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Decadence After Dark: The Complete Collection (Dark Romance box set) : Owned, Claimed, Ruined, Lie With Me, Elicit (Decadence After Dark )

Page 28

by M Never

  “Yes.” I drop my head back and moan as he kisses my neck and massages my breasts.

  “Can I taste you, baby? Can I put my mouth on your pussy and lick you until you come?” Kayne swirls his tongue against my skin mimicking exactly what he would do if I say yes. I’m panting before I know it, his words as illicit as his actions. “Can I?”

  “Yes.” I force out the word as he rolls my rock hard nipples between his fingers. God, the effect this man has on me. It’s inhuman and maddening and utterly blissful. Kayne kisses his way down my body, sucking on each of my breasts and stopping short just below my navel. I’m so tuned up I can barely stand it. I almost beg, but I refrain. Anticipating his next move, I watch engrossed as he hooks his arms around my thighs and spreads me wide, locking my legs in place.

  “Lean back, Ellie.” He pulls my lower body closer to the edge of the bed just so a bit of my ass is hovering off the side. Resting back on my hands, I grab onto the sheet for support, the two of us breathing raggedly as we stare into each other’s eyes. “I want you to watch. I want you to see how much I missed you.” Kayne tightens his arms and drops his head, and all I can do is hold my breath as his tongue darts out to take its first taste. The contact feels electric as Kayne launches a full-on assault, making sure I see every circle and every thrust. Pink flesh meeting pink flesh, both glistening with my arousal.

  Kayne moans against me as he sucks vigorously on my clit.

  “You really do taste like cupcakes.” He laps me up like sugary frosting, and all I can do is quiver uncontrollably. He isn’t wasting a moment pushing me to the brink.

  “Kayne.” I moan his name, close my eyes, and drop my head back as the sensations completely take over.

  “Don’t take your eyes off me, Ellie.” He halts all movement, and I snap my head up. “I want you to see. I want you to watch me make you come.” His stare is sharp as a knife and dark with desire. I know that look. It’s his unyielding need for control—his dominant side waking from a yearlong slumber. It makes me shiver in all the right ways. It’s such a fucking turn on that I almost hate myself for loving it. But it’s his dominance that made me realize what we were both capable of. I drop my gaze as Kayne leans back down, trapping my swollen clit between his teeth and gently bites. I try to buck my hips as a zap of pleasure courses through my body, but his hold has my lower half restrained.

  Oh God, I’m so close—watching him, feeling him, succumbing to him.

  “Kayne, please,” I cry out as he brushes his tongue over the entire length of my slit, driving me mad.

  I’ve had just about all I can take when he finally decides to take pity on me and apply the pressure I need. Forced to watch as he fucks me with his mouth, stabbing my entrance repeatedly with his masterful tongue, everything south tightens and tingles. “Oh God, please.”

  I gasp. “Please, Kayne, may I come?”

  As soon as the words leave my lips, the energy in the room changes. He looks up at me as I stare down, my heart pounding in my ears as he slows his strokes.

  “Ellie, you just made me hard as fuck, but you don’t have to ask my permission anymore,” he says gruffly, between licks. “You’re free to come whenever you want.”

  Embarrassment washes over me like I have never known, deflating my orgasm like a vented hot air balloon, and suddenly all I want to do is escape.

  “Come for me, baby.” He continues to lick me, but I grab his hair.

  “No. Stop. Let go. Stop.” I fight to jerk my legs out of his iron tight hold.

  Kayne releases me, thankfully, with a worried expression.

  “Ellie?” He tries to touch me, but all I want to do is disappear. I bolt up and retreat into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Such a fucking idiot! I asked his permission!

  I kick away my dress that is now pooling at my feet and turn on the shower, wanting to scrub the last five minutes away. I step into the freezing cold spray and bury my face in my hands.

  “Ellie?” Kayne bangs on the door as I slowly die of mortification. “Ellie, please let me in.” I can’t tell the frame of mind he’s in over the running water. On some level, I’m afraid he’s mad and will want to punish me. On another, I know that’s ludicrous given the conversation we had last night. My head is just too screwed up to think straight, and it’s all thanks to Kayne.

  “Ellie!” He bangs on the door harder, and I jump.

  “Can you just give me a minute?” I snap.

  This reunion is going spectacularly. For the first time, I strongly believe I made the wrong decision coming here. Maybe I wasn’t ready. Maybe I’ll never be ready. Maybe I’ll always believe I’m nothing more than just a slave.

  Just as I turn under the showerhead to wet my hair, I catch Kayne climbing through the window.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I ask as he drops his pants, shrugs out of his stained shirt and steps into the shower with me.

  “Your minute is up.” He stalks forward and pins me against the tiled wall.

  “Kayne,” I protest not meeting his eyes.

  “Ellie.” He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. “Let’s get a few things straight. First, no more running from me. That shit’s over. You’ve had over a year to come to terms with everything. I’m done waiting. You run, and I’ll come after you.”

  I stare into his eyes silently, my chest heaving, water dotting my face as the stream ricochets off his body. Part of me wants to fight him, to tell him to fuck off, and the other wants to melt into his arms and submit. It’s a constant tug-of-war battling inside me.

  “Second,” his voice turns velvety soft, “if you want to ask my permission to come, be my guest. It makes me fucking hard as a rock.” He pushes his erection against my belly.

  “I don’t want to ask your permission. I never want you to control me again.” But even as I say the words, I know they’re only partly true. Kayne’s dominance is what makes him so seductive, what draws me to him like a dancing flame, and that’s exactly the problem—one tiny touch and I get burned.

  “I’ll never do anything you don’t want me to do, but I’m not going to let you walk all over me, either. I want to be with you, Ellie, however I can have you,” he repeats his words from last night. The same ones that won me over. One simple sentence that sealed my fate.

  I take a deep breath and pull myself together. I want to be here, with him.

  “I just hate that I’m conditioned,” I tell him honestly.

  Kayne smirks and cups my face in his hand. “Well, we’ll just have to recondition you.” He closes his mouth over mine, flicking his tongue against my teeth. “Starting now.” He embraces me more urgently, pressing his big body flush against mine. There are so many promises in that kiss; it’s like a swear, an oath, an affirmation.

  “How do you want me to make you come? Do you want me to lick or fuck an orgasm out of you?”

  My worried thoughts become nothing but a haze as he manipulates my mind with his profane words.

  “Ellie, tell me,” he urges gently, sucking my earlobe into his mouth.

  I search for my voice, finding it behind the searing need shooting through my system. “Both?” I struggle to answer.

  I feel Kayne smirk against my cheek. “That’s my girl.” He doesn’t waste a second kissing his way down my body until he’s settled on his knees. “Hang on, baby.” That’s my only warning as he hooks his arms under my thighs and hoists me right off the ground.

  “Oh!” I steady myself with one hand against the wall as Kayne buries his face between my legs and licks until I’m writhing and moaning, fisting his hair, and squaring off with the orgasm that eluded me just a short while ago. “Oh God, oh God.” My voice pitches as I slump in his arms, my climax grabbing hold and yanking me down into a spiraling black abyss.

  I come around cocooned in Kayne’s arms, the warm spray of the shower tickling my skin and the even hotter caress of his lips traveling down my neck.

  “Welcome back.”


  “How was your trip?”

  “Too short.”

  “We can go again.” He squeezes me in his arms, his erection digging into my thigh. “I need you so bad, Ellie,” he says strained.

  “You can have me,” I reply without even opening my eyes. At this very moment, he could do anything he wanted to me and I wouldn’t protest.

  Kayne growls in my ear. “Turn around. Put your hands over your head.”

  I do as he says, placing my hands against the wall. A moment later, he’s pinning my wrists together with his fingers, like a zip tie. He splays his free hand on my lower abdomen and juts my hips out. I’m stretched and tethered and in seemingly familiar territory.

  Kayne teases my pussy with the length of his erection, skimming through my wet folds before he fully penetrates me. I know what he’s doing, drawing out my desire until I’m desperate again. He plays that game so well.

  I moan as he grazes my sensitive slit, winding me up.

  “I thought you said you needed me?” I rock against his steel-hard erection.

  “I do, I just want to make sure you need me back.” He keeps up the leisurely pace between my legs.

  “Do you? Do you need me, baby?” he rasps in my ear, and as much as it pains me to admit it, I do.

  “Yes, I need you,” I whisper.

  “I need you, too.” With that, he thrusts into me, filling me to the brim. His fingers tighten around my wrists as my muscles clench around his cock. Kayne groans, burying his face in my neck while stalling inside me for a few heat-induced seconds. “Fuck,” he spits as he starts to move, pulling all the way out then driving back in, each thrust a little more urgent than the last. “God, I missed you.” He picks up the pace, keeping me positioned exactly how he wants me, hands pinned, hips out. Hitting my sweet spot over and over until everything inside me gravitates to the pulsing sensation between my legs. The ache is unbearable, but at the same time so deliciously good.

  “Ellie, come with me,” he grinds out as he slams into me so hard he lifts me right off the ground. “Come.”

  “Oh God!” I’m almost there, barreling down the last lengths, as Kayne clouds my mind the same way the steam is clouding the shower. When he drops his hand from my abdomen and circles my swollen clit with his finger, I detonate, crying out and coming hard all over his cock.

  Kayne pulls out at the tail end of my orgasm and jerks off all over my ass, warm semen coating my skin as he groans like a dying man. He drops his head onto my shoulder and breathes the word ‘mine’ so softly I don’t think I was meant to hear; but I did, and the declaration sends chills down my spine and hot lava through my veins.

  Kayne releases my wrists and grabs onto my waist. I rest my hands on the shower wall, thankful for the reprieve, and peek at him over my shoulder. I’m still slightly bent over, and he’s still slightly lust drunk. He rubs his come into my skin, making small circles down my behind until he’s cupping one of my ass cheeks in his hand. I tense as he squeezes it, not hard enough to hurt, but in a way that tells me he’s tempted to spank me. I brace myself for the blow, but it never comes. Instead, he just looks up into my eyes. “I needed that,” he says sedately, right before the corners of his mouth curve up into a devilish smile.

  “So you said,” I mock, and the heavy energy between us cracks as we both start laughing.

  Kayne hauls me into his arms with happiness radiating from his body.

  “I also need you.” He kisses me sweetly as he positions me under the spray washing away his sticky remnants from my backside.

  “So you said.” I sigh, kissing him back.

  “I’ll say it as many times as I have to until you believe it.”

  KAYNE’S PHONE BUZZES ON THE nightstand. I ignore it the first time, but it persistently vibrates for several minutes while I lay in bed—Kayne’s bed—recuperating and processing the events of the morning. I glance around our vacation bungalow. The one with a view of Bora Bora to die for, expensive furnishings, and glass floors where fish swim beneath us. This is definitely paradise, and he’s spared no expense.

  His phone goes off again, and now I think it might be important. I grab the towel off the floor, wrap it around my naked self, and then pick up the phone. I walk into the bathroom to find him standing in front of the sink brushing his teeth. I pause in the doorway and just watch. Kayne catches me staring through the mirror. He spits, wipes his mouth, and then asks, “What’s up, Ellie?”

  “Oh, um.” I snap out of my suspended state and walk over to him. “Your phone kept buzzing. I thought it might be important.”

  Kayne pulls me against him while he takes the phone. “Why were you looking at me funny before?” He glances at his screen with his arm securely around my waist.

  “I’ve never seen you brush your teeth before,” I admit. “It’s so . . . normal.”

  Kayne laughs. “I’m not an alien, Ellie,” he says as he types something with his free hand.

  “To me you are,” I giggle. “Ever since I met you, you’ve always had this persona that felt way bigger than me. First wealthy businessman, and then . . . well . . . you know,” I fidget and blush. The controlling Dom. “Then undercover super spy.”

  Kayne laughs dropping his face closer to mine. “I’m just a man, Ellie. I put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else.”

  Yeah, right! Kayne is way more than just a man. He can try to convince me, and himself, and the world that he’s just like everyone else, but that’s so far from the truth it’s actually comical. He’s a force, half angel, half demon, wrapped up in a package of male perfection. No, he’s no alien; he’s a predator. He entices you with his charm, lures you with his appeal, traps you with his will, then pounces on you when you least expect it, ready to kill.

  Just a man, my ass.

  Kayne’s phone buzzes in his hand again.

  “You’re popular,” I comment.

  “Not really.” He looks down at the screen and frowns.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Fine.” He pastes on a fake smile. “Just work.”

  “Just work?” I repeat. He refers to his job so nonchalantly, like he’s a computer programmer instead of an international man of mystery.

  “Yes, work. And it’s fine.”

  “So fine you have to use an alias?”

  He looks at me slyly. “The alias is just for precaution. You don’t take down one of the most dangerous drug lords in the world and not take necessary steps to protect yourself.”

  “Are you in danger?” I ask concerned.

  “No, at least none that we know of.”


  “Yes, I have a twenty-four-hour surveillance team scanning for threats. And there aren’t any that we’re aware of at the moment.”

  “But there could be?”

  “There’s always a possibility of retribution.”


  “Ellie,” he interrupts me, “I will tell you this. You have nothing to worry about. I would die before I let something bad happen to you.”

  “I don’t think it’s me I’m worried about.”

  Kayne smiles. His facial expression is endearing, but his eyes tell a completely different story. They’re deadly and cold, and actually scare me. “Baby,” he says almost threateningly. “If someone is stupid enough to come after me, they better have their funeral arrangements made. Got me?”


  “Good.” He drops a kiss on my lips, but doesn’t let go of me.

  “Do you have to go back undercover?” I ask.

  “There’s a possibility I could be activated again, but the probability of me running an operation is slim to none. I’m too high profile now, so I would most likely be backup support.”

  I blink rapidly; it’s so strange to hear him talk like this. It’s just one more layer of this complicated man.

  “I’m not sure what means exactly.”

  “Different operatives have different responsibilities.” H
e finally let’s go of me. “I was a field operative, so my face was out there on the front lines. There are cyber, communications, linguists, and administrative operatives who work behind the scenes.”

  “For the government?”

  “Yes and no. I was trained by the government, but work for an independent contractor.”

  “You’re losing me,” I say clearly confused.

  “That’s probably a good thing. The less you know about my occupation, the better.”

  “So, you’re not a government spook?”

  Kayne chuckles. “I’m not even sure what that means. What I am is a former U.S. soldier who was recruited for a special operations program because I possessed certain personality traits.”

  “And those traits are?” I’m engrossed by every ounce of information he feeds me.

  “Low morality and no identity. I didn’t mind killing people, and I didn’t care if I got killed. That’s the most lethal kind of agent. It’s also the kind of agent the government doesn’t like to associate themselves with directly, which is why I’m employed by a privately funded contractor. It gives us, and them, flexibility to go around the law so to speak.”

  “Do you still feel that way?” I frown.

  “What way?”

  “That you don’t care if you get killed?”

  Kayne’s face softens. “I’ll let you know at the end of our vacation.” He runs his thumb down my cheek. “Enough shop talk. Let me worry about protecting the free world and you not worry at all. How does getting out of here for a little while sound? We can go check out the white sand beaches and down a dozen fruity drinks with those stupid little umbrellas in them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I laugh, “and the recipe for a really bad hangover.”

  I DECIDE ON ONE OF my new bathing suits for the beach. The strapless stringy two-piece that barely covers my ass. I was going to save this one, but the idea of seeing Kayne’s face when I wear it is too tempting to pass up. He’s either going to love it, hate it, or—and my money’s on this one—hate the fact that he loves me wearing it. Either way, I win on all accounts.


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