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The Publicist Book One and Two

Page 36

by Christina George

  “Well, I couldn’t have done it if you hadn’t wrestled Edward into submission, so thank you for that.”

  “It was purely selfish, I assure you. I loved to watch that weasel squirm. Now, can we talk?”

  “We are talking.”

  Suddenly, the Variety reporter she’d been speaking with earlier walked up to them. He threw Mac a broad smile.

  “MacDermott Ellis. I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.” His eyes went from Mac to Kate. “Is this a Morris and Dean reunion?”

  Oh crap, Kate thought. If he wrote about this and Nick saw it, he’d be livid.

  “No, just a chance meeting,” Kate said quickly, “and Mac is just leaving. Mac, let me walk you out.”

  Kate stepped ahead of Mac and he followed her. When he caught up with her, he leaned in. “Smooth, Kate. But I’m not just leaving. Let’s go outside.”

  Kate stopped abruptly. “No, more reporters. The last thing I need is a picture of us leaving the party together splashed online.”

  “Come on.” Mac wove through the crowd; she followed him into the kitchen and through a service entrance that led them into a hallway. Mac pulled her into a supply room and shut the door. Kate didn’t like this. Being alone with Mac was never a good idea.

  “Mac,” Kate asked shakily, “what do you want?”

  “Carolyn and I are divorced,” he began, and Kate felt as if the floor had vanished beneath her. “I decided it was time to fix my life, and you know what the crazy part was? I had been hiding from something that wasn’t even real. I was so worried that a divorce would crush Carolyn. I just didn’t give her enough credit, I guess. Turns out she had moved on too and had been seeing someone else. It seemed so ridiculous. I’d been living this half-life because I thought it was what I had to do when the truth really was that the marriage was a shield. It let me get only so close to someone before I could play the marriage card and back off. The day I realized I no longer wanted to do that, that I had fallen in love so completely that I was ready to drop the pretense, it was too late.” He paused for a moment and then continued. “I didn’t divorce her in the hopes of winning you back, although to be honest, that was in the back of my mind the entire time. I did it because it was the right thing to do. You make me want to do the right thing, Katie.”

  Kate was breathless.

  Mac was single.

  He reached up and touched her cheek, caressing it with his fingers. “God, how I’ve missed you. Not a day goes by that I don’t–”

  “Stop,” she whispered. “Stop. It’s too late, Mac. I’ve moved on.”

  “I know you have, Katie. I get it, and I should probably just walk away and realize that I had my chance. I tried. I left you alone. I took care of my business and wanted to give you time to heal. In fact, maybe I shouldn’t have even come here in the first place. But I love you and I am fighting for you, for us, because you deserve the fight, and because I’m too stubborn to give up.”

  Kate ran her tongue over her lips. Her heart pounded. She needed air. Mac continued. “Katie, look, if you really love Nick, I’ll go away and never bother you again. As nice a guy as he is, I really don’t think you do, and being the arrogant bastard that I am, I think you still love me.”

  Kate didn’t respond. She felt shaken to her core. She swallowed hard and said, “I do love Nick.”

  Mac moved in closer and Kate felt that delicious pull that electrified her body. It was all that all too familiar charge that sped up her heart and caused her breath to hitch whenever she was near Mac. Kate hated how she responded to him. Mac pulled her to him; she could feel his breath on her skin.

  “I love you. You may love Nick, but you aren’t in love with him.” He bent his head down toward her. Kate squirmed, but not as hard as she probably should have. She felt a pull and she hated herself for it. That old, familiar tether—the electricity. Mac touched her lips lightly with his own, just brushing past them—a quick, warm touch that sent shivers down her spine and set off fireworks in her brain. Mac watched her respond to him. “I want to kiss you, Kate, but I’m afraid if I do I’ll never stop. So, I’ll go now, but think about what I said.”

  Mac brushed past her, opened the door, and vanished through it.

  Kate wasn’t sure how long she’d stood in that musty supply room or how long they’d been in there together, but when she emerged and went back to the party, she found it was nearly over. She walked with clipped, graceless steps through the party and headed towards the door. Her mind was a riot of confusion and unwelcome emotion.



  She couldn’t shake the thought from her head or the feel of his hands on her, his lips touching hers.

  Danger. Danger.


  It wasn’t until Kate was settled in her car that she finally stopped shaking. She hadn’t seen Mac after he left. He wasn’t at the party and she looked for him outside. She didn’t need any more surprises.

  Mac was gone.

  Was that disappointment she felt?

  Kate slipped the key in the ignition. She heard her phone buzzing. It was Nick. She took a deep breath and picked up. “Hey there.” Her voice was hoarse and unsteady.

  “Kate, I’m so sorry. The police just left. They carted her off. I almost felt sorry for her. Anyway, I should be home within the hour. I’m really sorry I missed the premier.”

  “I-it’s fine.”

  “Are you home?”

  “No, I was just leaving.”

  “Katie, are you okay? You sound off.”

  Shit, of course she sounded off, she’d just spent the last hour in a supply closet hyperventilating. “No, I’m fine. It’s just the party was overwhelming. Everyone was there. I saw George Clooney.”

  “Really? You’re not leaving me for him are you?”

  She let out a nervous laugh. “So, I’ll see you when you get home. I’ll wait up.”

  Nick hung up, still puzzled by the call. Something was definitely up, and it had more than just meeting a celebrity.


  When Kate arrived home, she immediately ran upstairs and dropped her dress on the floor. She kicked it into a shimmering pile, convinced it was cursed; she vowed to burn it the next day. She climbed into bed. Her mind raced in a million directions. How did Mac know where she’d be? How long had he been here? Would he try to stop by the house? The thought made her stomach lurch. God, that was the last thing she needed.

  Kate heard the door in the kitchen open and shut. Nick was home. Pull yourself together, she thought. Kate took a few deep breaths. One, two, three, she could do this. She had to do this. Nick was on the stairs. Breathe, damn it, she thought. Five, six, seven. She felt herself get lightheaded. Great, she thought, now I’m going to pass out.

  “Hi babe,” Nick said softly from the doorway, “you still awake?”

  Kate pushed herself up on her pillows. “Yes.” Kate threw him her best ‘absolutely nothing is going on other than you’ smile. Nick caught the glimmer of something in the corner.

  “Katie, your dress. You should really hang it up.” Nick picked it up off of the floor.

  “Right, careless. I am thinking of getting rid of it anyway.”

  He emerged from the closet. “Get rid of it? I would have loved to have seen it on you!”

  No you wouldn’t have, she thought. The dress is cursed and it makes me do crazy things.

  “So, how was the party? I’m sorry again I couldn’t be there.”

  “It was okay. How’s our thief?”

  “Arrested. Now tell me more about the party.” Nick started to undress.

  Kate shrugged. “Well, your typical celebrity party. Lots of faces there I recognized, but they had no clue who I was. Typical life of a publicist.” Also, the devil himself was there and he locked us in a closet and told me he got a divorce and that he loves me.

  “Was Jennifer Aniston there? I might have to leave you for her.” Nick smiled.

  Kate tried to enjoy the easy
banter of their discussion, but she still felt the tendrils of Mac’s touch on her body. “No, no, she wasn’t there. Anyway, she’s engaged.”

  Nick nodded. “Right. So, then I guess you’re stuck with me.” He kissed her on the cheek and yawned. “Sorry, it’s not you. I’m exhausted, and being short a manger I’ve got to open tomorrow, which means I’m up and out of here by four thirty in the morning.”

  “Ouch.” Kate smiled, thankful he was tired. She couldn’t handle making love to him tonight. Not until she put some distance between herself and whatever residual feelings that were dancing around inside her. Feelings for MacDermott Ellis she thought she’d long put behind her.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  “My life is a train wreck.”

  “Well, good morning to you, too, Love,” Andrew chuckled through the phone. “I guess that’s the reason for the call? By the way, my book came out last week and everyone hates it. Isn’t that great? They called off half of the interviews. I’m so excited. Now, about your train wreck—how bad?”

  “No survivors.”

  “Oh, dear, what happened?”

  “The guy, Mac. He’s in Los Angeles and divorced and professing his undying love to me. He somehow figured out I was at this party last night, tracked me down, and then dragged me into a supply closet.”

  Andrew thought for a long, silent moment. “First off, kinky. I never pegged you for a closet kind of a girl. Second, you wouldn’t be calling me if you didn’t feel the same way, Katie.”

  The full effect of what he said detonated through the phone. No, of course not, she thought. Not possible. Not happening.

  “That’s not it at all, Andy. Really, I’m totally over this guy.”

  “Then, why does your voice change when you speak of him?”

  Fuck, did her voice change?

  “No, that’s not it; this is a mess, Andy. He’s back and I don’t think I can get rid of him and Nick will find out and he’ll be upset.”

  “Kate, darling, listen to me carefully. If you really wanted to get rid of him, you could. You’d tell him to go, and he’d believe you. My sense is that you told him, and he knows what I know—that you’re not over him. Men can sense that, you know. We’re piranhas.”

  “Maybe if I ignore him, it’ll just go away.”

  “I think some weary banker once said that about the crash of Wall Street.”

  Kate drummed her fingers on the counter. She was standing in Nick’s big, open kitchen sipping coffee, though what she really wanted was a shot of something much stronger.

  “I didn’t sleep at all, Andy. I’m really anxious about this.”

  “Kate, Lovely, listen to me. He’s divorced and you still love him. What’s the problem?”

  “I’m with Nick, and he’s wonderful and loving and wonderful.”

  “You said wonderful twice. Do you love him?”

  “Of course I do.”

  “Hmmmm, that sounded about as convincing as me trying to tell you that I want to strip you naked and have sex with you.”

  “Andrew, stay on track, please.” She was getting impatient. He wasn’t right. He couldn’t be right.


  “Listen, Kate, I adore you, but do you have any idea how you sound right now? Panicked. Total, utter panic. Here’s what I recommend: If you’re so sure that you’re over this guy, call him and set up a time to meet when you’re in control of the meeting.”

  Good idea, problem was she’d never been in control with Mac. She used to love it that way.

  “You think that will work?”

  “Well, it’ll either show you that you are over him and that last night’s meeting was just shock, personified, or it will show you that you are indeed still in love with him.”

  After Kate clicked off, she thought about Andrew’s words. He wasn’t right, of course, and as soon as she got to the office, she’d call Mac and set up a meeting. No doubt, he was still in Los Angeles.

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  By the time Kate arrived at work, Lulu was already there.

  “Morning, Kate. How was the party?”

  Although Lulu smiled, there was a slight nervous edge to her that Kate noticed but brushed off. She was too consumed with her own problems to worry about someone else’s. She’d ask Lulu what was wrong later. Forcing a smile, Kate said, “It was good. I should have called you. Nick couldn’t make it at the last minute, and I ended up having to go alone.”

  Well, not totally alone.

  Lulu frowned. “Kate, are you okay?”

  Kate nodded. “Yes, yes, fine.” She changed the subject. “What’s on tap for today?”

  Lulu fumbled with some folders on her desk, looking nervous again. “Well, you have a couple of interviews, one in person and one by phone.”

  Kate just stared at her. “Interviews?”

  “The editor position? You had me run an ad.” Lulu eyed Kate suspiciously. Something was definitely off. Lulu thought for a quick moment about warning Kate, or maybe she already knew. Either way, it was too late.

  “Oh, right. Interviews, yes. One in person. What time is he or she coming in?”

  “It’s a he, eh, his résumé on your desk, and he should be here in ten minutes.”

  Kate walked to her office. Great, just what she needed—interviews. She slid behind her desk, turned on her computer, and started shuffling for the résumé. Kate couldn’t focus. She needed to call Mac. Andy was right. The thought of seeing him again made her head spin. Maybe she could just do this via email. No, that wouldn’t work.

  There was a light tap on her door. Lulu poked her head in.

  “Kate, your appointment is here,” she said, and Kate was too distracted to notice the worried look on Lulu’s face. When she stepped back, Mac walked through her door and filled her office.

  He was still bigger than life.

  He threw her his signature ‘drop your panties’ smile. “I’m here for the editor position,” he said.

  Kate blinked. What the hell? Mac closed the door and walked toward her. She felt like running, but much like last night, she was trapped. Mac sat down in one of the chairs in her office.

  Pull it together, she screamed to herself. Breathe, and pull it together.

  “Mac,” she said as calmly as she could, “did Lulu know it was you coming in for the interview?”

  He chuckled. “No, not until I showed up just now. I dummied up my résumé. The guy you thought you were meeting with worked at Random House. I’m far more impressive, and, the truth is, I need a job.”

  “Mac, I don’t think…”

  He leaned forward. Her body started screaming again: He’s back! He’s back!

  “I’m serious, Katie. I want the interview. You’ve done amazing things and you’re on the cusp of what promises to be a legendary publishing company, but you need a good editor and I’m a good editor.”

  “I can’t possibly give you this job.”

  Mac cocked his head. “Why not?”

  “Because, it would be awkward, I think. Us working together, and Nick.”

  “Oh, right, Nick. So, you’re unwilling to put your feelings aside in order to serve Lavigne House? Great name by the way. Allan would have loved it.”

  Fuck. Mac was right. But hire him? No, not possible.

  “I don’t think this will work, Mac, for other reasons. I mean, we’re a California-based publisher.”

  “I can work here and in New York. The deals still happen in New York and you know it.”

  “I can’t hire you.”

  “Can’t or won’t?”

  He loved to challenge Kate and she loved his challenges. Somehow, during their repartee she’d managed to gain a modicum of control. He wanted an interview, fine. He would get one. She still wouldn’t hire him, but she also knew that if she didn’t interview him he’d never go away.

  “Fine. Let’s start from the beginning. Tell me about your history with Morris and Dean.”

  “Over the twenty years I was ther
e, I brought in a hundred bestselling titles, which netted MD several millions of dollars. Five of them were nominated for Edgar awards; three won. Ten of my books were nominated for Books for a Better Life; five won. Two of the books became major motion pictures netting several million in box office sales, which MD benefited from. The movies also surged the books back up the bestseller list, which netted more profit for the company.”

  She knew all of this, of course, but she had forgotten how impressive his career had been.

  “Why did you leave MD?”

  “Because the guy who runs it is a fucking liar and I wanted no part of it.”

  “Why do you want to work for us?”

  “Because you’re the most exciting publishing house out there, and I know that I can bring in some fantastic books.”

  “Do you like authors?”

  “I hate most of them.”

  Kate chuckled; it was easy being with Mac. Too easy.

  “I also want to add that I love this industry, I know it well, I have a reputation, and, candidly, a I have few other offers I’m considering. Also, Kate, you know how well we work together. From humble beginnings, we can grow great things. Between the two of us there’s nothing we can’t do.”

  There was a time she’d banked on that, counted on it, welcomed it.

  “I’ll have to give this some thought,” she said.

  Mac leaned into her. “Katie, I leave for New York tomorrow morning. I love you and I want to make a life with you. I know you say you’ve moved on. I know you’re with Nick, and I would never do anything to wreck that.” Mac paused for a moment to rethink his last statement. “Okay, so that’s not entirely true. I would love to try and mess up your relationship with Nick, but I don’t think I have to. I think you still love me, too. In fact, I’m certain of it. If you want to start a life together, I’m staying at The Huntley in Santa Monica. My flight is at eleven a.m. tomorrow morning. If you don’t come by, I will never bother you again.”

  Mac stood up to walk out of her office. He turned to her. “We were good together, Kate, and we can be again. You made me grow up, and I’ll always be grateful to you for that.”


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