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Hunger of the Heart

Page 4

by Trinity Blacio

  “May I?” Tack asked, kneeling next to him.

  Running Wolf moved out of the way, but stayed close. “Kizzy, Rose, this is my friend Tack. He’s with the state police and is helping out here. You can trust him. He won’t hurt you.”

  Tack took over, asking questions in a way that drew the ladies out without frightening them.

  He stood, dusting his pant knees. He’d never been so pissed off. Dark Horse stepped up to him. “Sky Fox and I will check out the car.”

  “Good. I want to move out of here as soon as we can.”

  After Dark Horse and Sky Fox left, a pair of paramedics entered. As they checked over the women, Dark Horse waved Sun Bull over.

  “We have problems.” Sun Bull’s words had him cringing. “They tried to fire bomb her home. She’s lucky we were there to stop them. Tack has two of the thugs already locked up, but it’s escalating faster than we believed it would. I have men scouting around and have set up a two-mile perimeter around her house and Rose’s. No one will get in without our knowing.

  “I’ve called in the second team. We’re going to need them since it’s obvious this is more than two men we are dealing with.”

  Dark Horse pulled Kizzy’s SUV up to the curb. “Agreed. Let everyone know we’ll be moving.” Running Wolf held out a hand to Kizzy. “Ready to go home?”

  “More than you know.” She tried to get up and flinched, sitting back on her butt. “Damn that hurt.”

  “Shit.” He leaned down and carefully lifted his woman up in his arms.

  “What are you doing?” Kizzy struggled then subsided with a moan.

  “Hold still. You’re most likely bruised from me falling on you, but, just in case, I’ll have Red Hawk examine you as soon as we get you both safely away from here. Rose, your husband will meet us at Kizzy’s, with the children.” He led the way outside and ran to the car.

  He opened the back door to the SUV and helped the women inside. “Thank you, Dark Horse. Have Red Hawk meet us at Kizzy’s house. I think I bruised her ribs.”

  “I’m fine. Just a little sore. A hot bath and I’ll be fine.”

  “I want to make sure. I think we’re going to keep you at home till this is over with. Rose, you and the children will have to stay inside, unless we are with you. Are the children out of school yet for summer?” He climbed into the front seat as Dark Horse started the car, while Sun Bull and three of his other men pulled in front of them with their hogs.

  Rose murmured, “So much for dancing tonight.”

  “We’ll dance. I need to. Maybe it will help everyone loosen up and have a good time. Just forget for a few minutes.” Kizzy lifted her head, her eyes meeting his. “We all have been through much today.”

  “Did Sun Bull tell you about Soaring Eagle?” Dark Horse asked him.

  He stiffened. “What happened? Did he travel to the other world?” The man had been his mentor and friend for so long.

  “He’s here, back at Kizzy’s place.”

  “What? How? Last I heard he was in Virginia. Is he okay? Who the hell allowed him to come?” If he got shot or hurt here, all hell would break loose. They didn’t need the extra attention.

  “You know better than that, and he rode his horse here. The two assigned to him couldn’t get him to go back, so they rode with him.” Dark Horse snorted with a little grin on his face, which was a rare thing. “That is one man I respect. He never lets anyone stop him.”

  Running Wolf frowned. “Have I stopped you from doing something?”

  “No, and if you had tried, I would have been gone long ago. But the past always has a way of showing up.”

  “Isn’t that the truth? Soaring Eagle was the one who asked me to come to you, and he was right. You have done well. Thank you for everything.” Running Wolf squeezed his friend’s shoulder. “Anytime you need help, ask. I will back you in anything. I trust you that much.”

  Dark Horse’s hands tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles going white. “The same goes for me.” He indicated the backseat. “No one will hurt your woman as long as I’m around.”

  Why would Soaring Eagle come all this way to be with him? Maybe a vision. The last time he had one, he’d taken off.

  Chapter Six

  “Even when there seems to be no hope, a beam of light shines, and mine is Kizzy, my future wherever it leads.” Running Wolf, White Buffalo MC

  Kizzy sat forward in the backseat, her ribs still aching. A row of horses was hitched to her shed, many of the riders dressed as if in the old days. “Wow, impressive.”

  “I didn’t call in half of these men. I’m afraid our medicine man, Soaring Eagle, must have,” Running Wolf replied. “He is like a father to all of us and has visions that often come true.”

  She sat back slowly. “I’m afraid I don’t have much food, but your medicine man is welcome to take my bed. I can sleep on the sofa by the window.” Kizzy ran her hand through her hair. “I usually end up falling asleep there reading, anyway. Plus, he’s older and should have a comfortable bed for however long he is here.”

  Dark Horse shut the car off, looking in the rearview mirror at her. “You would do this for him, even though you don’t know him?”

  “I was raised to respect my elders and I know this man is important to you all. How can I not offer this when you have already done much for us?” She reached over and squeezed Dark Horse’s arm.

  Warmth spread up her arm till the vision was upon her. A tall woman, with dark-blonde hair stared at the farm, tears running down her bruised face. Off to the right, a man was being hauled away in a cop car as an ambulance pulled up.

  “Kizzy, damn it, girl, snap out of it.” Rose’s arms wrapped around her. “You okay? You were crying.”

  “Bring your woman out of the car. She’ll be tired. I have a feeling Dark Horse has his new destination coming.” An older man she thought might be Soaring Eagle moved toward the bonfire in the middle of the yard.

  “How long was I out of it?” Kizzy asked. Rose released her and slipped out of the car.

  “You were out about fifteen minutes, and I have to say you scared the living crap out of me, Little Gypsy,” Running Wolf growled as he carefully lifted her and pulled her out of the car.

  She took a deep breath, loving the scent of an open fire. Tears filled her eyes as she remembered the last time she had been at a bonfire. Both her parents had been alive. Family had been everywhere that night. Songs had been sung into the early morning, and they’d danced until Kizzy had been so tired her father had ordered her to bed.

  “What’s wrong?” Running Wolf asked.

  “Just remembering the last time I was with my family. We had a big celebration sort of like this. The bonfire flames seemed to reach the stars that night.”

  “Your father is an honorable man. I spoke with him recently. It’s one of the reasons I’m here and why your brother is also.” Her brother was indeed there; he must have arrived while they were gone.

  “Are you okay?” Mason asked.

  “I’m fine, just a little sore. What are you doing here?”

  “Father came to me a few nights ago. It seems our family is to join with the White Buffalos’ men.” Her brother’s brow creased, his expression when trying to concentrate. “Something about preparing, getting everyone ready. I have no idea what he meant.”

  “I do,” Soaring Eagle said. “Please tell your family to join us, and I’ll tell you what I know. They are lingering in the woods. But first, Two Eyes, get the food started and set up our tents. We’ll be staying for a few days.”

  “You are welcome to have my room, sir. I have a specially made sofa bed in my window I can use,” Kizzy offered.

  The old man shook his head. “No, child, I will sleep under the stars for the rest of my time on this Earth, but thank you for thinking of me. Now I do believe your man was going to have Red Hawk check you over. This would be a good time to do that while everyone gets organized.”

  “But I’m fine, just a little sore,�
� she protested.

  As if she hadn’t spoken, Running Wolf cradled her in his arms and carried her to the house, followed by her brother. Inside, another man waited.

  “That is Red Hawk. He served as a medic in Iran for two years,” Running Wolf explained.

  “Are you a mind reader, too?”

  “No just very observant.” He placed a gentle kiss on her head. “I take care of what’s mine, and you are mine even if you are not ready for that yet.” He set her on her sofa in the window.

  “I’m really better now,” she said.

  Red Hawk knelt next to her.

  “Why don’t you lie down so I can make sure?”

  “I always was a sucker for a handsome man,” she grumbled but obeyed.

  “No, you just have a big heart and hard time telling anyone no,” her brother shot back.

  She ignored his comment. “So who came with you? Please tell me Uncle Stefan is….” Kizzy lifted her head to see all three of her uncles coming inside. “Ugh,” she moaned at the slight pain when Red Hawk ran his hand over her left side.

  “You are bruised, but nothing is broken. Just take it easy for the next few days. No lifting.”

  She snorted. “It must be taught to you as children, because I swear my brother and uncles get the same expression on their face.” She patted his arm as he helped her sit up. Her brother and uncles were all staring at Running Wolf.

  “Damn this is going to get ugly,” she muttered.

  “Not to worry, our boss can handle himself.” Red Hawk winked and moved to the door. “Have fun boss,” he waved at Running Wolf.

  “Okay, have at it, gentlemen, because I’m not backing down. She’s mine,” he declared.

  “Do you have a freaking death wish?” She tried to get up.

  “Stay put,” all three of her uncles ordered at once.

  “Excuse me. This is my home.” She pushed to her feet and joined Running Wolf.

  Running Wolf glanced down at his Little Gypsy. “You should have stayed put. You’re hurting. I’m sure your family and I can talk without resorting to violence. You’ve been through enough today.” He wrapped his arm around her and placed a kiss on her cheek. “Why don’t you go soak in the tub. It might help, and we’ll be gentlemen. There is nothing for you to worry about.”

  She glared at her family. “Do not pull any shit. He saved my life today.”

  One of her uncles stepped up to her and cupped her cheek. “Kizzy, I promise we will not harm your man, but we do need to speak with him. Now, go take your bath and stop worrying.”

  “Fine, but if I hear one thing breaking, and that includes his bones, I swear I’ll find my mom’s curse book and make sure each of you has to live on the damn toilet. This does not mean I’m going for all this claiming crap either. I just don’t want to have your blood all over the place. And watch it, Running Wolf. They like to bury my male friends in the group up to their necks. They did it once before.”

  “Hey now, that idiot hurt you,” Mason said.

  “Well behave.” She paused to grab a garment bag from her room then disappeared into the bathroom.

  Her uncles said nothing. The sound of the shower running came from behind the closed door. “So you say our niece is yours. Why? Oh, my name is Stephan, I’m the oldest. That is my brother Ares, the youngest, and Santana.”

  Running Wolf acknowledged each man and moved over to the sofa by the window. “Please sit. This will take a little bit.” He waited for the four men take seats around him.

  For the next twenty minutes, Running Wolf explained what his group of warriors did and why.

  Stephan sat forward. “That does not explain why you believe my niece is your woman.”

  “No, it does not. Our Great Mother has given each of my warriors a talent. Red Hawk’s gift is healing, and not only with medicine. He can heal by touch, but it takes a lot out of him. Our elder, Soaring Eagle, has had been sent messages, visions about life, people, all of which have come to pass. One such message was about the women that would stand beside me and my warriors. Remember, we not only help our people but prepare them for something what is coming. We would need strong women beside us who could travel and also help. We experienced signs the old medicine man mentioned: my heart was beating fast, and peace settled over me the first time I heard her voice. I’ve never been possessive of anyone or anything until now. No one shall harm her.”

  Stephan sat back. “My brother was right. You will be perfect for our Little Butterfly, but be warned. She has a heart of gold and people swarm to her for help. Even as a child, she drew strangers to her. It’s another reason why she is so special to us all. Tonight, you’ll witness firsthand what we are talking about.”

  Running Wolf was about to ask what he meant when Kizzy stepped out of the bathroom and every thought left him. Her uncles stood up. “We’ll meet you outside. And you, young lady, do not overdo it tonight. Your cousins knew you would want to sing and dance.” Stephan hugged Kizzy and left them alone.

  She stepped forward and bells jingled, her skirt the colors of the earth and sky. Kizzy wore no shoes but had rings on her toes, ankle, and arm bracelets of gold and silver. She wore no rings on her hands except one on her index finger.

  Kizzy was covered in all the right places, but the ensemble still had him hard as a bull in a rutting frenzy. “What are you doing?” He placed his hands on the soft bare skin above where her skirt rode low on her hips. A tattoo peeked out on each hip, trailing toward the back. “Later tonight, I will show you my world. I have a feeling we are going to need something to liven things up after the news Soaring Eagle gives us.”

  She rested her hands on his chest and stared up at him. “I heard what you said, and I’m not running away, but I will be romanced before I commit to you.” She stood on her toes and kissed his chin. “Now, let’s go hear this news.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Her dancing should be outlawed, but her movements had me squirming in my seat, wanting, no needing to get up and dance with her.” Running Wolf, President, White Buffalo MC

  Kizzy hid her smile as Running Wolf grumbled and wrapped an arm around her, glaring at his men who whistled and hooted at her as they exited her home.

  Rose winked at her as they all gathered around the fire. Kizzy was going to sit on the ground, but Running Wolf pulled her into his lap, nipping at her neck. “No one’s getting near you.”

  When Soaring Eagle stood, staring into the fire, the levity faded. The only sounds were the popping of the fire and the breeze soughing through the night forest around them. Even the stars seemed to dull waiting for the story to be told.

  He held a pipe in his hand. “Our timetable has been set. The greed and destruction of our Earth has come to a head. Already, Mother Earth and the great spirits from above have moved to fight back to save our world.” Soaring Eagle walked around the fire to the north taking a puff of smoke.

  “The north winds hide the place we must go to.” He glanced over at Running Wolf. “Canada, British Columbia, in the mountains, there you will find the first safe zone for us. That is where you and a quarter of your men will go and start preparing for our people. The volcanoes in that area are cooling. Mother Earth is pulling the fire from there.” Soaring Eagle moved to the west side of the fire and took another puff of the pipe.

  “On the west side, we’ll need someone to go to Central Valley, California. There I see some kind of underground something. It will lead down into the Earth. Under the sea is the next place for us to stabilize.” Soaring Eagle moved to south side of the fire and took another puff from the ancient-looking pipe.

  “On the south side, it will be Cusseta Mountain, Douglassville, Texas.” Soaring Eagle’s attention slid to Dark Horse. “This is where you go and, yes, you are ready. Running Wolf’s woman will inform you about your woman there.” Soaring Eagle slowly moved to the east side, completing his circle.

  “Maine, Old Speck Mountain. Oxford County is where Two Eyes will go with his band of me
n, and don’t give me that crap about guarding me.” Soaring Eagle sat down and passed the long ceramic pipe to Running Wolf.

  Running Wolf closed his eyes and said a prayer before taking a puff then handed the pipe to Dark Horse.

  “How long do we have?”

  “Five years, maybe six, but rest assured, warriors, you will meet your ladies before the darkness comes.” Soaring Eagle focused on her. “Your father visited me the other night. It seems your family will be coming on our journey with us. He was warning me about something, but one minute he was there and the next something dark slipped into my vision. That hasn’t happened for a long time. Something else is coming after her; we must protect her.”

  Her brother hissed. “Could it be family?”

  “Mason, sit down,” Uncle Stephan ordered. “We all knew something wasn’t right when your parents were murdered . Any clues at all. Soaring Eagle?”

  “I’m sorry, but all that was shown to me was the warning.”

  “We’ll be ready. Do we know what will happen in five to six years?” Running Wolf asked.

  “No, just be ready. We will be given signs as it was written long ago. Now, enough of this sadness. I do believe we were promised some music?”

  Kizzy patted Running Wolf’s hand and stood but was shocked to see her three favorite dancing partners coming from the back. “Damn it, Stephan you didn’t tell me my cousins had come.”

  “Do you really think we’d allow them out of our sight until we knew the situation? The others will be here tomorrow.”

  Kizzy hugged her cousins Reba, Shantel, and Nicky and introduced Rose to them while they started to stretch. She looked over her shoulder at Ares with the sax and mouthed, “Abraxas.”

  He threw his head back and laughed.

  She took a deep breath, allowing the music to take her away from everything. The music, the sax, drum, guitar were all her dance partners tonight under the stars. Dancing for the man who claimed she was his.


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