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Page 14

by Meg Xuemei X

  “Another lie!” he said. “I’m curious. The Dragonian called your race liars and manipulators, yet they ally with you. Aren’t they afraid that you’ll stab them in the back when it’s convenient?”

  “We don’t backstab,” I said coldly.

  “You cheated on me and stabbed me in the back,” he said through his clenched teeth. “Yet I still saved your sorry ass.”

  This time he didn’t say pretty.

  I narrowed my eyes. “Cheat on you? With whom? And I’m not even yours to be qualified as a cheater!”

  He threatened. “Maybe I should not bother with you anymore.”

  I quieted and clutched him tighter, and he softened a little.

  “If you’re clever,” he continued, “you’ll stop this whole dumb business. Building an army with the Dragonian is a joke. It’s futile to fight my race. Many species, much more intelligent and advanced than the Dragonian and Mysthians combined, have tried before you and all failed. You think if you know how to throw a chakram and charm a horny rebel Dragonian leader, then you can command soldiers? War is nothing like that, Princess. Also, your Mysthian prophecy was sadly delusional.”

  Keep humiliating me and underestimating me, princeling! But when he mentioned the prophecy, my heart skipped a beat.

  “Yeah, I knew about the prophecy.” He dipped his gaze at me with a dark look. “Your earth magic is no match to ours. Your people believe that the great magic is in you. So tell me, Princess. You’ve had quite a few big scares, some of which can be classified as crisis. But where is your great elemental magic? You’re a dud.”

  Oh, that hurt.

  But he didn’t stop there. “You can’t defeat my brother’s troops with your wishful thinking and the weak, pathetic army you try to assemble. Wake up, Rose. I don’t want you getting yourself killed. The only way to save yourself is—”

  “—let you fuck me, and it’s best to let you do it now, and you’ll guarantee my safety,” I said. “Do you really think I’m such a coward?”

  “I get it,” he said. “You’ve been a busy bee for your people. You came to Atlantis and offered yourself as my brother’s bride to save Mysth, but know this: no matter what you do, the magic realm will belong to the angels. You can’t save everyone, but you can spare yourself, and I’ll provide for you.”

  If I wasn’t a dud as he’d called me, I would first blast his ass from the sky.

  But to my dismay, I couldn’t and wouldn’t even let my arms go from around his neck.

  “Do you know how we found your planet?” the Prince of Angels asked viciously.

  “Your race has never stopped searching for new civilizations to colonize and assimilate.”

  “True,” he said, ignoring my biting tone. “But we didn’t search your corner. We didn’t turn our gaze on Earth until the Dragonian sent the beacon. We received their radio signal in deep space.”

  That was how the Dragonian had summoned the angels.

  I would have tried to stop them if I’d known they would bring the deadly predators to Earth. But I also knew my attempt would have been in vain. After the Mysthians had turned down their proposal of joining them in a broader gene pool, the Dragonian had focused on space technology. They had declared that we weren’t alone in the universe and thus sought out other intelligent beings, dreaming of finding another species with superior genes to breed with them.

  Though they had never succeeded in developing a spaceship, they had invented many advanced devices to turn against us, yet our magic walls had held until the angels created a leyline through it.

  So we Mysthians eventually paid the price for laughing at the Dragonian’s obsession with science and technology and us, when the engineering race had brought the savage aliens to our planet.

  “The Dragonian thought they could learn from your benevolent race,” I said, “instead they end up being your slaves.”

  I wouldn’t let my people suffer the same fate.

  I needed to find the Sky Power. My head started spinning just thinking of how I was going to find it, since no one seemed to know a thing about it. Did it even exist? Maybe I should check with the prince, but now wasn’t the best time to probe and poke him. Even when he’d been in a better mood, he’d fended me off and ridiculed me when I had tried to inquire about the Forbidden Glory.

  In the end, all he’d given me was grief.

  “Rose, you can’t trust the Dragonian,” the prince said. “This will be my last warning: no more dumb tricks! And do not test my boundaries again. I especially don’t like this particular Dragonian. The way he looked at you disgusted me.”

  “How do you rate the way you look at me, Prince? Especially when you fully acknowledge that I’ll be your brother’s bride?”

  “You won’t be his bride. It’s been decided.”

  “By whom?”

  “You and me,” he said, pulling me away to look at my face with a roguish smirk, his warm hand on my neck. “When you sealed my indecent proposal by grabbing my cock.”

  What a pompous ass! Yet what he’d said made my blood heat up.

  His cock was too gorgeous for his own good.

  I remembered its smooth crown, silky and hard under my thumb. Its length and size were both impressive. I could form only a half-fist around his shaft. Unending power had sparked off him as he thrust his cock wildly into my palm; his golden wings had brushed against my breasts, drowning me with pleasure.

  I wanted to have his cock in my hand again.

  With that thought, I was instantly wet.

  The angel’s palm must have felt my dampness, even through my pants. He pressed the heel of his palm against my sex harder and rubbed it back and forth.

  I clung to him, my breath rasping as I tried not to moan.

  Stop! I ordered myself. Show some dignity.

  So I pressed my lips tightly and put on an outraged look.

  The angel’s eyes brightened to silver; his eyelids grew heavy with desire.

  “End the torture, Rose,” he said. “Let’s get on with it. Let’s have fun.”

  He wanted to fuck me in the sky.

  That was even more infuriating and obnoxious, but I answered weakly, “No…way.”

  “You want me as I much as want you. What’s stopping us?”

  “I get to choose the time and place,” I said. “And it’s not now.”

  “You’re afraid once I fuck you, I’ll cast you aside, and you’ll have no hold over me. Is that it?”

  “Why do I want to hold you?” Anger made my lust-laden head a little less messy.

  “I told you I’d keep my word,” he said, “and I’ll keep it. I’ll be more obliged and motivated to keep you safe once I have you, because I’ll be grateful.”

  “Sure, you’re an angel. Your word counts.”

  “I’m not like other angels,” he said. “I haven’t broken my word. If you know my history, you’ll trust me. Angels were once an honored race in the old days.”

  “But we live in now instead of the good old days,” I said. “And do you seriously want me to get acquainted with your dating history? Aren’t you famous for breaking every heart?”

  “You defy me at every turn while I just want to fuck you one time,” he said exasperatedly. “It has nothing to do with heart. You don’t want my heart. I’m basically heartless, as everyone says. And you well know that we won’t have a future together.”

  “Wow, I’m so flattered that you thought I would want your heartless heart and a bright future with you.”

  “If you don’t want my commitment, then why is it so hard for you to let me have one night with you? We can do it quickly. Or go slow if you prefer. We can do it now. Don’t you want to know how angels fuck in the air? It’s beyond sensual. It’ll be tons of fun and a new adventure for you to remember for a lifetime.”

  “You really are a charmer, Prince. Anyway, how many females have you… conquered in the sky?” I asked and immediately felt a bad taste in my mouth, picturing another female having been
in his arms as I was now; that Seth had stuck his penis into her sex and thrust and enjoyed it to no end.

  “A few,” he said with a shrug. “I tried every sensual thing one could think of. In the end, it was nothing but boredom.”

  And he would feel the same boredom after he fucked me.

  The only difference was, I would never let him have me.

  Not every female would let this asshole treat her like a piece of trash.

  I couldn’t wait to see his look when I told him, straight to his face, to go fuck himself, and fuck himself hard in hell. Of course, that day would be on the battlefield.

  Right now, my sex was soaked wet since my body wanted him, no matter how I resented its reaction.

  “But with you, it can be different,” he coaxed. “I’ve never been so hot for any female before. My cock has been hard for you like this forever. I promise I’ll be both gentle and passionate with you. It’ll be a fantastic for both of us.”

  His finger found the heat of my channel and thrust into it through the soft fabric of my pants.

  I shivered as lust burst in my veins and pleasure spiked on my every nerve.

  “I’ll show you the angels’ mating style in the sky,” he whispered in my ear, his breath ragged. “Let me—”

  If I kept this up, I would cave in. I would let him fuck me the next heartbeat.

  “I don’t care about angels’ fucking style!” I said with venom in my voice. One hand curved on his neck, my other hand caught his finger that thrust eagerly toward my entrance. With whatever will I had left, I shoved his hand away from my body. “Your sparkling personality might make other females drunk with desire and giddiness, angel, but it doesn’t do a damn thing for me. So save your hot breath and wait for that fuck when I say ‘let’s fuck.’ Now get me to the ground!”

  Chapter 32


  The Princess of Mysth shuddered. The cold current didn’t bother my race, but ground species were more fragile. I wrapped my arms around her and generously supplied her with my body heat.

  She was lucky to have an angel like me to protect her.

  I’d hoped she would have learned to appreciate me by now.

  As my heat enveloped her, the princess stopped shaking. When she felt comfortable in my arms, she started to explore.

  Up, she could see the endless blue sky. Down was Earth.

  She twisted her neck around and looked beneath, her hands never loosening around my neck. I was curious what she thought of her first flying experience.

  But I was more distracted by her curvy body. Her soft bosom brushed against my chest as she moved around and turned her torso. Her gorgeous round butt almost sat on my hard shaft.

  Her delicious breath was on my neck, and her arousing scent filled my nostrils.

  My cock throbbed achingly. All I wanted was to tear her pants off and shove my dick inside her warm flesh. But I wouldn’t force her, so I tried to persuade her to have sex with me in the sky. “Don’t you want to know how angels fuck in the air?” I asked enticingly.

  “How many females have you…conquered in the sky?” she asked.

  “A few. I tried every sensual thing one could think of,” I said, intending to make her jealous as she kept driving me mad. “In the end, it was nothing but boredom.”

  But when I saw that she was mightily pissed, I changed direction.

  “I’ve never been so hot for any female before,” I said in my most sincere tone, and it was the truth. “My cock has been hard for you like this forever.” And I closed my statement with the promise of a fabulous, passionate fuck. What else could a female ask for?

  I nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent—exquisite and feminine. Though she was in denial, her body responded to my every touch like clay in the potter's hand.

  Her sex soaked her pants, and she was furious and embarrassed that she couldn’t cover the evidence. Her flushing made her more endearing. My finger found the small opening of her pussy and thrust up. The wet fabric went half an inch into her tight sheath with my finger.

  She sucked in a breath, and I panted hard.

  Her sex was more than ready to receive my cock, and that readiness satisfied me deeply.

  My finger thrust a little deeper into her channel, still through with the fabric of her panties.

  A low moan escaped from the back of her throat. Her hot, sensuous lips traced up along my neck, her little teeth grazing on my skin.

  I hissed in pleasure. My thumb moved to fondle her swollen clitoris.

  “Oh!” she cried in surprise, then thrust her sex forward toward my hand.

  The scent of her wild arousal maddeningly encircled my mind.

  Just when I was about to tear off her pants and drive my cock into her, she caught my thumb to stop me rubbing her clitoris and pulled away my finger from its eager, repeated fucking of her through the wet fabric.

  “I don’t care about angels’ fucking style!” she said icily.

  How could she still have the presence of mind to remember our former banter and rebuke me? Her hand gripped my finger and flung it away from her. “Your sparkling personality might make other females drunk with desire and giddiness, angel, but it doesn’t do a damn thing for me. So save your hot breath and wait for that fuck when I say ‘let’s fuck.’ Now get me to the ground!”

  In the long march of time, I hadn’t met any female that had this degree of control when in heat, except the fey princess. And no female could be more stubborn and infuriating than she.

  I wouldn’t force myself on her, even though I was drowning in the lake of lust. But I wasn’t going to give up persuading her either, when I was so close to getting what I wanted. “You’re taking me as the tenth of the fool if you think I’ll just let you go easily after what you’ve done today,” I said, my voice laced with sexual frustration and unquenched dark fire. “I kept you safe even after you beheaded an angel sentinel and betrayed the whole angel race. I even killed my kind for you. And this is how you thank me?”

  “Wow, classy!” she spat with an equal measure of fire. “So you have to blackmail me to sleep with you? I thought you might be different. But instead of showing chivalry, you hijacked me into the sky so you can force me to have sex with you, because you know I’m most vulnerable in the air. Should I applaud you for taking advantage of a defenseless young girl? ”

  “Try to manipulate, ridicule, or threaten all you want, Princess,” I said. “None has worked on me and never will. And if you think you could plead to my good conscience, you’ve already failed. But you’re clever to remember you’re in the high sky. You have nowhere to go, and I have no problem using the situation to blackmail you or take advantage of a defenseless young girl. Go ahead and applaud, or be appalled, like I give a shit. I’m only pleased that I don’t need to remind you, since you already know, that I’m the notorious High Prince of All Angels, and I live up to my reputation. So here is what I want: if you don’t give me something, I’ll never let you down on the ground. Call my bluff, and let’s see how it ends.”

  She sent me a murderous look to full measure, but a feisty female only made my cock harden even more.

  And she’d just realized that as my erection jerked against her flesh.

  Her pink, moistened lips shivered. Her eyes sparked bright ember.

  I could no longer hold back, so I slanted my mouth over hers, this time without invitation.

  Chapter 33


  His mouth came down on mine, raw and hard.

  It was too delicious for me to care if he intended to mark me or bruise me. Or both.

  His scent of faint pine and fine wine and male musk enveloped me, and his kiss made me feel not only alive, but holding all the rightness in the world.

  I was more than eager to open my mouth to receive him, but I ordered myself not to give in so soon. Though I didn’t let him have easy access to my tongue, I had no strength to pull away from him. Instead, I put on a passive-aggressive act and pressed
my lips together tightly yet pouted in order to be kissed fully.

  His tongue tried to pry my lips open, his breath on my skin fresh and intoxicating. My heart pumped, my blood raced, and my body begged for more.

  In revenge for my refusal to open my mouth, the angel smeared his lips on mine from left to right, distorting their shape, then rubbed back to the left, as if they were a rubber toy for him to play with and mistreat. What kind of kiss was that! It was barbaric!

  Even though I couldn’t really compare it since I’d never been kissed by another male, I’d imagined and dreamed what a first kiss would be like: light as the breeze and drunk as the wine.

  Although I was a bit judgmental, I had to admit that his lips were sensual and his masculine scent made me miss the twilight realm.

  Only his manner of kissing was questionable.

  The angel now smacked my lips and suckled them, as if he was plucking a raw oyster from the hard shell.

  Even his savage kiss made my body shiver with pleasure and more desire.

  My blood sang in my veins: Yes, more. Please more, barbarian!

  I tried my best to pretend that I was unaffected by his unrefined kiss. He was applying his tongue now, its tip propelling between my lips and demanding them open, but I kept the path sealed. His tongue thrust harder and impatiently while I resisted him, showing him I had all the patience in the world to frustrate him.

  The angel withdrew his tongue.

  I felt a pang of regret. I should at least savor him a bit more and then bite him after I got a taste. I parted my lips, but his had left mine, leaving coldness and rushing air in their wake.

  He had given up on me then. My small victory didn’t bring me the slightest joy. I hadn’t expected such void and remorse at the abandonment of his warm lips.

  With an effort, to cover my feelings of loss and disappointment I put on an indignant look, as if I’d been mightily insulted. I could feel my face flaming red and my lips felt swollen.

  I needed to make an acidic comment about his kissing fashion, but my ability to speak didn’t seem at its finest, because my mind was nearly a mud pie.


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