Book Read Free

Breaking Routine

Page 9

by Melissa Tereze

  “Boring without you.”

  “I’m sure you’re fine. You can be with all your girly friends now that the lesbian isn’t around.”

  “That’s nonsense.”

  Harper shrugged. “Tell that to them and the way they used to snarl at me when I was around. I’m sure they thought I was trying to recruit you to the dark side. But I wouldn’t do that to you; it’s honestly not worth it. Women are the fucking worst!”

  “Yeah, I didn’t think you’d be taking it so well.”

  “Oh, I’m fine. I just have no desire to entertain another woman for the rest of my life.”

  “Look, I know it must be hard, but now that she’s out of your life…and moving on by the looks of it, you can get on with your own life. And it must be gorgeous up there.”

  “She was here last weekend. Showed up.”

  Autumn fell silent.

  Harper frowned. “You there?”

  “I…yes, I’m here. So, she told you then?”

  “She tells me all kinds of shit she thinks I want to hear. You’ll have to be more specific.”

  “About the engagement?”

  What engagement? Harper had called that off the moment she found out about Callie’s infidelity.

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “Autumn, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “Ruby proposed.”

  Harper’s heart thundered in her chest. How could this be happening? “What?”

  “They went away for the weekend a few weeks ago. Ruby has it all over social media. I know you don’t follow her, but I thought one of the girls may have told you. Seems it’s left to the best friend when it comes to that sort of stuff.”

  “What’s Ruby’s surname?” Harper couldn’t check Callie’s, she’d already blocked Harper from all of her accounts, but maybe Ruby hadn’t been so clever.


  Harper pulled up her page, searching for Ruby’s profile. She wasn’t sure she wanted to come across the post she was looking for, but it might put an end to everything Harper ever felt for Callie. When her eyes landed on Ruby’s profile picture, Harper’s anger bubbled. “The fuck?”

  “Harper, close the page. You don’t need to see that stuff.”

  She studied the image, horror tearing through her at the speed of light. “I…it’s…that’s my fucking bedroom! Here!”

  Autumn gasped. “No. It can’t be. Why would it be?”

  “The reason I didn’t call you is because I’ve been dealing with some issues at the house. I had a leak downstairs, but it’s all sorted now. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be once I took the carpet up.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry.”

  “It was Callie who caused the leak in the first place. She admitted to bringing Ruby here the week before I moved in. She only admitted it though when I found a fucking bra in my room.” Harper swallowed down her anger and emotion. If she cried for this woman one more time, she would scream. “But this? A proposal in my fucking bedroom?”

  “Crap. I’ve made this worse, haven’t I?”

  “I’m sure I would have come across it at some point.” Harper’s entire body slumped in her chair; this was too much to take. This tipped everything completely over the edge. “But you know, thanks and that.”

  “Can I come and visit you?” Autumn asked. “We can sit around in our pjs and talk shit about them both.”

  “I’d love you to come and visit me, but I don’t want to sit around talking about her. I’m done with everything she is!”

  “Okay, well, when is best for you?”

  Harper relaxed slightly. Knowing her best friend was visiting made this seem less daunting. Nobody would be any wiser as to where Callie was proposed to, but Harper knew. She always would. Callie was sitting at home laughing at her, no doubt about it.

  “Come up whenever you like. I’ll be home. I’m just getting used to things at the minute.”

  “I’ll drive up first thing in the morning. Spend Saturday and Sunday with you. I’ll drive back Sunday night once the traffic has died down.”

  “That works for me. I’ll put your favourite pillows on my bed. It’s been a while since we’ve hung out like that.”

  “See you early tomorrow afternoon, okay? Send me the address, and I’ll bring alcohol. We could both use a blowout.”

  “Bye, bestie. Love ya!”

  “Love you too.”

  As Harper ended the call and placed her phone down, tears slid freely down her face. Autumn wouldn’t know that, she didn’t often show emotion in front of other people, but, God, she needed to let it all out. Just last week, Callie had been in this house, asking if Harper would take her back. And now? Well, it seemed a leopard really didn’t change its spots.

  Cait stopped, glancing across the road at Harper’s house. It really was a home to be admired; Cait still kicked herself for not putting an offer in when it was up for sale. But she stood by her word—Harper would treat it well. And she deserved the incredible space inside.

  As Cait placed one foot on the road, uncertainty rolled through her. Was it wise to call and see Harper? What if Callie was home? Cait didn’t know what Harper and Callie had discussed, but Cait knew that Harper had an inkling Cait was attracted to her. It was too obvious when they were down at the lake together. An evening that seemed like a distant memory now.

  She steeled herself, rushed across the street, and approached Harper’s front door. The garden gate was already open, just another obstacle removed from Cait’s pathway to Harper. She lifted her hand and knocked lightly, clearing her throat in preparation for what she would say.

  What would she say? She had no idea.

  The door opened slowly. Harper peered around the slight gap, frowning. “Is everything okay?”

  Cait smiled. “Yes. I just wanted to call by and see you.”

  “Why? You didn’t want to speak to me this morning, so I don’t know why you’ve changed your mind.”

  “Could I come in and explain?” Cait asked, aware that Harper wasn’t in a great mood. The reason was most likely Cait’s cold shoulder this morning, but she really didn’t want it to be that way. So she would explain her predicament to Harper, and then let her be. “Please?”

  Harper nodded, opening the door. “Fine.”

  Cait breathed a sigh of relief, stepping past Harper and closing the door. She knew better than to hang around outside when the fire was keeping it warm inside. And with the bitter wind chill this evening, Cait really didn’t want to bring it in with her.

  She moved into the living room, fully complete with new carpets and brand-spanking new couches. Cait’s breath caught when she eyed the roaring fire, the thick fleece throws, and a rom com playing on the huge TV.

  “You look settled.”

  “Finished working for the day. Got nothing better to do, so I may as well sit and scoff at the pathetic film I’m watching.”

  “O…kay.” Cait straightened herself; Harper didn’t want her here.

  “Sorry, I’ve had a bad day. You didn’t deserve that.” Harper lifted a hand, an apologetic look in her eyes. “So, you wanted to speak to me?”

  “Is Callie home?” Cait asked, not wanting to cause a rift between them. “I can come back if it’s not a great time.”

  “Callie? Home?”

  Should Cait tell Harper she’d seen her here? Or maybe just start with the fact that Callie was at the B&B? “Never mind. She’s obviously not here.”

  “Cait,” Harper said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why the hell would Callie be here?”

  “I…I thought you were back together.”

  Harper barked a laugh, dropping down onto the edge of the couch. Cait chanced her luck, taking a seat beside her. “That woman is only around when she wants to hurt me that little bit more. I really don’t know what I did for her to hate me so much.”

  Cait focused on Harper. She had to be truthful. “She was here last weekend. Kissing you.”

at?” Harper’s brow knitted. “How could you possibly know that?”

  “I saw.”

  “And how exactly did that happen?”

  Cait swallowed, lowering her eyes. “I was coming home from dinner with friends. I wanted to stop by and see you because…well, it doesn’t matter why. I realised you had company. I know I shouldn’t have looked through the window, I really wish I hadn’t, but I did.”



  Harper dropped her head into her hands. “She came here. Turned up with a bottle of wine and told me she’d gotten a room for the night. She said we needed to talk and that she wanted to apologise for everything.”

  “That’s something…I guess.” Cait didn’t like where this was going. Even though she’d seen what she did, it still made her stomach roll. “And now?”

  “She’s engaged,” Harper said barely above a whisper. “She kissed me, asked if there was any chance, while she was engaged.”


  “Not only that, her girlfriend proposed the weekend they were here.”


  “In my bedroom.” Harper brushed a tear from her jawline, shaking her head. “She’s made a complete idiot of me.”

  “Hey,” Cait said, shifting closer and settling a hand on Harper’s forearm. “I’m so sorry she did that to you.”

  “It’s never-ending. But that was the last straw. I no longer give a shit about anything she does, so long as she stays out of my life.”

  “You were going to take her back?” Cait asked, hiding her surprise miserably.

  “No. I told her there was no chance. The kiss just happened, and it wasn’t even really a kiss.”

  “That’ll teach me to jump to conclusions.”

  Harper wiped her cheeks, blowing out a breath. “I just thought you’d had a busy week. But even though she did kiss me…what does it matter?”

  Cait took a calming breath. Harper was watching her expectantly, but she needed a moment before she laid her cards on the table. The last couple of weeks had been miserable without Harper around, but Cait truly didn’t know where they stood with one another. Harper had said in no uncertain terms that she didn’t want a relationship, but was that forever? Or just for now?


  “Sorry. I didn’t think this would be so difficult. It would appear I’m really out of practice.”

  Harper twisted in her seat, giving Cait her full attention. But that only made her nerves skyrocket. “Is something wrong, Cait?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong. Not with you, and not with this.” Cait paused. “Harper, we’ve only just met, but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. And I respect your choice to want to be single, but do you think that maybe down the line, when you’re happy, that maybe you would consider going on a date with me?”

  Harper stared straight through Cait. Silence.

  “I’m sure it’s all in my head, but at the lake, those things you said…”

  “It’s not all in your head.”

  Okay, that made things easier. Now Cait just had to pray that Harper would one day entertain the idea.

  “But there is nothing I could bring to your life that you don’t already have. I just…I have to really look at myself, see how I can improve.”

  “Improve what?”

  “Well, whatever Callie didn’t like. Because I know it’ll only happen again with the next woman I meet, and I don’t think I could go through what she’s put me through ever again.”

  “Callie is gone. And I know she hurt you, but you have to understand that some people are just like that. It doesn’t mean you did anything wrong. I see how much you’ve enriched my life already, so I’m really struggling to find any areas for improvement with you.”

  Harper turned her hand over, lacing their fingers together. “You’re really sweet.”

  “No, I tell the truth.”

  “Maybe one day. I don’t know.”

  As much as Cait loved that it could potentially happen, Harper didn’t seem overly enthusiastic about the suggestion. Perhaps Harper was just trying not to hurt Cait’s feelings, but she preferred honesty in any situation. “You know, I don’t want you to just tell me you’ll consider it if it’s not what you want.”

  Harper sighed. “If only you knew just how much I do want it.”

  Cait smiled, but Harper looked emotionally drained. She wouldn’t put any more pressure on her about this. Cait had opened up about her intentions, now the ball was in Harper’s court. “Well, I’ve said what I needed to say. I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your night.”

  “Do you like Kendal Mint Cake?” Harper asked, her eyes brightening ever so slightly.

  “What kind of question is that? I grew up on the stuff.”

  Harper got to her feet, blowing out a long breath. She rolled her head on her shoulders and stared down at Cait. “Fancy some? With this film?”

  “You…want me to stay a while?” Cait suppressed the grin she felt curling on her lips when Harper nodded. “You’re sure?”

  “Only if you promise to finish the entire bar with me?”

  “That’s not difficult. I always have a bar at home and one hidden for back up.”

  “Uh-huh. Just the kind of thing I’m looking for.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Harper was running late. Autumn was due any moment now, and she was only just leaving the local shop. Autumn had told her she would bring the alcohol, but Harper figured she should at least stock up on some herself; it wouldn’t do any harm. But if she got back home and Autumn was waiting for her, Harper would never hear the end of it.

  In all honesty, Harper was in a world of her own today. She’d gone to sleep last night thinking of Cait, and she’d woken this morning in the same situation. But for a change, she felt positive. She knew all about the spark she and Cait shared, but to actually be asked if there was a chance she may one day consider dating Cait? That hadn’t been on Harper’s mind. It had crept in once or twice as a fanciful daydream, but it didn’t hang around long enough to stick. Except today…it did.

  Harper moved quickly as she descended the hill, her eyes catching the upstairs window at the B&B. She could see Cait’s silhouette, her breath quickening as she stopped to admire the view for a second. It looked as though Cait was twirling in a mirror, and Harper was certain she probably looked stunning.

  And then her phone pinged, ruining the moment she was sharing with herself. Bastard.

  A: I’m here. You’re not. What gives?

  H: 2 secs. I was at the shop.

  A: Hurry up. I’m freezing my bollocks off!

  Harper rolled her eyes, locking her phone as she jogged the rest of the way home. Autumn was always dramatic when it came to arrivals; it looked like today wouldn’t be any different.

  When she spotted her best friend leaning against the garden wall, Harper could hardly contain the laugh that worked its way to the surface. Autumn stood in a thin denim jacket and a skirt. “Are you taking the piss?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Autumn. It’s like minus 50 here. I hope you’ve brought warmer clothes with you.”

  “I’ll be in my pjs. It’ll hardly matter.” Autumn popped the boot of her car, taking a hold-all from it. “Be a love and carry that thing in for me.”

  Harper bent to lift the bag, almost pulling her back out. “Shit. What’s in that?”

  “My life.”

  “You’re only here until tomorrow. You’re off your head!” Harper dragged the hold-all up the path, searching for her keys in her pocket as she balanced the alcohol under her arm. “But God, I’m so happy you’re here. We have stuff to talk about.”

  “Please let me sit and slate that whore and her home-wrecker all night. Please!”

  “Nope. Callie is the least of my concerns,” Harper said, holding up a hand as she ushered Autumn inside. “Welcome. Make yourself at home.”

  “That’s the plan.” Autumn kicked off her shoes, dragg
ing herself into the living room. “I love this house. It’s gorgeous. And very…not you.”

  “Hey! I’m a new person now.” Harper scowled, her hand on her hip. She left Autumn’s hold-all in the hallway, closing the front door and locking up. “And I’m not as miserable as I was when I spoke to you yesterday.”


  “Autumn, I’ve met someone. She’s amazing, she’s gorgeous, she has the sweetest smile, and I’m fully prepared to fall over myself for this woman.”

  “And this all happened since yesterday?”

  “Well, not exactly. But she came over last night and asked me if I wanted to go on a date…”

  “Wow. Okay. Sit down, I want to know all about it.”

  “Can I get you something to drink first? Cup of tea?” Harper got to her knees, adding more wood to the fire. Autumn was shivering, but Harper knew she wouldn’t mention the fact after how she’d been greeted. “Cold drink?”

  “I’ll have a coffee, love. Warm my hands up.”

  “And what about the rest of you? Your knees are blue.”

  Autumn glanced down. “No, they’re not!”

  “Could have been.”

  “Anyway, I’m not interested in me or what I’m wearing, I’ll warm up in no time. What I want to know is all about this woman you’re head over heels for.”

  “I’m not head over heels.”

  “But you could be?”

  Harper remained silent for a moment. She knew with one hundred percent certainty that Cait could be the best thing to ever happen to her, but she also knew herself well enough to know that she had the potential to fuck it all up. Harper didn’t want to even tempt fate by saying too much to Autumn. The results could be devastating.

  “If we get on, yes. No reason why I couldn’t.”

  “Something changed just then,” Autumn said, sitting forward with her elbows on her knees. “You were thinking…”

  “I just have a lot to consider, Autumn. As much as I’d love to knock on her door now and take her out to dinner, I’m not in the right place. We both know that, and I think Cait does too.”


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