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Page 6

by Meg Xuemei X

  Worse, I was getting wet between my thighs as my sex felt his hard shaft.

  I didn’t want him to see my reaction, especially at this close range, but I was too late to hide it: he’d seen it already. His eyes glowed silver, then darkened as pure lust took charge.

  Fight this, I commanded myself. Don’t let his lethal beauty bespell you. Don’t let this jerk humiliate you further. Take back your dignity!

  He bent his head, his firm lips crashing against mine.

  An electrifying rush soaked me. My toes curled and my back arched.

  The angel groaned at my response.

  He asked for that!

  I opened my mouth and bit his bottom lip.

  He yelped and jerked his head back.

  Now who was the one laughing?

  I grinned at him, less friendly than he’d displayed earlier. I bared my teeth, showing him the trail of his own blood on them and on my bottom lip as well.

  “Enchanting,” he said.


  He licked his blood. “Unbelievable,” he said to himself, darting me an unreadable look.

  It dawned on me that my teeth had made him bleed while no earthly weapons could cut into his flesh.

  How could it be?

  Maybe I really was his curse?

  But I didn’t want him to dwell on the dark thought that I could be a true threat to him.

  “Sorry I bit you, Prince,” I said in a hurry. “I was—recovering and coping.”

  “Recovering and coping by biting me?”

  “Because I’m hurting,” I said. “You’re hurting my wrist!”

  He glanced at my wrists and didn’t believe me. “I’ve been as gentle as I can.”

  “May I at least remove my bracelets?”

  “Are you planning on anything?”

  “No! You have me,” I said. “I actually like this position with you.”

  “You do?”

  “I do! But my bracelets are grazing my skin.”

  He studied my bracelets.

  “The silver one,” I said with a wince. “If you don’t trust me, you can do it for me. Press the hook and get it off my wrist, please.”

  “Fine,” he said as his hand went about to unhook the Angel Shocker. “We didn’t have to do this the hard way, but you drove me mad. All I want from you is one fuck.”

  “I’m honored,” I said.

  He sent me a look of disapproval at my tone. “Must you always make things so difficult for me?”

  “You have my sympathy, Prince,” I said, keeping him distracted as he touched the link on the silver bracelet. Faint electricity shot out at the contact, and I waited for the angel to jerk and fall backwards.

  It didn’t happen.

  “Did you break it?” I asked.

  He looked puzzled. “No, I barely touched it, and I was following your instruction.”

  “Let me take a look whether it’s broken,” I lied. “It’s a parting gift from my emperor father.”

  He gave me a probing, pointed look. “It looks more like some kind of attacking device made by the Dragonian.”

  My heart slammed in my rib cage and I giggled to show that he was ridiculous, to disarm him.

  He liked my laugh and offered me a wolfish smile. “I can be wrong.” He freed my hands and passed the bracelet to me.

  My fingers rubbed against the symbol of the snow flower on the bracelet and pushed the voltage near maximum. Then I shoved it against the prince’s exposed neck.

  The Dragonian scientists had tested the Shocker on rogue angels they’d caught. All of them had fainted and dropped like stones when it had touched their skins.

  The Shocker was also one of the most effective torture tools when interrogating an angel captive.

  The Prince of Angels looked down curiously at the Shocker as sparks flared up from it, then they fizzled out on his skin like a static.

  He swatted the Shocker from his neck and it flew over my head to land on the ground with a pathetic sound. The prince turned to me, his brows drawing together in displeasure. “Were you trying to shock me, Rose?”

  I frowned as well. Why didn’t it work?

  Then it dawned on me: the High Prince of Angels was too powerful.

  It dismayed me that no matter what kind of shit I threw at him, he always came out nice and clean.

  I’d been over confident. When he’d first come to watch me bathe, I’d believed that I could use the Shocker to subdue him if he ever crossed the line. Now I realized that I’d been at his mercy all along.

  Since I had no effective weapons to put him in his place, I’d better invoke his sense of honor, or at least make him pretend he had it. He did carry the reputation that he’d never gone to a female without invitation. I prayed I could still count on his rep even when he had millennia of pent-up lust.

  A dark storm brewed in the prince’s eyes. “And you thought you could crash the Prince of Lightning with electrons as insignificant as a mosquito bite?”

  “Has a mosquito ever bitten an angel?” I asked softly and curiously, trying to avert the dire situation and lighten his mood.

  His look promised murder. “No,” he snapped.

  Now he was really going to retaliate for what I’d attempted to do.

  Chapter 15


  She fought me.

  Her little fists flew toward me, endeavoring to land and hurt me.

  She thought I intended to humiliate her.

  The Mysthians, especially their most pampered princess, didn’t like to be humbled.

  Her moves showed her strenuous training, and her speed wasn’t bad at all, but she was fighting the best battle-angel.

  As she dashed around me like a whimsical, vengeful wind, my anger at her breaking into the vault began to ebb.

  Maybe it was her scent. I noticed that she’d used a different brand of soap, but it couldn’t veil her original scent of honeysuckle and desirous pheromones.

  She avoided hitting my chest after I’d let her try once. She’d winced. It had hurt her gentle hand. For me, it was more like a good, heavy massage. After that, she was more interested in going for my crotch.


  After I faked a fall and pinned her to the ground, she writhed under me, which only excited me more.

  My cock was a rock inside my trousers, the pressure such a burden. I needed a release and hoped she would consent. After all, shouldn’t she repent for her ruthless actions and compensate me for going through the trouble of rescuing her?

  The prospect was great—her scent of arousal sang heavily in the air.

  I bent down to kiss her—hard, raw, and hungry.

  I thought she’d appreciate it, until I tasted my own blood on my tongue.

  She’d bitten me. She’d bled me.

  How had she achieved that? Were her teeth more lethal than a blade, considering none of the earthly weapons could pierce angels’ flesh?

  Maybe she was really the bane of my existence, my only weakness.

  Something to think about. Something I would need to take care of.

  Then she whined, “You’re hurting my wrist!”

  From there, she tricked me into handing her a device designed to shock angels.

  Her jaw dropped when the Shocker couldn’t do a damn thing to me.

  “Were you trying to shock me, Rose?” I asked, letting a sinister tone sink fully into my voice.

  Apprehension flickered in her eyes. She thought I was going to hurt her back.

  Yet she didn’t back down. A fiery and uncompromised female.

  “I was only testing its effect on you to see if you’re as powerful as they said,” she said, biting her lip in frustration, as if it was my fault that her electronic toy was useless.

  Her fear and bravado softened my edge. Plus, my hardness still demanded satisfaction.

  “That fancy device of yours might take down an ordinary angel,” I comforted her by telling her, “but not one like me. You do realize al
l angels aren’t alike, right? Many of them may look the same to you, as many Mysthians, Dragonians, Humans, Chameleons, Aryans etcetera look the same to us. Every society has its own hierarchy. Angels have the strictest structure. We rank according to our powers, and I am at the very top.”

  While I was educating her she was concentrating hard, but it wasn’t my speech to which she paid attention.

  Then I scented a wisp of magic in the air. She was conjuring her offensive magic.

  I waited, curious and eager, for it to come out. I even tapped my fingers on the ground while waiting.

  When that thin wisp broke like an air bubble, I still waited a second or two.

  Complete silence. Complete nothingness.

  I couldn’t help but laugh hard.

  The princess was a dud.

  She looked like a caged sphinx. She looked like she wanted to bang her head against my nose and crack my skull.

  Part of me was amused by her relentless efforts to undermine me. In the end, I was more than relieved that she didn’t have the elemental magic in her, so I wouldn’t have to drain her.

  It was easier to deal with my psychopath brother than my lord father.

  Then another question rose like a twirl of smoke: How could the princess have escaped Forbidden Glory if she didn’t possess the great earth magic?

  The Mysthian prophecy said only a crisis would bring out the great elemental magic inside the last Mysthian royal bloodline. But even facing Forbidden Glory—that would be a crisis for any flesh and blood—hadn’t forced the magic from her.

  And now she’d tried to call her offensive magic to retaliate against me just because she’d been upset. Being pinned under me with my hardness between her thighs was hardly a critical situation, especially when she was also hot for me.

  So it was possible the princess still possessed the dominant earth magic, even if it didn’t come out now.

  As she writhed to break free, her movements only made my cock more excited.

  Despite my bleeding lip, I wanted to taste her mouth again. Before I dipped my head and claimed her lips, I heard rushing footsteps.

  Who dared to invade my library?

  Chapter 16


  I writhed beneath him to break free.

  His weight crushed me, yet it was deliciously addictive.

  I needed to get out of there before I completely lost my head. My will had been weakened by the heat he aroused between my thighs.

  The moment I stopped fighting him and myself, I would let him have his way with me.

  And then I would hand back the leash to the angel.

  His ragged breath, his scent, and his heavy-lidded eyes indicated that he was also losing control.

  He looked determined to kiss me again, despite that I’d just bitten him.

  Would I draw his blood again? Maybe after I savored the kiss first. He smelled so good.

  Then rage stormed into his lust-filled eyes.

  What did I do this time?

  “Shush,” he whispered in my ear. “Someone’s coming.”

  I strained my ears and then I heard the footsteps.

  The angels were coming. They’d followed my trail. My heart pounded.

  “Don’t make a sound,” the prince whispered. “I’ve cloaked us, but you need to wrap your legs around me.”

  “Why would I do that? I won’t do such a thing!”

  “Do you want me to hide you better or not?” he asked. “Do you want the angels to see a pair of nice feet?”

  I wrapped my legs around his waist as the footsteps dashed our way.

  “Tighter,” he ordered.

  “That is as tight as I can go!” I hissed.

  He moved his torso up against me, his hard shaft in his trousers gliding over my clitoris. I bit back a moan at the unbelievable pleasure, which only solicited more sexual hunger from my very core.

  A gasp escaped me.

  He gave me a devilish grin, then lifted me in his arms as if I was as light as a leaf and leapt into the air.

  I stayed as quiet as I could. Amazingly, when he’d cloaked us, he’d also muffled the sound of his soaring wings.

  While he trained his killing look toward the sources of disturbance and not on me for the first time, I took the opportunity to study his masculine features. I wouldn’t risk twisting my body in his arms to cause any commotion and draw the attention of my pursuers. His massive wings blocked my view of them anyway.

  His medium length, dark brown hair flowed down his neck.

  He had high cheek bones and a perfect, straight nose. One would think the bridge of his nose would be crooked from repeated breaks, given how much of his life was spent on the battlefield, but he must have been too powerful for anyone to crack his nose or leave a scar or two on his face.

  I fought the itch to trace my fingers along the line of his strong jaw.

  My gaze fell on his firm, sensual mouth that could do all sorts of wicked things to a female. It had enveloped mine with the fire of lust. Too bad I had bitten it. I now had a tinge of regret. I should have enjoyed that kiss at least, my first kiss ever, before I’d bled him.

  My knees went weak as I kept staring at his sculpted lips. Fortunately I didn’t need to stand on my feet for the moment. The prince was holding me as he rose slowly in the air.

  I moved my gaze up. His eyes had never failed to pull me in with unfathomable power and depth. They were usually cold, piercing grey. When lust hit him, they’d glow bright silver, then darken a few shades as he struggled to rein it in.

  When he was angry, like right now, golden rings appeared around his irises and spread like amber fire—the same eye color as mine when rage overtook me.

  His gaze snapped back to me, and I immediately neutralized any hint in my expression of my appreciation of his lethal beauty. I met his eyes with defiance.

  “Having a good view?” he mouthed. The rage in his eyes lessened when they roved over my face.

  I kept my mask bland. “Who are they?” I mouthed back.

  “No one you need to worry about,” he mouthed arrogantly while gently laying me down on top of the bookshelf that was probably seventy feet from the ground.

  While the prince regarded me as a bone he wouldn’t give up yet, I wondered how I was going to escape from there.

  “Search everywhere,” the king’s mistress’s voice called from below.

  I turned my head to the side and looked down.

  Victoria and two bulky angels marched forward and came into my line of sight.

  That “no one you need to worry about” turned out to be someone I especially needed to worry about.

  The king’s general stopped in the center of the hall, surveying the books and waving her goons ahead.

  I sensed wrath coiled around the high prince. He looked torn between rushing to execute his punishment on the invaders and still harassing me.

  His hard-on made the decision for him. Before I could issue an objection, he had moved on top of me, incredibly swift and without the slightest noise, considering his weight and that we were on top of a shelf.

  “They can’t see us,” he mouthed.

  Yet I felt so exposed, and I was worried sick that the shelf would topple over.

  Prince Seth fixed his attention on me, completely ignoring his guests.

  I couldn’t fight him or I’d attract attention, but I had to inflame his anger and bruise his ego instead of letting him be comfortable with me, so he would go take care of Victoria.

  “Isn’t this supposed to be your private library?” I whispered in his ear while his warm breath was on my skin.

  “I’ll punish them later for their unauthorized entry,” he said. “I have a more urgent matter at hand.”

  “How did they get in without your invitation?” I pursued.

  “The king must have given her the access code,” the prince whispered in a grunt. “I don’t believe he gave you one, though. I know where you got yours. After tonight, I’ll ro
und up the Dragonian rebels you’re associated with. Unless—”

  Had my plan just backfired? And now he was threatening me instead of going after Victoria.

  He stubbornly kept on course for blackmailing me for sex.

  “I don’t think the intruders will go away soon,” I whispered. “They look like they’ve just entered a party.”

  The prince nodded absentmindedly. “Victoria has wanted to get into my personal space for a while. She’s still fascinated with me.”

  “Then go fuck her.”

  He grinned. “You’re jealous.”

  “Keep flattering yourself.”

  I couldn’t afford to be stuck here for hours. My guards would panic. The king would find me missing. And hell would all break loose.

  One disaster would lead to another.

  “Send them away,” I whispered.

  “Why would I do that?” he asked. “I’m very comfortable here.” He pressed harder and his heat radiated to me, especially from his hard shaft against my female parts.

  Liquid fire lit in me.

  “The chase under us adds only excitement,” he continued, his knuckles brushing across my cheek. “They’re eager to round up the suspect who dared breach the angels’ vault.”

  He knew he could grope all over me to explore and I wouldn’t do a damn thing to stop him under the circumstances.

  A complete ass!

  Despite my exasperation, my face flamed with heat, my lust burned through my defenses, and my body hungered for his touch.

  I arched my back, my hips meeting his and my soft sex rubbing against his hard shaft.

  He drew a sharp, ragged breath, his eyes lighting like the night stars, only they were horny ones.

  My own breath hitched. For a heartbeat, I almost forgot my true task.

  “Get rid of them, Prince,” I purred, “and I’ll do more when you return.”

  Chapter 17


  She purred in my ear. Her hips thrust up to meet mine and her sex rubbed against my cock. That was the first time she’d taken the initiative. Her sexual advance turned me on like no other.


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