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Island of the Alphas (Steamy Werebear Shifter BBW Menage Romance)

Page 5

by Willow Wilde

  I thought Harrick would be the one to take me first, but he slipped to the side. “As a pack,” he reminded me. “The others will go first.”

  I nodded as one of the shifters lay down on the floor. My curvaceous body was lowered carefully down to him, and my knees slid right into place on either side of his chest. Lifting my hips, I grasped his thick, juicy cock and rubbed it against the lips of my pussy, stimulating myself with his rock-hard erection for several seconds. With confidence beaming in my eyes and a sexy little smirk on my face, I finally held it upright and lowered myself, feeling my womanly barrier resist against it.

  He grasped my shoulders firmly and pushed me down, and after brief tension the splitting pain infiltrated my mind. I fought through the sting as he filled me, his huge cock gliding almost effortlessly into my drenched chasm. With my palms sliding across his rippling chest, holding me steady, I began to pump my pillowy hips against his own.

  His hands clasped on my thick ass as we fucked, and he gave me several good slaps of a red bottom for good measure. Before I felt completely comfortable, there was already a thick shifter cock pressing against my lips again, and I gratefully took it into my mouth – my tongue sliding along the shaft, my lips gliding down the rod. I left the shifter below start to take control of the motions as I focused on the cock in my mouth, and he began to rigorously rock my hips as his strong hands clenched into them.

  Another took my hand and guided it towards his thick shaft as I felt a slight pressure around my hidden star. A wet thumb, dripping with saliva, was pushing along my most intimate hole until I felt it slide inside. At first I was alarmed, but it worked with the cock thrusting into my pussy, only adding to the stimulation. With this new experience I gradually relaxed, and felt it switch with a wet finger, diving a knuckle deep to manually arouse me.

  The shifter in my mouth tagged out with the one held firmly in my stroking fist, and I realized that it was Harrick who now occupied my mouth. Happily, I sucked him down, allowing him to control my mouth as I jacked off his brother. The shifter fucking me from below grew more frantic as the one fingering my asshole matched his intensity, and I felt the rise of a sensation I'd never experienced before – the lifting of an orchestral crescendo within the deepest reaches of my mind, a building fanfare that was ready to eclipse me.

  The orgasm came in several waves as I went rigid between them all, and in the blinding bliss I barely felt the shifter pummeling my pussy go stiff beneath me as well. His cock burrowing as deep inside as it could, he released several ropes of his hot, salty gift into my hungry tightness. My inner muscles clamped onto his cock and milked him dry until he had nothing more to give, and I felt myself being lifted up as he withdrew from below. The shifter who had occupied my mouth minutes before, and my hand most recently, was now on the floor beneath, and so the carnal merry-go-round continued.

  I could focus more entirely on Harrick's cock now, and I held his sculpted hips as I powered down on his thick shaft. The shifter below was more rugged than the last, and I had to widen my knees slightly to fit around his impressive frame. His hands, too, were larger, and they firmly grasped my large, bouncing breasts with enthusiasm. He teased my nipples between his fingers, pinching them as he clamped into my pillowy breasts, groaning with gusto from the floor below.

  This only prompted me to rock against his hips harder, feeling his thick cock penetrate deeper. Harrick allowed me to control everything on his cock, and held his hands to his hips to keep his back steady. My own hands were clasped around them, feeling their strength as I wolfed down every last inch of his stunning member.

  But the shifter behind me on his knees was feeling ambitious. He graduated to using two saliva-drenched fingers to tease my asshole for several minutes before holding the hole open, and I felt something new press against it. Fearfully, I pulled free from Harrick's cock and tried to glance over my shoulder, but he stopped me, taking my face into his hands.

  “My brother won't hurt you,” he whispered. “None of them will. He'll be gentle, and if it hurts too much, he'll stop. Try to relax...if you let this happen, you'll feel something new and incredible.”

  I nodded fearfully and tried my best to relax my muscles. The crown of his cock, his purple, bulbous head, pressed deep against my inner star. It was smothered in saliva – clearly spat upon and stroked by the shifter who owned it – and was able to pass into the hold with little difficulty. He released his fingers from gripping the insides of my asshole, holding it agape to let his cock inside. Gently but firmly, he began to inch his way inside, until he had approximated halfway from tip to base into my asshole.

  The others resumed their fucking, with the shifter below me ramping up the intensity while Harrick took the reins over my face. My lips were continuously thrust down to the base of his cock as he overpowered me, losing himself in his feral needs. The shifter brothers in my ass and my pussy began to alternate thrusts, falling into a quick rhythm that ensured that one always pulled back while the other pushed in. This new approach began to drive me wild, and I could feel more orgasms on the horizon.

  They didn't last longer than a few minutes after that. My body took over as I gave into my own hungry need, and I shoved my hips down to meet them time and time again. Whether it was that, or the shifters excited to take me together, I felt them both rigid and clutch me in place, shoving themselves as deep into me as they could go. In synchronized ecstasy the two shifters unleashed the contents of their balls deep inside, filling my bowels and replenishing my pussy with their hot loads.

  Finally extracting themselves after fucking themselves dry, this left Harrick and myself. He wasn't squeamish about it, as he instantly plucked me up and tossed me over the edge of the kitchen counter. With nothing to clamp onto, I instead pressed my palms against the wall as he immediately clutched at my thick ass, dominating my pussy by shoving his engorged cock inside and going to town. My liberated throat gave way to a one-woman chorus of primal moans, firmly trying to maintain any ounce of composure I had left as he fucked me savagely but sweetly.

  I had done my best to hold back my orgasms, but I knew it was a futile effort. With a feral intensity in those piercing, green eyes of his, he slammed my hips into the counter over and over. I could barely keep up with the power of his movements, weakly letting him dominate me entirely. WAS IT WATCHING HIS BROTHERS FUCK ME TO COMPLETION FIRST? I wondered to myself about the surge of sexual energy that he now brought to our deeply fulfilling acts. It was an animalistic dominance that I had heard about but never thought actually possible – and I willingly gave myself into it.

  But he wanted things different, and pulled me from the counter to drop me to all fours on the floor. Positioning himself behind me, he delivered a jaw-droppingly powerful slap to my ass before reasserting himself inside me again. With my entire body rocking to the force of his motions, my resistance was completely and irrefutably futile.

  The wave of pleasure inside me reached an almighty height before crashing across my mind, and I felt it ripple across my body with incredible power. Orgasm after orgasm – it must have been over half a dozen in total – hit my body with an intensity I'd never dreamed in my entire life. As I went rigid with pleasure, my entire, curvy body going rigid, so did he. His broad, toned and well-defined form went hard as rock behind me, his fingers digging into my hips as his relentless cock followed suit. A powerful burst of his passion rocketed into me as he gave me his all in several ropes of hot cum, until we finally collapsed on the floor together.

  * * * *

  “Oh god,” I felt myself murmur in mindless delight. “I'd never thought I'd experience anything like that.”

  He stroked my hair as the others recouped their breath. A blanket appeared around me, and I gratefully took it as I sat up with him, still reeling from the excitement.

  “My heroes,” I told them breathlessly. “First, you save my life...then you fuck me into oblivion. What a goddamn night.”

  They chuckled among themselves, and Harr
ick took my chin in his calloused fingers, gazing soulfully into my eyes.

  “Will this happen again?” I mournfully asked.

  A reassuring smile crossed his lips. “You will always know how to find us. We won't stray far from the woods unless we have to. As long as you are here, we will remain close, eager to consummate our passion with you as often as you'll have us.”

  “So formal,” I chided kindly. “Well, you might have to get used to having me around. I'm only just getting settled in, and it looks like I'm going to be here for a while...”

  After all these years, I had run as far away as I could from the boring, mind-numbing woods of Utah. Now that my mind had been numbed in a far more pleasing way, I wondered if I could ever leave again.

  And through this pack of bear shifters, life had showed me that the place I had fought to escape for so long...was where I truly belonged all along.

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  If you enjoyed these sexy paranormal stories, you’ll LOVE Willow Wilde’s latest release, “Between Three Alphas”!

  Click right here to read “Between Three Alphas for FREE with your Kindle Unlimited Subscription.

  Here’s a sample of “Between Three Alphas”

  Between Three Alphas

  To this day, I’m still not sure how I survived the landslide.

  The first thing I remember is opening my eyes, coughing against the choking smell of stirred dust in the air. I became gradually aware of my limbs, mostly buried along with the rest of my body, and in horror I realized I could barely move. Panicking, my alertness sharply increased as the endorphins pumped straight into my head. Circumstances be damned, I wasn’t willing to die in a pile of dirt and rock, and I immediately struggled to wrench myself free from the ground.

  The going was rough — I had been mostly buried in a jumble of my own, sprawled limbs, unwilling to shift from under the crushing weight. It took every ounce of strength to shift the heavy debris aside just enough to slowly, painfully pull myself free. Desperation drove me for several painstaking, testing minutes before I finally pulled my upper half up from my earthy prison.

  Dragging myself out of the heavy mass of sediments and rock chunks, I gasped for air on the ground nearby. As the chemicals wore off and my fight-or-flight instincts dialed down, things started coming back to me. I remembered brief flashes now: there had been a group of us, hiking together along a wilderness trail that cut along the mountain. The rumbling had come out of nowhere, and a building flow of falling debris had swept me down the slope and towards my inevitable death. It was clear as day now – rolling with the cascading wave of earth, tumbling ever downward as I screamed, unable to separate the rising ground from the cliff-face, nor from the watching sky.

  But I hadn’t died. In fact, as I pulled myself shakily off of the ground, it didn’t feel as if I’d broken any bones whatsoever.

  There’s no goddamn way, I thought to myself. This kind of miraculous shit isn’t supposed to happen. I was a fucking goner.

  Despite some bruising, and inevitable stiffness that would appear the next morning, I didn’t have so much as a missing tooth or a shattered elbow. My gaze drifted up the slope, tracing the redistribution of dirt and stone. Our hiking group had been walking one of the lower trails, but it was still well out of sight from my vantage point.

  How long have I been down here? I wondered to myself. The sun still hung lazily in the sky — if it was the same day, I couldn’t have been unconscious more than a few hours. Thinking quickly, I took stock of myself. My body felt only mildly dehydrated, but I had been a little thirsty before the landslide anyway. Daring to twist my appendages and curve my spine, it appeared that my spry, flexible articulation was still intact. In fact, overlooking some minor scrapes and cuts, I felt fine.

  This is too weird, I thought to myself. With eyes veiled in disbelief, I gazed up the slope one last time, marveling at the descent.

  But there were other important matters to take care of. I had no food, and I was stranded from my group — who were undoubtedly looking for me. Logic rationed that I was going to be on my own for at least the night, and I needed to find a pure water source and shelter.

  With nowhere else to turn, I gazed towards the woods. The earth had carried me squarely to a small clearing at the foot of the mountain, surrounding me on three sides with rock. The only way to advance was directly forward; with certain hesitance, I planted my first foot in that direction.

  * * * *

  It was only after about an hour of walking that I realized how much beauty filled the forest. As an amateur nature photographer, I appreciated nature’s majesty arguably more than most people my age, but these woods were something entirely else. The very leaves seemed to pop more, shining in brighter, greener colors as the sunlight drifted lazily to cast the canopy in brilliance. The underbrush was somehow far more forgiving than I would have expected, and I realized that I hadn’t nicked myself or scratched my skin on any of the branches as I pushed forward.

  Stranger still was the wildlife. It seemed to pay me very little mind, and after taking a small break to catch my breath, I realized that a doe was literally feet away on the other side of a healthy trunk. Only spotting it out of the corner of my eye, I completely expected it to instantly dart away — instead, as I carefully climbed over roots and dips in the soft soil, it amazingly turned to stare me in the eyes. My hands hesitated in the air as an irrational fear crept across my mind. As if approaching a beautiful, delicate monarch butterfly with an intrepid finger, I feared that touching its very fur would harm the docile creature. After a moment of regarding my trembling hands, it lazily trotted off towards a distant bush, eager to munch on the available berries.

  My amazement only increased as I continued across the woods. A short while later, I encountered a majestic stag, wandering lazily along between the trees. Instinct took over, and I carefully followed it — always happy to keep my distance as to not disturb the beast. After several hundred strides, it led me towards the sound of trickling water, and I stepped from the trees to encounter a small creek, babbling down the rocks and cutting a path through the woods.

  Parched, I dropped to my knees and swept cupped handfuls of the running water to my face, thirstily slurping the sustaining gift. After sustaining myself with the water, I turned and noticed the stag once more. It had paused to watch me, having already taken its fill of the life-giving water. The absurdity of the sight almost sent me falling over with laughter, and after we quietly regarded each other with mutual surprise, it calmly turned and vanished into the brush.

  Eager to stay near the water, I followed along the edge. Colliding with another trail of water, the growing river descended further still into the woods. I felt compelled to strip my clothes and dip beneath the edge of the rippling channel, but the water was so clear and free from impurities that I didn’t dare taint it with my dirty, dusty skin. Instead, I continued to follow it down, hoping to find a reasonable place to set up shelter within a sizable distance. After all, I was afraid of drawing attention from whatever predators lurked these woods, and staying close to the water had its downsides.

  As the sun began to set in the sky, I encountered a renewed surge of beauty in the forest. Surrounded by incredible plants I had never seen, I marveled at them as they gradually unfurled their petals together, bathing the trees in a warm, bluish glow. Their growing luminescence matched the waning light of the sun above, striking a perfect equilibrium of light. With the sun quickly descending out of sight, the light bounced harder off of the thick, protective trees in an incredible display. Being around them as I wandered the heart of the
forest surpassed anything I had ever seen.

  But their natural luminescence wasn’t the only beauty to behold. The vegetation and underbrush had given way to soft, spongey grass that bounced under my every step. The trees themselves were wrapped in thick vines that sprouted beautiful flowers of all colors, adding a soft, sweet aroma that soothed my senses.

  Somehow, I knew that I should be exhausted. I’d barely eaten anything since first starting the trail, and I’d survived both a sudden landslide and wandering the forest for hours. Fearful of misidentifying poisonous berries, I had only eaten few small handfuls after watching other mammals chomp on the vines. While I had periodically stopped to scoop water to my face, I knew I’d have to eat something soon, or find a place to rest…but I wasn’t tired, nor was I incredibly hungry.

  This entire day is just crazy, I thought to myself.

  But I had no idea how seriously crazy it was going to become…

  * * * *

  As I stopped wandering the forest and appreciated this vast change in the flora, I wondered about the rest of the hiking group. I hadn’t seen any of them descend over the side with me. I wondered if they would come looking for me?


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