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A Werewolf's Saga, The Beginning (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 19

by Michael Lampman

  The humans did what he said to do and they formed a half circle around him and Rochie’s horse.

  Jameson took the lead and brought his horse to the front of the line.

  Kenar corrected his first assumption quickly. “They are not here to attack us.” He looked back to Rochie. “They are here to watch and inform.”

  Rochie gripped his sister’s hands into his right. He knew what it meant. “Then they now know that we are here.” He turned to Jameson. “This is now a fool’s errand Jameson. We need to turn back and rethink this plan of yours.”

  He didn’t agree. “Never. If they want to fight, then we will give them one.” He stood his ground and drew his sword to show it.

  Instantly, Rochie noticed the blade’s silver glow. He turned to Kenar fast.

  “You told them about the metal?” He truly couldn’t believe how far this had gone. He couldn’t believe what it now meant.

  Kenar shook his head hard. “You did Rochie. You showed them it when you took Satar with it.”

  Rochie’s mind exploded. It also became unfocused too. “I did this.” He let go of his sister’s hands. “I have brought this doom onto all of you.” He now felt sickened. He felt sad—guilty was more like it.

  Kenar shook his head again, and reached out and took his left hand with his right.

  “What has been done is done, Rochie.” He let go of it just as fast. “As I have been trying to tell you, the cast has been set into motion. There is no going back from this. Too much has happened that cannot be set right again.”

  Rochie now understood his friend. At least that part of it he did, but he knew more than that, and so did Kenar. “You could have used the blocking on them. You could have blocked their minds and hidden the secret.” All Wanderers possess this strength. They can plant a black hole over the mind and block certain memories. He could have ended this before it even started.

  Kenar shook his head again, more violently this time. “And how would that have stopped what Devish is doing? How would blocking that knowledge from the humans correct his need for blood?” He stopped and stared his friend down, and waited for the answer.

  Rochie didn’t have one to give him. After all, he still had no idea what Devish was up to in the first place.

  “What does he want to do?”

  Kenar positioned himself on the horse. Him doing so made Shandra have to position herself too.

  “I am not all too sure what he is doing, but I do know that he has had the thirst before. I know that his father had helped him to control it. A control he does not want to have. And now with his father consumed by other needs his control is gone. It is the only thing that makes sense to me as to why he wants this fight.”

  Rochie blinked. “If this is true, then why do this? Why did he accuse me of what he did?”

  Kenar shrugged. “You have seen everything Rochie. You have lived right alongside them. You know their secrets. You know them.” He bowed his head some before lifting it again. “This makes you dangerous. He wanted to take you out of the game.”

  Rochie had nothing to argue with this. To him, it all made complete sense.

  Rana had stayed silent for the most part, but hearing all of this, well—it made her question everything. None of this made any sense to her at all, and it made her have to say something. “Why would one of our lords do this to us, to Rochie? Why would he lie?”

  Kenar understood her completely. In fact, a part of him didn’t want her to be there at all. The other part of him did. He knew her power, and quite frankly, with everything stacked against them like this, her being there gave them a very large advantage. An advantage he knew they needed. Still, he knew what she meant to Rochie so it was a lot to ask. He just couldn’t do it for himself.

  Donte heard their bantering and hated them for it. “Wanderers, I am not sure if you realize this or not, but we are being surrounded here by Moonwalkers. What does this have to do with our current problem?”

  Kenar turned to him quickly.

  So did Rochie and Rana.

  “You are right.” Rochie agreed with the human. “We need to press on. If they are here to watch, then we should continue to Devish’s castle.” If Kenar is right about this, that is. He wasn’t entirely sure about this yet. One should never walk willingly into a trap. If he was right, they should follow his lead. If he were wrong, than all of it wouldn’t matter anyway. The wolves being there told him that much. What Kenar said was then good enough for him.

  The others did not agree.

  Jameson was the loudest of the humans. “Why should we do this? Why go if they know we are coming?” This part never made sense to him. What advantage did Kenar believe they had, he just didn’t know.

  Kenar only took a deep and everlasting breath before he began. “We have to go. The Elders will not wish to break the balance. Satar will not allow it.” He finally spoke the name of the person who he knew would be on their side. He saw it all inside his mind.

  Rochie heard his name and it made him wince hard. “Why would Satar stand against the Elders? Why would he do so against his own son?” It just made no sense at all.

  Kenar only nodded. “You have to trust me Rochie. The times have changed in ways that I cannot go into here.” He looked to Jameson again. “You all have to have faith in what I have seen.”

  Rochie only nodded. He knew how far he would go by Kenar’s side, so it made sense to agree with him.

  Jameson had no such pride in a man he knew nothing about. “The bastard that took her away from me, you want me to trust in him?” Anger gushed through his chest like a viper striking an animal moving past its crouch. It poisoned him like it too.

  Kenar could only offer him the simplest explanation for what he knew. Anything more would burn the boy to his core. He didn’t have the choice. He needed the humans on their side.

  “You have to trust me young Jameson. You sister is safe. If we can convince the Elders that all is not what Devish wishes, it is through him that will make it happen.” He offered a subtle shrug.

  The boy couldn’t bring himself to accept this, but the Wanderer was right. All of them were right. They were there standing with them. They were ready to fight by his side. If they could do this, then maybe they deserved his trust. He would at least consider it.

  “Fine. I will follow your lead.” He finally bowed his eyes, and pushed his anger back down inside his chest.

  Kenar admired him more for this. The boy would be king one day, and what he showed him said that he would be a good king at that.

  The wolves moved. They formed into a large oval arc not three yards from them in the trees. They were now close.

  Kenar saw them move.

  The others could now hear their growls. They could hear them move. They could smell their heavy musty scent.

  They watched as one of them came closer to the center of their group. They watched it then stand out on the side of the road.

  It came closest to Jameson and the head of the arc.

  “What is it doing?” He couldn’t believe how close it was. He could see its brown fur. He could smell its reeking smell. He could see its bright and burning yellow eyes. Its half human, half wolf looking face, came before its body. It crawled on its four doglike legs. He watched it stop just in front of his now obviously scared and trembling horse.

  Kenar changed every thought he already had. “It is here to talk.” He moved in closer towards the beast. His horse stopped him just at three feet.

  The wolf’s fur began to recede. Its dark brown skin turned to white. Its short snout pushed back into its human looking face. Its front paws formed into fingers, and its hide legs pushed back into feet as it stood. Long blonde hair now covered her head. A woman, naked and strong, now stood up and faced them.

  Kenar watched her and gave her a courteous bow. He even knew her name. “Miranda” He raised his head. “It is good to see you again.” She was one of Satar’s pets.

  “Wanderers, and of course humans too
, I bid you welcome.” She brushed her long and waving hair away from her face. “Lord Devish has sent us to bring you to his court. I see you have fulfilled his wish of you and have brought the boy Jameson with you.” She smiled a dimly look.

  Kenar only gave her a smile. “I have come to speak with the Elders—all of the Elders.” He looked at Jameson and then back to Miranda again. “Lord Satar is well I assume?” He offered a gentle prod.

  Miranda returned it. “You will follow my pack there. We will gladly escort you to him in complete safety.”

  He gave her a bow, still softly, still calmly. “This is much appreciated Miranda. You do serve your masters well.” He looked at everyone, but especially to Jameson. “We ride on and shall accompany them.”

  “I hope you know what you are doing Wanderer.” Jameson slid his sword back into its sheave. He retook the reins and kicked his horse to begin.

  Kenar followed him. “I do have a name young Jameson.”

  “I will speak to you by name only if this works, but not until then.” Jameson laughed some with this. It was his first in days. The pain made it soft at that.


  “You have surprised me my son, yet again.” Satar put on his purple robe. He laced it at the waist. His leather boots were already on.

  Devish watched him carefully. “How do you mean?” He watched him come to him. “I thought you wished for me to be cautious. I am being cautious.”

  “You have never listened to anyone before, so why now? Why allow them safe passage?” Satar laughed hard with hearing this. It was a high belly one at that. Finished, he straightened his shirt as it tugged at his chest. The robe was heavier than he remembered it. It had been years since he had last worn it and it showed.

  “You were right father. If we attacked them in the forest, a few of them could have escaped. With all of them here together, I can take care of all of them, all at once.” Devish bowed his head. He didn’t need to think about his answer. He knew what he was doing was right.

  Again, his father laughed loudly. When he finished it, he gave him a soft slow sigh. “You know that Rana is now with them. Rochie is too. The other Wanderers here, still inside the castle, may yet join them as well.” He turned from his son and watched his bride slowly get dressed. He noticed instantly that she was having some trouble doing it too. His son’s block on her mind was hindering her some and he hated seeing that. She deserved so much more than this.

  “I do.” He watched him turn. He watched him look at the woman, and despised his feelings for her. He just didn’t know how to say it. He could never make his father sad again. He needed him too much for that.

  Satar looked back. “I am going to need you to drop her block. She should be given her own mind again. She should be allowed to live.”

  Devish only bowed his eyes. “You know that is impossible father. Her affections for you will vanish if that were to happen.”

  Satar shook his head. “She has now been in my arms for nights Devish. She has been loved. She has been held. She will not fight those memories.” He watched his son’s head stay down and away from his. He knew why. “There is no need to fear them you know. Humans are so much like us. They can be so much more than what they now are.”

  Devish gritted his own teeth. He couldn’t believe what he just heard, least of all coming from his own father’s lips.

  “She is what she is father.” He stopped himself from saying anything more. It would have been bad at that.

  Satar already knew. “In time, you will feel what I feel my son. She has given me back my life again. She has returned to me a reason to live it.” He touched his son’s left cheek and cupped it with his hand. “Thank you for bringing me her life.” He smiled with a flash of light.

  Devish felt his heart melt in seeing it, in feeling it. It even brought a heavy tear to his eyes.

  Satar saw the tears and dropped his hand. He was never good at feeling. It was not a true part of his nature, but he did allow it this one time. The woman has even given him that.

  “Good.” He turned back to her, moved to her, and took her by the right hand. Holding it within his, he led her to Devish. “When her brother comes, we will lift her mind. We will let him see what I have given her. He would then have no other choice but to subdue his pain for what has happened. He will then help us unite the world.”

  Devish’s tearful joy disappeared all too fast. Again, he kept himself from saying anything. He just felt that he couldn’t do it. Now was not the time.

  Satar bowed to his son, and then led his bride out through his door. He led her to the stairs. He led her down them to the foyer below. He brought her into the throne room and stopped her near his chair.

  Odan was already there. “Lord Satar, I see that you have fully recovered.” He bowed at the waist. He truly felt happy for his friend. He had joy written all over his face.

  Satar dropped his bride’s hand back to her side. “I thank you Odan for doing what you have done. I truly am grateful to having returned. Now, with all of us together again, we can stand as one. We can unite the clans again.” He saw Adollo, and gave him a humble bow.

  Adollo simply returned it.

  Devish came into the room.

  Satar watched him join them in front of the throne. “Now we will unite the entire world back together again in peaceful harmony.” He took a deep breath.

  They all did. Now all they had to do was wait for the Wanderers and the humans to arrive.


  They rode to the gate. All of the wolves had returned to their human forms, which was customary when arriving to an Elder’s home. At the entranceway to the inside courtyard, all of the humans and Wanderers climbed down off their horses, nearly at the same time. Ready, the wolves turned back to them.

  Miranda did the talking. As the alpha female of the group, she always did. “They are aware of you being armed with the sacred metals Kenar. You would not be surprised to hear that they will not allow them to be brought inside.” She kept this serious. She also kept her yellow wolf’s eyes sparkling.

  Kenar understood her needs to stay ready to change. “I understand this.” He looked to Jameson who was now standing on his left. He saw the look on his face. He saw the determination in his eyes. He knew that he would never concede his weapon, but he also knew that he had to stay safe. This was not the time to start the fight. “The group will stay outside the walls. Lord Jameson will obey the wishes of the Elders.” He stared him down. “He will concede his weapon.”

  Jameson felt surprised beyond any real thought about this. “You cannot be serious.” He watched the wolves. He watched the gate. He turned back to Donte and then to the one called Rochie and his sister. He finally ended on Kenar. “I am not giving up the one advantage I have.”

  Kenar only nodded. “You must trust me Jameson. You will not be harmed.” He kept his eyes focused onto the young man, and never blinked. He stood his ground.

  Jameson saw this without the need to see one’s soul. His stare forced his to look down.

  “Fine.” He took a huge and deep breath. “I will play your game.” He moved his left hand to the clasp holding his belt. He had trouble flipping the latch that held it together, so Kenar helped him to remove the sword. He then took the belt and sword and gave it to Donte with a trembling hand. “If you hear anything?” is all he told him.

  Donte understood him without needing to hear anything else.

  Kenar grinned back to Miranda.

  She did not return it. She only turned to the other wolves.

  “Let only the boy and the Wanderers by. Stay here and watch the others.” She passed all of her pack, and led Kenar and his friends to the front stairs.

  They followed her through the front doors.

  She led them into the throne room.

  Odan stood in front of Devish, who stood to his father’s right hand side as he sat on the throne. Adollo stood on his left. The young female human stood just behind the chair. Garreth and Patrice we
re in the center of the room on their respective right sides.

  Kenar passed Miranda as she stayed at the door.

  Rochie and Rana walked in together with Shandra and Jameson together behind them.

  Stopping just in front of Garreth and Patrice, all of the Wanderers bowed at their waist. They showed their collective respect.

  Odan acknowledged their show with a nod of his own.

  “We are so pleased to see you again, my friends.” He saw the human male and noticed that he did not bow. He also noticed his calmness, which didn’t fit his emotions. For such a young human, he was containing his feelings rather well. He admired this.

  “My lords.” Kenar spoke first, and for all of them.

  Satar gave all of them a heartfelt and pleased grin. “I see you have accomplished your task in coming here with the young human.” He felt more than just pleased with this, he felt justified. He felt downright almost giddy, which was so wrong for a Walker to feel. It was a feeling that just never fit them. “You have done well in allowing him here.”

  Kenar glanced back to the boy, and felt him staying calm, even though inside him, he was slowly becoming a wreck. Seeing his sister standing there, looking and feeling a thousand miles away, was literally tearing out his soul.

  “We have come to discuss this situation my lords. We have come to set it right.” Kenar watched all of them. They were all so clear. They were all so open that it was difficult to gather all of them at once. He never felt this before. They were truly content to discuss this. They did not want the fight. Maybe I was right about them after all.

  Satar agreed with him entirely. “Yes.” He stood up and moved two steps to their small group. “Much has happened that should have never occurred, my friends. It is time to set all of this right again.”

  Jameson began shaking.

  Kenar noticed him, and thought fast. “We have come to set amends. We have come to settle those disputes.”


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