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Shifty's War

Page 26

by Marcus Brotherton

See also Bastogne (Belgium)

  Berchtesgaden (Germany)

  Blackstone (Virginia)

  Blithe, Albert

  Blue Ridge Mountains

  Bois Jacques woods (Belgium)

  bone cancer (Shifty)

  boot camp, U.S. Army

  Bowers, Jacqueline Havaux

  Brecourt Manor (France)

  Brewer, Bob (Lieutenant)

  Bristol (Virginia)

  British Hawkins mines

  British troops. See England

  Brotherton, Marcus

  Buckloe (Germany)

  ”bulletproof” paratroopers


  California and Shifty

  Campbell, James

  Camp Mackall (North Carolina)

  Camp Mourmelon (France)

  Champagne Bowl

  champagne fight


  craziness in Paris

  festive atmosphere


  grenades and poker playing

  passes issued

  poker playing

  reserve at

  retreat parade

  sports and

  Camp Pickett (Virginia)

  Camp Shanks (New York)

  Camp Toccoa/Toombs (Georgia)

  cancer treatments (Shifty)

  career problems after WWII (Shifty)

  Carentan (France)

  Carson, Gordy

  Castlewood (Virginia)

  casualties and wounded

  Bastogne (Belgium)

  British troops

  Carentan (France)




  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)

  training of paratroopers

  cat thrown at waiter by Wynn

  Charlotte (North Carolina)

  Chelseas (cigarettes)

  Cherbourg (France)

  chickenshit (Sobel)

  Christenson, Burton “Pat,”

  Cincinnati (Ohio)

  Clemente, Roberto

  Clinchco (Virginia)

  Clinchfield Coal Mine Company

  Clintwood (Virginia)

  coaching sports, Shifty

  coins and marksmanship (Shifty)

  Cologne (Germany)

  Columbus (Ohio)

  Colville Reservation (Washington)

  Compton, Buck (Lieutenant)

  concentration camp in Germany

  confidence of paratroopers

  Cooper, James Fenimore

  Copenhaven, Richard

  court-martial attempt of Winters by Sobel


  craziness by McClung, Shifty, and Wynn



  Dave’s Ridge (Virginia)


  antiaircraft fire


  delay of

  Eisenhower’s encouragement


  jeep blown up

  jump into

  last supper

  lost paratroopers

  memories of

  motion sickness pills

  passwords (“Flash” and “Thunder”)

  preparation for

  sixtieth anniversary of

  ”three days of hard fighting,”

  weather conditions

  See also Normandy (France)


  Dickenson County (Virginia)

  Diel, James

  Dike, Norman “Foxhole Norman” (Lieutenant)

  dill pickle cravings by Shifty

  Dittrich, Rudolph (Private)

  Dog Companyh PIR

  Dornmagen (Germany)

  draft, WWII

  Draftee (mascot)

  dreams of soldiers, Bastogne (Belgium) See also memories of WWII

  drinking by soldiers

  Dukeman, Bill

  Duke University


  Dutch civilians, support of Allies

  Duty (Virginia)

  Eagle’s Nest, Berchtesgaden (Germany)

  Easy Company Parachute Infantry Regiment Airborne Division

  Band of Brothers and

  death, facing

  leadership changes

  Purple Hearts



  See also Alley, Jim “Moe” (Sergeant); Band of Brothers; Bastogne (Belgium); Camp Mourmelon (France); casualties and wounded; D-day; 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment; Kiehn, Bill; Lipton, Carwood (Captain); McClung, Earl “One Lung”; 101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles”; Operation Market-Garden (Holland); paratroopers; Powers, Darrell “Shifty”; Rogers, Paul “Hayseed” (Sergeant); Sobel, Herbert “Black Swan” (Captain); Taylor, Amos “Buck” (Sergeant); training of paratroopers; United States of America; Winters, Dick (Major); World War II; Wynn, Robert E., Jr. “Popeye”

  88 guns (German)

  Eindhoven (Netherlands)

  Eisenhower, Dwight (General)

  Ellis Island (New York)

  Emmy Awards


  Aldbourne (England)

  Berlin jump by British troops

  British Hawkins mines

  British people liked by Shifty

  British pilot joke by Wynn



  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)


  whorehouse in England

  See also World War II

  enlisting in U.S. Army

  Evans, Bill (Sergeant)

  expert rifleman

  explanations for war


  fame of Shifty

  farmers and freedom

  feet problems, Bastogne (Belgium)

  Field & Stream

  First Battalion PIR

  First Platoon PIR

  fishing and Shifty

  506th Parachute Infantry Regiment See also Easy Company; 101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles”; specific battalions, companies, and platoons

  502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment

  Fleming, Ian

  Fleming, Johnny

  Flight 66, D-day

  flooding land by Germany

  Foley, Jack

  Food City (Virginia)

  food shortage, Bastogne (Belgium)

  Ford, Tennessee Ernie

  Fort Benning (Georgia)

  Fort Bragg (North Carolina)

  Fort Pickett (Virginia)

  Fox Company PIR


  Bastogne (Belgium)

  paratroopers and

  Fox News

  Foy (Belgium)





  See also Camp Mourmelon (France); D-day; World War II

  freedom, fighting for

  French restaurant, McClung, Shifty, and Wynn

  friendly fire incident, Bastogne (Belgium)

  Frying Pan (Virginia)

  gardening and Shifty

  Georgia National Guard


  Alley (Sergeant) vs. tank

  Berchtesgaden (Germany)

  Buckloe (Germany)


  Cologne (Germany)

  concentration camp

  dead German soldier for foxhole insulation, Bastogne (Belgium)

  dead soldiers, D-day

  Dornmagen (Germany)

  dressed as American soldiers

  Eagle’s Nest in Berchtesgaden

  88 guns

  expansion by

  flooding land by

  Goering’s liquor stash

  guard duty

  Hitler and

  homes used by American soldiers

  martial law in

  mortar fire


  night shelling by, Bastogne (Belgium)

  ”Nuts!” response by Americans to surrender demands, Bastogne (Belgium)

  people similar to

  POWs (German)

  rebuilding by German civilians

  similarity to Americans


  souvenirs from

  surrendering by



  weapons carrier destroyed

  weapons of

  See also Bastogne (Belgium); Camp Mourmelon (France); D-day; Operation Market-Garden (Holland); World War II

  G.I. Bill

  Glendale Leagues (California)

  Glenn, John

  Goering’s liquor stash

  Gordon, Walter (Private)

  Great Depression


  Green Berets

  grenades and poker playing

  Grill, The (restaurant)

  Guarnere, Bill “Wild Bill,”

  Guarnere, Henry

  Guth, Forrest “Goody,”

  Haguenau (France)

  Ham, Mary Katherine

  Hanks, Tom

  Hanson, Hack

  Hawkins, John Wesley

  Headquartersh PIR

  health problems of Shifty

  Heffron, Babe

  Hell’s Highway accident, Taylor (Sergeant)

  hero, Shifty as

  Heyliger, Fredrick “Moose” (Lieutenant)

  Hills, Peter Youngblood

  Hitler, Adolf See also Germany

  ”hold the line at all costs,” Bastogne (Belgium)

  Holland See also Operation Market-Garden

  home, difference after WWII

  homes in Germany used by Americans

  Hoobler, Don

  hope, caution, Haguenau (France)

  Howell, Bill


  hunting and Shifty

  hysterical blindness

  Iraq tour

  Island, The

  Jackson (Mississippi)

  Jackson, Eugene (Private)

  Jackson, Michael

  James Bond (Fleming)


  Pearl Harbor attack


  See also World War II

  Jesus and Winters (Major)

  job-freezing of essential jobs in U.S.

  Johnson, Dawnyale “Dawnypoo” (Shifty’s granddaughter-in-law)

  Johnson, Gavin (Shifty’s great-grandson)

  Johnson, Jake “Jakefellar” (Shifty’s grandson)

  Johnson, Luke “Pookus” (Shifty’s grandson)

  Johnson, Margo “Marjo,” “Sissybug” (Shifty’s and Dorothy’s daughter)

  Johnson, Seldon (Shifty’s son-in-law)

  Joliet (Illinois)

  jump pay

  jump school

  jump wings

  Kamchatka Peninsula (Russia)

  Kiehn, Bill


  Bastogne (Belgium)

  Camp Mourmelon (France)

  Camp Toccoa (Georgia)

  Carentan (France)


  death of

  Haguenau (France)

  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)

  retreat parade preparation

  Shifty Powers and

  shooting (almost) by Shifty

  Taylor and

  wounds of

  King, Claude “Pee Wee,”

  King, Don

  Kitty Hawk (North Carolina)


  L’Amour, Louis

  Last of the Breed (L’Amour)

  Last of the Mohicans (Cooper)


  Lavenson, George (Lieutenant)

  leadership changes in Easy Company

  leadership skills of Winters

  leg bags

  Lesniewski, Joe

  Liebgott, Joe

  life insurance and paratroopers

  Life magazine

  Lipton, Carwood (Captain)

  Band of Brothers and

  Bastogne (Belgium)

  Camp Mourmelon (France)

  Carentan (France)

  Haguenau (France)

  Shifty Powers and

  wounds of

  listening, Shifty learning

  listening outposts

  Bastogne (Belgium)

  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)


  Little League baseball and Shifty

  lives changed by Band of Brothers

  London (England)

  lost paratroopers, D-day

  lottery to go home (Taylor’s)

  Low Gap legend

  Lowrey, Dewitt

  Lucky Strikes (cigarettes)


  Luz, George

  Lyall, Clancy

  M1 rifle and Shifty

  M1 rifles

  machinist, Shifty as

  Mackall, Tommy (Private)

  macular degeneration (MD)

  Mae West lifejackets

  Malarkey, Don

  Mampre, Al

  Manchester (England)

  march from Camp Toccoa (Georgia) to Fort Benning (Georgia)

  Market Garden. See Operation Market-Garden (Holland)

  marksmanship skills of Shifty See also sharpshooting skills

  Martin, Johnny

  M*A*S*H (TV show)

  McClung, Earl “One Lung”

  Bastogne (Belgium)

  Berchtesgaden (Germany)

  Camp Mourmelon (France)

  craziness in Paris


  Emmy Awards

  Foy (Belgium)

  French restaurant

  garrison duty vs. combat

  Haguenau (France)

  jackrabbit shot and cooked by

  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)

  Red Baron shot down by

  retreat parade preparation

  scouting skills

  sharpshooting skills

  Shifty Powers and

  stove taken from train station

  whorehouse in England

  woodsman skills of

  meals, homemade

  Meehan, Thomas (Lieutenant)

  Mellett, Frank

  ”Memorial Service: You’re Invited” (Pfeifer)

  memories of WWII

  See also dreams

  Men of Easy Company Association

  Menze, Vernon


  Miller, Bill

  Miller, James

  Missionary Baptist Association

  mistake corrected in Band of Brothers

  Moder River

  Moone, Don (Private)

  Moore, Walter (Lieutenant)

  Moss Number 3 Mine

  motion sickness pills, D-day

  Mountain Empire Community College

  mountain man skills of Shifty

  Mount Currahee (Camp Toccoa)

  Muck, Warren “Skip,”

  mutiny by noncommissioned officers (NCOs)

  Navy Times


  NBC News

  Niagara River

  Nickles, Rufus Edward “Shanghai,”

  night jump training

  Niland, Fritz “Private Ryan,”

  noncommissioned officers (NCOs) mutiny

  Nora Braves

  Normandy (France)

  See also D-day

  North Africa

  North Forty (Shifty’s garden)

  North Holly wood (California)

  Norton (Virginia)


  Noville (Belgium)

  Nuenan (Netherlands)

  ”Nuts!” response by Americans to German surrender demands, Bastogne (Belgium)

  officers (respected) at training

  Oglethorpe University

  101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles”

  inactivation of

  organization chart

  Presidential Distinguished Unit Citation

  Saving Private Ryan (movie)

  See also Easy Company; 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment; paratroopers

  Operation Market-Garden (Holland)

>   airborne divisions involved

  American POWs freed

  American tanks

  blur of battles

  British tanks

  British troops


  combat patrol

  Dutch civilians, support of Allies

  Eindhoven (Netherlands)


  German POWs

  Germans dressed as American soldiers

  German tanks

  German weapons carrier destroyed

  Island, The

  jump into

  listening outposts

  mail call

  Nuenan (Netherlands)

  Red Baron shot down by McClung

  Veghel (Netherlands)

  Wilhelmina Canal bridge

  packing chutes


  ammunition belt

  blousing trousers

  ”bulletproof” feeling


  confidence of

  elite troopers

  first paratrooper to die in WWII




  jump pay


  leg bags

  life insurance

  M1 rifles

  musette bags

  parental signature required to join




  U.S. Navy vs.

  weapons of

  See also 101st Airborne Division “Screaming Eagles”; Powers, Darrell “Shifty” (Sergeant); training of paratroopers

  Paris (France)

  Paso Robles (California)

  passwords (“Flash,” “Thunder”), D-day

  patriotism in U.S.

  pay, U.S. Army

  Pearl Harbor attack

  Penkala, Alex

  Pepping, Ed

  Perconte, Frank

  Peruginni, Phil (Private First Class)

  Pfeifer, Mark

  physical training

  picking slate

  Pierce, Dr. “Hawkeye,”

  Pink Room (Virginia)

  platoons, 506th PIR

  Playtone Studios

  points needed, U.S. Army discharge

  poker playing


  Portsmouth (New Hampshire)

  Pound, The (Virginia)

  Powers, Darrell “Shifty” (childhood and youth)

  Clinchco (Virginia) and

  coins and marksmanship of

  Dave’s Ridge (Virginia)

  Easter egg hunt

  education of

  enlisting in U.S. Army

  fight, avoiding

  girls and

  listening, learning how

  Low Gap legend

  marksmanship skills of

  Navy Shipyard work

  radio listened to

  shoe shinning by

  switchblade carried by

  target practice

  Wynn and

  Powers, Darrell “Shifty” (family)

  Amanda Powers “Mandy Pandy” (Shifty’s granddaughter-in-law)

  Audrey (Shifty’s mother)


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