Book Read Free

Winter In August

Page 14

by Mia Villano

  “I don’t know if this is worth my time, Sven. I’ve been through the other woman scenario and I don’t think I can go down that road again.”

  After eating three pieces, I put the rest of the pizza in the refrigerator. Sven said he needed to get home, and as he was leaving, Colt was at the door.

  “Hi Sven, nice seeing you.” Colt shook his hand as Sven was walking out.

  “Thanks for the pizza. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I was at the door with my arms crossed.

  Sven was behind Colt and mouthed be nice to me and walked off.

  Colt stood in front of me with his hair a disheveled mess. His shirt was untucked from his pants, his jacket and tie were gone, and his tired eyes locked onto mine in a shared understanding. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him.

  “Why did you leave me?” he asked, walking to me. My body responded to him differently than any another man. I eased closer to him without realizing.

  “You were busy.” I wanted to touch him and kiss his pain away and yet I wanted to punch him too. I kept my arms crossed to keep from reaching for him.

  “You mean Marlene? Gabby? Come on.”

  Colt walked to me and grabbed my hands.

  “Marlene was there tonight because she knows.”

  “Knows what, Colt?” I played stupid.

  “She knows what happened to me when I was a little boy. She is the only one besides Claire. Sometimes, when I go to these functions, I get a little over emotional, and she was there. I don’t want that anymore. I want to tell you what happened so when I need someone, it’s you.”

  “Colt, you don’t have to do this.” He pulled me against him.

  I let him hold me close and being in his arms gave me a sense of warmth and protection. I put my arms around him and held him close.

  “Can we go sit somewhere or lie in your bed. I would love to feel you next to me. I’ve had a little too much excitement tonight, and I’m exhausted.”

  I led him to my bedroom, and Colt stripped to his boxers, and we climbed into my bed together. I nestled into his shoulder and put my head on his chest.

  “I’m sorry I left, Colt. I was behaving selfishly, and when I found you with Marlene, my temper took over.”

  “You and your Italian temper. I love how fired up you get. It’s okay. We need to talk, though.” His arms held me tight to him.

  “Talk to me.”

  He looked at me and kissed my head.

  “I was one of those boys. I was hurt by a family member for years. The abuser was my uncle. I was seven when he started and didn’t quit till I was old enough to fight him off. My uncle was this big, college football star, manly man no one suspected. He was married to the same woman for twenty-five years and she never knew. Though, I have my doubts. They would come over on the weekends, and I would have to sit through dinner knowing what hell he would put me through when no one was looking. During summer breaks, my parents would go to the Hamptons and my uncle and aunt would be there. I was terrified the entire summer. My summers were filled with his sweaty body on me touching me in places a boy should never be touched.” He swallowed hard and took a deep breath. I didn’t say a word and let him continue. His arms tightened around me drawing me closer.

  “I kept the abuse a secret for a long time. He told me he would hurt me if I told anyone and no one would believe me. He was right about that. When I was ten years old I had enough. I made up my mind he would touch me. I fought him off the last time he came after me and fought him as best I could. He was so big, and strong, I didn’t have a chance. Yet, I tried the best I could to fight him and it worked. This scar above my eyes is because of him. I kicked him in the balls and he hauled off and hit me. He was wearing a ring and when he hit me, the ring sliced me open. He made me swear not to tell anyone or the next time he would do something worse to me. I told my parents I got into a fight with someone and I had to get stitches. Regardless, each time from then on I would fight him until he eventually left me alone. One night I mustered the courage to tell my parents. Of course, they sat me down and told me I needed to stop making up something so awful and I was never allowed to bring his abuse on me up again. When I did bring the abuse up again, I was sent off to boarding school. When I graduated from college, the truth finally came out, and so did other stories from many boys, one of them was my cousin. The only difference was, my cousin’s parents believed him and when he spoke up something was done. My uncle was arrested. Police discovered pictures of the boys he hurt. One of the pictures was me. He eventually killed himself once he was released from prison.”

  “Colt, I’m so sorry.”

  “This scar is a constant reminder of what happened. Sometimes it’s difficult to look in the mirror.”

  “Your scar gives you character. I love the scar. I had no idea you got it that way. I should have hung around. I found you with Marlene, and I freaked. I was being a selfish bitch.”

  “Marlene is a long story. She has been after me since my girlfriend died. She even proposed twice. She seems to be a little unstable since her fourth husband left her a couple of years back. Trust me; you have nothing to worry about.”

  I wrapped my leg around Colt, and he ran his hand up and down my thigh.

  “Did your parents ever apologize?” I asked snuggling closer to him.

  “Not really. My parents are never wrong. They didn’t apologize but tried in their way to make up for what was done. When I was in college, they bought me a new car, let me move into the West Side apartment, and would send me gifts like trips to Europe. Gifts are how my parents apologize.”

  “Do you talk to them?” I wanted to know what was behind this man.

  “I see them a couple of times a year. My sister lives near them, so if I want to see her, I usually have to see them. It’s not the warm fuzzy relationship most people have with their parents. I have forgiven them, but I can’t forget them not believing me when I was an innocent boy. That’s why I started this organization. I don’t want other boys not to have someone to talk to. I want the boy who was raped by someone to be able to tell an adult and be heard and taken seriously. I want to save as many boys as I can from going through what I did.”

  “Have you ever talked to anyone about this?”

  “You mean, therapy? Yes, I have had many years of talking to doctors and psychologists. I have come to terms with happened and starting my organization has helped.”

  I snuggled closer to him. “You are a wonderful man, Colt Andrews.”

  “Not wonderful, just a man, Gabby. A man with many faults.”

  “I know you’re tired but, tell me about, Marlene? What is her hold on you?” He sighed.

  “Marlene was a friend of my girlfriends. Like I said she owns the gallery and yes, I banged her twice. She also proposed to me twice. The reason she knows about me, is Claire confided in her when I was going through a rough time with this. She basically told her everything; Marlene has a way of getting things out of people and uses it against them. So tonight when I was upset, she knew why and came to reassure me, but not in a nice way. She was pissed at me telling her to leave you alone so she decided to use my past to hurt me, or at least try. I can’t very well be a real ass to her because she along with Devanti Fitzgerald, are my biggest clients. While we were talking, I made it clear to her, you were off limits. I’m to the point now where I couldn't care less if she’s a client. You’re much more important to me.”

  “She is a real piece of shit, Colt.”

  “Basically. But, I’ve dealt with pieces of shit all my life. She isn’t the first, and I’m sure she won’t be the last. You know any mob friends we could get after her?” he chuckled.

  “As a matter of fact, I do. I’m going to ignore the, you’re Italian, you must know someone in the mob,’ comment, and I’ll make a couple of calls tomorrow.” I looked at him and smiled

  “You should know someone by the name of Icepick or The Schnoz.”.

  “Boy, aren’t you a funny one, Colt. You better watch
out.” He relaxed as I stay snuggled close to him. I let Colt fall asleep in my bed. I didn’t care. I didn’t want to be heartless and tell him to go home. He needed someone and I was more than happy to be the one he needed.

  Chapter 16

  Harper and I both had a day off together and decided to explore the city. We hadn’t done that in a long time, and I missed walking around and blending in with the tourists. Harper was home for another week, but would be leaving soon, so I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could.

  The day was picturesque. The city was buzzing, and the weather was perfect. A perfect fall day to spend in Central Park sipping coffees and watching people. Harper would take me to the park when I was depressed, and we would sit for hours. It became one of our things, and we loved to check out the men and argue who found the hottest one.

  After we people-watched for an hour, we went shopping, and had lunch at my favorite restaurant, in Greenwich Village. Harper was chatty, talking about her new relationship with Tieg and talking to me about the sex they were having. We had all been friends for some time, and I always told her she should consider him. Harper always blew him off until last month when Tieg asked her out. She seemed to be enjoying her time she spent with him and was planning a sailing trip soon. A few years ago Tieg and I were almost a number. I let my guard down one night and almost slept with him, and he became a little preoccupied with me. I wasn’t feeling any romantic feelings for him, and he didn’t understand why he pursued me since he had woman left and right. I was happy when he signed up for Doctors without Borders and went away to the Sudan for a year. When he came back he seemed to have lost any interest in me, and I was relieved. Tieg was a preppy type guy from money who loved to sail and spend his weekends out in the Hamptons. Not my scene. He was perfect for Harper.

  As the afternoon rushed by, the city was bustling with people of all walks of life. I loved getting lost and mixing in with everyone. I considered myself a true New Yorker after living there for five years. I knew every place to go and ever street like the back of my hand. We made our way through the West Side when I thought about stopping in to see Colt. He had told me where his office was, in the Time Warner Center called Andrews Aviation. I wanted him to meet Harper and what better time? Harper and I made our way inside and decided to go in and see if he wanted to join us for coffee.

  The office was as sleek as Colt and his house. As soon as we walked into the trendy office we were greeted by a beautiful receptionist. She was Asian with a severe black bob cut to her ears and cat-like eyeliner and rich red lipstick. Her nails were sculpted to a point, and she was dressed in a bright red sheath dress. I couldn’t help but gaze around at the magnificent office. The walls had two big screen televisions both with the volume muted. One showed the airplanes Colt owned, flashing a video about them and the other was a news channel. The entire back was windows overlooking the city. The waiting area was sleek black, with leather chairs and yet another television that had the volume on.

  “May I help you?” the receptionist asked, flashing a fake smile at me.

  “I’m here to see Colt Andrews.” I faked smiled back.

  “Do you have an appointment?” She lifted her brow and tapped her nails on the computer keyboard.

  “No, I do not. Please tell him Gabby Barone is here.”

  She sighed and looked at me with a snobby grin. “He’s in with someone right now Miss Baron and he asked not be disturbed. Would you care to wait for him?”

  “It’s Barone, not Baron and no thank you. I won’t be waiting. Can you please tell him I stopped by?” People flowed in and out of the office and entering the door behind the receptionist with a card.


  I didn’t want to bother him if he was conducting business. I was slightly embarrassed I showed up unannounced.

  “She was a real bitch,” said Harper as we took a bench seat outside in front of the high-rise. Our feet were killing us and we wanted to sit and rest a few minutes.

  “I think she has to be.” I stared at the building wondering what type of business deal he was making inside his office. Was he buying more jets, another bar?

  “My God. I would tell Colt about her when you see him. I don’t see how anyone would approve of their receptionist being so awful.” Harper looked at her watch and rummaged through her purse for her phone. She was so funny; I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

  “I will. I wanted you to meet him.”

  “It’s fine. I’m sure I will soon, Gabby. Invite him over for dinner.”

  I noticed the Black Escalade of Colts pulled to the curb. I knew the car was his because I recognized the driver, Ronnie. The sight of the SUV made me feel a twinge thinking about the things we did in there, the night of the fundraiser. I watched as Ronnie jumped out of the car and opened the back door. To my shock, out from the building stepped Marlene. My lunch crept up my throat. She looked upset as I watched her wipe her eyes. She was dressed in a cobalt blue dress with nude heels. Her hair was disheveled and falling out of a loose bun. I hoped she didn’t see me sitting there as close as I was. I pulled my sunglasses out of my purse and put them on. Harper was oblivious to any of anything as she checked her emails on her phone. I turned to her.

  My stomach churned with panic. “I will be right back.”

  “What? Where are you going? Are you okay?” I didn’t answer as I stood and made my way back into the building, pushing through the heavy glass doors.

  My blood boiled, and I wanted to confront him for the last fucking time. What the fuck was going on with him? I quietly walked back into the waiting area. Enough was enough, and I was not going to listen to any more of his shit. How many times was I going to listen to the excuse she was not his type, he told her off, she wouldn’t be bothering me anymore, she was a dead fish? No more. I was the girl from a small town, Italian, loud and opinionated. Colt liked what I could do when we were alone, but what he needed was a woman like Marlene. Someone that knew her place and was from the same background. I wasn’t even close.

  I smiled at the receptionist. This time, she didn’t smile back and looked at me with no expression on her face.

  “I’m going in. Don’t stop me or I’ll lay you out.” I put up my hand and kept walking towards the door leading to his office.

  She stood quickly. “Wait one second, Miss Baron. Let me tell him you are here. You can’t go back there without a card.”

  I stopped in my tracks and turned around. “It’s Barone. Gabby Barone.”

  “Yes, it is. Please have a seat over in the waiting area Ms. Barone and I will see if he has the time to come down.”

  “Fuck the waiting area.” I tried to whisper, but my voice came out louder than I wanted.

  “Excuse me?”

  My heart rate was in overdrive and sweat trickled down my back. She said something else I didn’t listen to. I turned to walk down the hall. Colt stepped out of the door.

  He glanced up, surprised registering across his face as he recognized me. “Gabby, what a pleasant surprise. I was going to call you.”

  Refraining from punching him in his face, he straightened his tie. “Unless you want a scene right here in this waiting area, you need to take me back to your office now.” I was in no mood for his sweet talk. My face was hot, and I clenched my teeth to keep from yelling at him.

  Colt showed me down a vast hallway leading to his office. His office was like his house. Decorated in the same Restoration Hardware motif, everything was black, gray, and stainless steel. He had old model airplanes all over and pictures of Amelia Earhart and Charles Lindbergh, behind his chair. In front of his desk on the wall was a huge flat screen television set to the financial channel. I caught a whiff of Marlene’s tacky perfume still lingering in the air.

  “I was here earlier to have you meet Harper, but the bitch you have for a receptionist would make anyone run away.” Seeing him in his work environment looking powerful made me want him even though I was totally pissed at him.

/>   “When were you here?” He looked nervous coming toward me again.

  “Don’t. I was here about ten minutes ago, though I was told you were not to be disturbed. Harper and I walked back downstairs to sit outside. I noticed the beautiful and ever so charming Marlene emerge from the building and taken off in your SUV. I know what you’re going to say.”

  His gaze on me darkened. “Gabby, sit down.”

  “I’m not staying. All the talking last night and you confiding in me was a joke. We were so close last night. I can’t believe I let my guard down. I want you to know, whatever you thought was going on between us, is now officially and once and for all finished. I told you, I don’t know how many times, I don’t play games or will I be second to any woman. This Marlene has something on you I can’t put my finger on. I don’t know why the two of you don’t ride off into the sunset together. Why keep fighting your love for each other? My boyfriend who died did that to me and what he did hurt like hell. He told me he loved me and became engaged to another woman who was pregnant with his child. I’ll never go through that again. I want you to know you can stop coming by my work, my home, and please lose my number.” I headed back to the door not waiting for his reply.

  He grabbed my arm. “Gabby, listen to me. It’s not what you think.” His warm hands sent a chill up my skin.

  “And I’m not as dumb as you think. Being a hair stylist doesn’t make me a complete moron. Please take Marlene, and the both of you fuck off.”

  He scowled. “What?”

  I shook my arm free of him and went to the door. Colt held out his hand to stop me from opening it. His other hand went to my arm to try to turn me to him.

  “Don’t you fucking touch me. Last night you were joking about having her whacked off, and today she’s whacking you off.” The feel of his body heat and his scent was too much. I had to get out of there.

  “Let me explain.”

  “Save the story. Give your line to the next one you’ll try to seduce with your charm. I’m not that woman. You were caught and there’s no way you’re going to talk your way out of this one.”


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