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The Highlander Without a Bride

Page 9

by Johanna Maas

  "My dear, most clans truly do wish for peace, only a few are forever warring. And besides, I am a man of the cloth. Most have a fear of God and wish me to be there to perform my services and so they allow me to go about my business in peace."

  Kaye looked deeply into his eyes for she truly was concerned for this kindly man's safety and was just hoping she could trust in his words.

  "And what of the Bruce clan? Do you ever happen upon them?"

  She looked into his eyes as she held her breath and silently hoped for an affirmative answer.

  "Why, yes, milady I do. They happen to be near the Grants."

  She continued to stare at him as she reached into her pocket and extracted the medallion that Tor had given to her. She looked at it and placed it fondly within her palm as she had done so often since he had bestowed it upon her just a few weeks before. She drew her hand forward and placed the small coin upon the table for his inspection.

  "My dear sister Bridget is the mistress of that keep and is married to Lord Alec Bruce. I would like to return this coin to one of the Lord's men and his name is Tor. He…he happened to accidentally leave it at my parent's home when they visited during my sister's nuptials." She looked at him with a pleading in her eyes as she continued. "Would you do this for me?"

  He smiled kindly at her and with nothing more then wishing to be a servant to her, he said, "Well, yes, milady. I would be happy to. But you do understand that it may take me several weeks to reach that destination."

  "Yes Father, I do. I just wish to return it to its rightful owner and truly, 'tis no hurry."

  He reached forth and took the small medallion from the table as he laid it within the palm of his own hand. He studied it closer as he felt of its slight weight of its worn edges.

  "Then I shall see the deed done."

  The clergyman placed the small coin within his breast pocket quite hidden away and soon forgotten as Kaye began pleading with him to speak of his travels and of his life. She implored him quite earnestly to share with her all that he knew of his Scottish homeland.


  On a cool evening nearly a month after she had first arrived at the Hann keep and during the night directly after she had entrusted Father Flannigan with the medallion for Tor, Kaye was alone in her room. She stood by the window that overlooked the front courtyard as the night fully descended upon the land, the chilled breeze sweeping in through the opened window and reminding her of the impending change of seasons. She stood looking out across the square as the last of the people below wandered back to their homes after enjoying the windless and cool evening. As she stared out over the darkened yard, she heard the door close fully behind her and the bolt thrown in its stead.

  With an immediate fear in her heart she turned around to see the young Lord Alden standing just inside the entryway as he leaned idly back onto the door with a strange look upon his face. As she gazed across the expanse of the room she noted with dread that he was neither smiling nor frowning with an odd combination and one that sent shivers throughout her body. Kaye's pulse began to beat rapidly for up until this very moment, the young lord had never entered her private chambers. This had always been the one true safe haven of her home. For several long moments he stood peering at her as such for he was not speaking and not moving, only boldly appraising and drinking in the full of her body with his eyes.

  A fear continued to grow inside of Kaye, trepidation for his presence within her chamber and for the long silence that ensued. As the stillness stretched onward she fought to find understanding or his reasoning behind his company within her room as the sound of the lock continually and ominously echoed within her mind. She recognized most miserably that he had also bolted the door which was the only entrance or exit to her chamber. Her breath began to come in short rasps as the panic began to consume her further as Kaye stood motionless and watching him carefully until he finally spoke.

  "I am curious as to why you chose to marry my father? For I understand that you were not forced to do so. It surely is not because you fancy yourself in love, is it?"

  The Lord Alden paused as he looked deeper into her eyes from across the way as he continued. "You must then be seeking the riches and the fine life that our family can afford now, are you not?"

  He pushed himself from his place leaning upon the door and began to move slowly across the room towards her, his presence ever menacing and his stare ever terrifying.

  "You simply cannot be in love with him for the man is old and surely not capable of loving or keeping a woman pleasured such as yourself. The way you have looked at me makes me think that I am more to your liking, for I am more your age and more to whom you must truly desire."

  By this time he had sauntered completely across the room and stood directly in front of Kaye. His eyes continued to intimately stare at her body as he took in the full of her form, her slight waist and her full breasts as his chest noticeably rose and fell with his own excitement.

  The fear and panic continued to rise up within Kaye as her heart thundered and the terror threatened to consume her for his words, for his presence and his nearness. At the very last moment as he closed the gap that separated them, Kaye attempted to move hastily away from him and outside of his reach. But he was too quick, she realized most wretchedly that she had been cornered.

  She turned quickly and attempted to flee but she was too late. He reached out and forcefully grabbed a full handful of her long hair at the base of her neck as he fiercely yanked it up behind her. He held on tightly and pulled firmly on the lengthy tresses that were now securely wrapped within his fist. He pulled his hand towards his own chest as he dragged her body closer until he had her trapped tightly within his arms. He pulled harder on the back of her hair as the pain emanated from her head until her face was forced to tip upwards and within mere inches of his chin. She was coerced to look upon his face, a malicious sneer now showing prevalently upon his lips.

  At that moment, with his free hand he drew a small trinket from his pocket, holding it a mere inches in front of her face as hatred and anger emanating from his eyes. He rolled it slightly in his fingers watching her intensely for any reaction.

  "What is this?" he spat out, more enraged than she had ever seen the man.

  Kaye looked on in horror at the tiny medallion that he held, the one belonging to Tor and the one she had given to Father Flannigan. The very same coin that she had hoped the benevolent man would return to her Scottish Highlander so that he would know of her need of him. Her heart beat wildly within her chest for she now knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was in grave danger, for the young lord must now realize that she had attempted to gain outside help. Lord Alden's dark eyes were burning into her, their fiery depths ablaze with his black and vicious anger.

  The Lord Alden dropped the coin to the floor as his free hand grasped her chin as he moved his mouth over hers in his attempt to gain control of her lips. As he did so, he pushed her back forcefully against the cold stone wall, his body pressing tightly into hers as he forced his knee between her legs and effectively pinned her so she was unable to move. He dragged his free hand down past her throat to her breast where he roughly groped at her as he continued his attempt at capturing her mouth. With a full sickening she felt the length of his body upon hers and the firmness of his excitement pushed repulsively into her stomach as he leaned fully into her.

  Kaye tried to move her head so that he could not successfully gain her lips, but he was too strong for her and her movements were stilted for she was up against the unyielding stone wall. He pressed his lips into hers as her head was forced further back, as he began biting fiercely at her mouth until he drew blood from her lips and her jaw finally slackened. When he was provided entry into her mouth, he quickly invaded and forced his tongue deeply inside as he caused her to gag at his filthy ministrations. As the bile threatened to rise in her throat, Kaye bit down hard upon his tongue, the taste of his blood now mixed with her own and laced heavily wit
hin her mouth.

  He growled in anger as he stepped back briefly from her assault and brought his hand up and struck her with his full force across her face as he cursed loudly. Her ears began to ring from the impact and he held onto her as he struck her once again across the other cheek, the ring upon the third finger of his hand scraping deeply and tearing at her soft ivory skin. Two more times he struck her fiercely as he relentlessly delivered his blows. The pain was now entirely reverberating within her head and across her face for the fury he had unleashed and the deep gash he had left upon her.

  Without warning, he stepped back slightly and fisted his hand, swinging it mightily as he caught her fully in the eye. The force of this last blow sent her bouncing off of the hard stone surface and sprawling across the floor as the stars began to dance before her eyes, the unmerciful pain from his assault consuming her.

  In horror and as the droplets of blood dripped from her wounds, she pulled herself across the rug attempting to escape the frenzied beast, endeavoring to move out of his grasp in her quest for freedom. He caught her ankle as she tried desperately to crawl away from him as he held on to her tightly and stopped her progress forward. She grabbed frantically for anything in her path and anything at all that would provide her leverage to help with her escape.

  Kaye's hand caught upon the finely embroidered material that covered her bedside table and as she pulled desperately, she spilled the entire contents of it upon the floor. With the tears streaming down her face and as her head pounded from his blows, she began to panic for the precarious position she now found herself in.

  He forcefully gained her side and laid himself out heavily on top of her as he pinned her to the floor, hungrily groping at her body as he turned her over to lay her upon her back. He attempted to move his face once again over hers, biting her further as he tried to capture her lips as she struggled below him.

  Her hand reached out and came in contact with the heavy iron candle holder that had once laid upon her bedside table. She grabbed it firmly within her hand and with all the power that she had, she swung the object at his head as she attempted to halt his revolting assault upon her body. With a sickening thud she made full contact, striking him hard across his temple. In the shadowy darkness she could see his eyes as they rolled backwards into his head, his body going immediately limp on top of her as a small trickle of blood ran down his cheek.

  Kaye hastily struggled below him and pushed the Lord Alden away from her as she crawled from beneath his prone body. Her breath came in gasps as she noted most dreadfully that the candle stick was still within her hand. She stared at him for long moments through her tears at his still body, fearing she had killed the young lord. Shaking, she pushed herself upwards to lean against the stone wall as her heart beat wildly and a panic entirely encompassed her as she contemplated her next move. The only thought that surfaced within her mind was that she had to get away and leave now before he was discovered.

  Kaye pushed herself from the wall and as she passed by the foot of the bed, she spied the small medallion that lay deserted upon the floor. She stopped and retrieved it and held it tightly within her hand as she pressed it towards her heart. At that moment she knew what she must do and now feared that there was only one option left open to her. With a resolution, she placed the coin in her pocked and moved to the bureau where she grabbed a cloak from within and threw it over her shoulders as she moved quickly and resolutely to the door.

  She unbolted the latch pulling hard on the carved wooden door and opened it wide in her attempt to flee. In her haste she nearly ran into her servant Agnes, who was now standing directly in front of her in the middle of the entryway. Kaye closed her eyes as realization and dread dawned, for she had hoped to escape unnoticed and leave this place forever but now she realized she had been discovered. With a full panic upon her heart she conceded that before she even had a chance to exit the room she would not be permitted to leave. With a sadness upon her heart she understood that all Agnes had to do right now was to raise her voice in alarm and the household would descend upon her.

  In her sadness and in her grief Kaye opened her eyes, her face badly beaten and the excruciating pain in her head telling as she gazed back upon Agnes. To her complete amazement, the old woman never said a word and simply stared at her with a sad smile of her own as a single tear escaped down her aged cheek. In one stilted movement, the servant stepped back fully from the center of the doorway, allowing Kaye to pass freely with a knowing and sad expression upon her face.

  As Kaye moved warily beyond the threshold and into the darkened and deserted hallway, she heard the old woman enter the room and quietly closed the door in her wake, leaving Kaye now completely and entirely alone.


  Through her blurred vision, for her eye had begun to swell greatly and the tears continued to flow, Kaye quickly gained the stables and cautiously moved between the stalls to the one that held her trusted gray mare. She quickly saddled the beast and released the lead from the wall as she quietly exited the building. Quietly, she walked the horse out of the darkened shed and breathed a slight bit of relief for she was still undetected. Although no one was immediately about at this late hour, she walked her mare cautiously in the near darkness, praying she would stay unnoticed and fervently hoping she would be allowed to make her escape.

  She neared the drawbridge and stopped in the shadows as she peered intently around and looked for any movement. With trepidation in her heart, Kaye wondered how she would make it beyond this point, her only hope for freedom was that it had been left unguarded for the night. Spying no one immediately about, she quickly and silently crept forward. As she came even with the wall, she felt a movement near as the sentry stepped out threateningly before her.

  Kaye's heart beat wildly, knowing with a certainty that he would not allow her pass as she understood that he would simply raise the alarm and she would be forcefully returned to the keep. For long moments the fear rose within as she waited expectantly, until Kaye realized that he stood quite motionless before her. With puzzlement, she gazed further through the darkness and with a start recognized the face of the man before her, for it was the soldier named Thomas. He was the very same one that had been injured by the dark men in the forest, the very same one that she had tended his wound. For an extended time he simply stood staring down at her, gawking at her obvious injuries with a true sadness reflecting upon his face. With a resigned sigh, he stepped away from her and turned his back upon her and moved from her side. He silently provided her the permission she needed to pass into the night.

  When he made no effort to stop her nor sounded any type of alarm, Kaye hurried her mare as quietly and as quickly as she could over the worn wooden planks of the drawbridge. Only a slight echo could be heard from her mare's hooves as they resonated lightly into the otherwise silent night. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief as her horse finally stepped upon the grassy field, feeling her freedom ever so near.

  Kaye mounted her mare realizing a new fear for she had never been unaccompanied, especially in the dark and had never ridden alone outside of these gates. But she knew her options were few and there was no going back now for she knew that her life truly depended upon her successful and now solo escape. With resolution and a deep breath, she walked her beast forward and away from her terrors and away from her life, hopeful that no one would realize she was gone for a very long time.

  When she had crossed the valley and began to move up the other side of the rise, Kaye felt a bit of luck was on her side for the night was clear and the three-quarters moon shone brightly above. It emitted a slight light that illuminated her path faintly in the otherwise darkened night.

  Being far enough from the gate for no one to hear the mare's quickened hooves, Kaye finally gave her animal its lead as she slightly squeezed the sides of her beast with her knees. She lowered her head over the animal's mane, encouraging her on as her horse began to move quickly down the path and into the darkened w
oods beyond.

  Kaye galloped quickly and as fast as she dared in the dark down the worn dirt path in what she could only assume was in the direction of her parent's home as the fear lay heavily within her breast. It was nighttime and she knew that if she kept up this pace and was successful in her directions that she could reach the Devon estates at least a few hours before the dawn was fully upon the land. With that in mind, she continued onward knowing her beast was young and strong and she herself would do whatever it would take to escape the prison she had found herself within.

  Kaye rode hard into the night, following the darkened path and was quite thankful the trails were well traveled and had not come across any forks in the road. After riding for a few hours into the night, she drew in a nervous breath as she crossed the knoll where their party had been accosted just a few short weeks ago. She quickly pushed those painful memories from her mind and breathed a sigh of relief, for she knew now that not one of those dark men still lingered. She was also thankful for she understood she was in the appropriate area and not too far from her home. She quickly moved forward and within the hour, she found herself exiting the large oaks and out onto the grassy fields as she made her way quickly towards her cousin's home.

  All the while that she had ridden, she contemplated and developed a plan and conceded that there were few options left open to her. She understood that she could not go home for she could not bring this down upon her father even though she knew his estates were at risk. She reasoned quite fairly that if she were to go to him, she knew that he would take her in but this could prove to be most dangerous. Kaye would be placing the Lord Devon in a most precarious position for he would have to choose between his daughter and the laws that bound him to his king. She did not wish to bring her burdens further upon her family and if they did not know she had been there, then her father could protest his ignorance for she realized he could never lie. She rationalized that his lack of knowledge of her whereabouts was simply the safest for him.


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