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Winter In August

Page 12

by Mia Villano

  We couldn’t get enough of each other. I had him two more times. Once more tied and on my stomach and the last time, I was in charge and rode his perfect cock as I shackled his hands to the bed. I was very happy and relaxed when his breathing slowed, and he started to snore.

  I promised myself I wasn’t going to sleep over. I wanted to go home and shower off the sticky mess on my skin no matter how late it was. Colt was going to drive me, but I didn’t want to wake him, so I snuck out and called a cab. When the cab dropped me off in front of my house around midnight, there was an unfamiliar car parked on the street I hadn’t noticed before. A blacked out 700 series BMW was pulled to the curb. Out stepped the woman I encountered at the art show. This was precisely what I wanted to avoid. A crazy jealous bitch following me was not what I needed. Rain poured down the black sky and all I wanted to do was run to the house. I had to be up early the next day and was in no mood to have to fight someone. I ignored her as if I didn’t see this crazy drenched woman as I ran to my door. It didn’t work out as I planned.

  She walked up to me inches from my face. She looked upset and unstable. With the rain pelting both of us, Marlene yelled.

  “Where the hell were you?” she screamed at me.

  “Excuse me? Did you need help with your hair? Now’s not the time. I’m tired.”

  She looked at me wild eyed. Her hair plastered to her head and dripping from the rain. “Shut up. I watched you go into his apartment with him. You went to his house and fucked him, didn’t you?” she snarled.

  “It’s none of your business what I do, or who I go to bed with. How the hell do you know where I live?” I wanted to go inside.

  “You fucked him.” She ignored my question, and I was suddenly worried how she could find my home and stalk me.

  “So have you. If you would have fucked him right, he wouldn’t need to be with anyone else.”

  “That’s right I did, and he is mine so stay the hell away from him.” The rain came down heavy and Marlene looked like a drenched rat. Her mascara dripped down her face. The thunder rumbled overhead and lightening flashed in the sky. Marlene didn’t seem fazed by the weather, or anything else for that matter. She walked closer to me. This chick was a real nut.

  “He doesn’t want you. He used you. He loves me.”

  She was a bit scary and totally unhinged. I stepped back away from her.

  “Listen, Marlene. I’m tired, and I want to go inside. Is there anything else you would like to discuss with me since I see you are very rational and such a joy to be around?”

  “Stay away from Colt Andrews.” She pointed her finger at me and showed her teeth.

  “Fuck off.” I turned around and walked towards my door. I looked back and watched Crazy Town get in her car. I wondered if she was stable enough to drive. When I walked into my house, I noticed Harpers bags in the kitchen. She was home. I forgot about Marlene and I ran to the living room and jumped on the couch where she was sitting half asleep watching the news.

  “Harper, I’m so happy you’re here.” I started to kiss her on her head.

  “Gabby, what was going on out there? I saw you through the window with some woman. Who were you talking to?

  “She’s a long story and a nut case.” I was wet and dripped onto Harper’s head.

  “Thanks, you’re soaking wet. You smell like honey,” she said, holding her hands up.

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Are you up for an all-nighter?”

  “Let’s brew some coffee. We have a lot of catching up to do I see. What have you been up to now?” Harper jumped off the couch and went to start the coffee. I was starving and warmed some pasta, I needed carbs desperately.

  While we were catching up on the couch, my phone let me know I had a text.

  I can still taste you on my lips. You should’ve woken me I would’ve taken you home.

  I smiled and threw my phone on the coffee table without responding. Harper was home, and that was the most important. I would deal with Colt later. I looked at my wrists and noticed both were red from what went on a couple of hours ago. Thinking about our encounter, made me blush. I was sticky all over and I desperately needed to take a shower.

  I told Harper everything. From the phone call to the quick stop over the one night, and tonight with the handcuffs and honey. I also told her about Kris and the confrontation at the cemetery, my dad’s girlfriend, and the night at the Avion. The hardest issue to talk to her about was the trip to New Jersey. With the help of two pots of coffee, we talked for hours.

  “Blondie landed you in bed. No kidding?” Harper fell asleep as her head rested on the back of the couch.

  “He did.” I didn’t smile, just looked at Harper, hoping she could make sense out of everything.

  “You don’t seem too taken with him.” Her eyes were closed as she talked.

  “He has too much shit to deal with. That waiting for me out there tonight is one of them. I don’t have time for crazy bitches. The sex was incredible, though. Honey and handcuffs.”

  Harper barely awake, spoke up. “I don’t get this sex situation. Did he put you in honey then handcuff you? Somehow honey doesn’t sound too appealing.” I rolled my eyes at her as I watched her eyes close shut. She was so naïve but, I would explain what happened again to her in the morning.

  My phone rang, and I noticed the number was Colts. I let his call go to my voicemail. I was tempted to play the message and listen to the sound of his voice.

  “Are you going to see what he wants?” She woke again.

  “Not now. You’re home, and he can wait. So tell me about this last trip.”

  “Tomorrow. I can’t even…” she was out for the count. I threw a blanket over her and headed to the shower. I felt awake and alive. My new lease on life could be my medication, or something else. As I washed the honey down the shower drain, I couldn’t help but smile.

  Chapter 14

  I was exhausted when the alarm on my phone went off at seven. I wanted to stay home with Harper, but I needed the money and Harper planned on being home for a week or two.

  I stepped inside the salon early and noticed Colt sitting in the waiting area. He didn’t notice me come in and I walked over to Tab to see what was going on.

  “What is Colt Andrews doing here?” I whispered. I had repeatedly ignored his texts and phone calls the night before.

  “He wants a haircut, and done by you, girl. He said he would wait. Fortunately, for you and him, your nine canceled.”

  “Oh, joy,” I said as I walked toward my station. Tab was hot on my heels.

  “He gets better with age, Honey.”

  I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. Colt looked impeccably perfect sitting there reading GQ with his suit on and his tie loose and not tied yet. His hair was a mess bringing back memories of the other night when I grabbed onto it as I came. He seemed not to notice me or was playing cool, reading something in a magazine.

  Once I walked back to my station, Tab called him back. He sat at the sink and I washed his hair. We didn’t say anything to each other, both looking into each other’s eyes. I loved the feel of his hair as I massaged his scalp. I watched as he closed his eyes and relaxed. I thought about being on top of him with his head back and pushed into the pillows and honey covering his mouth. I wanted to straddle and devour him, but I kept myself together. While I was washing his hair, I was standing next to his head. I could feel one of his fingers running up my bare leg. Barely touching me, he let his finger go as far as he could reach behind my knee and up the backside of my thigh. I gasped. Still neither of us said a word. The place became increasingly busy as the women talked over top of the music, playing loudly in the background. Hair dryers were humming, and shavers were buzzing as the two of us stayed quiet in our thoughts.

  I told him to go to my chair, and I covered him with my signature zebra print cape. I could see he recently had a haircut somewhere, and this was not necessary. I trimmed very little.

  “Why so quiet? You are
n’t going to shave my head or something, are you?” he finally spoke.

  “I have my reasons. You want your head shaved? I can do that.” Rhonda walked in, smiled at me, and winked.

  “Do you mind telling me? We had an unbelievable night, I texted, called you, and I’ve had no response. I’m not good with being ignored.”

  “The night was major, Colt. I’ll give you that.”

  “What’s wrong? I don’t like to be ignored. You see, when I’m ignored by something or someone I want, I keep showing up until I get what I want. I don’t stop, I don’t back down until what I want is mine.” Cutting his hair and not straddling him became more difficult while he was talking. His scent was making me dizzy.

  “I had a visitor last night waiting for me when I came home. I think you might know her, Marlene?”

  “She came to your house?” He tried to turn around, but I kept his head looking forward.

  “She did, and she was not too happy with you. She said she watched me go to your apartment. She was waiting for me in the pouring rain standing there as if she was in another world. She’s insane, and I don’t want to be associated with any of this. I don’t like to be threatened by some nutcase I don’t know.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me when I called or texted me. I could have handled her.” I tried to take my time, not wanting him to leave.

  “What good would telling you do? She got in my face and told me I better stay away from you.” He turned his head to look at me.

  “Did she touch you?”

  I straightened his head back so he was facing the mirror. “No. Luckily for her, she didn’t. Who knows what she is capable of next time.” Marlene reminded me a lot of the character in Fatal Attraction. I could see her cooking a small animal in my kitchen to scare me

  “I will be talking to her today. She has no right to harass you or speak to you.”

  “This is precisely why I told you this isn’t going to work out. I’m not looking over my shoulder all the time, worried some wack job is following me.”

  I finished and took off his cape, handed him a mirror, and spun him around. The place grew louder as more customers streamed in.

  “Nice job. You’re good at everything you do.” He winked at me and stood to brush his pants off.

  “Walk me out.” Colt stood in front of the mirror knotting his tie. I noticed some of the customers checking him out.

  “I have customers, Colt. You aren’t the only one.”

  “To you, I am. Hang on.” He walked over to Sven and handed him some cash and whispered something in his ear. Sven smiled, and shook his head and looked over at me. Colt walked back to me.

  “Come on. Sven will handle your customers. We won’t be gone long. I need to show you something.”

  Before I realized, I was outside standing beside a blacked out Escalade. He faced me and grabbed me in his arms. The sun was on his face as I smiled and squinted at him. He was beautiful and rugged looking.

  “It was all I could do not to lose my shit in there and put you on my lap. You are so god damn sexy. You drip with sex, Gabby.” I didn’t respond.

  “Get in the back. We’re going for a ride.”

  “I can’t leave. I have to be back inside. I can’t leave anytime I want. I have a responsibility to my clients who expect me here for the appointments they made.”

  “We’re going around the block. I want to talk to you for a minute. That’s all. I won’t be able to work today if you don’t go with me. I could lose millions of dollars and I would have to blame you for the demise of my company because you refused.” He smiled and opened the door for me. I hesitated for a quick second and climbed into the seat. Colt climbed in behind me.

  “Ronnie, drive until I tell you to stop,” Colt told the driver as he put up the partition between them.

  “I can’t have sex with you right now. I don’t want you to think I’m at your beck and call every time you need a screw.”

  “Believe it or not, I didn’t come and pick you up for sex. I’m not that much of a pig. But, if you need it, I’m at your service. I wanted to be alone with you for a few minutes, in peace and quiet. I needed to hear your voice. I have an extremely stressful day ahead of me, and I wanted to see you before I went into battle.”

  I shifted in my seat, taken back by what he said. I wasn’t used to a man needing me to talk.

  “Is this another big jet deal?” I asked. He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

  “It is. I may be able to land a few more planes and for a sick price. This company is going bankrupt and I have first bid on their planes.”

  “Well, good luck. I hope the deal works out for you. I will say a prayer to my special saint.”

  “Thanks. I’ll take prayers, spells or whatever you can do.”

  “I stick with prayers. Not into spells yet. Marlene could possibly whip up a voodoo doll for you, I’m sure.” He laughed, pulled me close to him, and kissed me.

  “You are the perfect start to my day. Thank you for this ride.”

  “You are welcome. Thank you for needing me. It feels good to be needed.” I melted a little inside knowing he wanted my company and not a quickie in the backseat. He ran his hand through his hair. I noticed he did this a lot when he’s nervous.

  “I want to see you tonight.” His attention was on my face. His eyes studied me with unwavering attention. I didn’t want to turn away.

  “I don’t want to make this an every night commitment, Colt. I have to be focused on myself right now, and I can’t be preoccupied.” He lifted a brow at me.

  “What?” I shrugged.

  “Settle down, Gabby. I have a dinner to be at tonight, and I want you to go with me. I’m not asking for an every night commitment from you. Not now at least. Right now, I want parts of you. The best parts.” He kissed me and nuzzled his face into my neck. I didn’t push him away. I liked being this close to him and not worrying about having sex.

  “What type of dinner is this? I may need to go shopping.” I hated these things. Sven liked to drag me to them and the evenings were endless.

  “It’s a formal fundraiser. I head a non-profit organization for abused children. It’s very dear to my heart. This is the big once a year gala, so it’s pretty formal.” This man was softening my heart in a big way. Tab may be right about him being rich, gorgeous, and nice.

  I was going to have to go shopping but in Harpers closet. I didn’t have a dress for such an extravagant event, but I knew my roommate did.

  “I’ll pick you up around five. Can you be ready?”

  “Is Marlene going to be there?”

  “I’m not going to lie, more than likely. She’s a major donor, but I’m going to talk to her today. She won’t be bothering you anymore.”

  Not one to let a woman stop me from doing what I wanted, I agreed to go with him. The smile on his face made me smile. Oh, this man. He had me doing things I never thought about doing. Now, a fundraiser.

  “I have to get back to work, Colt.”

  “Boy, you’re committed to your job. I like that.” He winked at me and leaned in to put a soft kiss on my lips. Not a hungry, I want to fuck your brains out kiss, but a nice soft, almost loving kiss. He lowered the partition and instructed the driver to take me back to the salon.

  “Ronnie, back to Gino’s.”

  “Yes, Mr. Andrews.” Colt turned to me.

  “Thank you, baby. You’ve helped me to relax and be able to think straight.”

  “Glad to be able to assist,” I said, cool and confident. I felt good about myself for the first time in a long time. I had a feeling of accomplishment sweep over me. For once I was worth more than a fuck. I was worth something to a man.

  “Yes, this around the block drive was a wonderful way to start my day. Thank you, Colt. I will see you tonight.”

  He kissed me and ran his fingers through my long black hair, pulling the strands to his nose.

  “Your hair smells like cinnamon and vanilla.”

mer down big boy. Get to your meeting. Remember anticipation is the best aphrodisiac.” I laughed at him as I stepped out of the elaborate SUV. I turned around and blew him a kiss before I walked back into the salon.

  There was Sven watching out the front window and smiling, walking toward me.

  “Nice ride in the city?”

  “Very. I’m sorry. He doesn’t like to hear the word, ‘no’,” I said.

  “No sweat, baby. I’ve been there. I’m totally jealous right now. He’s hot.”

  I hurried to my station to set up for a client.

  “Yes, that he is. I didn’t think he was my type, but I may have to change what my type is.”

  “I knew you would change your mind. I told you.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

  I was daydreaming about him most of the morning. If only all my mornings could be so satisfying. Funny thing was, there was nothing sexual involved.

  The day went by quickly and around closing time, a box was delivered to me.

  “This is bullshit, Gabby. How come you get all the deliveries nowadays?” scoffed Tab, as he handed me the enormous box. The card simply said:

  Don’t be mad. I know you won’t have time to shop after work. I had my assistant shop for you. By the way, I closed the deal. Thank you, Italian princess.

  Be mad. How could I be mad? The women in the waiting area were urging me to open the box. The flush of embarrassment rose through my cheeks. I reluctantly opened the box, not knowing what to expect. There were gasps and moans. Carefully pulling out the gorgeous gown, I almost gasped when I looked at what he sent me. The tag on the dress said Versace and in the deepest blue I had ever seen. The dress was a symbol of sophistication and glamor. The satin fabric of the dress reflected the natural lights in the salon. I held it to me and the customers clapped and squealed. I noticed it was strapless with a slit up the front. I have always dreamed about a designer dress, but I never thought I would wear one.


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