The Orpheus Clock

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The Orpheus Clock Page 37

by Simon Goodman

  Robinson, Walter, 229

  Rocca, Michele, Rinaldo and Armida, 251

  Rodrigo, Evert, 244

  Rosen, Barry, 216

  Rosenberg, Alfred, 5, 165

  Rosenberg, Paul, 232, 233

  Rosenberg and Stiebel, New York, 284

  Rothschild, Edmond de, 46

  Rothschild, Karl von, 35–36, 246

  Rothschild family, 23, 32, 34, 46, 175, 184, 304

  Rousseau, Theodore, 280

  Rubens, Peter Paul:

  in Göring’s collection, 122

  The Coronation of the Virgin, 99

  Rundstedt, Gerd von, 260

  Rutgers University, 273–74, 284–85, 286, 289–91

  Safer, Morley, 212–13

  Saher, Marei von, 239

  St. Florian monastery, Austria, 184, 235–36

  San Diego Museum of Art, 11, 85

  San Gimignano, towers of, 105, 147, 175

  Sapuppo, Baron Giuseppe, 129, 175

  Sapuppo, Jacobea, 175

  Sauermann, Hans, 183, 295, 296, 301, 302

  Savonerrie carpet, 244, 251

  Saxony, Kings of, 20, 34

  Schacht, Hjalmar, 27, 69, 95, 99, 101, 165

  Schermerhorn, Wim, 167–68

  Schleicher, Kurt von, 95

  Schloss Schönfeld, 21, 21, 37, 291, 309

  Schloss Zeesen, 40, 73

  Schoenberg, Randy, 266, 267, 268

  Schönemann, Dr. and Frau, 261

  Schultze-Dumbsky, Eva, 13–14, 196–97, 226–27, 247, 306

  Schuster-Burckhardt, Hans, 40, 44, 47

  Schuszler, Angela:

  Chickens, 235, 236, 237, 241

  Ducks at a Pond, 235, 236, 237, 241

  Sciamplicotti, Cesare, 39, 146

  “Search, The” (CBS-TV), 212–13, 227

  Searle, Daniel, 203, 204–6, 208, 209, 210–11, 212, 213–19, 222, 225, 253

  Seattle Art Museum, 232, 233

  Seattle Jewish Film Festival, 217

  Seeck, Franz, 72

  Seghers, Hercules, 87, 194, 286, 288

  Seidl, Siegfried, 137

  Seligmann, Jacques, 83

  Seligmann brothers’ gallery, Paris, 46

  Semper, Gottfried, 20

  Seyss-Inquart, Artur, 117, 136, 165, 260, 275

  S. G. Warburg & Co., 31

  Signorelli, Luca, 87, 187

  Baptism of Christ, 208

  Simmons, Lucian, 233, 306

  Simpson, James Young, 8

  Singer, Israel, 238, 239

  Six-Day War, 13

  60 Minutes, 212–13, 227

  SNK (Dutch Art Collections Foundation), 184–85, 186–87, 189–90, 192, 237

  Sobernheim brothers, 50, 309

  Sobernheim, Curt, 174

  Sobibór concentration camp, 164

  Sotheby’s, 249, 250, 306

  and Botticelli Portrait, 227–31

  and Degas Paysage, 218

  Important Old Masters Paintings catalog, 227

  in-house restitution department, 233

  and Renoir Le Poirier, 223–24, 226–27

  Soviet Union:

  nonaggression pact with Germany, 108

  Red Army “trophy brigades,” 182

  Spain, Nazi bombing in, 106

  Spanish Inquisition, 131

  Speer, Albert, 259, 260

  Speer, Margarete, 259

  Spielmann (guard), 153

  Spier, Jo, 139, 166

  Spitzer, Frédéric, 34, 35

  Stalin, Joseph, 108

  State Department, US, and Washington Principles, 232–33

  Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 228

  Steinberg, Elan, 238

  Stevenson, Mary, 39

  Stoffel, Alexander, 313

  Stout, George, 233

  Streicher, Julius, 260

  Stresemann, Gustav, 28

  Strölin, Alfred, 283

  Stuck, Franz von, Die Sünde (The Sin) or Die Sinnlichkeit (The Sensuality), 89, 125, 194, 257–59, 262–71, 264, 275, 288, 290, 307, 317

  Sudetenland, annexation of, 106, 108

  Swiss Banking Association, 207


  art smuggled into, 207, 208

  artworks looted from, 279

  Claims Resolution Tribunal, 289–90

  class-action suit against Swiss banks, 238, 239

  negotiations with, 249

  safe harbor for “abandoned” assets, 207, 209, 239, 274, 286

  Tan, Shuchen, 235, 240, 242

  Taper, Bernard, 209

  Theresienstadt, 135–57

  documentary film of, 140

  early history of, 137–38

  escapes from, 147–48

  Fritz and Louise in, 141–42, 144, 147, 149–51, 152–53

  Fritz and Louise’s arrival at, 136–37, 164, 166

  Fritz beaten to death in, 153–54, 166, 172, 191, 229

  Kleine Festung (Little Fortress), 135, 137–38, 148, 151–54, 155, 166

  lists of survivors, 164–65

  Louise’s transport to Auschwitz from, 156, 157

  mass grave in, 154

  as “model” concentration camp, 5, 138–40, 144, 164

  number of deaths in, 140, 165

  “Potemkin village” of, 139–40

  prisoners released from, 144–45

  Red Army arrival at, 154

  Red Cross tour of, 139–40

  “special cases” in, 141

  transport to extermination camps from, 138, 140

  walled community of Terezin, 154–56

  Third Reich Radio Corporation, 235

  Thoma, Hans, 260

  Thurn und Taxis, Prince von, 279

  Thyssen, Fritz, 96

  Thyssen, Heinrich, 79, 284

  Treblinka concentration camp, 164

  Trienens, Howard, 213, 216

  Troller, Norbert, 151

  Trotti, Count Ercole, 46, 84

  Ubbens, Jop, 249, 251

  Union Bank of Switzerland, 225

  United States:

  Nazi loot in, 210; see also specific collections and museums

  war archives of, 289, 293–94

  United States of America v. Karl Brandt, et al., 261

  Universum Film AG (UFA), 71–72

  Utrecht, Governor of, 234–35

  Utten, Hans, Silver Cat by, 73, 248, 314

  Valland, Rose:

  and Baldung Grien, 281–83

  and Botticelli Portrait, 228

  and Degas paintings, 201, 202, 203

  and French Resistance, 181

  and Gutmann collection, 187, 194, 211, 228, 233, 288

  and Jeu de Palme museum, 181, 206

  photographs taken by, 181, 199, 201, 202, 203, 221, 223

  and recovery of art, 187, 233

  and Renoir landscape, 201, 223

  Van Diemen Gallery, Berlin, 83

  Vasari, Giorgio, 85


  limited influence of, 130, 144, 145, 147

  Max granted refuge in, 146

  Vermeer, Jan, The Astronomer, 183

  Veronese, Paolo, 87, 180

  Versailles, Treaty of, 61

  Victoria, Queen of England, 8

  Vienna, Gutmann family members in, 263

  Vigée-Lebrun, Élisabeth, self-portrait, 86, 126

  Villa Favorita, Lugano, 284

  Vollard, Ambroise, 83, 88

  Vos, Rik, 244, 248

  Voss, Herman, 149

  Wacker-Bondy, Mme., storage, 183, 223, 225, 276, 277, 282

  Wagner, Siegfried, 70, 71

  Wagner, Winifred, 70

  Wallach, Fritz, 174

  Wallich, Hermann, 51

  Wallich, Paul, 50–52

  Wannsee Conference, 94, 138

  Wannsee Golf Club, 94, 94, 99, 138

  Wannsee internment camp, 207

  Warburg, Alice Magnus, 30

  Warburg, Max, 28, 30, 61

  Warburg, Sir Siegmund, 31, 96, 97

  Warburg family, 29,

  War Picture Library, 7, 8

  Washington Principles, 232–33, 249, 290

  Webber, Anne, Making a Killing, 213–14, 217, 238

  Weimar Republic, 28, 68–69, 92, 97

  Weinberg, Arthur von, 141

  Weissenberger, Otto, 263

  Wendland, Hans Adolf, 183, 206, 207–9, 215, 276, 282

  Westerbeek, J. E., 132–33, 168–70

  Westerbork detention camp, 119–20, 131, 139

  West Germany, see Germany

  Wetzlar, R., 228–29

  Wilhelm, Crown Prince, 82, 93, 96

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 29, 58, 61, 81–82, 96

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands, 115

  Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince, 234–35

  Williams-Bulkeley, Harry, 252

  Wiman, Anna, 9–10

  Winter Olympics (1936), 104, 105

  Wit, Jacob de, 288

  Bosbeek renovation by, 74, 75

  ceiling oil canvas (Bacchus and Ceres in the Clouds) by, 75, 168–70, 169, 243, 247

  grisaille (Autumn) by, 74, 75, 169, 243

  Wittmann, Otto Jr., 209

  Wolf, Emile, 209–10

  Wolf-Walborsky, Evelyne, 210

  Wood, James, 217

  Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts, 232, 233

  World Jewish Congress (WJC), 238, 239

  World War I:

  end of, 61–64, 66

  onset of, 52–55

  period between World Wars, 74–75

  veterans of, in Theresienstadt, 139

  World War II, 58–62, 73, 173

  in Britain, 6–7, 54–58, 159

  German blitzkrieg in, 108

  German surrender in, 164

  and Nazis, 181–82; see also Nazis

  onset of, 108–9

  Phony War, 108

  portents of, 107–8

  Württemberg State Collection, Stuttgart, 310–13

  Zelleke, Ghenete, 253

  Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University, 274, 284, 285–87, 289–91

  Zionism, 37, 168


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  Copyright © 2015 by Simon Goodman

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  Jacket design by Jonathan Bush

  Jacket image courtesy of the Landesmuseum Württemberg

  (Württemberg State Museum)

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Goodman, Simon.

  The Orpheus Clock : the search for my family’s art treasures stolen by the Nazis / Simon Goodman.

  pages cm

  1. Gutmann family. 2. Jewish bankers—Germany—Biography. 3. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)—Germany. 4. Gutmann family—Art collections. 5. Goodman family—Art collections. 6. Art thefts—Germany—History—20th century. 7. Art thefts—Investigation. 8. World War, 1939–1945—Reparations. I. Title.

  HG1552.G87G66 2015



  ISBN 978-1-4516-9763-6

  ISBN 978-1-4516-9765-0 (ebook)




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