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The Killing Code

Page 11

by Craig Hurren

  “Good luck!” Larry called out to him.

  Beach bounded up the stairs to Homicide and went straight to Walker’s office. He knocked and opened the door.

  “Have you got a minute boss?”

  “I got five. What’s up?”

  Alan updated him on his visit to Blue Sky and the security footage from Washington then explained his request for the security footage from the front entrance to the Capitol Building. “It seems to me that unless this guy is some kind of insider, he would have to have entered at the front, like anyone else. With Homeland Security requirements and the US Capitol Police as thorough as they are, you’d think they would make him remove his hat even if he didn’t set off any alarms, wouldn’t you?”

  “Makes sense to me but don’t pin all your hopes on one lead. One of the guards might have been slacking off and let him pass. Besides, even if you do get to see his face, there’s no guarantee it will identify him. You still need to find other angles on this.”

  “I know boss but I don’t see any other angles available to me at this point.”

  “You’ve been in worse spots before and come through. Just stick with it and you’ll come up with something.” Lieutenant Walker’s face turned slightly red and he looked awkwardly but intently at Alan. After a seemingly indefinite pause, he said, “You know I appreciate you, right?”

  Alan looked at the earnest sincerity in his boss’ eyes and couldn’t help himself -he broke into uncontrollable laughter.

  “Goddamn, I knew it! Quit laughing Beach!”

  Alan tried to compose himself, and suppressing his laughter as much as possible, he said, “You’ve got to stop listening to Mrs. Walker boss. I’m really sorry but that was unmistakably her talking through you. Bless her but you know I don’t need you to show your appreciation. I know it’s there; doesn’t mean we have to talk about it.” He laughed again.

  “OK, OK; that’s enough now smartass. You know how she is. Sometimes I could swear she wants to adopt you.” Walker raised a crooked smile and continued, “Well, the joke’s on you now. She wants to have you over for dinner…and she’s gonna to fix you up with her cousin Susan.” he blurted out and began a huge belly laugh.

  Alan couldn’t help laughing along with Walker. Tears streamed down their faces before Alan could speak. “Please tell Mrs. Walker that I would be delighted to join you both for dinner but I’ve met someone, so no cousin Susan please.”

  “You know she won’t fall for that. She’s many things but stupid ain’t one of them. You’re just gonna have to suck it up.” Walker continued to chuckle.

  “No really boss - I have.”

  Walker looked carefully at Alan as the laughter subsided. “You’re not shitting me are you.”

  “I know it seems unlikely but it’s true.”

  The big man broke into a cheerful smile. “Well that’s great. You know you’ll have to bring her along as evidence though. Mary won’t let you off the hook without proof. I’m glad you finally decided to return to the land of the living.”

  “It’s early days but so far, so good. In fact, we’re having dinner tonight.”

  “What time tonight?”

  “Seven o’clock - why?”

  “Look at your watch dopey.”

  Alan looked to see it was just after six o’clock.

  “You can’t keep a woman waiting Beach. I know it’s been a while but if you wanna keep her, you’d better get your shit together.” he laughed again.

  “Damn – I’ve got to go!” Alan called, already halfway out the door.

  “Better shake a leg Casanova.” Walker laughed.

  Alan rushed home to get ready. Fortunately, his apartment was not far from the station and the Thai restaurant where they had agreed to meet was within walking distance from home. He showered and dressed in record time and walked briskly to the restaurant, arriving with five minutes to spare. He looked in through the glass doors and saw that Holly hadn’t yet arrived so he waited outside for her.

  It was a pleasant evening and Alan didn’t want the complications of his case to cloud his thoughts and detract from the evening so he took a moment to look up at the first stars appearing in the sky and clear his mind for his time with Holly.

  “Making a wish?” the smooth tone of Holly’s voice broke his concentration.

  Alan looked down to see her at his side, looking up as if trying to see what he was seeing. She was even more captivating than he remembered and before he could think, the words just came out, “My God, you’re beautiful.”

  Alan felt a strange sense of panic. He had just said exactly what he was thinking with no filter and wondered if she would think him disingenuous.

  “Well, you certainly know the way to a girl’s heart.” she cooed.

  Relieved at her response, he leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips. “I’m sorry to be so forward. I was never very good with romantic etiquette and I must admit that I’m seriously out of practice.”

  “You seem to be handling things quite well from my point of view detective.” She smiled warmly and took his arm. “Shall we go in?”

  Alan opened the door for Holly and followed her in. One of the restaurant’s staff members greeted them with her hands held together in front of her face in the traditional Thai greeting.

  “Sawasdee kha and welcome to Lemon Grass. Do you have a reservation?”

  “Yes, it’s under Beach.”

  “Yes sir, please follow me.”

  The young lady led them to a pleasant corner table near a window, gave them a menu each and handed Alan the wine menu.

  “Your server will be with you soon. Would you like a drink while you wait?”

  “Would you like something now or would you prefer I order a bottle of wine?” Alan asked Holly.

  “White wine would be nice.”

  Alan nodded to the waitress and she scuttled off with a smile, leaving him to look at the wine list.

  “They have a nice New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.”

  “That sounds good to me.”

  Alan put the wine list down and they chatted about Holly’s day until their server arrived.

  “Good evening, my name is Sally. Would you like to order wine with dinner?”

  “Sally - that doesn’t sound like a Thai name.” Holly said playfully.

  “It’s my westernized name. I don’t think you would be able to pronounce my real name.” she said, smiling kindly.

  “Fair enough Sally. We’ll have the Sauvignon Blanc from Marlborough, New Zealand please.” Alan replied cheerfully.

  The pretty young lady commended their choice of wine then left them to look at their menus. They teased each other about their poor pronunciation of the names of some dishes as they tried to find something that sounded familiar.

  “Why don’t we be adventurous and try their set menu?” Holly suggested. “I don’t know what most of it is but I doubt they’ll serve us fried scorpions or anything like that.”

  Alan looked mildly shocked, “Fried scorpions?”

  “Yes, they eat scorpions, insects, ants and other odd creatures in many parts of Thailand.”

  “I’m not sure I want to know how you know that.”

  “No big deal; I spent a month in Thailand studying Buddhist meditation techniques during a summer break from university. It was very enlightening.”

  “Sounds like an interesting trip. So you don’t know the dishes here?”

  “It was a few years ago and to be honest, I didn’t really learn much Thai language. The food was fully catered by the meditation center so I’m afraid I’m not much help. Anyway, I’m sure this will be westernized Thai food. The real thing is way too spicy and exotic for most western palates.”

  “OK, let’s give the set menu a try then.”

  Sally returned and took their orders, assuring them they would be happy with their choice and left them to enjoy their wine. They continued talking about Holly’s visit to Thailand for a time until their dishes began to arrive. T
here were several dainty and delicious appetizers with interesting dipping sauces before the main dishes arrived and they talked happily as they sampled the various delicacies. Alan couldn’t help thinking how easy and enjoyable their conversation was. There seemed to be none of the early relationship tensions that he remembered from his younger days and it was a joy to have someone so interesting and intelligent to speak with. They moved on to Holly’s studies and some of the enlightening things she’d learned along the way, when suddenly she interrupted herself.

  “You know, so far we’ve only talked about me tonight. I want to know more about you. Like, what did you do today, for example?”

  Alan was so enjoying hearing about this entrancing woman that he hadn’t even thought about his day or the case until now.

  “OK, I’m working on a strange case at the moment. I can’t really discuss details of an open investigation but since it’s kind of in your area of expertise, I’d like to ask you a question.”

  “This sounds intriguing.”

  “Frustrating is more apt so I’m hoping you can help. Do you know much about neuro-hormones?”

  “I know the basics but as I told you, I’m a psychologist, not a psychiatrist so I’m not a medical expert.”

  “Well, I have to figure out what kind of effect these things can have on the brain and how they might tie in with computer programming.”

  “That sounds a very odd combination. I know that neuro-hormones play a key role in brain function, thought processes, mood, heart rate, blood pressure – almost everything really. If this is important to your case though, you should talk to one of my old professors at Ohio State. If anyone can help you on that matter, it’s Professor Guthrie.”

  “What’s his specialty?”

  “He’s into all kinds of things but I know that he’s done some ground-breaking research on neuro-hormones in psychiatric medicine so I’m sure he would be your best bet.”

  “That’s great Holly. Do you have contact details for him?”

  “I’m sure I’ve got something in my study notes at home. I can have a look when we get back to my place.”

  Alan looked at her wide-eyed. “We?” he repeated.

  “”Why not? I already told you; I know what I like, and I don’t see why two consenting adults who obviously like each other, should have to tip-toe around dating protocols. I hope you feel the same way.”

  Alan stammered slightly, “I do, I do…it’s just…well, it’s been a very long time for me.”

  “It has for me too Alan. I’ve done nothing but study and work for several years now and I think we both deserve the chance to move on with our lives outside of work.”

  “I can honestly say that I have never met anyone quite like you before Holly. You are very special and I sometimes find it hard to understand how you can really be interested in me.”

  “Listen Alan…Alan Beach.” she teased. “I could give you a long psychological explanation as to why you feel that way but I prefer the simple approach. We’ve both been alone for too long. It’s having an effect on your self esteem and I hope you don’t mind me breaking with the traditional boy chases girl scenario but I know that I don’t want to be alone any more so can we just see where this goes and don’t worry too much about the details?”

  “I think I can do that.” he said smiling as his hand reached across the table to hold hers.

  They continued to enjoy their dinner and eventually, Holly asked tentatively about Alan’s wife. He was hesitant at first but realized that her interest was genuine and caring so he opened up and told her the story and how it had affected him. He explained the compulsory therapy sessions and how Dr. Kellerman had helped him to see the folly in his self-destructive emotions but his misguided guilt wouldn’t let him move on. Holly listened with the wisdom of a trained psychologist but without the normally intrinsic detachment. Her empathy and warmth toward Alan were genuine and comforting but he started to worry that the conversation was becoming more professional than romantic so he stopped himself.

  “I don’t mean any offence Holly but I’m worried that we might be creating a doctor/patient relationship here and that’s not what I want.”

  “I understand why you might feel that way but I have a different opinion. Aside from physical attraction, an honest, caring relationship consists of trust, understanding, and tolerance. It should be give and take, and I think we should share our most intimate thoughts so we can really understand and trust each other. I’m not saying that as a psychologist but as someone who is genuinely interested in sharing with you.”

  “I see what you’re saying but this is only our second date. I don’t want to frighten you off with my emotional baggage.”

  “That’s very sweet Alan but the pace doesn’t frighten me if it doesn’t bother you.”

  Alan’s reticence was overwhelmed by Holly’s heartfelt openness and honesty, and he surrendered. They talked until they had finished their meals and wine then Alan settled the bill and they began the walk to Holly’s apartment. The couple strolled, arm in arm with such an easy familiarity that anyone observing would think they’d been together for months rather than a mere two days. At the front entrance of her building, Holly took her key out and opened the door then led Alan up the stairs to her first floor apartment. It was small but very cozy and inviting. Alan had forgotten what a woman’s touch could do to a home and he was instantly at ease in his surroundings.

  “Would you like a coffee?” Holly asked.

  “Not really thanks.”

  “Have a seat on the sofa and I’ll bring us some wine.”

  Alan sat on the comfortable old sofa and leaned into its soft cushions, glancing around the room at Holly’s family photographs and other effects. He watched as she returned with a bottle and two glasses, which she set on the coffee table then sat down beside him. They looked into each other’s eyes and neither could wait any longer; the wine went unpoured. They kissed gently at first then deeply as their passion grew and desire took over until Alan’s cell phone suddenly interrupted. He retrieved it from his pocket, looking apologetically at Holly.

  “I’m sorry but I have to get this.” he said sheepishly as he opened the phone. “Your timing is impeccable Lieutenant. What’s up?”

  “Sorry to interrupt your date Beach but the Divisional Commander must have some serious juice with the Capitol Police. The footage from the entrance of the Capitol Building just came in on the wire. It’s compressed so the quality ain’t brilliant but the high definition DVD should arrive tomorrow. Just thought you should know.”

  “Um…I think I’ll wait until tomorrow boss.” Alan said as Holly got up and grabbed his free hand.

  “I see; things are going well then…”

  Alan cut Walker off as Holly pulled him playfully toward the bedroom, her smiling eyes full of mischief. Walker looked at his disconnected phone, smiled and said aloud, “It’s about time Beach…it’s about time.”

  Chapter 8

  Larry Phillips stood tinkering with the gain adjustment on the back of one of his technical monitors, when the heavy glass door of the crime lab opened and he heard the sound of someone whistling a happy tune. This was rather an unfamiliar sound in the crime lab and Larry leaned back to identify the source. Even stranger than the sound itself, was the sight of who was creating it. Larry knew Beach to be a polite, considerate but somewhat somber man of high intelligence, with a sad and difficult past. Seeing Alan whistling a happy tune just didn’t fit with him at all.

  “Um…is that you Alan?” he called out as he emerged from behind the monitors.

  “Hi Larry. How are you today?” Alan inquired cheerfully.

  Larry’s cocked his head slightly to one side and replied tentatively, “I’m fine thanks. How are you?”

  “I’m good Larry; really good. Can I have a look at the footage from the Capitol Building please?”

  Larry had to shake himself away from his confusion to answer. “Sure, it’s loaded on the console. You kno
w what to do.”

  “You’re the man Larry, thanks.”

  Larry was flummoxed. He had always enjoyed working with Alan but even after solving some of his most difficult cases, the detective had never been close to this cheerful before. Larry stood a few feet from his colleague to observe his face for a moment as Alan handled the controls on the console while humming the same tune he was whistling when he came in. As realization suddenly began to flood in, Larry’s face cracked into a broad smile.

  “You got laid!” he blurted out before he could stop himself. “I mean… er…sorry Alan, I just meant…”

  Alan chuckled at Larry’s embarrassment as he cut him off. “No problem Larry. Not the most romantic turn of phrase I’ve heard but I can forgive it under the circumstances. Am I really that obvious?”

  “I’ve known you a few years now and I’ve never heard you whistle or hum before. You’re a really good guy but not what I would call a happy guy – not that anyone could blame you.”

  “I guess you’re right; I haven’t exactly been a bundle of joy. Sorry about that.”

  “Hey, no complaints here man; at least you’re always nice to me and treat me as an equal. Most detectives seem to think I’m just some techno-geek put here to be at their beck and call. I’m pretty sure none of them would even know my name if it wasn’t for my ID tag.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that Larry. I enjoy working with you and find your knowledge and skills indispensible.” Alan soothed, easily empathizing with Larry’s situation.

  “Thanks - I appreciate it. Anyway, I’m really happy for you. So who is she? Oh sorry, I don’t mean to pry.” Larry fumbled.

  “It’s OK. She’s a psychologist I met at a restaurant in town. We just hit it off. It’s hard even for me to believe after all these years alone but there you have it.”

  “Well, I think it’s great Al - just great!”

  “Me too. Anyway, let’s see if we can find the man in the hat, shall we?”

  They both focused on the large LED display as Alan put the machine into fast-forward to save time. They couldn’t be sure how long before the assassination the man had entered so they had to watch the footage from the beginning of the day and be patient but alert. Eventually, they spotted him. Only twenty minutes before the event, a small man in an overcoat, hat and gloves moved toward the security checkpoint. He removed some objects from his pocket to pass through the metal detector and retrieved them on the other side. Once clear of that check, an officer stood in front of him and spoke a few words then the small man opened his overcoat wide for the officer to inspect and a moment later, followed instructions to remove his hat.


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