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The Orpheus Clock

Page 33

by Simon Goodman






  Anon. von Calcar

  Pietà sculpture



  SG 2011

  Catharijneconvent Museum, Utrecht

  Baldung Grien, Hans

  Portrait of a Young Man, with a Green Background



  SG 2010

  Christie’s, 2011

  Barbault, Jean

  Spanish lady (orig. ascrib. to Goya)



  BG 1946

  London, private collection, 1981

  Bartolommeo, Fra

  Madonna (seated) with child

  Early 16th c. Oil/board

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Bosch, Hieronymus

  The Temptation of St. Anthony

  15th c.


  BG 1946

  National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa

  Botticelli, Sandro

  Portrait of a Young Man with a Red Cap

  16th c.


  NG, SG 1998

  Denver Art Museum, Colorado

  Boucher, François (attrib.)

  Lady’s portrait

  18th c. Pastel and chalk

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Boucher, François (school)

  Sopraporte, pastoral scene

  Late 18th c. Oil

  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Burgkmair, Hans

  Portrait of a Man, red jacket, green background

  1501 Oil/wood

  BG, LG 1954

  Museum für Kunst und Kulturgeschichte, Dortmund

  Carriera, Rosalba

  Portrait of a Lady

  Early 18th c. Oil

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Chiari, Giuseppe Bartolomeo

  Venus and Adonis

  17th c.


  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Cranach, Lucas, the Elder

  Samson and the Lion



  BG, LG 1954

  England, private collection, 1974

  Cuyp, Aelbert (attrib.)

  Haan met Kippen

  17th c.


  NG, SG 2002

  Nick Goodman, LA

  Degas, Edgar

  Paysage (Landscape with Smokestacks)

  1890 Pastel/monotype

  NG, SG 1998

  Art Institute of Chicago

  Devéria, Henri-Victor

  Amoureux dans le parc



  NG, SG 2002

  Simon Goodman, LA

  de Wit, Jacob

  Mythological scene

  1751 Ink

  NG, SG 2002

  Lili Gutmann, Florence

  Elsner, Jakob

  Portrait of a Man, red background

  1490/1500 Oil

  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Gainsborough, Thomas

  Portrait of a Young Woman

  18th c.


  LG 1954

  Italian art market, 1960


  Flemish feuilles-de-choux tapestry

  16th c. Wool and silk

  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Greuze, Jean-Baptiste

  Portrait of a young girl

  18th c.


  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Guardi, Francesco

  Il Canale Grande con San Simeone Piccolo

  Late 18th c. Oil

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Guardi, Francesco

  Capriccio Architettonico con Campiello e Chiesa



  SG 2013

  England, private collection, 1994

  Guardi, Francesco

  Paesaggio di fantasia con Isola della Laguna



  SG 2013

  England, private collection, 1994

  Hackaert, Jan

  Hunting scene in a wood

  Late 17th c. Oil

  BG, LG 1954

  Mauritshuis, The Hague

  Hals, Frans

  Portrait of Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa



  BG 1946

  San Diego Museum of Art

  Holbein, Hans, the Elder

  Head of Madonna (fragment of altarpiece)



  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  Isenbrandt, Adriaen

  Madonna and Child (in the style of Gerard David)

  16th c.


  BG, LG 1954

  Paris, private collection, 1974

  Jacquiot, Ponce (school)

  Mother and Child

  16th c. Bronze

  NG, SG 2002

  Simon Goodman, LA

  Kangxi period

  Garniture of five vases

  1700/20 Porcelain

  SG 2011

  Christie’s Paris

  Kienle, Hans Ludwig

  Horse and Rider, silver-gilt cup

  1630 Silver and gold

  NG, SG 2002

  Art Institute of Chicago

  Lencker, Johannes

  Triton and Nymph, silver-gilt ewer

  1625 Silver and gold

  NG, SG 2002

  Rijksmuseum, 2013

  Levecq, Jacobus

  Portrait of a Young Man in Black

  Late 17th c. Oil

  BG, LG 1954

  Christie’s, 2013

  Liotard, Jean-Étienne

  The Tea Set (Chinese tea service)



  BG, LG 1954

  Getty Institute, LA

  Memling, Hans

  Madonna (seated) with child, surrounded by angels



  BG, LG 1954

  De Boer Collection, 1961


  Flemish Game-Park Tapestry

  16th c. Wool and silk

  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Petzolt, Hans

  Silver-gilt double cups

  1596 Silver and gold

  NG, SG 2002

  Detroit Institute of Arts

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste

  Le Poirier

  1880s Oil

  NG, SG 1998

  Christie’s, 2010

  Ricci, Marco

  Capriccio of Roman ruins (statue and fountain)

  Early 18th c. Gouache

  BG, LG 1954

  National Gallery, Washington, DC

  Ricci, Marco

  Capriccio of Roman ruins (figures and statue)

  Early 18th c. Gouache

  BG, LG 1954

  London, private collection, 1982

  Rocca, Michele

  Rinaldo and Armida

  Early 18th c. Oil

  NG, SG 2002

  Christie’s, 2003

  Schuszler, Angela

  Eenden bij een vijver

  1822 Oil

  NG, SG 2002

  Lorenzo Bosi, Tuscany

  Schuszler, Angela


  1822 Oil

  NG, SG 2002

  Lorenzo Bosi, Tuscany

  Signorelli, Luca (studio)

  Baptism of Christ

  16th c. Oil on wood

  BG, LG 1954

  London, private collection, 1955

  Tyrolean Master (prev. Burgundian)

  Narr Pock, jester to Maximilian I


  BG, LG 1954

  Sotheby’s, 2013

  Unknown, Italian

  Judgment of Paris

  16th c. Oil on wood

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  van Goyen, Jan

  Landscape with Two Horsecarts



  BG, LG 1954

  Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts

  Vigée-Lebrun, Élisabeth


  Late 18th c. Chalk

  BG, LG 1954

  Amsterdam, 1954

  von Stuck, Franz

  Die Sinnlichkeit

  1891 Oil

  SG 2009

  Christie’s, 2010

  Also, more than 240 antiques (Meissen, Louis XV furniture, etc.) returned by Dutch government in 2002 and several more in 2010.


  Please note that this is an incomplete and partial list and by no means the definitive, complete catalog of art.






  Jamnitzer, Wenzel, and Family

  Orpheus Clock

  1560/70 Gold, bronze, and iron

  SG 2011

  Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart

  Reinhold, Johann

  Great Astronomical Table Clock

  1581/92 Gold, bronze, and iron

  SG 2011

  Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart

  SG = Simon Goodman

  BG = Bernard Goodman

  LG = Lili Gutmann

  NG = Nick Goodman

  (1) Frans Hals, Portrait of Isaac Abrahamsz. Massa

  (2) Hieronymus Bosch, The Temptation of St. Anthony

  (3) Jean-Étienne Liotard, The Tea Set

  (4) Edgar Degas, Paysage (Landscape with Smokestacks)

  (5) Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Le Poirier (The Pear Tree)

  (6) Sandro Botticelli, Portrait of a Young Man with Red Cap

  (7) Jakob Elsner, Portrait of a Man (red background)

  (8) French 1710, pair of Louis XIV ormulu chenets

  (9) Hans Ludwig Kienle, Horse & Rider, silver-gilt cup

  (10) Johannes Lencker, Triton and Nymph, silver-gilt ewer

  (11) Flemish, sixteenth century, Grammont feuilles-de-choux tapestry

  (12) Picchi Workshop, maiolica albarello jar

  (13) Kangxi, eighteenth century, garniture of five vases

  (14) Franz von Stuck, Sensuality

  (15) Hans Baldung Grien, Portrait of a Young Man (green background)

  (16) Francesco Guardi, Paesaggio di Fantasia con Isola della Laguna

  (17) Johann Reinhold, Great Astronomical Table Clock

  (18) Jamnitzer, Wenzel, and Family, Orpheus Clock

  (19) Jamnitzer, Wenzel, and Family, Orpheus Clock (side)


  From the day I conceived this book it would take nearly ten years to complete. Throughout, numerous well-wishers helped pave the way. Others provided inspiration from near and far. There are so many to whom I am grateful for making The Orpheus Clock become a reality. Although my acknowledgments are in no meticulous order, I must begin with my great-grandfather Eugen Gutmann, who found the clock in Paris and began the Gutmann collection. Then there is my grandfather Fritz Gutmann, who continued the collection and tried so hard to preserve our family legacy. My father, Bernard Goodman, also deserves special recognition for his silent determination while saving countless documents, whose significance would only become apparent decades later.

  Special thanks go to my indomitable aunt, Lili Collas-Gutmann, whose courage and perseverance acted as a source of infinite strength and inspiration. My brother, Nick Goodman, generously provided steady encouragement and wise counsel throughout. Patiently he read every single word I wrote, as did my dearest wife, May Quigley-Goodman. Their guidance made my task lighter. Inevitably, there were some bleak periods through which I would not have emerged had it not been for May’s constant nurturing and unwavering support.

  Several members of my extended family also offered support, both spiritual and practical, including Eva Schultze-Dumbsky, Francis Fitzgibbon, Jean-Paul Froidevaux, and the late Nadine von Goldschmidt-Rothschild.

  My quest might well have ground to a halt without the talents of several skilled professionals. In particular I’d like to thank Tom Kline, Willi Korte, Barry Rosen, Anne Webber, Rebecca Friedman, Connie Walsh, and Terry Higham for their counsel and encouragement. In addition I would like to express my appreciation to a host of dedicated experts: Helen Junz, Rudi Ekkart, Evelien Campfens, Tonie Brandsie, Perry Schrier, Evert Rodrigo, Rik Vos, Maarten Meijer, René Pottkamp, Marie Hamon, Anne Georgeon-Liskenne, Marc Masurovsky, and Randy Schoenberg.

  There were many who helped with outstanding research and skilled translation, such as Christine Koenigs, Helen Hofhuis, Frank van Putten, Uwe Hartmann, Monika Flacke, Ilse von zur Mühlen, Horst Kessler, Richard Winkler, Cornelia Kruppik, Katrin Lege, Michael Jurk, all those at the Getty Research Institute, and Carmen Ketola, who made such a sensitive translation of my grandfather’s poem.

  Along my journey I have been inspired and enlightened by countless authors and journalists, including Hector Feliciano, Shuchen Tan, Lien Heyting, Walter Robinson, Morley Safer, Melanie McFadyean, the late Marilyn Henry, Gerard Aalders, Corinne Bouchoux, Michael Bazyler, Jonathan Petropoulos, Robert Edsel, Nancy Yeide, Jane van Nimmen, Elena Ceccarini, and Annie Jacobsen—from the encyclopedic Lynn Nicholas to the Proustian Edmund de Waal.

  I am particularly appreciative of the relations that have emerged between my family and the two great auction houses. At Christie’s a special thank-you must go to Sheri Farber for her untiring assistance. Also, Monica Dugot and her skilled restitution department have been a constant support. Other notables include Marc Porter, Jop Ubbens, Nicholas Hall, James Hastie, Toby Woolley, and Anthony Phillips. At Sotheby’s, the most knowledgeable Lucian Simmons and the author Richard Aronowitz have both become valued colleagues.

  It has been particularly gratifying to have encountered several collectors and museum officials who acknowledged the fundamental necessity for Holocaust-era restitution, notably Suzanne Delehanty, Philip Furmanski, Abe Somer, Anja Heuss, Cornelia Ewigleben, Irmgard Müsch, Moritz Paysan, Scott Schaefer, Douglas Druick, and the late James Wood.

  And lastly I must thank my dear friend, the writer Hunter Drohojowska-Philp, without whom this book might never have been completed. It was her sober advice that, among other things, led me to my wonderful agents, Eric Lasher and Maureen Lasher. With the help of Gordon Dillow, the Lashers began to shape my rambling notes into a coherent entity. From there I was introduced to the talented team at Scribner: Colin Harrison, Katrina Diaz, Alexsis Johnson, and Susan Moldow. I am indebted to them for their patience and expertise.

  I am truly fortunate, thanks to all those mentioned above and those whose names elude me, to be able to offer this book to my children, James Goodman, Emma Goodman, Tara Goodman, and Rebecca Goodman, and all the generations that will follow.



  Born in London shortly after World War II and educated at the Lycée Français in London, then at Munich University, Simon Goodman entered the music business in the late 1960s. After specializing in breaking new British artists abroad, Goodman then established an alternative distribution network in the United States in the early 1980s. Goodman’s father had secretly begun searching for his own father’s lost treasures, looted by the Nazis, a legacy that Simon later inherited. Goodman is married to actress and writer May Quigley and has one son and three daughters. He lives in Los Angeles, where his search for his family’s treasures continues.


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  Aalders, Gerard. Nazi Looting: The Plunder of Dutch Jewry. Berg, 2004.

  Bazyler, Michael. Holocaust Justice. NYU, 2003.

  Benjamin, Walter. Berlin Childhood around 1900. Belknap/Harvard, 2006.

  Bernstein, Elsa. Erinnerungen an Theresienstadt. Ed. Ebersbach, 1999.

  Bouchoux, Corinne. Rose Valland—La Résistance au Musée. Geste Editions, 2006.

  Boymans Museum. Meesterwerken uit vier Eeuwen, 1400–1800. Van Waesberge, Hoogewerff & Richards, 1938.

  Brown, David Alan, and Jane Van Nimmen. Raphael & the Beautiful Banker. Yale University Press, 2005.

  Ceccarini, Elena. Gli Orsini Baroni. ETS, 2010.

  Chernow, Ron. The Warburgs. Vintage Books, 1993.

  Dean, Martin. Robbing the Jews. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

  Diamant, Adolf. Chronik der Juden in Dresden. Agora, 1973.

  Elon, Amos. The Pity of It All: A History of Jews in Germany, 1743–1933. Metropolitan, 2002.

  Engelmann, Berndt. Germany without Jews. Bantam Books, 1984.


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