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A Hunted Man (The Men of Halfway House)

Page 20

by Reese, Jaime

  Hunter pulled him up by the hair and pushed him against the wall for a soul-branding kiss. Cam moaned as he struggled to keep up with the full force of Hunter's invasion, consumed by the heated trail of Hunter touching and tasting his skin.

  Cam eased back, needing to catch his breath. He gasped when he saw Hunter's silver, heated gaze filled with so much promise of passion. He tried to level his breathing as he watched the water travel through Hunter's hair, down his face. Hunter's long lashes were soaked, his kiss-swollen lips parted as he, too, tried to settle his breathing.

  Cam's heart beat furiously against his chest. With renewed energy, he gripped Hunter's hair and pulled his head back and latched onto his neck again. He wanted to mark Hunter, claim him, let the world know this man was his and everyone needed to just…back…the…fuck…off.

  He heard a sound then gasped when Hunter's finger entered him. He looked over his shoulder when he heard the sound again and saw Hunter squeeze out lube onto his fingers.

  "Where did you get that from?" Cam asked breathlessly.

  "I've been prepping for this weekend. I've got a bottle of lube in every corner of the house," he said with a wicked grin before snapping the cap shut and delivering another passionate kiss.

  Their tongues fought for dominance while Hunter continued to explore and stretch inside Cam's body. His arms encircled Hunter's shoulders as his body swayed, demanding more friction from Hunter. "I'm done with the foreplay," Cam said between kisses. He was too close and didn't want to lose it in the shower. "Let's go to bed."

  Hunter looked at him as he worked a third finger inside. He brushed his lips against Cam's. "It's been too long and I don't want to hurt you. So deal with it."

  Cameron was quieted when Hunter sealed his mouth with another kiss. Cam madly rocked back and forth, needing friction against Hunter's hardness and his exploratory fingers. Desire ran hot through his veins, making him teeter on the edge of release.

  "Shit," Hunter said when the water began to get cold. He withdrew his fingers gently then reached back and switched off the water.

  "Bed," Cam said. He walked out of the shower on shaky legs and reached for the nearest towel. Hunter dried himself as he predatorily stared at every move Cam made.

  Hunter discarded the towel and stalked over to him. Cam's heart pounded violently, watching the play of muscles move with each step. Hunter grabbed his hand and pulled him back into the bedroom.


  Cam stood frozen by the bed and blankly stared at the perfectly flattened sheets. Fear coursed through his veins, cooling the desire that had driven his actions only moments before.

  Hunter stepped before him and cradled his face. "Talk to me. You're not panicking, but your mind is going a million miles a second."

  Cam looked away. He wanted Hunter, the pressure and heat of their bodies pressed together; he just didn't want this to be an epic failure falling short of any expectations. He sure as hell wasn't a virgin but his experience was beyond lackluster.

  "We'll go slow. Follow my lead. We'll stop if you want. Okay," Hunter said gently. He stroked Cam's cheeks then softly brushed his lips in a ghost of a caress.

  Cameron looked at Hunter and wondered how the hell he always seemed to know exactly what Cam was thinking and how to say the right things to keep the panic at bay. He nodded. He stood still by the bed, waiting for some indication of what to do as his heart beat feverishly against his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to settle his breathing and focus on the present rather than his embarrassment. He sensed movement and opened his eyes to see Hunter kneeling before him.

  "What are you doing?"

  "This," Hunter said, then wrapped his lips around Cam's full erection.

  Cam sharply inhaled through his nose and gripped Hunter's shoulders for support. The heat of Hunter's mouth on him, surrounding him, was surreal.

  He wanted to remember every lick, pull, scrape, and suck. He reveled in the sounds of pleasure Hunter made. He swayed with each pull of Hunter's mouth and he gasped when Hunter's warm breath skated across his sensitive skin. Shocks of pleasure spread throughout his body, weakening his legs. It wasn't just the excitement of a new experience, it was Hunter, and his desire to give Cam pleasure. He was light-headed, dizzy with desire as he ran his shaky fingers in Hunter's damp hair, encouraging, not wanting this beautiful torture to end. He gripped Hunter's shoulder hard, digging his fingers deeper in response to the heat of Hunter's mouth as he took him again.

  Cam blinked rapidly and stared blindly at the ceiling when everything abruptly stopped. He looked down and saw Hunter gazing up at him.

  Hunter slowly stood. "You didn't like that?"

  Cam nodded and looked away as a flush of heat spread across his face. He'd have to be dumber than a stump to not like what Hunter did. It was no wonder everyone wanted a blow job. Hell, he wanted another one right now.


  He glanced back at Hunter and noticed the concern etched in his expression. Hunter brushed his knuckles along Cam's cheek as he usually did when he hoped Cam would say something he was holding back. He didn't want to talk, he didn't want to have to admit that stepping into this bedroom made him realize that he didn't really have enough experience to back up all the buildup from weeks of teasing.

  Cam sighed. "That was the first time anyone's ever wanted to do that to me," he quietly mumbled as his face heated again.

  "I love the way you feel, the way you taste," Hunter said, ghosting kisses along his face. "We'll do it again later, if you let me."

  Cam looked up and smiled broadly. Hell yeah, times a million.

  Hunter brushed his lips slowly against Cam's then traced Cam's upper lip with his tongue. Cam moaned and ran his tongue alongside Hunter's. His chest tightened when he tasted himself on Hunter's tongue. An intimate mark on my man. He reached to pull Hunter closer, wanting to extend their unhurried, lazy exploration. Hunter's fingers traced his skin softly, a hint of a touch kindling every single inch of Cam on fire.

  Finally they separated and he watched Hunter walk over to the side table and grab the lube and condoms from the drawer before tossing them onto the bed. Cam took that as his cue and jumped onto the bed in the position he knew—face down on his knees—as anticipation thrummed through his nervous, shaking body.

  He just hoped Hunter was too anxious to notice.

  * * * *

  Hunter saw the tremble in Cam's hands as he positioned himself on the bed. He tried to hide it by burying his fists in the sheets, but the shaky breathing was a dead giveaway. Hunter controlled the anger that simmered directly beneath the surface. Cam's previous and only lover had been a selfish asshole. Regardless of whether Cam got off, his other lover had used him and hadn't taken the time to appreciate the gift of trust Cam so rarely gave.

  He reached out and ran his hand along Cam's back. Cam exhaled loudly and arched into the caress as goose bumps bloomed across his body like a row of dominos falling. Hunter wanted to see Cam's face, to spot the cues he needed so he'd know when to stop or slow down, but knew better than to push him. He inched closer and pressed his chest against Cam's back, then ran his hands along Cam's side, tracing a finger slowly along each curve of lean muscle. Hunter exhaled a shaky breath as he cautiously explored with touch, hoping and needing to establish a connection that would break through Cam's iron wall. He placed a trail of kisses along Cam's body, fighting the curl of desire that twisted along his spine. Unable to resist the urge to be inside Cam, he grabbed a condom and lube to begin readying himself.

  Cam inhaled deeply when Hunter rubbed against him. He pushed back and spoke in a menacing tone. "Hunter, I swear, if you start with the fingering shit again, I'm going to cut your balls off."

  Hunter smiled and kissed Cam's back, enjoying the slight twitch against his lips. He positioned himself, keeping constant contact with Cam as if he were circling a wild horse that would unexpectedly buck.

  Cam fisted his hands and lowered his head.

  Hunter to
ok a deep breath and slowly entered Cam's tight, welcoming body. He fought for control, overwhelmed by the feeling of finally being inside the man who had stolen his heart. He bowed his head, struggling to keep the emotions at bay as Cam's heat enveloped him.

  Hunter bent over Cam's body and wrapped his arms around his waist, wanting to hold him even closer. He rested his head on Cam's shoulder as their breaths mingled, both unsteady, both emitting enough body heat to power a city. He patiently waited until the tension in Cam's muscles began to ease.

  Cam moved lower, his backside still raised in offering. Hunter reached for Cam's hands and entwined their fingers, his arms protectively barricading Cam, resting his weight on Cam's body, pressing him into the mattress and pushing himself farther into the welcoming heat. Cam's body contoured against Hunter's, each curve corresponded perfectly to each dip. Cam looked over his shoulder, his mouth parted with an exhale, staring at Hunter with eyes that had darkened to a deep sapphire.

  "Don't stop," he said breathlessly as he placed a kiss on Hunter's arm.

  A surge of need traveled Hunter's body at the soft brush of Cam's lips. "Touch me," he whispered in Cam's ear, guiding his hand to Hunter's thigh. He tested a short thrust, pushing himself deeper into Cam. "Please."

  Cam moaned and turned his head, seeking Hunter's lips for a kiss. Cam's demanding fingers dug deeply into Hunter's thigh and pulled him closer. Hunter groaned and began a slow, sensual rhythm, never breaking contact with Cam's lips. They shifted, gripped, and pulled tighter, both seeking to get closer, both demanding more as the sounds of need echoed in the otherwise silent room.

  Cam broke the kiss, gasping for air. "Hunter."

  The needy way Cam said his name and the sounds of pleasure he made triggered a surge of desire throughout Hunter's body. The want for this man and the desire to claim him was too strong. He needed to calm himself or this torturous pleasure would end too soon.

  Hunter kissed a path from Cam's neck over to his bicep.

  "What are you doing?"

  "What does it look like I'm doing?" He kissed the raised skin that formed a misshapen set of markings on Cam's bicep.

  "Don't, it's…it's ugly," Cam said with a shaky voice.

  "Shhh." He peppered kisses down Cam's neck and shoulder. Hunter ran his tongue down Cam's bicep, tracing the partial ink design and each of the scars that marred his skin. When he reached back up to Cam's shoulder, his gaze was met with intense blue eyes filled with restrained emotion.

  He placed a gentle kiss on Cam's trembling lips. "I want all of you, I don't care."

  "It's ugly. I hate it," he finished quietly and turned away.

  "Look at me."

  Cam turned to meet Hunter's stare, his blue eyes brimming with sadness. There was nothing he wanted more at that very moment than to tell Cam how much he loved him, but that was something Cam wasn't ready to hear.

  He brushed the hair out of Cam's face. "I like having a sexy boyfriend with a tattoo. It's kinda hot. You're such a badass," he teased, then nuzzled Cam's ear.

  Cam chuckled. "You're fucking nuts," he whispered.

  Hunter moaned as the rumble of laughter became a vise on his shaft. "Turn around."


  "Turn around," Hunter repeated in a hoarse voice as he slowly withdrew. He refused to have Cam's back to him any longer.

  Cam looked confused but turned as requested, facing up on the bed. "You do realize I don't have girl parts, right?"

  Hunter smiled. "Thank God for that," he said as he positioned himself between Cam's invitingly open legs.

  Cam reached out to touch Hunter's abs when he neared. Hunter closed his eyes and sharply inhaled as Cam's finger's left a line of fire on his skin. He opened his eyes and his gaze locked with Cam's. Cam looked at him with a glint of mischief in his eyes, as though knowing exactly the effect he had on Hunter. Cam sucked in his lower lip, and Hunter groaned before bending to deliver another kiss. He pulled Cam closer, aligning himself without breaking contact. He finally separated from the kiss, staring intently at Cam, and moaned as he entered Cameron again in one swift movement.

  Cam arched his body off the bed and instantly locked his legs around Hunter, pulling him closer and impaling himself. He dug his fingers in Hunter's thighs as his body writhed, lifting himself, drawing Hunter deeper.

  Desire coiled in Hunter's body as the vise tightened around him and threatened to nudge him closer to that crest he wanted to avoid so soon. He began a slow, steady, disciplined rhythm. His body begged for friction but he forced his iron will to stave off the need that coursed through his veins. Everything was in slow motion, each pull and push, every breath and touch.

  Their eyes locked. He inhaled sharply, fighting the swell of emotions trying to overtake him.

  Their bodies moved in concert, tighter, faster, and harder as they neared the crescendo. Hunter's pulse raced and his heart pounded furiously against his chest with the heat of Cam's touch and the sweat-slicked glide of their bodies. Hunter's hips thrust on their own accord in a desperate urgency to own him.

  "Oh fuck!" Cam yelled and bowed his body when Hunter obviously hit the mark he sought.

  He ignored the sting of Cam's blunt nails digging deeper into his muscled back. Pure ecstasy infused his blood and drove him to piston uncontrollably into Cam with every ounce of power he had. Sweat trickled down his brow as he pushed himself harder. He reached for Cam's hard shaft. The instant touch yielded another yell as Cam arched hard and stilled before spilling his release into Hunter's hand.

  The tight grip around Hunter pushed him off the edge. Tremors rippled throughout his body as he roared his climax. He collapsed onto his forearms and rolled to lie on his back next to Cam.

  They worked to steady their breathing, their legs and arms spread wide.

  A hand clumsily fell on Hunter's face a few moments later.

  "Ow," he said conversationally. He looked over and saw Cam watching him with a huge, lazy grin. His eyes danced with wonder and mischief.

  "I hope you're ready for round two, old man. 'Cause that was worth an encore," he said in a slurred voice as his fingers trailed a path along Hunter's face and neck.

  Hunter lazily chuckled. "Give me a minute to recover, and I'll show you what this old man can do."

  And he did.

  Cam opened his eyes and tried to shift in bed. He barely had enough energy to move let alone fight to be liberated. He looked down and saw Hunter's arm and leg spread across him.

  His stomach fluttered. This was the first time he had ever slept in the same bed with another man.

  Every muscle in his body hurt, he ached in places he didn't know could pain him. But he didn't care. Last night he had been worshipped, spoiled, and worn out. He looked over and saw Hunter still asleep, his head turned on the pillow, facing him. He could see the slight bruising on his neck.

  His mark. Fuck yeah. Mine. He smiled smugly to himself.

  "Good morning," Hunter mumbled into the pillow with his eyes still closed.

  "I thought you were sleeping."

  "I don't want to sleep when you're looking at me like that," his words muffled against the fabric.

  Cameron chuckled. "How do you even know I'm looking at you if your eyes are shut?"

  Hunter opened his eyes and looked at Cam. "I can feel you looking at me."

  Cam had never been this connected to anyone. He reached out and stroked the arm that encased him.

  "What time is it?" Hunter asked, not moving.

  Cam craned his neck to see the clock on Hunter's side table. "It's almost nine."

  Hunter closed his eyes. "We've got to get up."


  "There's someplace I want to take you."

  "Where?" Cam asked, sitting up when Hunter rose from bed.

  "It's a surprise. I'll make us some breakfast before we leave." Hunter grabbed a pair of jeans from the drawer and dressed.

  Hunter reached over to kiss Cam. Cam grabbed him by the waist of his pants before he h
ad a chance to walk away. He smiled when he saw the number of bruises and scratches on Hunter's torso. He ran his fingers over each discoloration that would ultimately bloom in color. When he looked up, Hunter's molten silver glare was filled with unmistakable desire.

  "Mine," Cam said possessively.

  "Yours," Hunter responded with equal fire.

  Cam rested his weight on his knees and pulled Hunter into a greedy kiss.

  Hunter separated from the kiss with a groan. "Get dressed. I'm going to make breakfast so we can leave."

  Cam scowled as Hunter left the bedroom. He could hear his steps travel through the house and reach the kitchen. He debated getting dressed but then heard the clanging of pans. Grumbling, he got out of bed and stretched.

  Cam joined Hunter in the kitchen moments later. "Why is most of your house so….plain? It's almost as if you don't live here, other than your room."

  Hunter poured juice into two glasses. "I hadn't noticed that really. I guess it's because it doesn't really feel like a home. Feels more like a house where I sleep. I'm usually up at the crack of dawn and can't wait to get out of bed and into the office."

  "You didn't wake up early this morning."

  Hunter walked over to Cam and pulled him close by the waistband of his pants then wrapped his arms around him. "No, not today."

  Cam quirked an eyebrow. "Is this the part where you get sappy on me?"

  Hunter sighed then pulled away from the embrace. "There's no one to welcome me when I get here from work. It's just a house."

  Cam crossed his arms. "It's a nice house."

  Hunter straightened to his full height and crossed his arms in the same manner, mirroring Cam's stance. He looked at Cam in that way he did that reached inside Cam's soul. "It's a house. Maybe if you were here with me, I'd see it more as a home."

  Cameron continued to stare while the words sunk in and rattled his soul. With everything going on, Cam refused to hope for a future until his past was resolved. He wouldn't be able to survive if something happened to Hunter because of his ghosts.


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