Here Comes Everybody
Page 31
net value argument
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
news business. See also media industry
internet and
Lott/Thurmond example
as profession
sharing news stories
trustworthiness issue
USA Today threat
Northwest Airlines
NYPD. See New York City Police Department
O’Keefe, William
Omidyat, Pierre
one-to-many communications tools
one-to-one communications tools
open source software
O’Reilly, Tim
organizations. See also institutional dilemma
Catholic Church
collapse of barriers to group action
diagramming hierarchies
hierarchies and transaction costs
vs. self-assembly
symmetrical participation
transaction costs in
Paquet, Seb
Pareto, Vilfredo
Partido Popular
Perl programming language
phones. See mobile phones; telephones
photographers. See also Flickr
photos, high dynamic range (HDR)
political expression
Belarus protest
Dean presidential campaign
flash mobs and
in Leipzig
in Philippines
protest against Putin
Porter, Rev. James R.
Posner, Richard
power law distributions
printing press. See also movable type
Prisoners’ Dilemma
Pro-Ana movement
in advertising agencies
journalists as
medieval scribes as
photographers as
publishing and
scarcity concept
in stolen Sidekick story
promise, role in groups
vs. filtering
globally accessible
now vs. then
stolen Sidekick and
Putin, Vladimir
Putnam, Robert
railroad management
Rainert, Alex
Raymond, Eric
Reynolds, Glenn
Rheingold, Howard
Ripley, Andy
Robb, John
Robinson, Gene
Rose, Kevin
Ruiz, Victor
Sanger, Larry
Santa Cruz Organization (SCO)
SARS (Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
scarcity, impact of social tools on concept
Schachter, Joshua
scribes, medieval
Sebesta, Ed
self-help movement
shadow of the future
sharing, as type of group action
Shinawara, Thaksin
Sicko (movie)
Sidekick phone story
Siegenthaler, John, Sr.
Site Specific
Sites, Kevin
six degrees of separation
Sluggy Freelance
Small World networks
as amplifiers
as filters
power law distribution and
promise concept
scale issues
small group advantage
social capital in
Smith, Adam
social capital
bonding vs. bridging
Meetup example
reinvigorating creation
relationship to good ideas
in Small World networks
social loss
social networks. See also Facebook; LiveJournal; MySpace; Small World networks; Xanga
social participation modes
social tools. See also Flickr; Meetup; social networks; Twitter; weblogs
advantage of “ridiculously easy group-forming,”
audience for user-generated content
becoming ubiquitous
communities of practice and
corresponding social patterns
e-mail as
flash mobs
goodness of fit
mobile phones as
net value argument
participation imbalance
photo-sharing websites
political value
as response to institutional dilemma
as revolutionary
role in groups
stolen Sidekick and
transaction costs and
VOTF as usage example
Sponheim (Abbot of). See Trithemius, Johannes
Stallman, Richard
Stay at Home Moms (SAHM)
stock photography
StolenSidekick webpage
Streeting, Wes
Strogatz, Steve
Sun Microsystems
Surowiecki, James
symmetrical participation
Tapscott, Don
telephones. See also mobile phones
terrorists. See also London Transport bombings
text messaging. See also Twitter
Thailand, 2006 military coup
Thurmond, Strom
Tit-for-Tat strategy
Torvalds, Linus
Tragedy of the Commons
transaction costs
collapse, collective action and
communities of practice and
and e-mail
fitness landscape and
group activities and
hierarchies and
intersection with power law distributions of participation
Linux and
need for bargains
new social tools and
in organizations
social capital and
Stay at Home Moms Meetup group example
travel, communications tools as substitute
Trithemius, Johannes
Trow, George W.S.
Tyler, Josh
Ultimatum game
U.S. Army, as hierarchical institution
USA Today
user-generated content
Viegas, Fernanda
Voice of the Faithful (VOTF)
Wales, Jimmy
Wasik, Bill
Watkins, Sherron
Wattenberg, Martin
Watts, Duncan
weblogs. See also LiveJournal
as alternative to publishing
audience for
Boing Boing
Coalition for an Airline Passengers’ Bill of Rights
as example of Small World networks
flash mobs and
initial development
interactivity potential
journalistic privilege and
mass amateurization and
vs. newspapers
participation imbalance
power law distribution and
role in 2006 Thailand military coup
scale issue
social limits
as social tool
stolen Sidekick and
vs. Twitter
user-generated content and
as latent communities
role of service
YM magazine bulletin boards
Wenger, Etienne
White Bicycle program
sp; background
breaking news and
as community
defensive strategies
as example of collaborative production
as example of distributed collaboration
growth and success
half-life of knowledge and
how it survives disagreement and vandalism
how it works
Koch snowflake entry
as labor of love
nonprofit status
participation imbalance
Pluto example
promise concept
unmanaged division of labor
user-generated content and
why it works
Williams, Anthony
Williams, Evan
Wilson, James Q.
Winfrey, Oprah
Wolf, Josh
Yang Huanming
YM magazine
Zuckerman, Ethan