The Highlander Without a Bride

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The Highlander Without a Bride Page 12

by Johanna Maas

  As Bridget comforted Kaye, she slowly looked over her sister's shoulder through the window and downwards, so she could see what had Kaye so entranced. As she gazed out at the activity below, she saw the Bruce clansmen training in the courtyard and her husband's cousin Tor very visible from where she stood.

  A slight smile spread across Bridget's face as she noticed the man and what she had hoped was the subject of Kaye's attentions. She watched as Tor's strong body moved gracefully upon the training field as his power was being ever so clearly demonstrated. She could only view this as a positive sign that her dear sister Kaye was perhaps finally being brought out of the desperate state she found herself committed to. And just this small possibility, made Bridget quite pleased.


  It was immediately following the nooning meal on the third day after Matthew and Kaye had arrived at the Bruce keep, when the alarm was sent up from the sentries high upon the walls that there was a band of riders approaching. As had Matthew and Kaye been escorted by the Bruce clansmen those few days previously, so had this large party that was arriving within the courtyard today.

  The Englishmen were fifteen strong and as they road directly into the center of the square they stopped midway to the keep's stairs. The men were sitting quietly upon their mounts with somber and angry looks abound. The numerous Bruce clansmen that had escorted the party through the gates were circling the edges with their weaponry ever ready as the clansmen were on alert and just waiting for their own lord's direction.

  In the lead of the visiting party was Kaye and Bridget's father, Lord Devon. Flanking him was his brother-in-law Roger on his right and Lord Hann, Lord Alden and Father Flannigan to his left. Behind these great men were ten of Lord Hann's best soldiers. This time when the English were within the presence of the Bruce Highlanders, the Hann men were fully armed and their chests entirely armored as they were quite prepared for battle.

  As the sentries alerted the keep within, Alec, his brother Cameron and his cousin Tor were inside the great hall with Matthew, Bridget and Kaye all in attendance. Alec, fearing that trouble was looming, ordered the women to stay inside as the men abruptly exited through the front door. But Bridget willfully refused and followed them out onto the landing as she ensured Kaye was close at her side. Bridget would not stay behind for she knew her father and Roger were there and it was Kaye's fate that so precariously hung in the balance.

  The Bruce Lord, his two lead men and Matthew moved slowly down the great stone stairway that led out onto the courtyard as they ascertained the group below. Bridget and Kaye were trailing closely behind, Alec wholly concerned and none too pleased for both the English upon his soil and his willful wife's actions.

  They walked down into the courtyard and came up short of the visiting group of men and stood staring directly at the imposing assembly. While no weapons had been drawn, the air was filled with an anxiousness as all present were standing on alert and awaiting for someone to begin. Every warrior within the square was ever prepared for whatever would transpire.

  After long moments of the men's silent standoff and full appraisal of each other, it was Lord Devon who spoke first and loudly enough for everyone within the courtyard to hear.

  "Kaye, are you alright?"

  The Bruce clansmen hesitated only a moment before they stepped aside slightly and allowed Bridget and Kaye to be seen clearly for the first time by all. Lord Devon narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brow severely as he looked at his daughter and spied the mark upon Kaye's once flawless cheek and the other fading abuse that was ever obvious upon her face. Otherwise, he did not react, never spoke as he waited patiently for the truth of it to come forth from her own lips.

  As the men moved from before them, Kaye was forced to gaze upon all of the visitors within the square for the first time including her husband the Lord Hann and his son. Her heart began to beat wildly within her breast as the fear rose for just the sight of them. She was thankful the Lord Alden was alive for she knew with a certainty that she was now not guilty of his murder, yet a renewed fear threatened to consume her for just his presence. Just the fact that he was this near, petrified her.

  Kaye took a deep breath and spoke loudly, once again for all to hear, "Yes, father, I am now alright that I am here and protected."

  For long moments no one moved and no one spoke as the tension mounted in the air. Lord Alden, clearly becoming agitated and impatient with the situation, looked over at his lord who had not yet spoken nor looked as he would anytime soon, so he did so in his father's stead.

  "Lady Kaye, you are my father's wife and it is your duty to come with us immediately so that we can return to England. For that is the oath you took before your country and your God. No one here can dispute that fact for many here witnessed it!"

  Kaye watched in horror and wondered if they could force her to do as such as a panic began to rise further within her chest. For if she did not return with her husband, would they bring all of the English king's forces here to Scotland? She understood fully that the Lord Hann's ties to her king appeared to be strong but were they strong enough to instigate a battle? Would there be many lives lost including those of her own family and those that had unquestionably taken her in? How could she do this to them? She reasoned fairly that she could not be responsible for lost fathers, lost husbands and lost sons from both sides of the border.

  She lowered her eyes to the ground as she began to fully comprehend her plight and what she had done and the wrath that she had placed upon these kind people who had taken her in and vowed to protect her. Kaye had been so naïve to think that they could just take her away from her lord and defend her without any real consequence. With misery she now understood that it was true that she was simply her lord's property to do with what he wished and no one could intercede. She realized only too clearly now and with a sadness, that she was surely bringing potential death and destruction to them all.

  A feeling of devastation like no other coursed through her body as the reality of it all befell upon her heart. She, herself would rather die than go back, but that was her choice and her death. This was not the choice of her family nor of these fine Scottish clansmen.

  When she did not respond, Tor turned slightly peering at her over his shoulder and watched as the fear and dread of it clearly washed through her. His heart broke for her panic and for the devastation that blatantly appeared upon her beautiful and now troubled face. How he wanted to take her within his arms and comfort her at that very moment and tell her that he would protect her to the ends of the earth. But he could not for his first duty was to his lord and his clan. He dared not risk their lives and those of his brothers for his own heart. Instead, he took a small step sideways and closer to Kaye to try and silently provide to her his backing and protection.

  It was not only Kaye that witnessed the slight movement in the Bruce warrior's obvious show of support for the Lord Hann's wife, it was also the Hann men, themselves who witnessed such. Angry looks and muttered warnings began to be thrown about as the tension within the courtyard began to mount further. The young Lord Alden spat out viciously and in anger.

  "Father, go get your wife so that we can be gone from this wretched place."

  Lord Hann looked hard at the blonde Scottish warrior who had now boldly made more than one advance towards the Lady Hann, a mixture of hatred and fear upon the lord's face. He looked from the warrior to his wife and slowly back again as he shouted for all to hear.

  “But she is now soiled!”

  Those words cut Kaye deeply and as much as they had the very first time she had heard them on the afternoon of her wedding day, a devastation and humiliation fully consuming her. For she was not soiled, she had never been by any of her own actions. And by the looks and the accusations that he just threw down for all to hear, she now truly understood what her husband was insinuating. With mortification in her eyes and a new found strength in her heart, Kaye responded loudly and for all to hear.

��But I have lain with no man!”

  All eyes within the courtyard looked at her in surprise at her outburst, for her boldness to speak out against her lord. She continued with a much lower tone, yet still heard by all as her humiliation and complete shame in that instant was laid out for all to now know and to understand.

  “Including my husband…”

  All eyes within the square immediately flew to her face, each gawking at her as she looked down as the color began to rise upon her cheeks for she was truly ashamed of her heartbreaking confession. The pain within her chest felt as if one hundred blades had penetrated her heart, for she had just acknowledged quite fully before all that no one had wanted her, no one had ever truly claimed her and she was once again alone. As she stood now in her silent misery with the shame clearly etched upon her face, the tears began to fall unchecked down her flaming cheeks.

  She felt movement all around her and looked up slightly as Tor stepped directly in front of her as he unsheathed his largest sword. He stood most powerfully with his back to her and with obvious intent, protecting her from her husband or any of the English men before her. The other Bruce men and Matthew all followed his lead as they too, drew their massive swords and shifted to protect.

  Kaye's father and her uncle moved from within the English line of men and dismounted from their horses as they quickly moved on foot to the Bruce clan's side. They too had drawn their swords and now had them pointing towards the Hann men. All were now standing before her, swords unsheathed and pointing at the Lord Hann and the English soldiers.

  Bridget moved closer to Kaye as Father Flannigan quickly dismounted from his small horse and approached. When he reached her side, the priest took both of Kaye's hands within his own and looked at her deeply as he spoke quietly to her, though loud enough for the Bruce Lord and the small surrounding group to hear.

  “My dear Kaye, you mean to say that your wedding was never consummated?”

  The tears continued to fall down her cheeks as her shame spread through her body as her face began to turn a deeper shade of crimson. Kaye heard for the first time these words spoken out loud and all those who mattered to her had now heard of her deep shame and her disgrace. She could not look up into the clergyman's eyes nor to anyone's, for the pain and humiliation that was ripping through her. The anguish of her misery and her one true flaw echoed through the now silent courtyard. No one had wanted her and no one had ever claimed her, even her own husband…

  Kaye could only stare at the ground and shake her head, confirming the full of what Father Flannigan had asked. With a new found sadness and in desperation, she pulled her hands free from the priest's and turned from all those in the square as she fled up the stairs of the keep. Kaye was intent upon seeking refuge for her shame that was fully upon her and was now entirely known by everyone.

  The tears flooded her eyes, moving unheeded down her face and blinding her as she ran up the stairs and to her room. She moved across her chamber and to the far corner beyond the wardrobe as she crouched within the corner with her back to the wall. She was hidden from the doorway and huddled upon the floor, unseen from all those who knew of her appalling secret. She pressed her face into her hands and allowed the tears to fall freely as her body wracked with her sobs.

  For long minutes she sat as such completely consumed by her mortification. On and on she cried as the unrelenting pain filled her. As the anguish continued to mount, she heard heavy footsteps within her room and moving in her direction. She drew herself in tighter wishing she could disappear as her tears continued to fall freely as her body convulsed in misery.

  She felt a strong and large hand upon her shoulder and gazed up through her tears to find her father sitting on the floor before her with an aggrieved look upon his face. She moved herself across and over into his arms as she laid her head upon his chest and allowed him to surround her with his love, his support and his understanding. For long moments they sat as such as her sobs continued to wrack her tiny body and his arms gently surrounded her. She cried for the foolish decisions she had made, she cried for all she had been through, but she cried mostly for the loneliness she now found within herself.

  When time had finally passed and the tears would no longer come and the only thing that remained was the slight hiccups and a hollowness upon her heart. Kaye took a deep breath, ready to recognize the truth of her life and timidly asked her father of her fate.

  "Father, will I have to go back?"

  He answered her quietly, "Where else would you go, my dear?"

  She began to tremble anew as the faces of her husband Lord Hann and the young Lord Alden flashed through her mind, their sneers deeply cutting into her. Her tears began to stream down her face anew as her worst nightmare became realized as she shook in certain terror.

  "You would make me go back to Lord Hann?"

  Lord Devon gasped in disgust and horror and looked down at his daughter ever so perplexed that she would say such a thing. Complete confusion was written upon his brow as he stared onto the tear streaked face of his daughter as the full of it dawned upon him.

  "Oh my dear, precious Kaye! I thought you meant back home…our home!" He looked deeply onto her distressed face as he continued, "You do not have any idea of what has transpired here, do you?"

  She looked at him confused and not completely comprehending his remarks nor understanding her fate as she silently shook her head. Slowly, she wiped at the tears that were upon her face.

  "Please father, tell me. I am so confused and truly scared…"

  Lord Devon sighed heavily as he began softly, "You were married lawfully to Lord Hann and legally became his property as of that day, in both the eyes of England and in the eyes of the church, with many witnesses about. However, he failed to keep his end of the bargain by not consummating the marriage. And because of this and his family's ill treatment of you, the church will let you out of that agreement by granting you an annulment."

  Lord Devon placed his hands upon her arms as he moved her away from him slightly so that he could look deeply into her eyes and made sure she understood the full of it.

  He continued, "Meaning you will not be married to Lord Hann any longer and the church will consider you never to have been wed. This means that if the occasion ever presents itself, you will then be free to marry another. Father Flannigan has said he will see to the details personally. It will most likely take many weeks if not several months until all has been settled, but it shall be done."

  "Father Flannigan? Why would he do this for me?"

  "My dear, he told me of your request of returning the medallion to Lord Alec's man, Tor. What he did not know at the time was that he was to have kept it in confidence. He happened to remove it from his pocket when Lord Alden was about that evening and the lord casually asked him of its origin. Since he was not aware of your quest for secrecy, he told the young lord what you had requested. Father Flannigan thought it a bit strange when he appeared to become angry over it and took the medallion from him, but it was not until he heard of what had transpired that night from the servants that he knew he had put you in grave danger. That is why he was adamant that he come along here to Scotland. He insisted on making everything right."

  "And Lord Alden and Lord Hann? Where are they now?"

  "Gone, my dear. On their way back to England and out of your life forever."

  Kaye closed her eyes as a calming feeling passed through her body as the fear and trepidation began to wash away for the Hann men were no longer near.

  "And what of our family's lands? Will the king grant them to Lord Hann?"

  "I cannot say anything on that subject for sure, for as you know our good King Henry will do whatever he thinks is in the best interest of England. However, since you are no longer married to Lord Hann, I would say that his claim is deemed to be pretty worthless. But in reality, while the land means so much to me and to our family, it is you that is far more important. I would give it up in a heartbeat to know that you are safe an
d to know that you are happy."

  For long moments Kaye simply stayed quiet as she leaned her head upon her father's comforting chest. She was content to be loved and protected by him, her horrific ordeal seemingly over.


  Later that afternoon after the Lord Devon had left Kaye's chamber ensuring his daughter was alright, she spent the remainder of the time pacing her floors within and playing the whole of the distressing scene from that afternoon in her mind. She reviewed it over and painstakingly over again with her panic and humiliation fully upon her. Upon occasion, she would wander to the window and find herself staring out intently and with a fright in her eyes. She guardedly peered into the distance to ensure no new travelers returned to the keep for the fear of Lord Hann and his son were still upon her.

  Just before the evening meal was upon them, it was her sister Bridget who came into the room to comfort her and to acknowledge her feelings while forever showing her support. She also came to encourage her and to implore her to come down to the great hall for the evening meal.

  "Please, dear sister, now that this ordeal is past you must be strong. We have all made mistakes in our lives and it is important to put this behind you and move forward. For in no time, it will truly be over…"

  Bridget looked deeply into her eyes while Kaye began to comprehend the wisdom of her words as Bridget continued. "Now, you must leave the confines and solitude of this room for the great hall and all of its diversions. Surely something there will occupy your mind and help you forget."

  She smiled once again at her sister while she hoped Kaye would see the truthfulness in her words and that a certain Bruce clansmen would stir her interest.

  At some point during that conversation with her sister, Kaye had begun to resolve that her past hasty decisions and mistakes were not going to harm her any more. She was going to escape from this ordeal with her head held high for she would soon forever be rid of the pain of the Hann men and could then concentrate upon the rest of her life. She sadly noted that even if that meant living it out fully in the solitude of her parent's home for that end was still better than where she had been.


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