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Taliff's Cure

Page 14

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  Just as her strength began to wane, she felt Tal merge with her, driving his healing powers through the bond. Thank the Goddess. She didn’t know Taliff could heal, but it just might be enough to mend the internal injuries his mother suffered. Some of the organs had deteriorated due to continual starvation, while others look like they’d been the result of beatings. The energy she was infusing should go a long way toward giving Luma the energy to eat on her own.

  Finally, the golden light thinned and eventually disappeared. Eve had done all she could. It was up to Luma now.

  Eve staggered back and dropped to her knees. She barely had the strength to hold herself upright. If Lily and Liana hadn’t jumped forward and caught her as she slumped down, she’d be laid out flat on the dirt-covered floor.

  She didn’t know where Tal was, but he was moving closer. The flickering signal she’d followed earlier was gaining strength every second. And it wasn’t a second too soon. If a large contingency attacked now, they wouldn’t stand a chance. She was just too whipped to help.

  Taliff stood in the open doorway and gaped in wonder. How could something like this be kept secret for fifteen years? How could their king be kept prisoner in his own home? Taliff turned tear filled eyes to his brother. “How?” he asked.

  “I don’t know, Taliff. But we’ll find out, and all those involved will die.”


  The crackling voice that drifted from the bed sounded nothing like the man they’d once known. But there was no denying his identity. “Father? Mother?”

  The bedraggled Chantrean nodded and a crooked smile spread across his face. “Took you long enough to find us, don’t you think, sons?”

  Eve, still slumped on the floor, chuckled. “I found you, not him.”

  “And so you did. And saved my wife in the process. How can we ever thank you?”

  Eve smiled, and Taliff knew exactly what thoughts were running around in her mind.

  “I have a few ideas.”

  He snorted at the understatement. His father had no idea just how much Eve would change given the chance.

  Even though he wanted to rush to his parents and pull them into a hug, his mate and her needs came first. While Hunter moved toward the bed and the couple there, Taliff went to Eve’s side and scooped her up into his arms.

  After brushing a fleeting kiss against her temple, he turned toward his brother and parents. “I say it’s past time we get the hell out of here.”

  Hunter nodded and walked out into the hall. Seconds later, he returned with Tanner and three of the Manruvians in tow. “Tanner, take my mother. I’ll help the King. The rest of you, keep your eyes and ears open. We aren’t free yet.”

  Once the group reached the relative safety of the open hall, where their chances at being trapped were lower, Taliff reached for his wrist com. “Shoshoni?”

  “Yes, Commander?”

  “Lock on to my location and transport the eleven of us directly to the infirmary aboard the Wanderer.”


  Eve raised her head from where it rested on his shoulder.

  “Where . . .” she licked her lips and tried again. “Where is the rest of the pride?”

  “Shoshoni transported them to safety the moment we had been released.”

  * * * *

  Three days later…

  Taliff looked down at his sleeping mate and couldn’t help but smile. With her flushed cheeks, lush red lips, and sexily tousled hair, Eve looked well and truly loved. Too bad she’d been unconscious for days and the closest they’d come to loving had been when he chastely pecked her forehead before he crawled into bed beside her.

  The healer who’d supervised both Eve and his mother’s care assured him that she’d wake today. He hoped so, or she’d miss the ceremony being held this evening in her honor.

  “Eve?” he whispered, laying fluttery soft kisses against her temple, her cheek. “Moya, it’s time to wake, beloved.”

  Taliff knew she was awake and playing possum when Eve’s mouth twitched. Let her play for a few more minutes. He enjoyed this playful side of her.

  He skimmed his lips down her neck, and over her pulse. He could feel its rhythm increase and smiled against her skin. She always responded so magnificently to his touch. If only he had time to love her now, but alas, duty beckoned and they needed to prepare.

  It had taken many hours of planning and restructuring to come up with an answer to many of Eve’s worries. Hopefully, it all met with her approval.

  “It’s time to rise, Eve.”

  “Do we have to? I’ve been having the most marvelous dream.”

  From the sweet smell of her arousal, she must have been truly enjoying it too. Best not to mention that though, not if they were to arrive in the Grand Ballroom on time, because she was bound to say something that would earn a sensual punishment.

  His cock lengthened beneath the thick leather of his trews and it took all his control not to reach down and adjust himself. He muttered beneath his breath and pushed himself away from her luscious curves.

  Once he was far enough away from her scent to once again think clearly, he cleared his throat. “Eve. There is a ceremony to be held tonight returning the rightful king to power. Would you attend with me?”

  Eve sat up, and no longer intent on seduction by the serious expression she wore. “Of course. What’s to happen to your brother?”

  “He never wished to rule. At least, not for a very long time, and until he secured a mate of his own. He’s decided to search for the other women that were taken from the Wanderer in repayment to you for returning our parents to us.”

  Eve’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “He’s going after Amy?”

  “Yes. He’s to leave immediately after the ceremony tonight.”

  “But, Tal, he just got his parents back. He shouldn’t leave them so soon.”

  “He wants to do this, moya. He says something is driving him to. All we can do is support his decision.”

  Eve nodded, a worried look on her face. “He won’t be alone, will he?”

  “No. Tanner and Hunter’s Manruvian ally, Mikel, will be traveling with several of Mikel’s most loyal soldiers.”

  Eve’s shoulders relaxed and a small smile lifted the corners of her lips. “Wouldn’t it be strange if he found his own mate during his search?”

  “We can hope, and I think, deep down, Hunter believes, he needs to find her. That’s she waiting out there for him. Maybe he’ll find his own cure for loneliness as I have found mine in you.”

  “Now, that’s enough stalling. I’ve laid out a change of clothes for you in the bathing chamber, which is just through that door,” he said pointing toward the only other door in the room, besides the open one. “I expect to find you ready when I return.”

  When Taliff returned to his chambers an hour later, he found Eve sitting atop the window seat, her gaze drawn to the activity below. “Are you ready to go downstairs, Eve?”

  “In a minute. Can I ask you something, Tal?”

  “You can ask me anything, moya. There will be no more secrets between us.”

  Eve nodded, then began to fiddle with her clothes. “How were your parents kept prisoner without anyone’s knowledge?”

  Taliff sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. “We may never know how it all came about. But nearly a hundred guards and advisors were found dead in one of the cells. We can only assume the Black Rose was cleaning house. She’s still out there, Eve, and still a danger to us all.” When she didn’t appear to have any more questions for him, he reached for her hand.

  “So, are you ready now?”

  She turned to meet his gaze, and smiled a little shyly. “I suppose. I thought women were expected to dress feminine here. I expected to find a sarong or something and instead found this.”

  He wasn’t surprised that Eve was confused. Instead of laying out typical Chantrean womanwear, he’d left her the smallest utility uniform he could find.
It would be only the first of many pleasant surprises for her this evening.

  “I promised to show you equal respect and honor, moya. This is but a first step.”

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes but she didn’t let them fall, and he could only be thankful. If she lost her composure over this, what would she do later when the rest of tonight’s events came to pass?

  “We must be going now, Eve.”

  Without further hesitation, Eve stood and made her way to his side. Taliff pulled her into his arms and slowly lowered his head to hers. There was no way he could get through the next few hours without at least tasting her luscious mouth. The kiss started out gentle, but before long, his tongue swept over her parted lips and they each became lost in the heat of their passion.

  Minutes passed and neither cared. Only when his wrist communicator began to buzz insistently did Taliff break the kiss. He laid his forehead against hers and tried to reign in his hunger. If he didn’t make love to her soon, he’d spontaneously combust.

  “Let’s go, before we hold up the celebration even longer.”

  Eve giggled as he dragged her out of the room. He didn’t see a damn thing funny about the situation and if the pain in his groin was any indication, his cock was in definite agreement.

  Decorated in white and gold, the Grand Ballroom glittered with wealth and majesty. Honeysuckle scented candles were suspended from the ceilings with wire and their flickering flames cast gentle shadows along the walls.

  The crowd parted for them as they made their way toward the raised dais where High King Brantiff and his mate awaited them. Eve’s palms began to sweat as all eyes followed their progress through the room.

  Only once they reached the foot of the dais did Taliff pull them to a stop. When Eve would have curtsied as some sign of respect he shook his head. What’s going on, Tal?

  You’ll see, moya. Be patient.

  Neither Brantiff nor Luma showed signs of their fifteen-year ordeal, and Eve hoped that she in some small part helped in their transformation.

  When High King Shi’Lan raised his hand, the room grew silent in anticipation. For many long years, most had thought him dead. The return of their beloved King must be a welcome surprise.

  “For fifteen years, my mate and I were held prisoner on these very grounds, believing that our sons had been killed by one of their own blood. And for fifteen years, they believed the same. But because of thirty-six brave women and their Alpha, we have been reunited.”

  “During the course of our incarceration, I took the time to get to know my mate. To learn of her strengths and her weaknesses, her beliefs and her desires. I am ashamed to say, it took nearly a year into our imprisonment to learn what it took Eve Roberts three very long days to teach my son.”

  “Males may be physically stronger than the females, but they are not superior to them. So, with that said, it is my honor to award Eve Roberts the position of Chief Advisor in my new cabinet.”

  Shocked, and a bit petrified, Eve looked to Taliff for help. “Go on, moya. Step upon the Dais and stand behind the King.”

  “But…but…” When Taliff just continued to look at her with love and patience, she swallowed thickly and forced one foot in front of the other, until she’d done as he directed and positioned herself behind and to the right of the King.

  While Eve tried to process what had happened, High King Shi’Lan began to once again speak, this time addressing Taliff.

  “The floor is now yours, son.”

  At the sound of her mate’s name being spoken, Eve dragged herself back to the here and now. She watched as he pulled at the collar of his uniform, and fidgeted with his wrist com. What’s going on now?

  He may have looked nervous, but when his voice rang out strong and clear, reaching even the farthest corner of the room, all sense of nervousness disappeared. “It has always been tradition that in order for a mated pair to be formally recognized, the female demonstrated the ultimate in submission toward her mate in front of witnesses. That tradition is retired here and now.” With grace and dignity, Taliff lowered himself to his knees and bowed his head.

  “I offer my life, and love to you, to do with as you wish. I pledge to worship your body and offer up my own to you to worship and command. I, in turn, accept the same from you. Only to you do I offer my heart and my soul for you to protect or deny. I give all that I am and all that I will ever be to you. Do you accept me and all that I offer, my moya, my mate?”

  Eve swallowed the lump in her throat, and drifted down the stairs and to his side. “Never kneel before me again, my moyo. Stand as my equal, for I accept all that you are or ever will be.”

  Whistles and cheers erupted throughout the room, but the pair was intent on only each other. The world disappeared as the lovers embraced.

  * * * *

  In the farthest corner of the room, away from the surging crowd, Hunter sighed. His mate was out there somewhere. It was only a matter of time before he brought her home.

  * * * *

  Somewhere in deep space…

  Amy Morgan lifted her bruised and battered head when she heard the groaning creak of the opening door. Not another man. Not again. She couldn't take another one so soon after the last. Already she felt as though she would never heal from the numerous injuries she'd suffered during these animals’ attempts at impregnating her.

  “Please, Goddess, just let me die,” she sobbed into her mattress as she felt the bed dip beneath yet another man’s weight.


  About the Author

  Hi there. My name is Bonnie Rose Leigh and I've been writing since I was just a tyke. I live in a small town in Upstate, New York and spend most of my time on the computer either writing, or visiting with my friends. If I'm not busy on the computer, I spend my free time reading. It doesn't matter what genre the book is either, though I am partial to romance novels. If I'm not in my office, I can be found sprawled in a chair with a book clutched in my hand and a cup of cocoa sitting nearby.

  To learn about all of my upcoming releases, please visit my website at:




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