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Ryan's Love

Page 2

by Charlie Dillard

  After rushing up to my apartment and peeling off my clothes on the way to the shower. I quickly jump in the shower and wash the days’ work off of me, before I climb back out of the shower and walk into my room. I riffling through my tiny closet for something nice to wear. I find this cute little two piece green and yellow bikini, that I have always been afraid to wear. I pair it with a white dress that is sleeveless and goes down to my ankles. I also slip on a pair of green flappy sandals.

  When I step back into the mirror to see if everything is in place, I take my hair out of the bun, fluff it, then pin a flower clip in it.

  “Perfect,” I say out loud to my self.

  Then I make my way out the door and down to my car. She’s still there, when I climb in and drive off to the Callahan’s house. Which is about 5 minutes or so away from me.

  As I pull up in front of their house I instantly feel embarrassed at my car. My car is the only one that isn’t worth more than fifty thousand dollars. I should leave. I so don’t belong here. I know Mrs. Callahan was only trying to be nice by inviting me here today.

  I go to pull off and get out of here when Mrs. Callahan sees me.

  “Oh Ryan Honey, I’m so happy that you decided to come,” she says as she rushes over to my car and opens my door before I have a chance to leave.

  I peek up at her nervously, but I do step out of the car. When I do she gives me a quick embrace, then we both walk into the house.

  “Everyone is here already. Although we are waiting for Ryan to change into his swimming trunks.”

  My body tenses up as I think about how sexy he would look with his shirt off. I bet he is hard all over.

  Mrs. Callahan must have felt the change in me because she asked me was I ok. I told her yes as we walk through the house and into the backyard.

  There were a bunch of people walking around the pool in the backyard. A few were already enjoying its cool water. I notice Mr. Callahan is at the grill flipping what looks like steaks. Patrick is in the pool with a few beautiful ladies falling all over themselves to get to him. Killian is bent over the cooler digging around in it looking for something; but still no Ryan.

  “Do you want to cool off in the pool first,” Mrs. Callahan asks me.

  “Oh I don’t know if I should. There’s not too many people in the pool yet,” I say.

  “Do you want me to get in with you,” she says.

  “Well, I mean.. I don’t know,” I say regretting the sexy suit I wore.

  There is no way that I can get in the pool with it on. I should have brought a pull over to wear over my suit.

  “Honey, don’t be nervous. We’re all family here,” she says stepping out of her skirt and dropping down into the pool.

  “Come on it. The water feels fantastic,” she says waving me into the water.

  I can’t say no to her now. She’s already in the water. So I place my bag on a lounge chair and pull my dress over my head and carefully walk over to the pool and plop down into the cool water. It was actually pretty nice. What I didn’t know was someone was watching me this whole time.

  Chapter 3 (Ryan)

  I really didn’t want to be bother with a pool party until I heard my mom ask Ryan to come. I was hoping that she would come. I wanted to see her in a bathing suit; preferably a bikini.

  Boy, did she not disappoint. I walked through the kitchen to the backdoor, after I changed into my swimming trunks, to go into the backyard. When I was brought to a quick stop at the beauty that was standing next to my mother talking. She had a white summery dress that went all the way down to her ankles. But I could see all of her curves. Her hair was out and wavy, down to her bottom. Every time the wind blew, her hair would whip around her body. Damn.

  I stood there and watched her talking to my mom, when my mom swiftly stepped out of the skirt she was wearing and stepped into the pool. All the while looking up at the girl talking. I think its Ryan. It has to be. I get the same feeling watching this girl as I do when I see Ryan.

  The girl is looking down at my mom, while smoothing her hands down her sides. Then she shrugs and places her bag down on a lounge chair and begins to pull her dress over her head.

  I damn near came undone when I saw what was under neath her dress. All I could see was sexy cinnamon legs; her hair was in the way of me seeing what kind of swimsuit she had on. I have to see. So I go out the backdoor and start over to the pool. My heart was thumping out of my chest; and I was praying that I could keep my increasing hard-on at bay. But when she breeched that water and flipped her hair back, I knew I was gonna loose. The sight of her sun-kissed skin made my want to drag her out of the water and slide my hard dick up in her sweet pussy; make her beg for me to give it to her harder and faster.

  “Ryan, Honey, I’m so happy you decided to join us,” my mom says to me.

  Ryan’s head snapped up to see me standing next to the pool. She brought her hands up to try and cover her chest, but I could see those soft mounds overflowing over her bikini. I couldn’t help but smile. She was so sweet.

  I must have been staring a little too long because my mom cleared her throat and I looked down at her.

  “Yeah well thanks for all this mom. You really didn’t have to do all this,” I say, then quickly turn back to Ryan.

  She was down in the water so only her head was sticking out. Like she was trying to cover herself up.

  “Nonsense Son; everyone here missed you. We just wanted to celebrate your coming home.”

  “I know Mom, and I’m happy to be home. Thank you for everything. Now I hope you ladies don’t mind me interrupting but I think I’m going to join you. Its pretty hot out,” I grin and step into the water, right next to Ryan.

  Who didn’t look at me, but I could see that she was slowly easing away from me. Her back was turned to me, so it was easy for me to get right behind her without her knowing.

  “Are you running from me,” I say close to her ear.

  My lips lightly brushing her ear. She shivers and slowly turns around to face me. Her face looked flushed and her lips were slightly puckered. Not thinking I moved in to kiss them, and she kept slowly backing up away from me. Until we were on the other side of the pool and her back was up against the side of it.

  “I..I...I just don’t think,” she said looking at me, then looking around at everyone else.

  “You don’t think what,” I say gently palming her chin, bringing her head up to look at me.

  She tilted her head to the side and brought her hands down in front of herself, wringing them out.

  “Why are you doing this. You can’t possibly want me,” she says before snapping her mouth closed.


  Didn’t she see or know how damn sexy she was? That any man in their right mind would die just to get a feel of those sweet milky thighs of hers.

  “Are you serious? Why would I not want you. Your skin is an amazing silky cinnamon tone,” I say running my hand lightly down her arm.

  “Your hair is soft as a stack of feathers,” I say taking a piece of her hair and rolling it in my hand.

  “And your lips, while I haven’t had the luxury to kiss them properly, I know they have to be as soft as they look,” I say rubbing her bottom lip with my pointer finger.

  She gasped at my touch, closing her eyes in the process.

  “You like that. I can make you feel even better,” I say stepping closer to her, letting my hands roam down her sides to her tiny waist.

  Her eyes were wide with wonder as my hands skimmed across the waistband of her bikini. I kept going down until my hand was rubbing her sex over top of her thin bikini. It would be easy enough to slide them to the side and me slip a finger inside her warmness, but I didn’t want to completely scare her off. So I continued to slowly rub her through her bikini. Her breathing sped up and she brought her hands up and onto my shoulders.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  I smiled.

  “Please what,” I ask, as I focused on rubbing her throb
bing bud.

  Her breath catches in her throat and she started to move with my hand, ever so slowly. I took that as want; and moved her bikini to the side and barely rubbed on her sex, before her head was buried in my shoulder and her thighs were clamp around my hand. I flicked my thumb over her swollen bud and she arched herself into me. Her mouth opened as she gasped into my neck, instantly making me hard for her. I don’t know if she felt it, but I didn’t care. I want to make this woman feel good. So as my thumb is making slow gentle circles over her bud, my pointer was sliding all through her warm folds.

  “Are you ready,” I ask her?

  “For what,” she asks without lifting her head.

  “For this,” I say and slide my pointer inside of her tight quivering sex.

  She bites down on my shoulder and moans.

  “Oh yes, please don’t stop.”

  When I slide another finger inside her she shifts around a bit, but doesn’t complain. So I begin to gently move my fingers in and out of her; slowly teasing her. Her bite on my shoulder gets a little harder, but I like it so I don’t stop her.

  “Baby, I want you so bad. I want to bend you over and slide my hard dick into your sweet tight pussy until you beg me to fuck you to sleep,” I groan.

  I know I shouldn’t have talked so nasty to her, but she had me ready to explode in my pants.

  She stiffens and backs away from me, not even looking up at me.

  “Ryan, I can’t..., I should go,” she says and quickly scoots up out of the pool and runs off into the house before I can grab ahold of her and ask her what was wrong.

  “Dang Bro, what did you do? You guys looked like you were having fun. Then all of the sudden she’s running off. She must have realized that I was the sexier brother,” Patrick says smacking me on the back, laughing.

  “Shut up,” I say spinning around and punching him in the stomach playfully.

  “Hey what was that for,” he says grabbing his stomach.

  “Its for being such a butthole,” I laugh and climb out of the pool, with him following close behind me.

  “What happened to your shoulder, dude,” my brother asks nodding to my left shoulder.

  I glance down and can see teeth marks from where Ryan had bit me.

  I smiled and said, “It’s nothing.”

  His eyebrows burrowed and he smacked his lips.

  “It doesn’t look like nothing to me. Its looks like your girl likes to bite. I wonder what else she likes to do,” he says jokingly.

  I don’t know why but him saying that about her caused a switch to flip in me. I don’t want anyone else thinking about her like that; which is damn crazy cause I’ve only just met her. Why is it that I’m feeling so protective of her already. I’m never protective or jealous over a woman. Never.

  I turn to my smiling brother and say, “Look don’t say one more word about Ryan like that again.”

  “What, I was just stating the obvious,” he shrugs.

  I stepped closer to him, and he starts backing up with his hands up and says, “I was just joking bro. We all love Ryan around here. Plus Mom would kill me if I said or did anything to hurt her.”

  “Yea whatever,” I say stalking off, surprised at myself, to find a cold shower that I could get into; to help soothe my now painful hard-on.

  Chapter 4 (Miss Ryan)

  Oh my goodness. I can’t believe that I just let him touch me like that. Not only does he probably think that I’m some kind of loose girl. But I made a vow to myself to never get close to a man after what happened with my mom and dad. Only to be thoroughly played by the all too sexy Ryan Callahan, and let him touch me how he did. He knew what he was doing, and so did I. But I let him. When he first touched me, I wanted him to touch me more. I wanted him to lather my body with kisses, caresses, and anything else he could think of. Granted my limited knowledge of what goes on between a man and a woman intimately, limits my ability to further enhance the situation. But I’m sure that he has more than enough experience for the both of us.

  “Ryan, Sweety, are you ok,” Mrs. Callahan asks as she came up behind me?

  “Yeah..yeah.., I have to get home,” I say, as I hurriedly put my dress back on, hoping she doesn’t see how flushed and aroused that I am.

  “Why Honey? Don’t leave; we still have to eat.”

  I slowly turn to face her and say, “I don’t know. I should go home. This is a special family time for you. I don’t want to get in the way.”

  “Oh nonsense. You know you are the daughter I never had. I want you too stay. Maybe now you can get to know my son Ryan like you know my other boys.”

  I stiffen at that last sentence. Oh no. There is no way that I can be near Ryan and not let what just happened between us show on my face. I can’t stay.

  If she noticed the change in me she didn’t say anything and lead me to the the dining area.

  “Mrs. Callahan, I can’t. I didn’t bring a change of clothes and my dress is all wet now,” I say motioning to my wet dress.

  She grins then sweetly replies with, “Now you know you can call me Marissa. And I have a few different things that you could choose from to wear.”

  “But,” I start to say in complaint, but she quickly lead me into a room down the long hallway.

  After we get inside, she took me over to a massive walk in closet and says, “In that cabinet over there are tons of new clothes that you could pick from to wear.”

  “But.., I can’t. They won’t fit. You are much more in shape than I am. I wouldn’t be able to fit any of your clothes.”

  “Oh Honey, what you do to an old woman’s ego. I got these things incase anyone ever needed something to wear. I know that there will be something in there that you could fit.”

  “How do you know,” I ask as I look at all the beautiful things she had packed into the cabinet.

  “Well its simple Dear, I had you in mind when I bought them,” she said simply then walked out of the closet and the room, shutting the door behind her.

  Huh. I wonder what she meant when she said that, she had me in mind? Weird?

  I shake it off and turn and let my finger run along all the beautiful clothes in front of me. What would it feel like to own things this soft. My hands stop on this amazing silky dress. I pulled it down from the rack and held it up to myself as I looked in the floor to ceiling mirror off to my right. It was a magnificent buttery gold color; and it flowed like the wind. I really want to wear this, but it looks way too expensive. Maybe I could just try it on and take it off after. I slip out of my clothes and am about to step into the dress when I realize I could jump in the shower first, to wash this chlorine off of me first.

  I step out of the closet, hoping no one is in the room because I’m naked. I peek out and can see what looks like a restroom off the the left, so I quietly tipped my way to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

  The size of the bathroom caused my jaw to drop. Maybe I should have asked if she didn’t mind me using this restroom, before I took it upon myself to use this shower. I look around the bathroom and see white shelves with piles of different colors of plush towels. I grabbed the first one I came to, and wrapped it tightly around my body.

  When I peek out of the bedroom door to see if I see anyone was in the hallway. I didn’t see anyone.

  “Hello, Mrs. Callahan, Hello,” I call out.

  Nothing. So I call out again.

  “Mrs. Callahan, can you help me with something please.”

  I hear someone shuffling around then footsteps. Down at the end of the hallway I see a woman, no Mrs. Callahan rushing to me.

  “Honey, what’s wrong,” she says out of breath.

  “Oh I was wondering if I could jump in the shower before I got dressed.”

  “Oh so you found something that you could fit,” she said smiling.

  “I found a gold dress I was going to try on, but I realize that I needed to wash up before I try it on,” I replied.

  “You will look perfect in that dre
ss. I was hoping you would pick that one.”


  “Yes, yes. Now go and hurry in the shower. We are all in the dining room whenever you are ready,” she says nudging me back into the room.

  Ok. That was different. Maybe she’s acting like that towards me because she always wanted a daughter. I don’t know. But whatever it is, I need to hurry up and get ready.

  I run back into the bathroom and hop in the shower. After ten minutes of a steaming hot shower, I swiftly get out of the shower and dry myself off; and I go back into the closet. When I pick up the gold dress to put it on, I remember that I don’t have any underwear to put on.

  Oh no. I can’t go out there without underwear on. I start frantically start digging around in the closet and finally come across a scary black pair of thong panties.

  I’ve always wondered why woman like to wear these things. I don’t know, and I don’t really care right now. I just need to get these things on and get out to where everyone else is before someone comes looking for me. I’d die if someone came in here and saw me in these things. So I hurriedly wiggle into the thongs, and adjust myself in them.

  They aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be, I think as I let the dress drop down over my body and smooth my hands over my bottom. I can’t even feel them. Maybe thats why ladies like to wear them. Too bad I don’t have a jacket or something to put on because my breast are falling out the top of this dress. If I had more time and I didn’t love how it felt on my skin, I’d dig around in that closet and find something else. But I don’t so I keep the dress on and run my hands through my hair, put a gold comb in my hair the was on top of the cabinet; and I take a long deep breath and walk out of the closet and down to the dining room.

  “You can do this. You can do this,” I keep telling myself as walk down the hallway and try and ease my way into the dining room hopefully without anyone noticing.


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