xantia was silenced. Elder Iris fell to her knees; she had never been in the presence of even a fraction of such power in her life. Others followed suit.

  Chief Inquisitor Goth arrived, panting; a mist evaporating off his hot body in the cool night air. He refused to believe what his eyes had just witnessed. He too fell to his knees but not out of respect or even fear but cold, dark fury.

  His fists began to pound the stony earth until his blood ran freely on the spot where Alyssa had


  Forbidden Lovers

  Silence surrounded them. Tor opened his eyes and triumph surged through him when he saw the brooding darkness of the forest. He had done it! He had wielded the magic of a god; used Darmud Coril’s power to transport them.

  Welcome, Alyssa, to Sanctuary.

  Alyssa turned to see a huge silver wolf standing not far from them. Her mouth opened in surprise. Solyana, Tor said softly. Thank you, he added humbly.

  The wolf’s liquid eyes did not shift to him; they were firmly on his tentative companion. Tor took Alyssa’s hand and walked her closer.

  My love, meet a very special friend of ours. This is Solyana. She is an enchanted creature of the Heartwood which protects us.

  Finally sure that she was safe from Goth, Alyssa crumpled slowly to the ground. She wrapped her arms around the wolf’s huge neck and cried with relief. Neither Tor nor the wolf moved.

  Solyana whispered comfort into her mind. A message, just for Alyssa. We have waited so long for you, Alyssa. And we are ready now to serve the Trinity.

  Alyssa looked into the wolf’s fathomless eyes, the tears still wet on her cheeks. Who is ‘we’? she asked. Their link remained private.

  We are the Paladin.

  So, Saxon had not lied, Alyssa thought. She was already drawing strength and peace from this noble creature. She looked again into the wolf’s face.

  You have my loyalty, she cast directly back.

  Tor wondered what had passed between the two of them.

  Solyana knew his next question before he asked it.

  Two people entered the Great Forest not long ago. She replied to both of them. Saxon and Sorrel are well. Fret not, the Heartwood protects and heals them. Please, follow me.

  They walked either side of Solyana as she led them to a large pool. Steam lifted gently from its surface and, even by night, they could tell this was a beautiful place.

  You may wish to cleanse yourselves in this warm spring, she said. And there are fresh garments for you over there. Food has been laid out beneath the tree. I will leave you now. The Flames of the Firmament will light now and later guide you to a resting place. Solyana padded away, then turned and added, Take your pleasure in each other.

  They looked at each other, embarrassed by her final remark. This was the first time they had been together in privacy. Tor knew he must lead; cast away self-consciousness and all doubt. He loved Alyssa and he knew she loved him. This was their time.

  ‘Shall we take a dip?’ he said, hopping on one leg as he pulled off a boot.

  Alyssa was shy. ‘We’re completely alone?’

  ‘Yes.’ He walked barefoot to her and leant down. Even with her special boots on, he still had to bend slightly to kiss her softly. ‘I’m sure you want to get those heels off.’

  ‘I never want to see them again!’ She sat on the spongy forest floor, relaxing as she marvelled at the warmth surrounding them. ‘I thought it was winter.’

  ‘It’s never winter in the Heartwood,’ Tor said. He pulled off his shirt without looking at her. He must not rush her. Alyssa’s first experience with a man had been so painful and vicious.

  ‘You are beautiful, Tor. You have the body of a god.’ She stared unashamedly at his broad, strong chest. ‘I remember you skinny.’

  He laughed. ‘Prime Cyrus spent years changing that.’

  ‘Do you miss him?’

  ‘Yes. I had to lose him to find you.’ Tor saw hurt flit across her face. ‘That came out wrong. What I meant is—he is a true friend but that could not stand in the way of my love for you. I had to find you or die trying. But I do miss his counsel, his gruff way, his strength.’

  ‘Tor, isn’t he here? Can’t you ask Solyana—’

  ‘I don’t believe she’ll tell me any more about him. The Heartwood seems to have claimed him. I don’t think he’s dead; there will be a purpose for him, I suppose. But we won’t see him.’ He sounded very sad.

  Cloot’s arrival was well timed. He landed next to Alyssa.

  ‘Cloot!’ She was delighted to see him and he allowed her to stroke his head.

  My, my, I must stay away from your lady love more often.

  Tor was glad to have Cloot nearby again. Where have you been, you rogue? What news of Saxon and Sorrel?

  Oh, they’re tucking into a feast and should be snoring soundly not long from now. Saxon seems deliriously happy. Can’t stop smiling. Sorrel’s anxious about you two.

  Tor brought Alyssa up to date with this news. She loved hearing that Saxon was happy. ‘Why would that be so?’ she said.

  Oh…you’ll see, the falcon replied evasively to Tor’s query on her behalf.

  ‘How do we get word to them?’ she asked.

  Cloot began preening himself. Oh, I’m sure Solyana will find a way to reassure them. Right now the night is yours and you must not worry about them…ahem…

  What are you up to, bird? Tor asked.

  Oh…nothing. It’s time I was going though.

  You’ve just arrived!

  Cloot flew to his shoulder. And now I must leave. The Heartwood wishes it.

  Tor hated it when Cloot was secretive. He recalled the last time, when his friend had shapechanged to a falcon. Cloot sensed his anxiety.

  Nothing to fear, my friend. This is a private place for Alyssa and yourself. I’ll see you both in the morning.

  Alyssa had remained quiet whilst they spoke across the link, not minding that she was excluded. She had got as far as undoing the loose belt and the crimson robe hung in huge folds around her. She looked at Tor.

  ‘Apparently we’re to be left alone,’ he said, explaining Cloot’s departure. ‘Well, I’m ready for a warm bath. How about you?’

  She nodded. ‘You go first.’

  Tor stepped out of his remaining clothes and slowly walked to the pool. He could feel her eyes travelling with him. As he paused at the edge of the water, hundreds of tiny flames flickered into existence. They sang for him as he waded into the water and submerged himself in its welcoming, warm depths.

  Alyssa was entranced. She was standing now, captivated by the dancing flames which moved and chimed all around her. She reached out to them and at each feathery touch she heard that flame talk to her, welcome her. She reflected on how Tor’s glorious physique had been outlined by their sparkling glow moments earlier and could not help but repeat her initial thought—he looked like a god.

  Tor surfaced now, almost at the opposite edge of the pool. ‘It’s heaven in here,’ he called. ‘What are you waiting for?’

  He ducked beneath again and she realised he was doing that so she would not feel awkward about undressing in his presence.

  Alyssa pulled off her baggy robe and undergarments. Her skin prickled; not from the cool air because it was so curiously balmy here. No, it prickled from anticipation.

  Suddenly Tor burst from the water, shaking his head and throwing droplets in all directions which shimmered in the glow of the flames.

  Alyssa watched him drink in her nakedness and she cast away her inhibitions. He swam hungrily towards her and stood in the shallows, his arms reaching out. Alyssa stepped into his embrace and the flames dancing around them blazed from their unified gold brilliance into a riot of glorious colours.

  Later, they lay entwined on a soft blanket stretched out in a mossy hollow. Alyssa’s eyes were closed but she was not sleeping. Tor traced a finger across her face and down the length of her body. She smiled when it tickled her and touched her lips against his mouth once again.

  ‘You are so beautiful to touch, Alyssa,’ he said when their lips parted. ‘I never want to let you go.’

  ‘Then don’t,’ she said and meant it.

  He stroked her breasts.

  She squirmed. ‘Aren’t you tired?’


  ‘Well, aren’t you hungry at least?’ she asked, turning to face him.

  His eyes, glinting wickedly, gave her his answer but Alyssa was just fast enough to e
scape his clutch. She rolled away and said, laughing, ‘I’m hungry for food.’

  Alyssa went to fetch the supper laid out for them. Tor, resting on his arms, closed his eyes and smiled as he recalled each moment of their lovemaking. It had been urgent, clumsy even, the first time. As the intensity calmed, Tor experienced the uncharted layers of pleasure reserved only for true lovers. All of his lusting at Miss Vylet’s was put in perspective now. He knew that he would never want another woman. At first light they would marry. He could not wait another day.

  He cast to Cloot. The bird was grumpy at being disturbed but Tor was excited and oblivious to the late hour. He told the falcon of his intentions and was surprised when Cloot made no objection.

  Will you ask Solyana? Tor persisted.

  Yes, now leave me in peace. We have barely two hours before dawn.

  ‘Are you going to join me?’ Alyssa called.

  ‘Will you marry me?’

  Alyssa put down the juicy berries she was eating and wiped her mouth. She walked across to where Tor stood and kissed his broad chest.

  ‘It’s forbidden. But then I think we’ve already broken every sacred Caremboche law written for an Untouchable.’

  You wished to speak with me, Tor? Solyana’s smooth voice woke him. Alyssa was still asleep.

  Thank you for coming, Solyana. Did Cloot tell you about our plans?

  He did, she said, leading him away from the sleeping Alyssa. It can be done. There is a holy woman, a hermit. She is respectful of our ways.

  Tor sat beside the wolf.

  Her name is Arabella.

  Is she far from here?

  Solyana laughed in his head. You of all people should know nothing is far in the Heartwood. But we have transport for you this time. You may leave as soon as you are ready.

  She pointed her snout towards Alyssa. Tor looked over and saw her stretching awake. Solyana made to leave. I’ll see you tonight and we will reunite you with your friends.

  Solyana…may I ask about Cyrus?

  There was a pause as she considered. I can tell you that he is in fine health and excellent spirits. He thrives amongst the Heartwood.


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