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Spell Me Once

Page 7

by Cherie Marks

“Now, was that so hard? I feel like I know you better now.”

  Gemma counted to ten and strove to hold onto her temper. Through her teeth, she hissed, “How many?”

  “Only two. The other police are roaming the woods or sleeping.”

  “Thank you, Gaston. That actually helps.”

  “Oh, goodie! My dreams are finally fulfilled. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get some rest. I just hope I don’t have nightmares about perverted rats.”

  She shook her head as he walked toward the back of the cave, passing Maverick along the way. But true to his word, he didn’t snitch, and he disappeared around a boulder, she assumed to settle down behind it and sleep.

  Forewarned what to expect now, she turned to make her way to the cavern and to the portal. She still wasn’t entirely sure how she would get past the guards, but she knew it was time to try. She just had to think through her abilities and how to apply her skills to a difficult situation.

  The whole situation was nothing but trouble, and it reminded Gemma of a drill the students of the Assassin Academy performed yearly. The only difference was that at the academy, the students were split into two teams, and the object of the drill was to sneak past the guards of the other team in order to capture that team’s flag. Gemma’s team won almost every year because she could do a particular trick that distracted the guards and allowed her teammates to sneak into the room where the other team’s flag was free and clear to take. The one time they lost, the instructors had decided to assign the teams, and her friend Peto and she were separated. He knew how she’d won all the previous years and shared it with his teammates. She hadn’t expected him to put her above winning. She knew that wasn’t the way of the assassin, but she had been a little hurt, though she’d never admitted that to anyone.

  This wasn’t exactly the same situation, but she was fairly sure she could still pull it off. She just needed to find a quiet spot to sit with no chance of being disturbed or caught. Once she was there, she could project herself onto the astral plane, which many witches could do. However, something she could do that many others couldn’t was then to manifest a spectral version of herself right outside the cave.

  The hum and glow of the portal carried down the tight corridor where she was narrowly squeezing through. Yet, as she scanned for a place to park herself for the plan to work, a low shelf that seemed made for a body to lay out flat appeared as the passage widened slightly. Once she was settled, she closed her eyes and felt her mind begin to drift. She concentrated on the image of her soul lifting from her body. Repeatedly, she pictured the manifestation of that image outside of the cave. Slowly, she felt herself sliding into something like sleep, but before she dropped into unconsciousness, her spirit felt as if it rose above her body and turned. She could see her body, seemingly asleep, below her.

  Yet, she didn’t stick around to admire her accomplishment. Instead, she closed her eyes and pictured herself at the mouth of the cave. When she opened her eyes, she was facing a woman and a man wearing uniforms, standing at attention in front of the portal.

  “Hey! Stop right there!” They moved quickly toward her, and she took off out the cave.

  Once the guards gave chase into the woods, radioing for assistance, she reentered her body. She awoke with a gasp but crawled off the rock shelf, picked up her backpack, and took off for the portal. She had a limited amount of time before they figured out they were searching for a specter.

  She slid through a narrow neck of the passage and had to crawl through the last ten feet until a large room came into view. She stood up and rounded a large, circular boulder that seemed to be balanced on a tiny point underneath, but she stopped once the portal came into sight. She couldn’t believe she was this close to going back to Linwyn. So many memories of all she’d left behind came flooding back to her mind. She felt her eyes beginning to water, but she held herself steady and refused to fall apart. She wasn’t going back to the same world. The one she was returning to was one without her father. And it was up to her to rectify that or die trying.

  Shadows were moving outside of the mouth of the cave, and Gemma knew she was out of time to ruminate. She had to act now. Her feet took over, and she pushed herself toward the Caribbean blue of the swirling portal.

  The Portal Police guards stepped into the cave just as she stood in front of the portal.

  “What are you doing? Get away from there! You’re not authorized!”

  She chewed her bottom lip, thought of Linwyn, took a deep breath, and dove through the glowing spin of the portal.

  Chapter 12

  She landed with a roll to her shoulders then back once she was on the other side. Using the momentum from the roll, she got to her feet immediately, hands raised, dagger out, ready for an attack that never came. The cavern she leapt into was empty. No Portal Police, no Royal Guards, no anyone. It was unexpected and disconcerting.

  “’Bout time.”

  Gemma spun, her muscles tensing as she raised her dagger, but there was no one there.

  “Down here.”

  Dropping her gaze, she searched the dark cave floor for the source of the voice. As her eyes adjusted, she saw an inky form with a streak of gray on its head and two, emerald-green circles for eyes blinking at her. It was another cat, and Gemma looked around the area of the cavern, unsure that she’d even left the earthly realm. Yet, no Portal Police were there, ready to take her into custody. She had definitely gone through.

  With a few muttered words, she put a delay spell on the portal so that no one could follow her for a little while. It wouldn’t last long, but it would give her time to get away. Then, she turned her attention to the unexpected greeter.

  “Do we know each other?”

  “No, but I was told you would need my assistance once you arrived. I’ve been waiting all day, and my back is killing me.”

  “Wait. Someone told you to be here when I came through? Who did they tell you I was?”

  The cat edged a little closer, finally visible in the swirling blue of the portal. “Gemma Marolinia, Princess of Linwyn. That is who you are, right?”

  She nodded slowly.

  “Good. My name is Jeff.” He said his name in a high-pitch, sped-up version. He said it in such a way that it reminded her of a movie she’d once seen about two young cops who went undercover as high school students. The immensely attractive actor, Charming or Channing or something, who delivered the line created a social media movement that many of the kids of the earthly realm at one time used to promote a bit of comedy.

  “Look, I appreciate the offer, but I really don’t need a partner. I’m more of a lone wolf. I’ve got a job to do, and I can’t have anything slowing me down.”

  “I’m not just a partner, Gemma. I would be your familiar.”

  “You seem like a fine candidate, but I didn’t ask for a familiar and I’m not going to any time soon. My life is too messed up to bring anybody else into it. I’ve got to straighten things out before I can even consider making permanent connections to others. To be honest, I don’t even have time for this conversation. I need to get moving, and I need to do it now.”

  She started for the exit, but the cat sprinted in front of her. She stopped short, sheathed her knife, and planted her hands on her hips. “Now what?”

  When the cat started to talk, he wheezed a few times before he was able to say, “I can’t believe you made me run at my age. But you should know that when you walk out of here, you will see a world completely changed from the Linwyn you most likely remember. You need me to help you navigate this place.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I’ve only been gone for five years. How much could possibly have changed in such a short amount of time?”

  “Most of the changes have happened since your father’s death.”

  “I don’t have time for a long list of problems. Those Portal Police will be here soon. Can you just get to the point?”

  “Your generation never listens. It’s downright frustrating.”
Seeming to ignore her concerns, he began licking his paws, infuriating Gemma to no end. Without conscious thought, she wrapped her hand around the handle of her dagger.

  “They won’t follow. The portal destination was scrambled, and we’ve kind of dropped off their radar. We could stay here all night, but, like you mentioned, we kind of need to move quickly. We’re not getting any younger, and for me, that’s an understatement.”

  “There you go again with all the we’s. I told you, I am not we material. Now, get out of my way. I’m out of here.”

  She stepped over Jeff and didn’t look back as she walked across the cavern and climbed up and out into the darkness. She breathed in deeply, expecting the fragrant floral scents of the hanging gardens that surrounded the palace. Though the palace was miles away from the cave, the smell usually hung in the air and carried throughout the kingdom. Yet, it was missing. Instead, she smelled heavy, acrid smoke.

  As she looked toward the town that surrounded the palace, she expected to see the gold, silver, and blue lights that sparkled day and night to allow the citizens to feel safe and secure always. Yet, all she saw was darkness where the lights should be. And beyond the palace, the sky glowed orange, a haze floating through the scene. She realized this was the source of the choking smoke in the air. The forest was on fire.

  Jeff circled her legs, and she dropped her gaze to meet his. “What is going on?”

  “Well, your brother is kind of a dick.”

  “What? My brother did this?”

  “Not exactly. After all, he’s a preschooler, like six-years-old or something. It’s really the Protectorate, and specifically, the High Priestess, his advisor, who are the assholes. But you will see the damage they’ve done in the few months of rule since your father’s death.”

  “Why is the forest burning?”

  “Your brother, or those who advise him, ordered the fire in order to oust the rebels hiding there.”

  Her heart sank in her chest. This was all her fault. Her father had told her that this would happen if she didn’t step up and become the leader she was supposed to be. Of course, he hadn’t quite said it, more like shouted it, as he cursed the seer who first put forth such a damning prophecy. They were both so obstinate, he hadn’t shared the prophecy, and she hadn’t asked.

  As a result, she hadn’t stepped up. She’d run instead. She’d run far, and she’d run fast. With the day her mother had shown her how to use the portal spinning around her brain, that night she’d gone to the cave and leaped through without a thought beyond getting as far away as possible as quickly as she could.

  Now, Linwyn was paying for her decision. The only thing she could do now was locate the book and find a way to set the world back in balance.

  “Now that you understand what you’re walking into, I still want to offer my services though I’m not as young as I once was. I can be an extra pair of eyes, and I’m not bad company.”

  “How old are you, Jeff?”

  “Five hundred, thirty years, eight months, and four days...give or take.”

  Gemma hung her head as she pulled air in through her nose and blew it out her mouth with force. She did it a few more times before asking, “Is the Assassin’s Academy still standing?”

  “It is, but there’s an issue. The Academy has, more or less, rebelled against the royal authority. They probably won’t be happy to see you.”

  “I’m not expecting the red-carpet treatment or anything. I just want to get in and out without being detected at all. Can you help me do that?”

  Jeff went back to licking his fur, stretching his head around to get his shoulder area. He paused long enough to say, “I might have a plan.”

  She followed Jeff down the hill toward the Academy.

  * * *

  “What do you mean you let her go? I thought you were on my side, Gaston.”

  Gaston opened his eyes just so he could roll them. “I am on the side of Gaston. Pretty sure when we established our relationship years ago, I made that clear. Where’s the confusion?”

  Maverick ran a hand down his face. “Well, now we have no way to get through the portal to follow her.”

  “I can help. I’ll distract the Portal Police and let you get through.” Mav thought he might actually have to consider Kylie’s offer. Could he sacrifice her for the mission?

  “It won’t matter. You’ll never make it to Linwyn.”

  “What do you mean, Gaston?”

  “The portal is no longer a destination.”

  Mav tried to understand what his lazy familiar was trying to say. “Now, you’re just making things up. Are you telling me the portal is closed?”

  “Not closed. Just hidden.”

  So many questions, but all he really needed to know was how to find Gemma. He still couldn’t believe she’d managed to get past him last night. He didn’t normally sleep so heavily. Strange as that was, now he didn’t even know how to get back to Linwyn.

  Kylie gave a sudden intake of breath and shouted, “Baba Yaga!”

  Mav looked at her, wondering if she’d ever truly been sane, but he asked anyway, “What are you talking about?”

  Gaston explained, “The Baba Yaga is the HWIC, Head Witch in Charge, and Kylie is hoping she’s available to unfuck-ed this fuck-ed situation. Am I close, Kylie?”

  “Yes! Baba Yaga could help us, but I’m not quite sure how to find her.”

  Mav was sure things couldn’t get worse. He had found Gemma and then let her get away. His familiar was a lazy smartass who was no help to him at all, and now, he was stuck with a Shifter who’s mind jumped from idea to idea like a drunken frogaroo, a four-foot high creature that had thin, green skin, a large mouth with a sticky tongue, and springy legs that lived in the swamps of Linwyn. He really needed to get out of Assjacket right the fuck now.

  Realizing he’d spoken too soon, he jerked his head back as a blue bubble floated in front of his face. As he looked around the cavern, he glimpsed multiple, sparkly blue bubbles filling the space. A wind began to whip around them, making it near to impossible to stay on their feet.

  Mav grabbed the nearest bolder and held on as the wind whooshed through like a tornado. Yet, almost as quickly as it started, it eased to a light breeze and the tornado of bubbles floated upward and popped one by one, making a sound like someone talking under water.

  In front of them was a beautiful blonde who looked like someone important. Her hair billowed lightly in the breeze and settled on her shoulders as she posed with her long, shapely fingernails of her right hand framing her cheek, leaving the pinky to rest on her lip. She seemed like a piece of art at that moment.

  But as he looked at her clothing, he began to rethink his initial reaction. She wore the shiniest dress he’d ever seen of the loudest color pink. The dress fit her torso perfectly and then belled out to fall at her knees. On her feet were a pair of plastic-type, pink shoes that covered her entire foot and ankle too. There were strings that laced on top and pink socks peeking over the tops of the shoes. Her arms were covered in metallic circles that made a low clinking noise with every movement. He was pretty sure she had to be insane, which meant she’d fit right in with this little party.

  “Well, why are you still sitting here? You need to find Gemma and help her straighten this mess out.”

  Maverick held his breath for a moment as her words became clear. “Who are you? And where did you come from?”

  Kylie squeaked and began pointing at the strange woman. “It’’s her! You’re the Baba Yaga!”

  “Of course, I am. No time for lengthy introductions, though. You need to get back to your realm, and you need to do it before they even know Gemma is there.”

  “And just how do you propose we get past the Portal Police? Even more have arrived, and it won’t be long before they search every inch of this cave system. We’re sitting ducks here.”

  The wind picked up again and blew harder than before, nearly knocking them all to the floor, but it died as quickly as it sta

  “Do you dare question me?”

  Kylie shouted, “Of course, he’s not questioning you, Baba Yaga.”

  Maverick wasn’t so acquiescent in his reply. “Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, so I need to know that I can trust what you’re saying. I don’t see a way through. Enlighten me.”

  The woman lifted her chin and sniffed the air. “I’ll forgive you...this time...mostly because you have a job to do and time in the pokey would only slow you down.” She lowered her gaze and stared at him intensely as she continued, “Right now, Gemma is planning something that will tear the very fabric of time and space. Now, I don’t really care one way or the other if she destroys your world. Linwyn really isn’t my favorite spot to vacay, but if she doesn’t do the job just right, it will decimate all the worlds. I can’t have that.”

  “Information overload. Are you telling me that Gemma is planning to destroy the universe? She seemed a little dangerous, but I didn’t see maniacal villain as her thing.”

  “She doesn’t even know the strength of the powers she’s playing with. need to go with her and help her.”

  “Sounds like you’re skipping ahead a bit. I can’t even get through the portal.”

  She waved her hand dismissively. “Just leave that part to me. I’ll make sure the portal is clear. What I need you to do, and to do very well, is to help Gemma do the damn spell the right way.”

  “What spell? How will I know the right way to do a spell I don’t even know?”

  “In the moment, all will be revealed.”

  He hated when people did that! Tease with information and then essentially say, “You’ll figure it out.” What the fuck?

  Before he could demand clarification, though, she clapped her hands and out of nowhere, a group of bobble-headed warlocks, who just looked like douches, popped into the cave with them. She turned to the eight or so warlocks and gave them orders to distract the police guarding the portal. They obviously were her minions and didn’t even blink with the task she’d given them. They nodded and quickly disappeared, assumingly to be the bait for her master plan.


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