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Remembrance: A Contemporary Erotic Romance (Iris Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Lynn, Rebecca

  She barked out a laugh. The guy was really something.

  “You’d rather believe I didn’t have sex with him?” she smiled. “Why?”

  “I didn’t like him.”

  “Obviously. Why?”

  He looked off to the side, then looked back at her. “He was a player.”

  Luke was right. Detective Fernandez was definitely a player. But she knew that when he’d first asked her out. She also knew the detective had been a little surprised that she hadn’t had sex with him, but given the fact that he worked with her older brother, her much bigger older brother, he’d let it end and they’d both gone their separate ways.

  “That he was. But some would probably say you’re a player,” she said cutely. “Would you discourage me from dating someone like you?”

  “I’m not a player.” He continued watching her, ignoring her question.


  “Uh, uh,” he said, shaking his head. “A player sleeps around, doesn’t necessarily care that he’s balancing multiple women at once. He lies, cheats. I am most certainly not a player.” He leaned forward placing his forearms on the table so he was closer to her. “I have the utmost love and respect for women, I don’t lie or cheat,” he said then shifted forward more, “and I prefer one woman.”

  She was breathing deeply, mesmerized by his words and the conversation. They’d never spoken so intimately before. He was with Vanessa. One woman. She didn’t stand a chance against Vanessa.

  “Vanessa’s your one woman,” she said quietly.

  He blinked then frowned, finally leaning back into his chair. “Janie, Vanessa and I –”

  “Never mind,” she said waving her hand. All of the sudden, hearing him talk about Vanessa made her want to cry.

  “Wait. Let me –” he began.

  “No, never mind. I don’t want to talk about Vanessa. So, answer my question.”

  He looked confused then remembered what she’d asked. He looked her in the eye, looked away, then back again as if struggling.

  “Do you remember the question?” she prompted.

  He nodded and she waited.

  He finally spoke. “Did you have sex with Fernandez?”

  Oh, so this was how he was going to play it? Quid pro quo. She wanted his answer so it looked like she would answer his question, but it didn’t go unnoticed by her that he’d finally gotten Fernandez’s name right.

  “No, I didn’t have sex with Fernandez.” She looked at him dryly, as if to say, Your turn.

  He beamed at her answer. “Good.” He crossed his arms over his chest, nailing her with his look. “And the answer to your question is I would definitely encourage you to date a man like me.”

  The two of them stared into each other’s eyes, the moments passing until finally she dug deep for all of the courage she could muster.

  “Well then. I want you to introduce me to men like you at the party. This way, it will get you off my back about my choice in men and then I’ll be guaranteed a ‘one woman’ man who respects me and isn’t a liar or a cheat. How does that sound?”

  He looked stumped for a second then he smiled, his wheels turning. “I don’t know how easy it’ll be to find a man who can compare to me,” he said with a cocky glint in his eye. “I mean, we only discussed the reasons why I wasn’t a player. We didn’t discuss the other reasons why I’m such a chick magnet. And I’m not about to ask guys how they are in the sack.”

  She laughed at that and felt her sex clench at the thought of him in the sack. She continued with her courageous flirtations. Time to go for broke. “Well, the only other option then is for me to date you, so it looks like you’re going to have to start asking guys how they are in the sack.” Her voice turned husky and she leaned forward. “Because I want him to be good, Luke. Someone who fulfills my fantasies, who knows his way around a woman’s body.” She leaned in closer and dropped her voice to an even more sexual tone. “Someone who can make me scream. And who can make my toes curl.” She gave him a heated look and bit her lower lip.

  He slammed his eyes into hers with his own heated look, and three seconds passed in silence until he let out a long string of words in Spanish. She had no idea what he’d said, but he didn’t look happy.

  “Janie,” he growled and looked around before returning his eyes to her. “Cristo, not only do you need a protector, you need someone to keep that mouth of yours in line.” He ran his hand down his face then lifted it to get the waitress. “I’ve been telling you forever your mouth was going to get you into trouble.” He turned to glare at her then pointed at her with his finger, “Don’t talk to men like that. Do you always talk to men like this?” He let out another string of curses in Spanish.

  She giggled and shrugged. This was fun. “I’m not talking to all men like that. Besides, it’s just you.” She waited for his reaction.

  “Newsflash, Janie. I’m a man,” he nearly yelled. A couple of people looked over at them then continued with their meals. The waitress came over. “We’re ready for the check, please,” he said to her.

  “Of course. How was everything today?” she asked, digging for the bill.

  “Great. It was fine, thank you.” He pulled out some money and said, “Keep the change.” He got up and pulled Janie up from her chair before she even knew what was happening.

  “I can pay for myself –”

  “Don’t talk. You’ve said enough.” He pulled her along but even though his hold was gentle, his stride told her he wasn’t in the mood to wait.

  Not wanting to make a scene, she kept up with him as they headed out the door where the same photographer lying in wait got off a couple more shots with his camera. Kenneth took one look at Luke’s face and immediately opened the car door for them. She heard Luke muttering under his breath, “Not all men, she says. Fuck.”

  “Kenneth,” Janie said to the driver when they approached, “your boss is an absolute clod.”

  “Janie, I swear,” Luke whispered, completely annoyed. “Get in the damn car. Right now.”

  “Hey,” she said indignantly. “Just because you can’t have an adult conversation –”

  He practically threw her into the limo while she rolled her eyes at Kenneth. The poor guy looked like he had no idea what to do. She scooted into the back seat and Luke followed in right behind her. The door closed behind him and he looked to make sure the privacy screen was up first before lighting into her.

  “You shouldn’t be talking to any men like that. Do you even know what you’re doing to a guy’s head, both heads, when you say things like that?” He muttered again, “Of course you do.”

  She began to interrupt him but he stopped her with a pointed look just as the limo started moving into traffic.

  “And I’m perfectly capable of having very adult conversations, Janie,” he said, his voice dangerously calm and low. “In fact, any time you want to sit down and hear the ways I can make a woman scream, I’m happy to give you the details –”

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  “– I’m just not going to have that very private conversation with you in the middle of a restaurant.”

  Seconds ticked by and their eyes battled with each other. She knew her face was flushed and her eyes were glazed over with desire. His own pinned her to the seat while the silence dragged on. All she could think was, Please tell me in vivid detail how you’d make me scream. I’m begging you.

  She decided to call his bluff.

  “Okay. We’re not in the restaurant at the moment,” she said pointedly. “Why don’t you tell me right now? How do you make a woman scream?” Her eyes glowed while she waited. “Although, maybe we shouldn’t. You did just tell me that a man can’t handle these conversations.”

  He ran his tongue over his teeth then let a smug grin form slowly on his lips. Shifting slightly and placing his arm casually on the back of her seat, his fingers could just touch her hair. “You’d like that? Me telling you in detail how I pleasure a woman?” he murmured with challenge.<
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  She stilled then caught herself. Trying to appear nonchalant, she nodded and bit her lip. Holyshitholyshitholyshit. It felt as hot as a sauna in the car, but she didn’t dare move for fear he wouldn’t continue.

  He seemed to be thinking about how to respond. “Well, it’s a good thing you know how to use that fire extinguisher you bragged so much about before,” he paused and touched a curl resting on her shoulder, “because you might have to use it on yourself.” He made a show of looking around the limo. “We don’t happen to have one in the car, Janie. Are you sure you can handle it? You might overheat.”

  She chuckled deeply, thoroughly enjoying this. “Oh, I know I can handle it. The question is, can you? You seemed to get pretty worked up when I simply stated what I wanted in a sexual partner. I mean if you didn’t want people to know what we were talking about you shouldn’t have yelled about being a ‘man.’ Causing a scene,” she tsked, shaking her head.

  He touched his finger to her bottom lip, only to remove it almost immediately. His eyes, however, were still glued there. “That mouth of yours,” he said, his eyes moving to hers, “is trouble.”

  She shot one eyebrow up at his comment and bit her lip which was still tingling from his finger there. “You have no idea,” she purred.

  That innuendo seemed to push him over the edge because he continued watching her, then spoke. “I’d start by taking off her clothes. Her top first, so I can look at her, touch her breasts. I’m definitely a breast man,” he murmured, looking her in the eye.

  Oh dear Lord. He was really going to do this. For some reason, she thought he wouldn’t go through with it. Her breathing accelerated while she focused on his mouth as he spoke. He was a breast man?

  “Well, if I’m going to be honest,” he said thoughtfully, almost playfully, “I’d probably tear the top off, followed by each article of clothing at a time.” His finger picked up one of her curls and rubbed it. “Then I’d push my hands up into her hair, pull it a little, angle her head just where it was perfect for me,” he murmured slowly. “I’d lean down and take her bottom lip between my teeth and suck.”

  She subconsciously licked her lips. Her nipples burned and tingled. The delicious throbbing between her legs made her adjust herself slightly in the seat. She wanted to touch herself so badly. But instead, she stayed focused on his mouth.

  “I’d take my tongue and taste between her lips, taste how sweet she is,” he whispered. “Then take command of all of her senses,” he said, rolling the words around his tongue as if savoring each one. “Devour her mouth, the softness of her lips. I’d push her up against the nearest surface and touch her, tease her. Discover all those erogenous zones that make her moan, make her go wild.”

  She continued watching his lips move as they formed his words, mesmerized.

  “I’d make her put her hands above her head. She looks so beautiful that way, vulnerable but trusting, waiting for me. Then I’d use my fingertips and feather them down her arms to explore every part of her. Feel for her heartbeat on the inside of her wrist to see how fast it pounded for me. Move my finger down to that tender spot inside her elbow. Sink my teeth in just behind her ear while my hand worshipped her breasts, her nipples. Feel her curves and all that softness.”

  His tongue flicked out to touch his upper lip and he continued quietly, softly, his voice low and hypnotizing.

  “I’d stroke my hand down her body until I can feel that sweet wetness on my fingertips. That wetness that shows me she’s ready for me, she’s desperate for only what I can give her.”

  He stopped talking for a moment and the silence played out until she realized he was quiet. Just as she blinked out of her haze, he said, “Then I’d take her. Take what belongs to me, my hands and lips bringing her to the heights of pleasure, ecstasy, branding her so there was no doubt in her mind who she belonged to.” He murmured, “Until she was gasping for air, until she was almost there. Just on the brink.”

  A breathy noise escaped from her mouth before she could stop herself. Embarrassed, she lifted her eyes to meet his, already heavy lidded with desire. The corner of his mouth was up in a lazy smile. “How ya doin’, Janie?” he said in a husky voice.

  “Hm?” What had he said?

  His finger pulled a little harder on the curl he was still holding. “I said, how are you doing?”

  She finally blinked just as the limo came to a stop and she realized they were outside her loft. She literally had to shake her head to clear her thoughts.

  “Fine, fine,” she said. “I’m fine,” she said one more time as if to convince herself.

  “Mmm.” He pulled her curl straight only to let go and watch it bounce back. “Your face is flushed.” He let his finger touch her cheek. “It’s a good thing you’re home. I’m sure you have a fire extinguisher here, right?” he asked, his eyes crinkled at the corners in humor.

  She narrowed her eyes. There was no way he was getting the upper hand in this. No way.

  “I do, yeah,” she said clearing her throat. She licked her lips and gave him a sultry stare. “But you know what?” She cocked her head. “I think I can come up with some other ways to,” she gave him a pointed look, “take care of that fire. Thanks for getting me started, Luke. I’m about to go have a very enjoyable ten minutes.”

  Kenneth opened her door then stood on the sidewalk, waiting politely for her to get out. “But,” she continued lowering her voice and nailing Luke with a look dripping with pure sex, enjoying the expression on his face, “we didn’t get to the part where you made her scream.” She bit her lip. “Hm. I guess I’ll just have to use my imagination. And I have a pretty good one, too.” She gave him a saucy wink and was about to get out of the limo until she felt his hand grab her wrist.

  Behind her, he said, “Next time you challenge me and want to play, Janie, you better remember something.”

  She stopped and turned back to look into his eyes. They were practically shooting icy blue sparks, burning into her. “What’s that?” Her question came out breathy.

  “When I play for real, I always win.” He paused on the word ‘always’, drawing out the syllables.

  What the hell did that mean?

  “You enjoy your ten minutes.” He smiled with satisfaction. “I’ll see you later tonight.”

  Shit. She’d completely forgotten that they’d all be going out dancing later that evening.

  “I’ll swing by and get you before picking up Mike and Emily. Be ready at seven. But listen to me prattling on,” he said. “I didn’t mean to stop you. I know you’re in a hurry.”

  She glared at him and got out of the car.

  A minute later, Janie nearly ran into her loft, tossing her purse onto the floor once she was inside. She frantically slid the metal front door closed behind her, leaned her back against it, hyperventilating. If she didn’t get off within the next minute she swore she’d implode.

  Trying to catch her breath, she turned to press her forehead against her door. Raising her arm to prop herself up against the surface, she reached her other hand over to cover her breast and let out a breathy moan. She’d never been this turned on in her life, and all she could hear were Luke’s words in her head.

  As she pictured his face, she let her fingers find her nipple. She plucked at it then squeezed it, shutting her eyes as she raced toward climax and bit down on her lip. She whimpered then tore at her pants, unbuttoning her jeans as fast as she could. She unlaced her boots, the thought that Luke had given them to her only spurring her on to move faster. Kicking them off then peeling her jeans off with her panties, she stumbled to her bed and landed on her back.

  Her hand went to her pulsing sex. It was drenched, so wet for him she couldn’t hold the groan inside her lungs. Breathing heavily, she dipped her fingers into her weeping center and spread her arousal all over, sliding it gloriously over her clit which was screaming to be touched.

  “Ah,” she moaned in relief, only to increase the pressure of her fingers, bringing her closer to
completion. Her other fingers went back to her nipple and pulled on it over her shirt, her hips bucking into her other hand. His words played over in her head.

  …then I’d take her, take what belongs to me, my hands and lips bringing her to the heights of pleasure, ecstasy, branding her so there was no doubt in her mind who she belonged to…

  “Luke,” she gasped, imagining him looking at her, tasting her, touching her. She bucked faster and faster, her moans getting louder and louder until she let out a low growl as her body shattered into a thousand pieces, her hand grinding into her clit to carry her through to the end.

  She lay there gulping for air, her body finally going limp after snapping the tension she’d been holding in all morning, but most especially from the last fifteen minutes with the man who’d always been in the forefront of her mind. She turned onto her side and let out a sigh, the reality of the day finally sinking into her psyche.

  She wanted him. And today was the first day he’d actually toyed with her. Hell, she’d been toying with him for weeks, months really. But today was the first time he’d taken some of the bait, proving he was much more experienced at these games than she. She didn’t want to think he was laughing at her right then, but she couldn’t seem to stop the pictures of him in her head…of him in the dressing room unzipping her dress, him touching her foot, him telling her how he pleased a woman.

  Vanessa’s face appeared out of nowhere and she grit her teeth together, trying to hold in the growl of frustration and humiliation. She’d pushed him today, every chance she had, and in the process now felt more vulnerable and fragile than she’d felt before.

  Her phone was going off in her purse which she’d left by the front door. Half naked and depressed, she made her way over to the satchel and dug for it. A text message had come in.

  LD: U left so abruptly that u forgot ur bags in the trunk of the limo. Kenneth wanted to bring them up after u walked away but I didn’t want to interrupt ur very enjoyable 10 mins, so I took them w/ me. So sorry to interrupt u. Please go back to doing whatever it was u were doing.


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