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The Hills Party (The Hollywood Twins #1)

Page 4

by Amanda White

  He lifted her slightly up off of the couch and sat her gently in his lap. She could feel him bulging against her, but he did not make a move to enter her. She had the feeling he was waiting for her to invite him. She looked down at him as he savored the taste of her breasts, and he gazed up at her. Neither of them had to speak to know that it was time. When he entered her, she gasped out with pleasure and gripped onto the back of the couch to steady herself. Her head thrust backward with the first solid stroke he offered deep inside of her. She felt the moan spill from her lips before the sound was ever heard, and knew that it was loud enough to be heard. Kyle found her lips and the passionate kiss that ensued was interrupted only by their cries of pleasure and groans of desire.

  Their bodies melded together naturally, as if they had been designed to fit snugly together. When Rachel began to tremble with the force of her ecstasy, he laid her back against the couch, and arched her hips upward just enough to give her the most pleasure possible. He stared down at her, his sandy hair streaked with sweat, his sweet lips parted with desperate breaths, and was amazed that finally he could feel how wonderful sex was meant to be. It was more than just sensation; it was swimming into the depths of her beautiful eyes, and feeling how deeply she admired him. They crashed over the pinnacle of their ecstasy together and the cries that escaped Rachel's mouth were enough to leave her feeling very shy. He kissed softly at her lips, her cheeks, then her chin and down along her throat.

  “Maybe we should take this in the other room,” she gasped out when he she felt him seize one of her breasts again.

  Kyle swept her up into his arms and carried her with ease into her bedroom. He kicked the door closed behind him and laid her down across the bed. Not an instant later, he was on top of her, his lips traveling from the base of her neck, down along her chest. Rachel had never experienced such pleasure, and she had a feeling that it was not going to end anytime soon. His fingertips deftly aroused her while his mouth and the tip of his tongue tantalized other areas, working her with such frenzy that she was desperate to feel him inside of her again. As he slid inside of her and arched his back, drawing in a heavy breath at the intensity of his own pleasure, she knew that this was something special.

  Chapter 8

  The next day arrived and when they wandered out of Rachel's bedroom, dazed with the afterglow of passion, Hanna was waiting for them with pancakes.

  “Well, well,” Hanna smirked as she eyed the scattered clothes around the couch. “I see that someone had a good time last night,” she winked at Rachel whose face blushed a dark red. She had completely forgotten that they had left their clothes all over the living room.

  “Oh, sorry,” Rachel gulped shyly, while Kyle slid an arm around her waist and sniffed appreciatively at the pancakes. He had worked up quite an appetite.

  “Thanks for breakfast,” he mumbled as he snatched one up.

  Rachel was not feeling very hungry but she wondered how much Hanna had heard. Hanna was not shy about sharing, as she set a cup of coffee in front of her sister.

  “Here sis, I think you're going to need this, you two were moaning and groaning until dawn!”

  Rachel gasped and glared at her sister. “Hanna, stop!” she demanded.

  “What?” Hanna asked innocently as she smirked in Kyle's direction. “I just wish you two would have invited me, it sounded like so much fun!”

  It was Kyle's turn to blush this time and his eyes hardened some, as he looked directly at Hanna. He could tell that she was joking, but he was getting tired of Hanna’s flirtation with him. Hanna returned the look with equal animosity. She knew his type, and she was not going to let him hurt her sister. She was still not truly convinced that Kyle was genuine about his feelings towards Rachel.

  “Hey listen,” Kyle said quickly to change the subject, and turned towards Rachel “I am shooting tomorrow for the movie, I thought you might like to come along and watch?” he asked hopefully.

  Hanna rolled her eyes and turned back to the pancake she was burning.

  “That sounds like fun!” Rachel said with relief. She was glad he had found a way to quiet Hanna down. She loved her sister but sometimes her behavior was just out of control.

  “Fantastic. I’ll pick you up here tomorrow morning. It will be fun,” Kyle says excitedly, and he kisses Rachel on the cheek before grabbing another pancake to go.

  Chapter 9

  Rachel was abruptly awakened with the blare from her alarm clock. It was 6am and Kyle would arrive in just a little over an hour. The shoot was scheduled to start at 8am and she wanted to look great when meeting the movie cast.

  After a quick shower and breakfast, Kyle stood in the door, spare helmet in hand, ready to escort her to the shoot on his Harley. He pulled into the motorcycle parking on the studio lot. Rachel was fascinated by being so close to a real movie production. She enjoyed movies, especially romances, and was always curious about what it looked like behind the scenes. Kyle of course, had to head straight to work, but he made sure she was comfortable and not too far from the cameras with perfect view of the set.

  Shortly after, Kyle had a brief conversation with the director of the movie and Rachel could tell that he looked a little confused and kept glancing nervously over at her direction. She thought it was cute that he was nervous, but hoped it would not throw him off.

  The scene started to unfold and Rachel felt her excitement hovering. The female lead in the movie was also a new actress and it was easy to see why she had gotten the part. She had the body of a supermodel and the face of an angel. She was so beautiful that even Rachel found herself admiring her figure. When the woman climbed into the large king size bed that was the central focus of the scene, Rachel frowned. Then she watched as Kyle climbed in with her. They were both soon shedding their shirts and engaging each other in similar deep passionate kisses to those she had experienced with Kyle the night before. The more Rachel watched, the more she wondered why he would bring her here to the set, just to watch him make out with another woman. Did he want her to realize that he was just acting the other night? That all of the emotions she thought he was experiencing were just an orchestration of his abilities as an actor? That was the feeling she was getting. Maybe he wanted to prove to her that he could easily be with a much more beautiful woman.

  The scene was never quite right for the producer, so they kept starting over. After about the fifth time, watching Kyle pull off the woman's blouse, Rachel decided she had enough. She was feeling humiliated and had no desire to be there another second. She stood from her chair quietly, not wanting to cause a scene, but Kyle noticed. She started walking toward the door when Kyle caught up with her.

  “Hey, what's wrong?” he asked with concern.

  “What's wrong?” she rebuffed. “I don't know what kind of woman you thought I was, Kyle, but this is not my scene,” she said sharply and opened the side door to the studio. He grasped her arm swiftly before she could get all the way out the door.

  “Rachel wait, please, I understand that this is strange for you, to watch me with her, but honestly, I don't feel anything when I kiss her. I swear, it's all professional.”

  “Really?” Rachel smirked as she glanced down at the boxers he was wearing. “Because that looks a bit more than simply “professional” to me,” she stared smugly down at the bulge in his boxers.

  “Rachel,” he tried to reason with her, but she was already out the door. She had already texted Hanna fifteen minutes earlier and her sister had dropped everything and driven her Jeep right to the studio. She pulled up, just as Rachel walked out the door.

  “Just leave me alone Kyle,” Rachel insisted. “Whatever you were trying to prove, it worked. Just go back to your supermodel,” she jumped into the passenger side of the Jeep. Hanna smirked as she cast a judgmental look in Kyle's direction.

  “Like I said Rae, Hollywood type,” she gunned the engine and squealed out of the parking lot.

  Chapter 10

  Kyle grew more and more frustr
ated. Over the next few days, Rachel kept ignoring his calls. She did not even reply back to any of his texts.

  “Was she even reading them? Probably not,” he thought to himself.

  Kyle was not far off. Instead Rachel threw herself into work and did her best not to think about him. She had done it again. She had set herself up for heartbreak, but this time she was determined it would be the last.

  Three days with no response from Rachel was more than Kyle could take. In a decisive action, he jumped on his Harley in the direction of Hollywood, intent on getting to the bottom of the problem.

  Arriving in front of Rachel’s apartment, he knocked hard on the door and a slow sultry smile met him when the door opened a crack.

  “Hey Kyle.”

  “Rachel please, you have to forgive me,” he said without concern for saving face. “I had no idea they were going to shoot that scene the other day. Had I known, I never would have brought you there. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you. I’m so sorry,” he said genuinely.

  “Oh, really?” she replied and canted her head slightly to the side. “Of course you didn't mean to,” she said sweetly. “I forgive you,” she insisted and reached out to lightly stroke his cheek. “I mean, as hot as you are, how can I not expect to find another woman's hands all over you most of the time?”

  “Rachel!” he said quizzically as she stepped a little closer to him. “Why would you say that?”

  She smiled coyly and leaned forward, attempting to initiate a kiss. Instead he brushed his lips over her cheek and whispered in her ear.

  “Listen, maybe you are being sarcastic and even mocking me right now. That’s okay. I deserve it for what I did the other day, even though it was unintentional. Just know that, there is no one else but you for me. I am completely falling for you and the mere thought of being without you, hurts more than anything I have ever experienced.”

  She pulled back. “Dammit,” she sighed with a roll of her eyes. “I'm not Rachel,” she sighed and lowered her eyes.

  “What?” Kyle took a step back. “Hanna?” he asked with surprise. “Why would you do that?”

  Hanna shrugged and leaned against the side of the door. “I figured if Rachel didn't want you, I could have some fun and maybe even teach you a lesson or two about how to treat a girl but...”

  “But what?” he snapped, angry about what she had almost conned him into.

  “But now you had to be so romantic about it. I can tell that you really care about her,” she admitted. “You know, Rachel deserves someone who cares about her,” she said firmly. “But if you ever hurt her again,” she warned and raised her finger to slice it across her neck.

  Kyle was sure she was serious. “Where is she?” he asked pleadingly.

  “She's at work of course,” Hanna shrugged.

  “At the bar? But it’s the middle of the day,” he pointed out.

  “No, she's at her other job, at the bakery,” she explained.

  “What job… bakery? She never told me about it.”

  “She just started. It is only a temporary thing that she is doing, because one the employees had to go on maternity leave.”

  Hanna gave Kyle the address and smiled sadly as he rushed off. “Hmm, Rachel is a lucky girl. That is an amazingly handsome hunk of a man.”

  Minutes later, Kyle drove up in front of the bakery. He rushed inside and found Rachel in a cute white apron with flour scattered through her hair. She glanced up when he walked in and frowned.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked coldly.

  Kyle studied her for a brief moment; he knew he only had one chance to plead his case. “Rachel, please hear me out, I had no idea that they were shooting the love scene that day. I thought it was going to be the comedy skit where she throws a pizza at me, and...”

  “A pizza?” Rachel asked lifting one flour covered brow.

  “Yes, a pizza,” he rushed forward. “Then, when I saw it was the bedroom scene, I wasn't sure what to do. I got really frustrated, tried to make the director shoot the scene another day but there was nothing I could do. They had spent hours preparing everything and I couldn’t really stop the action. I just...”

  “Shh,” Rachel laughed as the other customers began to look in their direction.

  “No!” Kyle said firmly. “I am not going to let you walk away from me Rachel; I will do anything it takes. If you want, I will get the director to find me a body double for the love scenes.”

  Rachel was stunned by his passion. “Seriously?” she giggled quietly.

  “Of course,” he said as he stepped closer to her.

  “Well, I’ve got an even better idea. Why don’t I become the body double for her? she suggested teasingly.

  “Of course. When the director sees the amount of passion between us, he won't let anyone else in that bed with me ever again,” he said playing along with the joke.

  “Hmm, I don't know,” Rachel said playfully as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “I think we might have to practice a bit more to get it just right.”

  Kyle stared deeply into her eyes and held the most serious expression he could muster. “Over, and over,” he murmured and kissed gingerly at her lips. “As many times as it takes,” he added.

  Rachel sighed against his lips, and forgot about the other customers in the bakery. “So what are you doing later?” she asked breathlessly.

  He brushed his lips across her cheek, coating them in flour as he did, and paused when he was just beside her ear. “You,” he whispered, and Rachel shivered with anticipation.

  ~The End~

  The Hollywood Twins, Hanna and Rachel, returns in book 2 “Hanna’s Remix”.

  Check out the exciting preview of book 2 that follows here,

  Preview - Hollywood Twins 2

  The Hollywood Twins

  Book 2 – The Remix

  By Amanda White

  Amanda White Romance ©

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2013 Amanda White.

  Published By Amanda White Romance.

  Chapter 1

  The glide of Kyle's fingertips along her skin made Rachel feel as if she was swimming in silk. She loved his touch. Over the past two months they had gotten to know each other much better, and had spent a lot of time together, despite his busy schedule with the movie he was starring in. Kyle always made time for her, even if it was only a half hour stroll under the stars, or a movie on the couch. But tonight was special. Tonight they had the apartment to themselves because Hanna was working a gig at one of the more popular Hollywood clubs, The Garage. She would certainly not be home until early in the morning, if she came home at all. It was nice for Rachel because for once she did not feel shy about vocalizing her pleasure when Kyle's lips traveled across her breasts, or the warmth of his fingertip found just the right spot. Sprawled out on the couch together they were taking the time to savor each other’s bodies rather than trying to rush before they were interrupted.

  Rachel still could not believe that Kyle, nearly a movie star, handsome as any man she had ever met, was deeply interested in her. When he was inside of her, he did not glance away or close his eyes, it was as if he wanted to memorize every expression of euphoria that she offered until that last moment when they both became too overwhelmed by the force of their mutual ecstasy to keep their eyes from closing.

  "Oh, that was amazing," Rachel breathed out against the curve of Kyle's neck. Her dark hair was slick with sweat, and her bright blue eyes were shimmering with the waves of pleasure she felt.

  "Yeah, it was alright," Kyle joked and then ducked before Rachel could strike him. She snuggled up into his arms.

  "Isn't it nice to have some time alone without Hanna around?" she sighed with cont

  "Very," Kyle replied.

  Although he and Hanna had gotten off to a rocky start, things seemed to be going better now, but he could always count on her to get into some kind of drama. Rachel on the other hand was very down to earth. She took everything in stride, and never let anything get her too wound up. She was gorgeous, with the intellect to match. He felt like he had hit the jackpot, so if he had to deal with some of Hanna's drama, it was more than worth the tradeoff.


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