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With My Soul

Page 7

by Jade Powers

  “Man, is it broken already?” Bryce pulled a plate off the stack and opened the popcorn, dumping it in a huge pile on the plate and passing it on to Lucas.

  “No. I overheard some lackey tell Kendall that he’d killed a girl. I always thought Kendall was the face of the corporation, maybe a little dirty, but not an accessory to murder. It scared the crap out of me. There are some things I’d rather not know.” Lucas grabbed a few Doritos and crunched on them while they talked.

  “Yeah. But maybe it will help take him down,” Bryce said.

  “Something happened Tuesday afternoon. The sound cut out and I haven’t heard anything since. I was hoping you could get it back. If he finds that plant, he’ll come after us. With murderous intent,” Lucas didn’t say that Kendall might have already found it. That was too terrifying a thought to entertain.

  “Scary stuff.” Bryce popped a few popcorn kernels into his mouth. He added, “Maybe we can get enough to put him away for life. As long as he doesn’t find the plant.”

  “Exactly. It doesn’t matter if you have Drake and Sven protecting you. He’s big on paybacks.”

  Bryce felt a little like a ten year old listening to an urban myth horror story like the one about the old lady who put her hand under the bed for the dog to lick. Kendall finding the device and murdering him...that sounded fanciful. He said, “I’m a college student. I doubt he’s going to go all serial killer on me for something that small.”

  Lucas quietly tapped his pen on the table. He didn’t say anything.

  “What?” Bryce said.

  “I hope you’re right. I regret altering the listening device. I should have just stuck it in my office.”

  Bryce would have said more, but one of his new gaming buddies strolled by on the other side of the glass. The break room where they played had huge one-way window panes. Bryce and Lucas could watch who was coming in from the parking lot, but no one on the outside could see in. Handy, that.

  Bryce said, “Everything will be okay. I’m leaving it where it is. Let me know if anything else comes up.”

  “Of course.”

  They played late into the night. Bryce easily sloughed off the worries of the day. The worst kind of emotional torment was the kind that wouldn’t let go, the hooks of sorrow, the nettles of fear. To Bryce, Kendall was that urban legend, utterly harmless. He was still young, having gone straight from high school to his parents’ basement. It never occurred to him that Kendall might feel that he owned Bryce. It never occurred to him that the Vice President of a major tech corporation might have a long reach.

  He would find out soon enough.

  BRYCE RETURNED TO WORK Saturday night. He hated weekends at the hotel. For some reason, the rooms seemed dirtier, the clientele careless. He tossed his lunch in the refrigerator on his way to the pass down meeting.

  Jordan, one of the coworkers who worked the super-secret shady crew grabbed Bryce by the arm, “Hey, man. Did you hear?”

  “Hear what?”

  “Dan is dead. They found him upstairs in Room 378. Blood everywhere.”

  “What happened?”

  Jordan shrugged, “Man. He wasn’t on the crew yet, but he was bugging us to put in a word. Maybe he got ambitious and stepped into something he shouldn’t.”


  “Just lay low. The police are investigating. No matter what, you can’t say anything about that story I told you.”

  “The hooker? Is that even related?” The problem with absolute confidentiality was that most people couldn’t pull it off. Military guys were the exception. Bryce’s dad kept a tight rein on his tongue. These hotel employees were huge gossips. Bryce knew all about the underbelly of the hotel’s rich suites. The only problem was that none of the information got him his dad.

  Jordan leaned in close to Bryce and said, “Shhh. Just don’t say anything about that. You only know what you’ve seen yourself. And you ain’t seen shit.”

  “I haven’t seen anything,” Bryce reaffirmed.

  Murder. The whole thing creeped Bryce out, especially when his bug was now quiet in Kendall’s office. Bryce knew investigating his dad’s disappearance would be dangerous. He wasn’t about to quit now.

  The cleaning crew gossiped like a flock of starlings. Bryce listened from the edges. He was new enough to be on the outside. His willingness to take on the heavy lifting without complaint made him popular, but when something was related to crime cleanup, no one would talk outside of the circle.

  This fell in between. Everyone assumed that Dan’s knowledge of the hotel’s use by criminal elements somehow got him killed. The ones inside the circle exchanged worried glances and kept their mouths shut. Everyone else wondered aloud exactly what Dan had done.

  The crew worked half-heartedly with their minds focused on the loss of one of their own. Toward the end of the shift, the crew leader pulled Bryce aside, “Bryce, one of the officers is here to talk to you.”

  “Me? Ooookaaay...”

  The officers had set up in one of the small conference centers. Bryce shook hands with both of them and took the seat they offered.

  “Did you know Dan Rollins?”

  Bryce gave a short nod and said, “By sight. I mean we were introduced one shift, but I didn’t hang out with him or anything.”

  “When did you meet him?”

  Bryce sat for a full minute. Finally he shook his head, “I’m sorry. I have no idea. I’ve been working here for a few months. Maybe a month ago?”

  “Do you know why anyone would want to kill him?”


  “A few of the people we’ve interviewed say you own a Seahawks baseball cap. Is that true?” The officers had been trading questions back and forth, taking notes while they went. Bryce’s mouth dropped open at the question.

  “Yeah. I lost it a few days ago. You can ask any of the guys. I told them it was missing. What does that have to do with Dan’s death?” Bryce felt suddenly frightened. Was this a set-up? Maybe someone murdered Dan and planted his hat.

  “Does anyone have a reason to kill you?”

  Bryce gulped. He couldn’t answer that truthfully. Not when Kendall lined the pockets of the governor and chief of police and anyone else he needed in his corner. “I’m new around here. Do you think I was the target?”

  “Dan found your hat. It was on top of his cleaning cart when he was stabbed. You are both similar in height, weight, and hair color. Are you involved in any criminal activity? Drugs? Black-market? I know we’re cops, but if you’re in trouble, we can help you,” the younger cop spoke the words with such earnestness that Bryce wondered how many criminals he’d collared with that empathy.

  “I’m not a criminal. I just moved here this year.” Bryce rubbed his eyes and his temples. It wouldn’t be a stretch for them to find out that his dad was kidnapped. Maybe that would give them the connection they needed. All Bryce could think was that Kendall probably put a hit on him, and his hit man killed the wrong guy. Bryce said, “My dad was kidnapped for some top secret military technology. Tom Langden. It’s possibly related. I came to figure out what happened to my dad. I have reason to believe he was held in this hotel.”

  It was like hitting a switch. Bryce could see the older officer’s eyes harden as he checked out. So he was on Kendall’s payroll. He said, “That’s probably it. Will you be in the city if we have more questions?”

  “Sure. I’m not leaving until my dad is free.”

  “Then we’re done here.”

  The younger cop caught a frustrated breath behind tight lips, and Bryce knew he wasn’t done with the questioning yet. The younger guy glanced over at his older partner who had shut down the interview. The minute Bryce mentioned military tech the interview was over. The older cop was definitely in Kendall’s pocket...but Bryce thought the younger man was legit.

  Bryce didn’t wait around to see what would happen. He hurried home, anxious to call Lucas and discuss the murder. It was Sunday morning. Gail’s bedroom door was shut.
Grabbing the phone, Bryce called Lucas at home. No one answered. After leaving a message, he tried the work number. Still nothing.

  With a sigh, Bryce grabbed a package of fudge pop tarts and went to his own room, quietly shutting the door. The room was barren. In the middle was his sleeping bag. Bryce sat with his back against the wall and knees up. He ripped open the pop tarts. He really wished Gail was awake. Sometimes working night shift sucked.

  Today had been such a roller coaster. Bryce wasn’t even sure he should share Dan’s death with Gail. It was just too weird, his hat found at the scene of the murder.

  He felt alone.

  Chapter 9

  IT WAS THE MIDDLE OF the week. Lucas still hadn’t called him back. For Bryce midweek meant two more nights of work, and then the weekend. Work had been stressful, and he was already bored with his daily tasks. He couldn’t stand the whispers and watchful eyes of employees he hardly knew. Everyone was well aware that his hat was found near Dan’s body.

  Bryce scrambled eggs and dropped bread in the toaster. The minute the coffee’s aroma spread through the apartment, Gail popped out of her room. Still dressed in her pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, Gail’s smile was bright and welcoming. She kissed Bryce good morning, “Howdy stranger, how was work?”

  “Don’t ask. At least I only have two more days. I was thinking eggs and toast. Is that okay?”

  “That’s perfect.”

  “I love you,” Bryce said. It didn’t fit anything that was happening, but he needed to say it. With every passing day, his attraction to Gail grew stronger.

  Gail’s long hair swung as she turned toward Bryce whose back was turned. With a sweet smile, she slipped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his back. Bryce felt stronger for it. No matter how horrible or hard the week, Gail gave him strength, made him feel like he could conquer the world.

  Gail nestled against him, “My boss called. There was a gas leak, so I don’t have to go to work today. Make love to me.”

  Bryce just about choked. He was expecting to hear, Let’s go to the movies or Do you want to go to the beach?

  He had the presence of mind to turn off the burner. Gail’s fingers rested in his as she led him to the bedroom. Bryce’s heart pounded with glee. It felt like he’d won the lottery, and who wouldn’t think so with a woman like Gail.

  He fumbled with her shirt, never mind her bra. A guy didn’t typically advertise his own virginity, not at the age of twenty-two. Bryce had gotten naked with a girl once, but her parents had come home. That killed not only the evening but that former relationship as well.

  Gail kissed him again. All thought vanished from his mind.

  Bryce’s body tightened as her kisses drew his arousal. He drew his hands along her breasts, tenderly pinching her nipples.

  “We’ll have a day to remember,” Gail whispered. She dropped her pajama bottoms and drew him into her bed.

  He could hardly think straight, only of Gail and his raging desire for her.

  Although they had cuddled on the couch, this was the first time Bryce had been invited to her bed. It was soft and smelled of Gail. Her nails raked along his ribs and he strained against his shorts. He divested himself of the rest of his clothing.

  Bryce kissed Gail again, his tongue seeking hers. He whispered, “Show me how to please you.”

  He knew there was a female thrill spot. Giving Gail satisfaction would make his year. Gail guided his fingers down to her womanhood. His fingers brushed across her bud, and feeling her body react, he naturally focused there, tickling and rubbing until she arched.

  She cried out his name.

  When Bryce entered Gail, it was with complete joy, Christmas and candy and video games all rolled into one vital instant. Her legs gripped his and her body moved in tandem as he thrust again and again, his body meeting hers, matching hers as if they were made for each other.

  At the climax, he said, “Gail, I love you. I love you so much.”

  And then he released. His body jerking as his seed spilled into her.

  “I love you, Bryce. I’m so glad you found me.” Gail whispered.

  GAIL WATCHED BRYCE sleep. Her heart was too full for words. He was her third boyfriend. She dumped the first boyfriend when he started experimenting with meth and heroine. She dumped the second when she found him humping her roommate. That was her freshman year. Neither man strove to satisfy her needs, not like Bryce.

  She compared Bryce to the other boyfriends, the ones who couldn’t be bothered to clean up after themselves or worse who expected her to wait on them like she was their mother. Bryce was everything she wanted in a man, handsome, sweet, strong.

  He had to work that night. Gail slid out of bed. She creaked the dresser drawers open and quietly selected her clothes for the day. Softly closing the door, she padded to the bathroom.

  The kitchen was a mess, half-cooked eggs congealing in the frying pan. Gail tossed them out and washed the pan. She grabbed a bowl and filled it with raisin bran and milk and flipped on the television, scrolling through channels with the volume on low. Once she finished eating, Gail cleaned the kitchen.

  Bryce was fast asleep. Gail scribbled a note. School would start in a week. She’d get an early start on school supplies. Grabbing her purse, she quietly shut the door to the apartment.

  THE PHONE WOKE BRYCE from a deep and satisfied sleep. For a moment he was disoriented before realizing he was in Gail’s bedroom. Rolling off the bed, he ran for the kitchen to grab the phone.

  Bryce caught the phone on the third ring. “ ‘Lo?”


  His dad started crying on the phone. Bryce felt moisture rise in his own eyes, “Dad? Are you okay? Do they still have you? Where are you?”

  “I’m free. I’m on Drake’s plane. Do you have a pen ready? Bring your stuff. We’re getting out of here.” Bryce grabbed a pen and paper, ready to write down the address. His brain hadn’t caught up with his dad’s words yet. He just scribbled down directions.

  With tears dripping down his chin, Bryce said, “I’m on my way.”

  It was a miracle. There were no other words for it. Bryce had to see his dad, had to hug him and say how sorry he was. His life had just become perfect.

  Bryce scribbled a note for Gail. His hand shook as he wrote the words. He drove to an airfield outside of Miami. Not the Miami International Airport. This one was a bit more private and out of the way.

  He felt unaccountably nervous as he strolled toward the plane. He was the reason his dad had been held hostage for several months, and he couldn’t help but wonder whether his dad felt resentment toward him. A thin version of the dad he knew exited the plane, not willing to wait while Bryce crossed the tarmac. He ran down the stairs. Father and son ran into each other’s arms, tears on both sides.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. Everything’s okay,” his dad said. He’d lost a ton of weight. “Come inside. Do you have everything?”

  “Dad, I can’t come back with you,” Bryce said. He said, “I took a summer class and I’m starting school at the University of Miami this fall. I have a girlfriend and a job.”

  “Bryce, it’s not safe here.”

  “I know. Believe me. But my girlfriend needs help with the rent. She’s premed. I help her study. You’d like her.” Bryce wished that he’d waited for Gail so that she could meet his dad.

  “Come inside. Just for a few minutes.”

  Bryce couldn’t remember having a truly adult conversation with his father in the last three years. Not that his dad hadn’t tried. Every month or so while Bryce was at home, Tom would clear his throat and bring up a job or school, and the responsibilities of adulthood. This time when he and Bryce sat down surrounded by Sven’s team of mercenaries, they spoke in quiet whispers.

  After Bryce told the story from start to finish, laughing with his father at the story of being maced at the hands of his new girlfriend. His dad joked, “The Langdens have always go
ne to extremes for their women.”

  As the laughter faded, Bryce said, “What about you? Are you going to take Mom on that vacation to see the European castles?”

  His dad’s eyes misted over, “I miss your Mom. She deserves her castle vacation after all this.”

  “I didn’t tell her you’d been kidnapped. I left it to Sven and Drake.” Bryce felt his face warm. It was a humiliating thing to say. He should have been the one to tell his mom what had happened.

  “Probably for the best. She’s not going to be happy that you’re staying behind. Will you come for Thanksgiving?” Tom asked.

  Bryce still couldn’t get over how thin his dad looked. He said, “Christmas would be better. I’ll have a few weeks off then. I’d like to bring Gail.”

  “Christmas, it is. Make sure you call your mom every week or so. She worries.”

  This was one of those awkward moments, the kind where both parties had said everything needed, and were about to part, but weren’t quite ready to say goodbye. The intermission was broken when Lucas arrived, then later Lauren who didn’t stay long.

  Tom hugged his dad one more time.

  He drove home with a strange mix of elation and pathos. Those months before in pursuit of his father had felt unreal, like summer camp, a short interruption to life. He expected to go back home afterward, play video games and watch movies the way he used to. That was a dead-end life, a life of ease, but neither satisfying nor healthy.

  He knew now where he belonged, but in all honesty, he was home sick...for a place he knew was no longer home.

  THE DAY AFTER BRYCE hugged his dad goodbye, he lost his job at the hotel. Whether it was related to Kendall or the murder or something else, Bryce had no idea. Classes were set to start in a week, and he had already planned to cut back on his hours, anyway, so he didn’t much care.

  Classes started, leaving Bryce with little time to think of his parents. He double majored in art and business administration. For a while life was quiet. He joined Lucas and the group for Friday role playing games. Every now and then Lucas would tell him a snippet or two about what was going on in the tech world. Otherwise, he was out of the spy business and happy to be a normal everyday student.


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