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A Werewolf's Saga, The Beginning (A Werewolf's Saga Boxed Sets Book 3)

Page 52

by Michael Lampman

  Again, Rochie scoffed some. Just the thought of Walkers and humans living together like this just blew away his mind. It didn’t make sense. The Walkers and the humans have hated each other for so long now, why would any of them want to live with each other. It cannot be real.

  Kenar continued to understand. “They have come here to live after Devish’s purge.” Not long after the war started, Devish forced all of the Walkers that still had human families to kill off their loved ones. They called it the purge—the killing. It was his way of preventing the birth of more Wanderers. It was also his way to garner their loyalty, and to test them with their own blood. As for himself, he had always wondered how so many of them were able to do it, kill off their loved ones so blindly, but now, hearing this, he thought he knew the answer. “Not all of the Walkers were able to do it, were they?”

  She looked at him and smiled. “You see much Kenar. I see that things have not changed as much as you think it has.” She knew he would be the one to understand this. He always was.

  Again, Rochie just shook his head. “That is impossible. All of the Walkers followed Devish on that. None of them went against him that did not die for it.” He knew that he was right about this, but at the same time, he always knew he wasn’t. He had of course seen one Walker love a human blindly, so it shouldn’t shock him that another one would do it too. It still did though. He needed more than just this simple thought.

  Sharlia stared him down. “This is why they came here. This is why they hide on this small island, trying to stay out of history’s way. This is why they fear you coming here now.” She looked back to Kenar. “Why did you come here?”

  Kenar watched her reddened glare sparkle around her face. “We are looking for the Seer of Golan.” He took a deep breath allowing everything he just learned to carry its way down inside his chest. It was after all a lot to take in. As for explaining why they were there, he figured that if she trusted them enough to tell them everything then she deserved the same thing from them.

  She nodded with this. She still had to stay calm. With Devish, anything was possible. She had to keep cautious. “How do I know that Devish has not planned this?” It was time to speak her very mind. “How do we all know that you did not come by his wishes?”

  Another soft voice behind her, coming out from the trees and joining them, answered this question for her.

  “Because, I am the one who is keeping Devish from seeing this.” The Seer of Golan moved out into the clearing and joined Sharlia. She stopped by her side.

  Seeing her, Rochie sighed.

  Devin and Shelley felt her power almost instantly, and with it, they dropped their guards.

  Kenar could just offer her a simple nod. Inside he felt as if he had just burst out into two separate pieces. She always did this to him. She was like staring in to the sun and being blinded by its brightness. It was a powerful sight.

  She nodded to all of them.

  Kenar suddenly saw a thousand things flash inside his mind, almost all at once. He could see the traders again. He could see the Seer talking with them, and then he saw a flash of bright white light. He then saw her. He saw the child, but she wasn’t a child anymore. She looked like a teenager and she was now standing directly beside the Seer. He saw her, and it made him almost burst with tears. She looked so beautiful. She looked so strong. She looked more like her father than she ever did. It explained the explosion inside his head.

  The Seer looked at him and grinned. “Do you now see everything Kenar?”

  He looked at her and nodded with a heavy breath. “I do.” He couldn’t believe it, but now he felt relieved. She lifted the block of me. He looked to his right. He looked to his left. He looked at all of them and could see their thoughts. He could see everything, and now he completely understood. But he also feared it. “You lifted me, but Devish has watched me for a long time now. By lifting the block you had over my eyes, are you not now allowing him to see this too?”

  She laughed softly with this. She finished it quickly. “He can no longer see you Kenar. Someone is keeping him from seeing any of this.” She looked back at Rochie.

  He saw her eyes. He heard something strongly within her voice. A single name rushed inside his head. “Rana? Rana is helping you?” He wasn’t sure about this, but he still felt thankful for it. He didn’t understand it, but didn’t care. He just hoped, and left it at that.

  She nodded with a soft shrug. “Your sister is helping us too, yes.” She looked at all of them, and kept her playful glare. “She has so much more as stake in this now.” She looked back to Rochie. “She is invested in the end too.”

  Rochie bowed his head. He dwelled in his sister’s face.

  “And she is here too then? The child is here too.” Kenar saw the child’s face again. He saw her black hair. He saw her innocent smile.

  Sharlia bowed her head. She didn’t agree with them knowing everything, but if the Seer wanted to share it, she would let her do it. She obviously knew so much more than she ever would.

  “The one of the black wolf is here too. Your sister made sure of this as well.”

  Rochie felt tears now swelling up in both of his eyes. Seeing all of them there, thinking hard about everything that happened between Rana and him, he couldn’t help but to feel saddened by all of this. It in fact crushed his very soul with all of its weight. Now hearing that she was helping the Seer, she was helping these people, it made some of that weight lift off him like a huge rock was just released from his shoulders. It felt too good to be true, but he loved it anyway.

  The Seer walked to him and placed her left arm on his right shoulder, and held it there. She couldn’t squeeze him. All of the torture that Devish did to her was still fresh on her torn body. She could no longer do many things. Being tender was just some of it.

  “Your sister helped me leave him. She helped the child leave him too. She helped me with her. She helped us with so much.”

  The tears now flowed down his face. “She is helping all of you.” Again, it felt too good to be real. He loved her more than ever, because if she was helping them, it meant that she was helping him too. If she could do that — if she could help him, then just maybe, she had forgiven him. It was a lot to take in.

  Kenar saw his thoughts. He saw all of them, and it made him feel like crying himself. If it wasn’t for what they needed to do, he would have, but because of them, he didn’t.

  “Where is the girl now? We must speak with her.” He wanted to get started. It had been too long since he had heard her voice inside his head. He had a thousand questions. He didn’t know what to begin. He now wanted to ask them, now more than ever.

  She dropped her arm. “All will come to you in due time, my friends.” She looked back to Sharlia. “We need to head back. Our friends are tired and need some nourishment after their long journey.”

  Sharlia gave her a nod. She turned and looked back to the trees. “Prepare for our guests. They are not to be feared.” She looked back to Kenar. “Come, my friends. We have much to discuss.”

  They each nodded, and together they followed them into the trees.

  This time Kenar led Rochie.

  He had trouble moving. His sister’s face was now the only thing on his mind. It blinded him. He saw nothing but her soft and beautiful face.


  She felt so warm. She felt so right. Feeling her skin next to his made him feel alive as never before. Feeling her heart so close to his chest made him feel his beat even harder—even stronger with hers. He felt even better than this.

  Finished, heated beyond his own understanding of it, she rolled off him, but stayed at his side. He now felt complete.

  “How do you do that to me?” She felt so much more. With her gifts, with her understanding of everything inside him, Rana could feel more than just the pleasures of his touch. She could feel more than just his strength. She could feel him. She could feel his mind swarm inside hers. She could feel everything he was. She could feel his soul b
lend with hers.

  “You do the same to me.” With his wolf’s senses, with his powers of scent and of feelings, he felt her completely as she did with him. They were the perfect fit of body and mind. They blended together so completely. It was all so close.

  Kalima held her as close to him as he could. Even now, with the heat of sex wearing off him, he felt even warmer than ever. His entire soul felt hotter than the sun.

  “Well at least we will always do that to each other. No one can ever take that away from us.” She giggled some, after catching her breaths. It was hard to do. He always took hers away so easily that sometimes she felt like she would never breathe on her own again without him. Her heart felt the same way. It would never beat again without his to guide it on its proper course.

  He wouldn’t have had it any other way. “Yes we do.” He held her face close to his chest, just where his neck could cradle her between his chin and heart. He still couldn’t believe she was even there.

  He never thought he would feel this way again about anyone. In all this time, in all of his pain for losing Alana, he thought his life was over. He thought he was dead, if not to the world than he was to himself. When he met her, those feelings instantly began to change. He felt her warmth. He felt her pride as an overwhelming force of light and heat. He felt her as he had felt Alana. He knew it wasn’t her, he knew that she was gone from this world forever, but he did feel the same way as he did with her. He felt complete with her. When she told him that he made her feel the same way, those feelings only grew between them. She gave him a reason for living again. She gave him a reason to breathe. He still missed Alana. He still loved her like no other, but now, he felt something else. She gave him a reason to love another again too. It was alike, but yet different. He felt better because of it.

  She felt the same way. She had never felt love like this, and with the world burning as it was, she thought she never would. She thought she would just move through life, continuing to do the bidding of others, but when she saw him, she couldn’t contain her needs. She couldn’t contain her true self. He made her feel complete like no one ever could.

  “I wish we could stay like this forever, and forget everything and everyone else in this world. I wish we could just leave here and never come back.” He meant all of this. In fact, it was all that he ever wanted. He wanted just to exist. He wanted just to live without need and without caring. He just wanted to be free. He wanted her, but he also knew that she didn’t want that.

  “I wish we could, but we cannot. We can never live in this world with you being the way you are. You know that Kalima.” At least he should. The humans would never accept him living in the world. Devish and the other Walkers would never let him live without them controlling him. They were within the mix of this mess, whether they liked it or not.

  He knew there was more there than this. Unlike with others, she let him see everything inside her mind. With this, he let her do the same. Because of it, he saw her hopes. He saw her fears. He saw other things there too. She had regret heavily inside her. He didn’t know what it was, but he felt it. It weighed her down as nothing else ever could.

  If only he knew. She did have some things that she refused to let him see. This something haunted her every day since they became lovers. She did feel its weight. She did feel the hurt of it. She knew what she did to him.

  “I know that you are not being fair to me Rana. I know that there is something more to you than what you share with me. I know about the darkness that haunts your dreams. I know how it scares you and burns your soul.” He had felt it from the very beginning. He allowed her to have it, but now, with him not wanting anything but her, it also began to weigh him down some too. He knew she would never leave with him as long as it was there. He just didn’t know how else to feel about it.

  She sighed with this, and pulled away from him and sat up into a seated position on the grass. Around her, she looked to the coolness of the trees. She stared out into the shadows and let it caress her mind like a cloth covers the world.

  He felt her leave his arms, and sat up with her. He now stared at her beautiful bare back. “You know you can tell me everything.” He did feel for her, and truly wanted to understand her pain. He truly did want to help her if he could. He also felt something else about this darkness. It had everything to do with him. It surrounded her. If he were the cause of the pain, he would do everything he could to remove it from her heart. He would do anything for her.

  A tear strolled down her cheek. Feeling it, she stared harder at the shadows of the trees. “I wish I could tell you but I cannot. I promised to keep some things to the breasts.” Devish crossed her mind.

  He saw his brother’s face. “You are keeping this from me for him.” He felt the twinge of anger flare inside his heart. Jealousy was there too. He felt it grow.

  She instantly regretted even thinking of him, and now she turned to face him. “I am protecting him yes. I have sworn to him that I would.” She saw the hate in his eyes. She felt the anger in his heart, and with both, another tear spilled down her face.

  He saw the tears. He saw her love for him, and felt her loyalty to Devish. He didn’t understand the difference. I have told her everything. Why will she not do the same for me? He really didn’t understand Devish’s hold on her. Right then, he believed that he never would.

  She bowed her eyes. “I must go.” She suddenly stood up, even though no part of her wanted to do it. She just couldn’t bear to keep seeing him like this. She didn’t want to be the one causing it, and knew that she was.

  He stood up with her. “What is it?” He took her by both shoulders with both hands. He held her firmly and with a little force.

  She didn’t mind either, but at the same time, she did. “I cannot say.” She watched a large tree just sit there right in front of her and stared at it hard. She tried to focus her thoughts on it. As long as she could, as long as she could see something other than him, she would do it. She would do what it took not to hurt him any more than she already knew she was.

  He reached around her chest and pulled her around so he could see her face. When he could see in her eyes, he saw the tears, and felt his own begin to form because of it.

  “You know that you can tell me anything Rana.” He tried to offer her a soft smile, but felt it fail. She always did this to him. He couldn’t control himself when he needed to do it the most.

  Again, she bowed her eyes. “You know that I cannot Kalima. I must keep to my word.”

  In some ways, he loved hearing her say this. He loved her for keeping to her promises, and it made him trust her even more. In other words, he loved her—truly, madly, and deeply.

  “It is Devish that is keeping this, not you. I can take it up with him if I must.”

  Hearing this, she did look up. “He will not tell you anything Kalima, you know that. He will lie and cheat to keep things for himself. He will kill for it too.”

  He nodded with this, as he suddenly realized that she was doing this against her own will. If I love her, if I need her, I must allow her to do this. I cannot ask her to violate herself, not even for me. He decided right there to drop this. He owed her that much.

  “All right, if you must?” He let her go, moved out back towards the center of the clearing and looked back to the trees. Not far in that direction was Devish’s castle. Not far from them was Devish, his secrets, and all of the pain he caused them. He found himself hating him for all of it. It also gave him more strength to ask what he needed to ask her next. “Come with me. Let us leave this place. Let us leave him.”

  She felt him release his overpowering grip. She turned to his back. She couldn’t believe what he just asked her again. “You know that is impossible Kalima. Why keep asking me to do something that you know I cannot do? I cannot go with you.”

  He spun around fast and faced her. “I do not care what will happen or could happen to me.” He moved back to her and took both of her shoulders again into his hands. He held h
er firmly. “If he is causing you this pain, then we must leave it behind us. You know we can leave. We can leave all of this behind us.”

  She shook her head and broke his grip. She turned back to the trees. She hugged herself with her own hands. She needed the support for what she was about to say. “If you feel that you must leave than I will support you.” She turned back and looked into his eyes. “I cannot leave with you.”

  It was his turn to bow his eyes from hers. “What power does he hold over you?” He looked back up.

  She saw the same pain she felt written in his eyes. She loved him even more now than she did just a few minutes before. She didn’t know how that was possible. Oh, what power he had over her.

  “Only the truth.”

  He sighed with hearing this. “What if I cannot stay?” He already knew the answer to this, and he also knew that he would not like to hear it. He knew what she was going to say.

  She did too. “I cannot go with you Kalima. I must stay here and finish this. I cannot run away from what I have done.”

  He reached for her, wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest. She didn’t disappoint him. She never did.

  “I do understand.” He did. He didn’t have to like it, but she gave him no other choice. He would die for her, and with her answer, he believed that he just did. With it, he had nothing else left to say.

  She melted with his touch and rested her face on the strength of his chest.

  With all of it, with everything, their time was up. No one knew about them, and they preferred to keep it that way, so in other words, it was time to head back. It was time to rejoin the world. It was time to continue the games they were forced to play.

  It was just hard to see who would give in to it first.


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