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Whispers on the Potomac_Room 312

Page 9

by Mia Villano

  “I’ve got it under control. I’m tired, and I have a big day tomorrow. We’ll talk later.” I can tell by the way she looks at me, she knows it isn’t going to happen. Sorrowful, tear-filled eyes tell me I hurt her beyond forgiveness. I stand up and walk towards her. She lifts her hand to stop me.

  “No, not anymore. I’m done, Sebastian. I have a life and I need to live it. Go find your happiness for once. I know I’m not it.” There’s no other way ending our time together could happen any different. I can’t go on living a lie, and having her waiting on a promise I can’t deliver on. She’s too good, and too special, for that. I hate to lose her and say goodbye, but ending this is for the best. She needs the promise of a good man who can love her like she deserves. I’m not him, and never will be him, especially not with Daria in my thoughts and soul. I watch her walk out of my office. Respecting her wishes, I don’t follow her and stay at my desk until she leaves. Exhaustion overwhelms me and when I hear Annalise pull out of the driveway, I go to my room to try and get some sleep.

  I put all that aside to concentrate on what lies in front of me. I have a VP to pick, a speech to practice, and a transition team to focus on. Deciding to fix my attention on the campaign these last weeks, I make a promise to myself I won’t sleep with or have any sexual contact with a woman till the convention is over. Since I only want Daria, this won’t be too difficult for me.

  I didn't even make it 24 hours. The morning after the party, I asked my driver, Cameron, to take me to her condo. He doesn't ask why and neither does Frank. I ask him to make a stop on the way.



  Slipping out the front door without anyone noticing, I have mixed feelings about leaving. Part of me wants to get out of here intact, and another part of me wants to stay to be around him. Realizing the sexual tension is too much of a distraction for both of us, it’s for the best I go.

  When I finally make my way outside into the cool night air, I take in a long hard breath and let it out on a sigh. Walking as quickly as possible in my new heels, the night breeze is a welcome relief on my overheated body. My feet are killing me and after rounding the corner from his house, I pull out my phone and call for an Uber. Waiting, I sit on a brick ledge, trying to comprehend what happened tonight.

  I will walk out there right now and tell everyone about us. What is he thinking? I know I want him to love me just as he did nearly eight years ago; however, that can’t happen now. My emotions are all over the place, and I don’t know if it’s anger or elation. Back then, I wanted him to acknowledge our love publicly, yet he always had an excuse. Now that he’s running for president of the United States, he wants to scream it from the rooftops. Why now?

  It doesn’t take more than ten minutes before my Uber drives off, with me in the back seat. I consider texting, or even calling Lilly, but I hesitate when realizing it’s too early in Paris. Slipping my phone back in my purse, I stare out the dirty car window. Thankfully, this driver isn’t a talker. I don’t think I’d be able to form sentences after what just happened. Thinking about his mouth on my pussy, it makes me shudder. He literally tore my thong off and put it in his pocket. Oh my God, what a night. Closing my eyes, I think back. Garrison showing up high with some woman the same age as his mother and announcing their engagement, has made this night quite memorable. I don’t even know where to start with the barrage of emotions that Sebastian’s attention to me caused.

  I brush away a stray tear. He says I’m the one. Is he lying? He’s a politician, after all, and they know how to say what someone wants to hear. No, not Sebastian. I feel his love and never stopped feeling it. Even in the darkest moment of my life when I had to go through something so horrifying, I always felt he was with me. He wants me to tell him why I left, and it’s impossible. I don’t know how I can go through telling him without falling apart. Eventually, I know I should, because he has every right to know what happened and why I left so abruptly.

  Spending many years in therapy myself, trying to get over such a horrible time in my life years ago, I would’ve never made it without my family. I had no reason to go on and felt I would never be the same again. My family was there to keep me going, feeding me when I didn’t want to eat, and helped me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. Remembering my parents’ unconditional love and how my mother stepped up and was with me every step of the way, I realize how lucky I am to have them. Never leaving my side for months, she went to doctors appointments with me and sat with me all night, holding my hand or singing to me as I cried myself to sleep. I was determined not to let what happened break me. Running to another country only helped minimally; however, I’m thankful I could do that. Pushing the memories out of my mind, I begin to think about the night again. Reaching up, I touch my lips. His mouth was on me and his hands touched my body. How can one man have such an effect on me?

  After a restless night’s sleep, I wake up before the sun rises. The thought of dragging myself out of my warm bed doesn’t sound appealing in the slightest. Instead, I continue to lay there while I think about unpacking, and attempt to at least take my clothes out so I have my wardrobe available. I really need to take care of the ache I still feel between my legs, which is nothing my vibrator can’t handle, and I decide having an orgasm will settle me down. As the day goes on, my Sebastian high levels off, realizing I’m alone and still without him. Yes, I can wait till after the campaign. It seems as if I’ve waited forever already, and somehow fate brought us back together again. Waiting a little while longer to be with him is going to be okay. If nothing else, it will make our love even stronger.

  Sebastian recently asked me if I was still dancing. It reminded me that I need to start again. Instead of being lost in Sebastian, I attempt to become lost in dancing, as it takes me to another place and time. I’m focused on dancing to my favorite Bocelli song, when there’s a knock at my door. Opening it, I have to force myself to breathe. He’s standing on my doorstep with this delicious smile on his face, and his bodyguard next to him, holding two coffees.



  When we stop in front of Starbucks, Frank goes inside to pick up my order. Afterward, we drive a block to Daria’s condo in the Capitol Hill Historic District. Once we arrive, Frank insists on escorting me inside. I think about arguing with him, but don’t and let him carry the coffees. Glancing up at him, I realize how mammoth he is. Dressed in a pinstripe Italian suit and sunglasses, a bald head, and goatee, he has the look of an assassin instead of a bodyguard. I would think twice about messing with him and I feel safe with him by my side. Before knocking on Daria’s door, I remind him.

  “This is between you, Cameron, and I. No one else. Got it?”

  Lifting his sunglasses to look me in the eyes, he agrees. “Got it, Boss. Nothing you do will ever be discussed.” His voice deep as his dark eyes drill into me. Slapping him on the shoulder in a manly yet accepting manner, I return my attention to Daria’s bright red front door as my heart pounds in my ears. It isn’t fear because nothing really scares me; however, the anticipation of seeing this incredible woman behind the door I’m about to knock on has me a little rattled.

  I knock and a minute later, I’m greeted with a smile and a look of shock. My chest tightens, and I can’t help but smile back at her as I take off my sunglasses and hang them from my shirt.

  “Sebastian. What are you doing here?”

  Fuck, what am I doing here? I don’t really know, other than I have to see her. What I want to do is just stand there for an hour and look at her. She’s in her ballet attire and covered in sweat. Her red hair is tossed up on her head and her cheeks are flushed. Hoping she doesn’t notice my eyes planted on her crotch, I can’t take in enough of her. My cock is pulsing in my pants and all I want to do is pick her up, rip her body suit off, and take her to bed.

  “I was in the neighborhood and had a yearning for our favorite coffee. I can’t drink one of these alone, so I thought bringing you one would be a nice gesture. Do you
have time to have coffee with me?” Grabbing the coffee from Frank’s giant hands, I give him the look to get lost. Without saying a word, he turns his back to us and stays planted on the steps, guarding the entryway.

  “Thank you.” Handing her the coffee, she sips the hot beverage and smiles. “Mocha coffee, with a hint of cinnamon. I haven’t had one of these in a long time. How did you remember?”

  How could I forget? It was the coffee she brought me the first night we were together. After that, I would bring us one every time we’d met along the Potomac. That was our beverage of choice and we would sit on a park bench, sipping our drinks and talking about our day.

  “I’ve had a rough day and passing Starbucks, it dawned on me.” I sound like an idiot trying to explain my unannounced appearance at her home. Tilting her head and licking the foam off her lips, she asks if I want to come in. Her hand goes to her red hair and she tugs the hair tie out, sending it cascading down her back and shoulders. I used to love to lace my fingers through her hair or tug on it while she rode me. Following her inside and closing the door behind us, I can’t help but eye her perfect round ass. Memories of the nights I had my face buried in it, digging my fingers in her ass cheeks, flash in my head. God, how I love that ass. I drew closer to her, inhaling her scent of sweat and perfume, as we walk into the foyer. Stepping inside, I’m taken back in time, to her old apartment on campus. This was her parents’ condo at one time, but she has redecorated it to match her personality. Feminine, with a touch of antiques, and the smell of vanilla in the air.

  “I saw on the news you will be in Ohio tomorrow. Your speeches are like concert events, Sebastian. Don’t you get tired of flying all over the place?” I shrug and sip my coffee.

  “I do, but the campaign will be over soon. When the convention is done, I have three more months of non-stop campaigning. I guess now, it’s in my blood. I love it.” She stands across from me and wipes the sweat from her brow with a small hand towel.

  “I’m sure it’s an adrenaline rush. I’m sorry I’m sweating all over. I just finished dancing. The other night, when you asked if I had been dancing, it woke something up in me. I need to start doing this again, even if it’s just a couple of days a week. This was my passion, you know. Would you like to sit down?”

  Fuck that; I want to lay down, with her on top of me.

  “I’m good. I want to finish our conversation we were having the other night.” I move closer to her and set my coffee on her counter.

  “I have something of yours.”

  I pull the thong I ripped off her the other night out of my pocket, and hold it up. “I was going to give this back; however it’s ripped, so it’s mine now. Knowing it was on your pussy keeps me sane.” I hold it up to my face, breathe it in, and close my eyes. She’s speechless and looks away.

  “Look at me, Daria.”

  Slowly, she turns her head to me and our eyes meet. I walk up closer to her, my body almost touching hers.

  “I can’t let you go. Not ever again. I can survive losing the presidency, but I can’t survive losing you. There are times when I’m amazed at how much you mean to me, how you move me, and how much love I have for you. You are mine, Daria, and no one else’s. We may not have been together in a long time, but you are a part of my today, my tomorrow, and my forever. You were brought back to me for a reason, and no one will take you away from me again. That being said, I saw General Fitzgerald all over you like a wet suit, at one of my parties. Stay away from him.”

  “You really don’t have any right telling me to stay away from someone, when you’re shacking up with Annalise. He was just being nice.”

  “First of all, I’m not shacking up with Annalise. We are no longer a couple, Daria, because she isn't you. As for General Fitzgerald, I know the guy. I grew up with him. He’s amazing at what he does, but he’s a player. He’ll use you and spit you out.”

  “Why would I want someone like him? You can never be replaced.”

  “What was that?” I think I heard her right but wasn't sure.

  She smiles up at me, “You heard me.”

  I hear someone outside the door. I can’t make out what he’s saying, but I hear a muffled voice and then Frank’s loud demanding voice.

  Daria’s face changes, as if she’s uncomfortable. Tossing a look over my shoulder, I hear Frank rustling around with someone. I walk to the door and open it to see what’s going on. Surprisingly, it’s Garrison.

  Frank has a grip on him and when he sees me, he asks if it’s okay to let him in, and I reluctantly nod my head. Garrison storms through the door, straightening his shirt.

  “What’s going on here? The huge, dumbass gorilla didn’t want to let me in your house. What the hell are you doing here, Sebastian?” His face is masked with irritation and his mouth is curved into a frown. The usual “Hey bro” is not spoken. Looking anxious, almost delirious, it’s obvious his rehab stint is long forgotten. I suspected as much at the dinner party last night. Reeking of cigarette smoke and expensive cologne, something’s definitely off with him. His body is moving all over in jerky movements and his eyes appear dilated.

  “Garrison, how are you feeling?”

  “What the fuck do you care how I’m feeling. You and Mom kicked me out of your house.”

  I looked him dead in the eye, not wanting him to think he intimidated me.

  “Where’s your fiancée?”

  Garrison flops down on the couch and I notice his designer clothes have paint splashed on them. He’s wearing a bandana that’s tying his greasy hair back, and he’s growing a beard. It’s more of an act, to show people what a cool artist he is; too into his work to care about his appearance.

  “What’s it matter to you? She’s in Paris, where you and our mother sent her.”

  Tightening my grip on my coffee cup, I take another sip and inch closer to him. He’s using, and looking for a fight. I want to get away from him, but I also don’t want to leave him there alone with Daria. I don’t know what he is capable of when he’s like this. I needed to quickly come up with an excuse to get her out of there, hoping she’d follow along.

  “Listen I have to be at the airport in a couple of hours. Daria has a ton of shit to do, and she’s heading to my campaign headquarters to do some work. I don’t think you want to join her, do you?”

  Laughing loudly, he stands up again. “Fuck no, I don’t want to go to any campaign headquarters. No, I just stopped by to tell Daria bye. I’m heading back to Paris tonight.”

  Thank God, I thought, while watching him intently.

  “Will you be back for the convention? Mom and I would love for you to join us. We’ll make the convention a family affair.” Lying, I know it will make my mom happy to have him there. I couldn’t care less and hoped he wasn’t coming. Staring at his face, I notice he’s becoming more agitated.

  “I don’t know? I don’t know where I’ll be. Listen bro, can I borrow a few from you? I transferred all my money over today, and I need a couple bucks to fly out.” Garrison speaks, looking into the distance with an emptiness in his eyes. I pull out my wallet and retrieve three hundred dollar bills. It dawns on me that the reason he is there is to get money from Daria. I wonder how many times he’s used her for that reason.

  Handing him the money, he grabs it quickly. “Thanks bro.”

  Ignoring his half-hearted thanks, I try to move this conversation towards a conclusion. “Think about coming and let me know. If not for me, do it for Mom. I need to get moving. Daria, do you want to ride with me now, or are you going to drive yourself?” She looks confused, so I give her a look to play along.

  Garrison makes an exasperated noise with his mouth. “Sounds like fun. Hey, I’m in the middle of packing, so I’m out. Daria, we’ll talk later and thanks for the bucks, bro.” He heads out the front door and I can hear him confronting Frank with curse words. Once I know he is down the front step, I turn to Daria.

  “I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t going to leave you here alone with h
im. Does he stop by anytime he wants like that?”

  “He used to. More so in Paris. I can see rehab has been long forgotten. The way he’s acting, you can tell he’s back on heroin again.”

  One of these days, I’ll get the call that they’ve found him dead. I just hope it’s after the election. I know that sounds heartless, but he’s had every opportunity to turn his life around, and refuses. “Does he ask you for money?”

  She looks down at her feet and then back up at me. “He has. Nothing major. I’m sure that’s why he was here though.”

  I walk up to her again. “Don’t ever give him money. I mean it. He’s not your responsibility.”

  I suck in a breath and pull her to me. Before I leave, I need to kiss her. The kiss will strengthen me and provide the stability to get out there and win this thing. One kiss is all I need.

  “Kiss me,” I demand. Stretching up to me, her hands dive into my hair, and she pulls me into a soft kiss. Cupping the back of her head, I pull her closer to me. Everything I want is in front of me. I seal my mouth over hers, and I can taste our future in the sweetness of her lips. She sighs as my tongue plunges inside, savoring her in long gentle strokes. Her kiss is hungry, confident, and so passionate. Both of our hearts beat against each other’s chests.

  “Christ, Daria. I can’t get enough of you.” I never could. She’s a hunger that’s never satisfied. “The sooner we work this out, the better it will be for both of us. I’m not letting you go this time.”

  “I’m not letting you throw away your dream. You’re too close to having it all,” she whispers in my ear. Her breath intoxicates me, brushing against my skin like silk. I keep my body pressed to her, letting my hard cock push against her stomach.


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