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Taliff's Cure

Page 9

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  To have a female speak the words of love and devotion to her mate was the most important part of the mating night to every Lionese male. It proved beyond doubt that she pledged to honor, and trust him, with not only her heart, and her soul, but with her body and her mind as well.

  All the items she needed for the ritual could be found here. The bathing pool was required to wash away the impurity in their hearts. The basin, filled with Alana’s tears, the mother Goddess of Chantrea, sat on a pedestal near the bathing pool. It was believed that to drink her tears purified the Lionese soul. The flowering garden where they’d lie represented their people’s respect for nature and all living creatures. To make love here, to speak the vows in this clearing, would honor him, his people, and their Goddess.

  The next step was hers. The next few minutes would be the hardest of his life. Would she offer to bathe him in the pool, as was custom or would he have to forego the only chance he would ever have of having a true Lionese mating night?

  With no small amount of regret and heaps of roiling fear, Taliff released Eve’s hand and stepped away from her. He prayed to the Goddess that whatever happened next, she’d know that for him, she was all he could ever want or need.


  “Oh, Tal. How can you stand to leave your home if it looks like this?” Everything about this indoor greenhouse amazed her. The farther they’d walked into the heart of this amazing garden, the more beautiful it seemed to become.

  Her gaze darted around the foliage trying to take it all in at once. She didn’t know what to look at first. If she didn’t know better, she’d have thought they stepped into an oasis.

  A welcoming pool of glimmering water dominated the clearing. Flowering bushes and rose marble benches surrounded it and interspersed between them were statues of men and women in various poses, some sexual and some almost secular in design. The whole area shouted of the peace and serenity found here.

  The benches would have tempted her any other day, just so she could sit by the water and contemplate life’s daily trials, but it was the shimmering turquoise water of the wading pool that called to something deep within her soul.

  “Taliff, can we go in the pool, or is that forbidden?”

  “Moya, tonight, in this place, I want you to listen to your instincts. If there is something you desire, all you have to do is show me. If there is something you want to say, you say it. Tonight, you’re in charge.”

  Eve nodded, but a hint of uneasiness crept into her thoughts. Why did that sound so ominous, so ritualistic? Was there something he wasn’t telling her, something significant she should know? She hated feeling like something she should know was being kept from her, but in their short time together she’d learned to trust in him. If he was keeping something from her, it wasn’t anything that would cause her harm. Of that, she had no doubt.

  “Will you join me then?” she asked, as she slowly began to unbutton her top. By the time she managed to slip the second button from its hole, Taliff had unzipped his uniform and it hung precariously on his hips, held up only by an interesting part of his anatomy. Only luck kept it from pooling at his feet. Bad luck, that is.

  She would have enjoyed seeing the shiny material fall to the ground in a heap, but she couldn’t say the view of his chest wasn’t just as mouth-watering as the rest of him. She had an insane urge to take him by the hand, and lead him into the water. She wanted to bathe him with her own hands, to feel his muscles ripple as the water ran down hid body in rivulets, to chase the running droplets with her tongue.

  So, what was stopping her? He said to follow her instincts, and that’s exactly what she was going to do.

  Although she may have only limited sexual experience, she wasn’t about to let that stop her from seducing her man. She’d seen enough women with seduction on their mind to know that enthusiasm and passion were the most important ingredients to a successful seduction scene, that and a man willing to be seduced. And from the looks of the massive erection he was sporting, he was definitely willing.

  By the time Eve shrugged out of her shirt, and kicked off her pants, Taliff stood just in front of her gloriously nude. It only took a few steps for her to reach his side, and when she did, she took his hand in hers and led him to the water.

  As she led him into the pool, her body creamed with excitement. She knew just what she wanted to do. First, she would lead him to the center of the pool and after she made sure to wet his skin thoroughly, she’d trace every droplet with her tongue. By the time she finished, she hoped his every nerve shrieked with intense sensation and he wouldn’t notice any of the uncertainty and downright panic she’d no doubt feel.

  Taliff couldn’t believe this was really happening. Even though he hoped the Chantrean mating instincts would surface, he never truly believed they would. It seemed Alana really did answers the prayers of her people. What had he ever done to deserve such happiness?

  She dropped his hand once they reached the side of the pool, but her body continued to press against his as they slowly walked down the steps and into the warm water.

  Her scent wrapped around him like a blanket, beckoned him to sample her sweet nectar, to ride her into oblivion. And like a sailor answering a siren’s call he had no choice but to follow wherever it led.

  His thoughts scattered the moment he felt her hands brush against the sensitive head of his cock. Was it an accident or was she purposely trying to drive him out of his mind? Her eyes were focused on the tranquil turquoise water, so he couldn’t read her intentions. Did it really matter?

  With a resounding “No” echoing through his thoughts, he closed his eyes and let the water lap at his already sensitive skin. What would her hands feel like as she washed the impurities from his body? Would she be brisk and efficient, content just to share a bath? Or would she take her time, and explore his body, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and caring? Taliff shivered in anticipation. He couldn’t wait to find out.

  Taliff continued to inhale her scent, to cherish her closeness as he followed her into the center of the pool. When he would have ventured into the deeper end of the pool, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop.

  When she peeked up at him beneath lowered lashes his breath hitched. Goddess, she was magnificent. When she took her lower lip and worried it beneath her teeth he thought he’d come right then and there. He couldn’t get any harder. It just wasn’t possible. She’d yet to touch him, and he could already feel his seed spill from the head of his shaft. Slowly, she raised her hands and lightly pushed down on his shoulders. What did she have in mind now? It didn’t take long to find out exactly what she had on her mind.

  “Please, Taliff. Kneel down so that I can reach all of you. I need to wash you. Every inch of you.”

  How could he refuse such a request when uttered so sweetly? Especially, when at this point, she could ask him to plant citrus in the polar regions of his planet, and he’d do so willingly, as long as she continued to touch him.

  “Anything for you, moya. You’ve only to ask.”

  As he lowered himself into the pool of water, and moved into the position she’d requested, Taliff thought of all the things he’d willingly do or sacrifice if it would only make his moya happy.

  He’d leave his world and never return there if Eve demanded to be returned home. He wouldn’t let her go, and he anticipated many problems once she realized a Chantrean woman’s role on his planet. But in the end, her happiness was paramount and if that meant leaving his home, and his family, then so be it. What he wouldn’t do was ever give her up.

  But, thoughts like that had no business intruding on such a momentous night. There would be time enough to worry about things that might not even come to pass later. With a contented sigh, Taliff closed his eyes and rested his hands against his thighs. He didn’t know if he could control himself if he reached out and touched her right now. It took all his immense self-control just to sit here passively and wait for her to make her move.

the first touch of her hands as they caressed his biceps, he let out a stuttered gasp. Never had he felt anything so exquisite in all his life. His eyelids snapped open. He had to watch her face, see her expressions as she bathed him in the ritual way. This would only happen once in his very long lifetime and he didn’t want to miss a single nuance.

  Goosebumps pebbled along his skin, as she lifted water between her cupped hands and let it cascade down his torso. He shivered in reaction, and his unruly rod bobbed against the water as it begged for relief. Goddess, if just the water running down his body was this much a turn on, how would he handle the feel of her hands when they finally touched his skin?

  Seconds passed and only the sounds of trickling water and his rasping breaths disturbed the stillness and intimacy of the moment. When he thought he could take no more of her tortuous treatment, he learned the true torture had yet to begin.

  As soft as a butterfly’s wing, Eve’s hands gently cupped his face. Her eyes shimmered with passion and ever so slowly she brought her lips to his in a fleeting kiss so soft, so full of sweetness and promise he wanted to weep in joy.

  He hadn’t realized his eyes had drifted closed until she stepped away and they opened in reaction to her withdrawal. Before he could utter a protest, her hands slid down his neck to caress his chest. It felt so heavenly to feel her whisper soft touches he couldn’t help but purr. Contentment and satisfaction filled him as he knelt at her feet and simply allowed himself this moment to enjoy her gentle touch.

  Her hands slid over his biceps, his arms and finally trailed down to caress his hips as her tender touch followed the path the water had taken. More blood pooled in his groin and he groaned in frustration. He would never survive the night, not if she continued to torment him this way.

  Minutes passed, and when she finally lifted her hands from his aching flesh he thought the torture was over only to have her circle him and begin the torment all over again. When his back had received the same tender treatment as his front, she leaned over his back and whispered into his ear, “Stand up, and I’ll wash the rest of you.”

  He groaned. How was he going to stand it when she finally touched the part of him that had spent the last thirty minutes desperate with need? And until the mating ritual was complete he couldn’t spill his seed and this part of the mating night was all hers to control.

  He’d heard it said by other males that their females could take hours to get through all the stages of mating seduction. How the hell did the men do it? He just hoped the Goddess Alana would grant him the patience he needed to make it through the night.

  Eve must have known he was reaching his limit, because rather than draw out the rest of his bath, she washed his legs and feet with gentle efficiency. Only when the rest of him was clean did she reach out with her hands and cup his sex. Almost reverently her fingers stroked his turgid length, as though she found the feel of it fascinating. “I love your touch, moya. The feel of your hands caressing my shaft is almost more pleasure than I can take.”

  Her brows quirked and a mischievous smile flitted across her lips. “Is it?”

  He swallowed in nervousness. He didn’t need to read her mind to know that she was up to something.

  “Only almost,” she pouted before graciously dropping to her knees and taking his length into her mouth.

  “Holy shit…” Argh. What new form of frustrated agony had his wayward tongue gotten him into?

  After only a few strokes of her mouth down his shaft, she released him with a wet pop. “Poor, Taliff. Should you really be cursing in a place like this?”

  He didn’t know whether to whimper in relief, or beg her to continue. Eve must have decided that she’d gotten him clean enough, for she scooted back and rested her ass on her heels and looked up at his face. Her gaze clashed with his.

  “I offer my life, and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I in turn accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moyo, my mate?”


  Elation and relief swept over him as Taliff listened to the words he’d never thought to hear in his lifetime. The need to repeat the vows rippled through his soul. With as much grace as his trembling hands allowed, Taliff reached for Eve’s hands and pulled her to her feet.

  “I accept all that you are and all that you offer me, moya. I offer my life, and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I in turn accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moya, my mate?”

  Taliff waited for her answer. Fear ate at him until he saw Eve’s nod. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, and in that moment, he knew that whatever happened in the future they had this one night of perfect harmony.

  Eve dropped her gaze, but didn’t release his hands. After clearing her throat, she lifted her head and pulled on his hands. “Follow me,” she whispered and began to lead him out of the water. He trailed behind her, one of his big hands intertwined with hers as she led him up the steps and over to one of the marble benches.

  “Sit please.”

  He nodded, aware of what was to come next and waited patiently. She may not be aware of exactly what was happening and why she felt the need to do and say the things she was, but he wasn’t about to interrupt the ritual because his conscience was screaming at him. Perhaps he’d catch hell later for not telling her, but he never said he wouldn’t use her naiveté to keep her by his side if he had to.

  * * * *

  Eve didn’t understand what she was doing exactly, but it felt right, and for tonight she wouldn’t question her instincts. Maybe it wasn’t the right decision, and one she might well regret later, but this need driving her actions felt too important to ignore.

  There was something else she needed to do, something vital, but what the hell was it? As her eyes scanned the clearing, her gaze darted over the various sculptures until it reached the one of a woman holding a golden chalice between her alabaster hands. The sculpture beckoned her to accept the offering as water flowed from the cup and pooled in a basin at the woman’s feet in a continuous stream. Yes… That’s what she needed.

  She approached the statue silently, as though she was approaching Taliff’s Goddess rather than her likeness. Even though she shouldn’t know whom this woman represented, she could hear the musical sound of a woman’s voice whisper through her mind, and knew it to be Alana, the Chantrean Mother Goddess. The tinkling of her words vibrated along Eve’s spine, as though a thousand harps should accompany the sound of her voice. Drink my tears and purify your hearts. Share my tears and purify your souls.

  What did that mean exactly? Drink her tears she could pretty much understand. But how could she share the tears? Well, she’d figure it out when the time came, she guessed.

  Reaching up, she pulled the chalice from the Goddess’ hands and backed up a pace, before turning her back and carrying the golden cup to Taliff.

  When Eve reached her mate’s side, she knelt between his outstretched legs and slowly lifted the cup to his lips. “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds.”

  Without hesitation, Taliff wrapped his hands around hers and tilted his head back, allowing the refreshing fluid to slide down his throat. Eve sighed in relief. Until her muscles suddenly relaxed, she hadn’t known how tense she’d become while waiting to see if he’d accept her offering.

  Once he quenched his thirst, he held the cup against her lips. This seemed too ritualistic to her. What was she doing? Why couldn’t she stop herself?

  Goddess, it was too late to think about that now. She needed to make love to him, but
she needed to finish this first. She had no choice in the matter.

  “I beseech you to drink of the Goddess’ golden chalice. Let her tears cleanse your heart and heal all your inner wounds,” he whispered. And like he, she tilted her head back and let the cool, clear liquid pour down her throat.

  The moment the blessed water passed her lips a rush of feelings and sensations bombarded her. Joy, love, lust, hunger, need, desire, fear, worry, and so many others she couldn’t catalogue them all. But they weren’t her emotions, or they weren’t only hers. And after the rush of emotions settled into steady warmth, thoughts began to intrude. Her body began to shake as the emotional storm continued to rage.

  Eve watched as Taliff’s pupils dilated, and his big frame shuddered.

  Goddess, what a rush. There’s so much… so much she feels. It’s overwhelming. I can feel her fear as my own. How can I set her at ease with us, with our future?

  Eve blinked in surprise. Is this what the Goddess meant about sharing her tears to purify their souls? She didn’t know what to feel about this new turn of events. Would she not have privacy again? Immediately, she recoiled.

  Pain and rejection slammed into her and she realized what she’d done by rejecting the connection they shared. She’d hurt her mate because of her own fear and that just couldn’t continue. She could already feel the distance between them, and it terrified her that she might have destroyed their relationship before it even began.

  How could she make this up to him? What could she do, say to make this right? Her anguish rippled through her, and then she knew. She needed to share her tears by sharing her fears. She needed to embrace the bond developing between them.


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