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Soul Unleashed (Key to the Cursed Book 4)

Page 22

by Jean Murray

“Why?” Bomani asked.

  Siya’s watery gaze met Kit’s. “Find him.”

  Kit nodded and backed away, knowing the reason for Siya’s request. It pained her to think Siya could lose the baby, or worse, the baby was tainted with Apep’s blood. And, Kit had given Thoth the only antidote.

  She dashed out the door and down the stone path. Another quake rolled through the palace. The once distant water roared like a raging waterfall.

  With urgency, Kit shoved the dungeon gate to the side and sprinted down the steps. She reached out through their bond but was greeted by silence. “Damn it Kamen, where are you?”

  Darkness consumed the labyrinth of corridors. Room after room was empty. Cold water dripped from the ceiling and puddled on the black stone. The evil prickled her skin the deeper she plunged into the dungeon. Perhaps the warrior was wrong.

  Sensing the oppressive dark energy, she slowed. Was this why Kamen had come to the dungeon? To check on his brother. Kit stopped, intent on turning around and searching another wing.

  “No need to go so soon, Katherine.”

  Kit exhaled a shaky breath and looked over her shoulder towards the cell bars. Set’s voice was so close to Kamen’s. If not for him using her proper name, she could have been easily fooled.

  “I rarely get visitors. Two in one day, now that is special.”

  Turning, she glared through the thick bars. Set sat in the darkness, barely moving to the point he blended into the stone.

  “I am not here to visit.”

  “Looking for Kamen?” Set rose to his feet, still shadowed by the darkness. His tone friendly.

  Kit knew better than to banter with this god. If Kamen thought his brother was a threat, he was. Not to mention he was stalling her. “Let’s get this straight. I don’t like you. Nor am I going to help you. As far as I’m concerned, your ass can rot in here. So sit your ass back down because it will be an eternity.”

  “How are you feeling? I feared you were lost to the darkness. Few have survived it,” Set said, ignoring her assault.

  Kit paused and turned to face Set through the bars. He stood the same height as Kamen. Despite their similarities, scars marred the fine edges of Set’s cheekbones and jaw. To Kit’s knowledge, Set had been stripped of his powers and his soul, but he was none less dangerous.

  “Kamen saved my life.”

  “Has he?” Set asked with a small smile.

  The way in which he said it made Kit’s skin crawl. Bonding with Kamen had saved her life, but it changed her irreparably. Kit clamped her hands on her hips. “Why are you here Set?”

  “My brothers called upon me to help rescue you.”

  “What is the real reason?”

  Set measured her with his black eyes. “I want out. Out of Duat.”

  “Talk to Asar, but I have a feeling the answer will be no.” Kit turned and walked towards the exit.

  He walked in step with her the length of the bars. “I am asking you.”


  “No human or demi-god has ever breached the realm of Duat unless they were dead. You have the power to transcend all the realms. The reason the Dark Lord wants you so badly. Freedom to go wherever he pleases.”

  Kit stopped and looked at the god.

  “I know where your father and the other souls are hiding. I will help you bring them to Aaru.”

  “In exchange for your freedom,” Kit stated as she stopped before the doorway. There was always a price to pay when dealing with criminals. However, Set offered her an interesting prospect. She needed to fulfill her mother’s wish to bring the souls home and rob Apep of his power. He knew the waterways and how to coax souls to the boat.

  Her hope stalled, knowing Kamen would never allow her return to Duat, especially with Set at the helm. And, Kit could not let Kamen accompany her, not at the risk of getting him killed as her visions predicted. It would require her to lie to Kamen. Something she vowed never to do to him again.

  Kit turned to face Set. What would he do once he was free of Duat’s bonds? It was not difficult to sense the god’s dark thoughts in his hard calculated stare. His intensions were not honorable but driven solely by selfishness. There was only one place he could go—the human realm. Would Ammut destroy him along with the rest of the evil in the world?

  Another rumble stronger than the last shook the dungeon. The roar of water echoed through the long dark tunnels, reminding her of her task. “I need to go.” Turning on her heels, she stalked away, leaving behind more questions than answers.

  “You need me, Katherine. Otherwise, you will fail,” Set called out from the bars.

  She ran back the way she came, this time turning down towards the dungeon temple. Large torches sat in iron sconces on the wall, lighting up the path.

  “Kamen?” Kit ran into the room but jerked to a stop when she saw her mother. The Mother Goddess knelt before her father’s tomb. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb your prayer,” Kit stammered, not sure if she should feel angry or sad. Her mother had withheld so much from her, adding to the hurt and pain. But Kit knew now was not the time for grudges. She’d found someone who could help Siya. Her mother’s gift of healing was even stronger than Lilly’s.

  “Siya’s baby is in trouble.”

  Her mother rose to her feet. “The baby senses what is to come.”

  “Lilly needs your help.”

  The Mother Goddess turned to meet Kit’s gaze. Her face appeared pale in the dim light and her eyes were red as if she had spent all night crying. “Lilly is more than capable. The baby will be fine in her hands.”

  Kit swallowed. “And my hands?”

  Her mother turned back to the sarcophagus and sat down on the bench. “Thoth has spoken with you?”

  “You put the fate of the world in my hands, and you didn’t tell me? Ammut now has the means to destroy everything, using me to do it.”

  “The beast will do what is right. Clean up the mess we have made of this world.”

  “Ammut will not stop with Duat. You realize this, don’t you?”

  Based on the sorrow weighting her mother’s eyes, she knew damn well the destruction the beast would reap upon the world.

  “God, you want this to happen and are using me to do it.” Realizing the gods were wiping the slate clean as they had done once before, tears formed in Kit’s eyes.

  “The souls must be brought home to safety. Your father’s included. It is time we destroyed Apep once and for all.”

  “You must stop this!” Kit yelled.

  “It is out of my hands.”

  “Because you put it into mine. Why would you do this? To torture me?”

  “I did it because I love you.” Her mother’s voice rose, redness colored her cheeks.

  “This is not love.” Tears streamed down Kit’s cheeks. “Love was supposed to be warmth and joy not sorrow and pain.”

  “Your father surrendered to his fate out of his love for you and your sisters. For the world. He made a choice. The ultimate sacrifice. It is painful because it is love—pure and true.”

  “I will not let Kamen do it. You cannot ask that of me.” Like her father Kamen would not think twice about sacrificing his life for hers, and that was what scared her the most. She refused to accept her vision.

  The Mother Goddess rose and came to sit next to Kit. “Ammut will never hurt Kamen. He has been her guardian.”

  “Guardian?” Kit chuckled darkly, feeling none of her mother’s reassurance. “Have you ever taken the time to see how Kamen suffers? Alone?” Her heart ached just thinking about it.

  “He believes he must be punished for his sins, and so he is. And, Kamen is not alone anymore.”

  “You’re suggesting he is punishing himself?”

  “What do you think?” Her mother’s green stare met Kit’s. “You see Ammut as your savior and so she is affecting you very little. I know you are scared at the amount of power you have. You wanted to know if Thoth was compromised. Ammut helped you determine it. It may not se
em like it, but you are in control of your choices.”

  “I can sense Ammut’s resentment for being imprisoned.”

  “Is it hers or yours? You must be careful. Ammut is in tune with your thoughts and feelings. If you are not careful, she will act upon them.” Her mother touched Kit’s forearm and traced the outline of the feather. “I gave you the power to write our future. Your journey has prepared you to make the choices necessary. Love. Family. Sacrifice. You understand better than most what is required to maintain that balance.” Her mother rose to her feet. “I will leave you to your thoughts, but do not be long for we welcome a new life tonight. One as special as yours.”

  Kit slouched back against the bench, not wanting this burden placed upon her shoulders. “You will protect Kamen at all costs,” she said to Ammut, stirring inside her chest. Restless, the beast called her to take action.

  Actions she did not want to take.

  Chapter Forty

  Kamen hefted the last sand bags over his head and stacked more against the retaining wall. In a long chain from the beach to the palace, warriors had passed bag after bag to shore up the banks. The rushing waters had eroded the beach and the dock where the boat was hitched, but the golden gate stood against the mighty current.

  “This is the last,” Asar said, handing the bag over. “You have done well, brother. The gates are holding.”

  Kamen nodded, although it was not his doing. He merely reinforced the palace walls. Sadly, the warrior village was half underwater. “Apep means to drown us?” Kamen asked, trudging through the water and up the steps. Turning at the top of the stairs, he stared out over the rushing river at base of the palace. He had once found peace and freedom on the beach, now there was nothing left.

  “If he thinks the water will break the gates, he is sorely mistaken. And, we now control the boat.”

  Kamen pushed the wet hair back from his face. This whole situation unsettled him. Not even the good news of the Creations lifting the law did little to shake his sense of dread. Asar had told him of Kit’s meeting with Thoth. Despite Kamen’s irritation with Asar for leaving her unguarded, whatever Kit had said had done the trick. Kamen was just glad Kit was back to the Underworld.

  Asar grabbed Kamen’s shoulder. “Ease yourself, the Underworld has stood against far worse. Let us cleanup and go see how Siya and the women are doing.”

  Nodding, Kamen made haste back to his room to change. After drying off and throwing on a new pair of clothes, Kamen stopped at the edge of the bed. The scent of roses still filled the space where Kit had slept. He look forward to many more days of her curled at his side.

  He dematerialized and appeared outside Siya and Bomani’s room. A soft cry echoed on the other side of the thick wood. Kamen took a breath and pushed the door open. The scent of blood and amniotic fluid filled his senses.

  “She was determined to come,” Lilly said, wiping off the baby with towels. “A healthy baby girl. I guess Kit wins the bet.”

  Kamen scanned the room, looking for his silky black haired beauty. The ache in his chest that had been present since she left remained. He pushed deeper into the room.

  Lilly handed the baby off to Bomani. “Daddy.”

  Bomani cleared his throat and laughed as the ill-contented baby screamed.

  Asar wrapped his arm around Bomani’s shoulder. “Congratulations son.”

  “Go ahead and lay her skin to skin,” Lilly instructed.

  Siya opened her arms and welcomed her new child to her chest. The War goddess smiled as tears streamed down her pale face. The baby’s cries of distress continued, although less so.

  “She is so beautiful,” Kendra said, her eyes shimmering. Bakari pulled her close.

  Lilly tilted her head to look behind Kamen. “Where’s Kit? I’m sure she is going to gloat about winning.”

  Kamen froze. “She is not here?”

  Lilly furrowed her brows. “No, she went to get you.”

  Asar grabbed Lilly’s hand. “Kamen was with me shoring up the palace.”

  Coldness crept into Kamen’s soul. He turned on his heels and charged out the door. Stopping at the veranda, he surveyed the swollen river then turned to a warrior standing guard. “Have you seen Kit?”

  “She went to the dungeon to retrieve you.”

  “What?” Kamen shoved the warrior against the wall. “You let her go down there?”

  “Kamen, release him. I’m sure she is in the palace,” Asar said and pulled Kamen’s hand from the warrior’s throat.

  “I do not sense her,” Kamen said, panic overwhelming him. Yes, Kit had a tendency to wander off, usually to escape him, but that was before. She had held on so tight to him prior to leaving for the Council.

  “Let us check her room and yours.”

  Kamen shook his head. He would have sensed her if she was that close. The ache in his chest told him she was much farther away. The dungeon would be the likely location.

  Asar barked orders to the warriors standing guard, redirecting to search the palace rooms.

  “Come, we will find her.” Asar moved towards the dungeon stairs where the gate hung open.

  Kamen moved more swiftly down the steps, leaving his brother behind. Following the trail of roses, Kit’s scent bisected many corridors, even towards Set’s cell. The strongest led him to the temple. Pausing at the door, he surveyed the room. A rush of relief filled him seeing Kit standing next to her father’s sarcophagus. The lid had been shifted to the side.

  Not once had Kit come to the temple to pay her father respect. She’d removed the white muslin covering Jonathan Carrigan’s face. Kamen moved to her side, drawn by the bond demanding to reconnect with his other half. Without a word, she turned into his waiting arms. He sighed as the ache lessened in his chest along with his fear.

  He held her tight as she cried, not needing to ask why. Her sorrow broke in waves against his soul. Although, he suspected it was more than just the loss of her father, he sensed the heaviness in her heart, a portion partially closed off to him.

  “Do you think he would approve of me?” Kamen asked, looking into the tomb. Perfectly preserved, the male appeared as if he was only sleeping.

  She wiped her cheeks and stared down at her father’s face. “He would have loved you.”

  If they could win the war, then perhaps Kamen would get his chance to meet Jonathan Carrigan. “I have one question to ask him.”

  With her brows furrowed, her eyes drifted up to meet his. “What question would you possibly ask my father?”

  Kamen cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb across her soft skin. “Permission to marry his daughter.”

  She sucked in a breath.

  “Will you marry me, Kit?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Tonight?” He did not want to rush, but they were a day away from the eclipse. With the flooding of the gates, he would not go into battle without her immortality being assured, and if they survived the war, he wanted to commit his soul to her for eternity.

  “Now, if you want.” She smiled.

  “I love you, Kitten.”

  Her brows furrowed again.

  He kissed her to hide his awkwardness and the effect that Set’s words had on him earlier. So adverse to it in the beginning, the bond was all he had in his life and he was desperate to keep it. He could not imagine life without her.

  “I love you too,” she whispered against his lips.

  His alarm about her being down in the dungeon alone dissipated in favor of the warmth generated between them. Living energy infused his soul, feeding his hunger deep inside.

  Asar cleared his throat at the door. “I see you found her.”

  Realizing he overreacted, Kamen frowned. “Yes.”

  “Kit, would you like to meet the baby?” Asar asked.

  She pushed away from Kamen. “Is everything okay?”

  “A healthy baby girl. Looks like you win the bet.” Asar chuckled and exited the door.

  Kit clamped down on Kamen’s
hand. “Siya wanted you there.” Kit’s knowing eyes tracked his expression.

  He nodded. “She fears the baby was tainted when she was kidnapped.”

  “Do you think she was?”

  “I don’t know.” Soon they would find out. He kissed Kit’s hand and guided her out of the dungeon. Ensuring the dungeon gate was locked, he slipped the key back into his pocket.

  He paused at the door to Siya’s room and took a deep breath. “Ready,” he asked Kit.

  She chewed on her lip and grasped the door handle. The soft cry of the baby drew Kamen forward. He sensed Kit’s trepidation through the bond. Gliding along the invisible thread, he held onto it ready to transport them if he sensed any instability in Kit or himself.

  Bomani rose and stood between them and the baby.

  Siya tugged on his arm. “Sit down. We need to know if she is all right.”

  Asar met Kamen’s stare and then intercepted Bomani. “Come. Let Kamen have a look.”

  “Do not hurt her,” Bomani protested.

  The tension in the room increased, along with Kit’s grip on his hand. Her fear echoed through their connection. He gently brushed his thumb against her skin and then released her hand.

  Asar lifted the naked baby from Siya’s arms and held it out for Kamen to take. She was so small, Kamen feared he would crush the small bundle of flesh. Out of his element, he fumbled on how to extract her from Asar’s grasp.

  The baby cried softly as Asar lowered her into Kamen’s waiting arms. Pulling the baby close to his chest, he stared down at the dark brown locks covering the round little head. Gold eyes squinted up at him. Kamen sensed the strong beat of a heart beneath the honey colored skin. A perfect mix of Creation and Underworld. He sensed the same demon blood of her mother, but nothing bitter or foul.

  Kit stepped forward and fingered the thin hair. “Hi, sweet thing.”

  Kamen watched Kit’s thorough inspection of all the fingers and toes, completely enamored with how comfortable she seemed with the youngling. Would she want a child? His child?

  Leaning forward she inhaled. A small flicker of fire ignited behind the blue of Kit’s eyes. She met his gaze. “I think she is absolutely beautiful. Don’t you agree?”


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