Poisoning The Press
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“The Government press”: Juan de Onis, “I.T.T. Dispute Helps Allende Politically,” NYT (March 24, 1972), 6; ALL NEWSPAPERS: CIA cable (March 1972), CIAFOIA; “campaign to ruin”: transcript, Havana Prensa Latina (March 25, 1972), NSC #807, NARA; “instant hero”: Lewis H. Diuguid, “ITT Just One Hot Topic of Debate in Chile,” WP (March 26, 1972), A26; “News vendors”: Lewis H. Diuguid, “Chile Puts ITT Documents on Sale,” WP (April 5, 1972), A6.
“For a while”: “ITT: Now, the Chile Papers,” Newsweek (April 3, 1972); “Anderson, the rascal”: transcript, Nicholas von Hoffman, “Spectrum,” CBS Radio (April 1, 1972).
“not much doubt”: Tad Szulc, “State Department Denies Any Move to Block Allende,” NYT (March 24, 1972), 7; “explosive”: Kornbluh, 98.
“weighed various contingencies” to “conceal the facts”: Kornbluh, 99, 100; “opinion and hearsay”: Murrey Marder, “State Denies Interference in Chile Vote,” WP (March 24, 1972), A18.
“good corporate citizen”: Stanley Karnow, “ITT’s Chile Caper,” WP (March 27, 1972), 14.
“only joking”: Russell Baker, “Sagas of April,” NYT (April 2, 1972), E13.
“Have you said”: WHT #22-6 (March 23, 1972); “What did they do”: Kornbluh, 99–100.
funded by the CIA: Kornbluh, 91–94; “printing whatever rumor”: Lewis H. Diuguid, “ITT Just One Hot Topic of Debate in Chile,” WP (March 26, 1972), A26; “urgent”: memo, Rose Mary Woods to Fred Fielding (April 5, 1972), Dean #42, NARA; rumor was publicized: John R. Rarick, “Chile, Jack Anderson, and ITT,” Congressional Record (April 10, 1972); segregationist: David Maraniss, “A Publisher’s Moral Compass,” WP (July 5, 1990), A3; did not seem to believe the rumor: redacted CIA memo (Sept. 12, 1972), CIAFOIA.
leaked to Anderson: Levinson, 8, and Levinson intv.; “explosive,” Fulbright alerted: Warren W. Unna, “Senate Guilt on CIA,” WP (Nov. 13, 1977), C1–2 and Unna intv.
Anderson turned over his files: JA and Clifford, 118; eventual hearings: Levinson intv.
“Did you try” to “Yes, sir”: Helms and Hood, 414.
“President Nixon had ordered me,” “came down very hard”: Helms and Hood, 405, 404.
American conspiracy: R. Dallek, 515; Kornbluh, 18; Sampson, 260, 266; Hersh, Price, 265–69, 272–73, 276.
“I don’t see” to “beside himself”: Hersh, Price, 265, 277, 269; “economy scream” to “firm and continuing policy”: R. Dallek, 234–37.
Pinochet dictatorship: Kornbluh, 349–63.
“newspapers [are] bleeding”: R. Dallek, 511–12.
“discussed various ways”: Hersh, Price, 259.
“impeaching Jack Anderson”: memo, John Dean to John Ehrlichman, “Suggestions” (March 8, 1972), Ehrlichman #15, NARA.
“discrediting the allegations”: affidavit, E. Howard Hunt (March 21, 1978), 8, JA v. RN.
“considerable derogatory information”: memo, “Mention of Jack Anderson” (ND), Dean #43, NARA; “under a subterfuge”: memo, Jack Caulfield to John Dean (May 15, 1972), JAP; “asking questions”: JA manuscript, “1972,” 5, JAP, and plaintiff’s answers to interrogatories (Jan. 21, 1977), 11, JA v. RN.
“black bushy moustache”: JA manuscript, “1972,” 5, JAP; “check out a rumor,” “thwarted by our security”: Liddy, 213; “kickback scheme”: WSPF memo, Charles F. C. Ruff to Rex E. Lee (Nov. 1, 1976), DOJFOIA, and Magruder, 190.
Intertel “specific assignments”: JA, MGR (March 1 and May 10, 1973), JAP.
“directing a major effort”: Sanford J. Ungar, “White House Runs ITT Counterattack,” WP (March 18, 1972), A1, 10; “extensive search”: Don Oberdorfer, “Mrs. Beard, Anderson Aide in Photo,” WP (March 17, 1972), A16; “deals with already known”: Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, “Bugging Suspect Investigated Writer,” WP (Sept. 27, 1972), A1; “panicky—and exceedingly clumsy”: “The ITT Affair,” WP (March 19, 1972), B6.
“unfortunately”: WHT #323-33 (March 17, 1972).
“get him”: WHT #688-12 (March 18, 1972).
Lou Russell: Morris, 348–49, and FBI memo, Rodney C. Kicklighter and James M. Hopper (June 29, 1972), 2, NSA; “down-on-his-luck”: JA manuscript, “1972,” 10, JAP; spy’s son: JA and Gibson, 232–33.
“rifle [through] Anderson’s files”: Reeves, 464.
“Don’t we have”: WHT #692-7 (March 23, 1972).
faked a letter: FBI memo, Daniel C. Mahan and Angelo J. Lano, “Victoria L. Chern interview” (May 15, 1973), 6, NSA.
“explosive”: JA intv. Gibson.
“I don’t know”: George Clifford, “The Plumbers’ Plot to ‘Get’ Jack Anderson,” Argosy (Jan. 1975), 23.
“just come from a meeting” to “whatever was necessary”: affidavit, E. Howard Hunt (March 21, 1978), 4, 7, 5, JA v. RN; testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 4, 10, JFKAA; Bob Woodward, “Hunt Told Associates of Orders to Kill Jack Anderson,” WP (Sept. 21, 1975), A1; Hunt, Spy, 199.
“forever volunteering”: “Murder, Incorporated?” Newsweek (April 28, 1980), 28; “They charged us”: Summers, Arrogance, 407.
surveillance, “vulnerabilities”: Hunt intv.; “pesky”: Hunt, Spy, 199.
Central America: Patricia Sullivan, “Ex-Spy Crafted Watergate,” WP (Jan. 24, 2007), A1; “kill a man with a pencil”: Wells, 16.
botulism: Bryan Smith, “How the CIA Enlisted the Chicago Mob to Put a Hit on Castro,” Chicago (Nov. 2007).
“unorthodox application” Liddy, 207; “euphemism”: Paula Zahn, “G. Gordon Liddy Discusses New Book,” CBS This Morning (June 14, 1991).
“I’ll cooperate”: Hunt intv.
“Colson has just laid another one”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 12–13, JFKAA.
“I took ‘retired’ ”: Liddy, 207.
grill, “Manny”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 5, 32, JFKAA.
“operational alias”: Liddy, 207.
“individual who was giving them trouble”: memo, John P. Lydick to Jack Anderson File, “Interview of Dr. Edward M. Gunn” (Oct. 21, 1975), Ruff #1, WSPF; “nothing undetectable”: notes, John Lydick and Michael Lehr, “Dr. E. M. Gunn” (Oct. 17, 1975), Ruff #1, WSPF.
“We painted”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 6, JFKAA; “unpredictability”: Liddy, 208.
“massive dose”: Liddy, 208, and testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 7, JFKAA.
“halfway measures” to “fatal auto accidents”: Liddy, 208.
“too chancy”: Eric Norden, “Interview: G. Gordon Liddy,” Playboy (Oct. 1980), 67; “require the services of an expert”: Liddy, 208.
“LSD-type drug”: notes, John Lydick and Michael Lehr, “Dr. E. M. Gunn” (Oct. 17, 1975), Ruff #1, WSPF.
“Hunt always wanted”: Wells, 509; begged off: Church Report, 136; “refused to cooperate”: memo, John Matheny to William Hyland, “SSC ‘Final’ Reports” (June 1976), 4, JFKAA; “if the time came”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 7, JFKAA.
“Of course”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 6, 8, JFKAA.
“Aspirin roulette”: Liddy, 208.
“perform an entry”: testimony, E. Howard Hunt (Jan. 10, 1976), 7, 8, JFKAA.
“Too iffy,” “drastic problems”: Eric Norden, “Interview: G. Gordon Liddy,” Playboy (Oct. 1980), 67–68; “discussed and discarded” to “Re-elect the President”: Liddy, 208, 209.
Anderson and Cubans: JA and Gibson, 242–43; Barker intv.
“think it wise”: Liddy, 209, 210; “if the Cubans were ruled out”: Eric Norden, “Interview: G. Gordon Liddy,” Playboy (Oct. 1980), 70; “tasked me with an assassination”: Liddy, 225; “knife” to “laws you’re violating”: Eric Norden, “Interview: G. Gordon Liddy,” Playboy (Oct. 1980), 70, 67.
Nixon aides questioned: Price, 184–85; Chapin intv.
Hitler, rat-eating, “flesh turned black”: Liddy, 11, 24, 190; “truth-tellers”: Garment, Throat, 194; “credible”: Bob Woodward, “Gordon Liddy Spills His Guts,” WP Book World (May 18, 1980), 2.
�astonished”: Jack White and Randall Richard, “Hunt: MD Told Me of CIA’s Druggings,” Providence Journal-Bulletin (Oct. 24, 1975), A8; “regarded as the enemy”: Hunt intv., emphasis in original.
“hit man,” “acted” (emphasis in original): Haldeman and DiMona, 5, 59; “period,” “dastardly deed”: Aitken, Colson, 164, 161; “always followed”: Kleindienst, 199; “I mean anything”: Kutler, Abuse, 38.
“balls”: Hunt intv.; “Nixon tells Colson”: Haldeman and DiMona, 218, 61; “rarely acted,” “commanded the patrol”: Kutler, Wars, 179, 81.
“written up”: “Spin Surgeon,” NYT (June 16, 1991), D7; “brought up”: Liddy, 213; “unproductive”: affidavit, E. Howard Hunt (March 21, 1978), 6, 7, JA v. RN; “end of the affair”: Church Report, 137.
“true beginning”: Kennedy, 328, 325.
“only the beginning”: Nixon, RN, 583, 496, 677, 734; “second only”: Dean, Blind, 88.
“blamed O’Brien”: Ulasewicz and McKeever, 184; “nail O’Brien”: Ambrose, Triumph, 422; “put O’Brien in jail”: Drosnin, 455.
“badly burned”: JA and Gibson, 222; “documentary evidence”: JA, MGR (Jan. 24, 1972), JAP; “goddamned Hughes thing”: WHT #317-6 (Jan. 24, 1972).
“You need”: David Von Drehle, “30 Years Later, a Watergate Allegation,” WP (July 27, 2003), A5; “primary purpose”: J. Anthony Lukas, “Why the Watergate Break-in?” NYT (Nov. 30, 1987), A10; Haldeman and DiMona, 19.
“bum tip” to “let the thing drop”: Chambless, “Muckraker,” 176–78.
befriended one of them: JA and Gibson, 242–44.
journalism fraternity: Hougan, 180–81.
“Frankie” to “in town”: deposition, JA (Nov. 12, 1973), 13, SWC; “visit friends”: deposition, Frank Sturgis (July 26, 1973), 36, 37, 42, SWC; “chagrined”: JA and Gibson, 244.
Watergate arrests: Ambrose, Triumph, 558.
“what Frankie’s”: JA and Gibson, 244; “Social Visit”: FBI memo, “Francis Anthony Sturgis” (June 19, 1972), #139-166, NSA; “what happened?”: deposition, Frank Sturgis (July 26, 1973), 105, SWC.
“Frankie” to “before breakfast”: JA intv.; “straight face”: JA and Gibson, 244.
destroyed incriminating materials: Lukas, 211, 213, 226; Kutler, Wars, 317; “large volume”: memo, Frank Martin to Henry Ruth, “Plot Against JA” (Oct. 14, 1975), WSPF.
“Because she read that Jack Anderson ploughed through the trash cans of J. Edgar Hoover’s home,” Watergate burglar James McCord later told authorities, “my wife threw personal letters, newspapers and [typewriter] ribbons into the fireplace” and burned them in the hours after Nixon’s men were arrested. Nonetheless, prosecutors found that the conspirators’ White House safe still “contained between one-half and a full file drawer of material pertaining to Jack Anderson.” Memo, James McCord to Senate Judiciary Committee (March 29, 1974), NSA, and memo, Michael Lehr to File (Oct. 21, 1975), Ruff #1, WSPF.
“third-rate burglary,” “no involvement whatever”: Kutler, Wars, 189, 191; “We re-acted”: Haldeman, Diaries, 472.
criminal conspiracy: Kutler, Wars, chps. ix–xi; “stonewall”: Kutler, Wars, 287.
“chicken shit,” “I mean”: Kutler, Abuse, 497, 169; “Somebody should say”: Nixon, RN, 639; “they praised”: WHT #801-24 (Oct. 17, 1972); “emotionally and constitutionally”: Wicker, 685.
“Nixon’s favorite Cuban”: Chambless, “Muckraker,” 193–94; “Jack Anderson said”: Kutler, Abuse, 52, 57.
“We started a rumor”: Kutler, Abuse, 64.
Law enforcement authorities: Kutler, Wars, 190; Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, “Bug Suspect Got Campaign Funds,” WP (Aug. 1, 1972), A1; Walter Rugaber, “Calls to G.O.P. Unit Linked to Raid on the Democrats,” NYT (July 25, 1972), A1; “lower echelon shit-ass”: Kutler, Abuse, 108.
blamed their boss’s death: Gentry, 719–20; “snoop into the sex habits” to “incorrigible gossips”: JA, MGR (May 1 and 17, 1972), JAP; “sex reports”: “Columnist Urges Secret-Data Curb,” NYT (May 2, 1972), 29.
Gray: Ambrose, Triumph, 543; Gentry, 30–31; Gray, xx.
Felt: Gray, 125, 160; media coverage: Feldstein, “Watergate Revisited,” 66; Halberstam, 629–31, 644, 667–78; and Liebovich, Appendix C.
“vehemently denied” to “tail”: Gray, 129, 163, 160, 170, 173, 174.
“Failing . . . to recognize”: Dygart, 98.
“Television and newspapers”: Kutler, Wars, viii.
“kill the column”: letter, William C. Payette to JA (Dec. 13, 1973), JAP.
“belonged to Jack”: Grady intv.
McGovern sabotage: Kutler, Wars, 212, 253; Hougan, 119–20; Cheshire and Greenya, 161; “Reporter Is Termed a Spy in McGovern Camp,” NYT (Aug. 28, 1973), A21; “sleeping with who”: George Lardner, “Goldberg a Veteran at Recording Gossip,” WP (Feb. 4, 1998), A12.
Nixon aide Donald Rumsfeld cautioned that McGovern will call “for an end to ‘senseless killing’ ” in Vietnam, so the administration should “associate McGovern with his unpopular extreme supporters and positions.” In the same memo, Rumsfeld used flattery to butter up his boss: “Thank God” we have a president who is “tough, pragmatic, courageous.”
Charles Colson also offered campaign advice. “McGovern will do well with the blacks, the poor and now the fags,” he wrote. “I hope there aren’t more around than we think.”
Memo, Donald Rumsfeld to H. R. Haldeman, “Response to Your Memo” (June 16, 1972), 3–4, NSA, and letter, Charles Colson to Bebe Rebozo (Sept. 30, 1972), CCP.
“severe manic-depressive psychosis”: Perry, 195.
“I can’t talk”: Davis W. Merritt, “Eagleton Health Story Broken by Anonymous Tip,” Editor and Publisher (July 29, 1972), 13; Hoyt intv.
“destroy”: Walter Pincus, “Democrat Endorsed Cambodia Invasion,” WP (June 24, 2009), A3; “mental patient”: Lou Cannon, “Nixon Asks for Silence on Eagleton,” WP (July 27, 1972), A16; “strictest instructions”: “Transcript of President’s News Conference,” NYT (July 28, 1972), 10.
Nixon psychotherapy: James M. Naughton, “Nixon Disclosure on Health Asked,” NYT (July 27, 1972), A1, 32.
“Checkers”-like: John W. Finney, “Defense Recalls ‘Checkers’ Speech by Nixon,” NYT (July 31, 1972), 12, and Laurence Stern, “Eagleton Race Assumes Aura of Surrealism,” WP (July 30, 1972), A10; “Terry is an impressionable boy”: JA and Clifford, 144.
True Davis: JA and Gibson, 209–11; JA and Clifford, 138–41, 145–48.
“When a guy”: Hume, 264; “streaming into St. Louis” to “located” (emphasis added): JA, radio script and clarification (July 27, 1972), JAP; “confident that the documents existed”: JA and Gibson, 211.
“phones were ringing”: Kiernan intv.; “traced” to “his source”: Hume, 265–66.
“damnable lie”: Christopher Lydon, “Assails Radio Report by Jack Anderson,” NYT (July 28, 1972), A1, 12; “run me out of town”: Robert Adams, “Looking into Procedure for Replacing Nominee,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (July 28, 1972), 5.
“best thing that could have happened”: Dougherty, 197; “seize the offensive”: McGovern, 209; “changed the entire picture”: Hart, 261.
“shockingly false”: Nixon, RN, 664.
“McGovern look bad”: Haldeman, CD Diaries (July 30, 1972); “hit him again while he’s down”: Haldeman, Diaries, 490; “hitting Anderson”: WHT #756-3 (July 28, 1972).
“gut feeling”: JA and Gibson, 212; “Are you worried?”: Hume, 266.
“already had been pulled” to “bail Anderson out”: JA and Clifford, 148, 161.
“should have withheld”: Robert Walters and Michael Satchell, “Anderson Backs Off,” WS (July 28, 1972), A1; “act like Drew” to “full retraction and apology”: Hume, 268–70.
“very vague”: Maxine Cheshire, “Anderson on Eagleton,” WP (July 29, 1972), A16; “quite embarrassed”: Sally Quinn, “William True Davis,” WP (Aug. 1, 1972), B1; “prizewinning standards,” “score a scoop”: James
M. Naughton, “Data on Eagleton Reported Lacking,” NYT (July 29, 1972), A10; “hot breath”: “Davis Was Anderson Source,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch (July 30, 1972), 31; “wholly unsubstantiated”: “The Anderson Charges,” NYT (July 29, 1972), 24; “without supporting evidence”: “The Eagleton Affair (Cont’d),” WP (July 29, 1972), A16.