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Wild Fury_Fury Security

Page 4

by Lindsay Cross

  Cole pulled out his wallet, slipped the device inside a hidden pouch, and then tucked it back into his pocket. He returned to the gathering room, rejoining Adam, who was right in the middle of some ridiculous story about his favorite implements for punishing disobedient slaves. From Chaplinsky’s eager expression and approving nods, he was eating it up.

  Cole turned away from them and scanned the crowd, looking for anyone else who stood out from the herd. He didn’t have long to wait. Two meatheads shoved into tuxedos that could never possibly accommodate their burly chests appeared in the open doorway leading into the back. They flanked a tall, slender man with light skin and slicked-back blonde hair. The man’s suit was the same expensive cut and make of his guests’, but he emanated an air of complete authority. His slender nose and the upward tilt of his chin screamed old world money.

  The man clapped his hands and the room fell silent at once. Like the king bestowing a gift upon his subjects, he offered a benign smile.

  “Esteemed guests. On behalf of our benefactor, I’d like to extend his warmest welcome. For those of you I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, I am Stephan and I am your host for tonight’s event.” Low hanging shop lights highlighted his high cheekbones and reflected off his polished custom-made Italian boots. “You have each been hand-selected to attend tonight’s special event. I’ve never hosted a gathering of this magnitude before. I hope you will forgive any delays caused by our last-minute preparations; however, I’m pleased to announce the party is ready to begin. And if you would allow me a moment of your time, I would like to set the stage for tonight’s event.”

  Stephan gave a dramatic pause, and Cole met Adam’s gaze from across the room. He silently wound his way back to the two men, coming to stand behind Adam, his hands clasped behind his back like the bodyguard he was pretending to be.

  Stephan continued, “Tonight we travel back into the days of old when Arabian princes ruled their kingdoms with ultimate power over life in death. The gold was plentiful, and their harems were full. Their slaves were purchased at auction, handpicked for the sultan’s individual taste. Tonight, you shall be the sultan of your own kingdom as you pick from my hand-selected finely crafted stable of slaves. We have women, and a few men, to suit every taste and desire.”

  A low hum, like a colony of buzzing bees began to build in the room along with an air of palpable excitement.

  “Each slave presented is up for purchase. There are no refunds or returns, so make sure you choose wisely. Each woman’s complete financial, social, and educational history shall be provided. We ask that you do not speak to the slaves before purchase. They have been instructed not to look at you or talk to you. It goes without saying that each person presented for sale tonight is here of their own free choosing. Some of them are new to the lifestyle and some of them are simply looking to take their submission to the next level, but all of them eager to please their new masters.”

  So as not to draw attention to himself, Cole leaned in to whisper in Adam’s ear, “Stick with Chaplinsky.”

  Adam gave a nod of understanding.

  Stephan continued, “I want each of you to rest assured that every person here has signed an ironclad nondisclosure agreement drawn up by El Oscuro’s personal lawyer. So, relax, enjoy tonight’s festivities, and I hope you make a very satisfying purchase. Let the auction begin!” He clapped his hands once, spun on his heel, and led the way from the room.

  The crowd followed, eagerly nipping at his heels in excitement. Chaplinsky drew Adam in closer as they left the room, Cole trailing them.

  “Are you looking to purchase tonight?” Chaplinsky asked with a curious tone to his heavily accented voice.

  Adam answered, his own tone bored, “If I find the right one. After my last slave disappointed me so greatly, I find that I am a bit hesitant.”

  Chaplinsky’s bushy brows shot up with curiosity. “Disappointed?”

  A dark shadow fell across Adam’s features. “Yes, I demand 100% loyalty in submission. The girl had promised to comply, but in the end, she had too much pride. After that kind of investment, I expect perfection and I do not like to be disappointed.”

  Chaplinsky’s gaze turned assessing, maybe even calculating. Adam’s ruse was working perfectly as far as Cole could tell. If Chaplinsky invited them into the real slave auction taking place tonight, they’d finally be able to make some actual headway in the stagnant case.

  “How did you come by her?”

  “The only way available here in the States. Through negotiation at my club. The experience was lacking to say the least.” Adam’s lips turned down into a hard frown.

  “Your American women are the problem. So prideful and self-righteous. If our business dealings workout, I’ll have you home to Russia. I think you’ll find our selection much more willing and pliable.”

  “Thank you.” Adam clapped Chaplinsky on the shoulder. “Now, enough talk about the past. Let’s just hope I can find a slave who is truly a slave. Next round of free drinks is on me.”

  Chaplinsky grinned and looked as if he wanted to say something else, but they had made it to a large domed doorway. The thick wood door was propped open, leading to a darkened entrance guarded by two men dressed as eunuchs in black, billowing pants that narrowed to cuffs above open-toed gold shoes. Their chests were bare except for tiny vests and their hands were clasped around two very wicked-looking long, curved knives. Cole grabbed Adam’s arm, making as if to put himself in front of his boss. Chaplinsky let out a deep cough. “You have a very attentive bodyguard. Not to worry though, these men are here for your protection. Luis has always had a flair for the dramatic.”

  Adam jerked his head back, indicating for Cole to fall in line. He dutifully took a step back, scowling as if he didn’t like the situation.

  “Come, sit with me,” Chaplinsky said as he made his way into the dark, cavernous room. “I would like to discuss more of your business situation here in the States.” For the number of people here, El Oscuro had planned well. The low, circular tables were spaced far enough apart that the various groups could carry on private conversations without anyone else overhearing. Instead of chairs, thick velvety cushions surrounded the tables. Brass stands with lit torches dotted the interior, providing just enough light. A massive gold throne sat on a raised platform at the back. Stephan took a seat and two female slaves dressed harem style lay at his feet. Cole knew it had been a pipe dream to hope El Oscuro himself would be in attendance. But no matter, if they at least got into the secret auction, they’d make headway.

  Chaplinsky made for a table in the dead center of the room, but Adam managed to maneuver him off to the side. If they had to make a move, they needed to be close to the exit. Somehow, the big Russian managed to get his enormous girth down onto a large sapphire square cushion. Adam assumed the seat right next to him, tapping a much smaller cushion to his right for Cole to sit. Cole gave a very real scowl this time as he lowered his large frame onto the tiny pillow. His every instinct screamed at him to get up, to get out of this position vulnerable to attack. But he couldn’t make a scene, not without jeopardizing their mission.

  Half-naked women, each of them wearing see-through pantaloons and banjo tops, walked through the crowd, providing drinks to whoever requested one. Adam lifted his arm and crooked a finger at a nearby blonde, who sauntered seductively to their table and lowered to her knees in front of them. She pushed her shoulders back, putting her large abundant breasts on display. “How may I serve you?”

  Cole scanned the room through narrowed eyes, looking for any hint or detail of when and where the real auction would be going down. They needed to break this case. Chaplinsky wasn’t the only foreign guest in the room, and any slaves they bought tonight would be leaving the country with them, making the likelihood of the girls’ rescue nearly impossible. Cole and his team could deploy to countries outside the United States, but they would have no jurisdiction.

  Chaplinsky’s thick voice broke into Cole’s
thoughts, “My men are loyal, but your guard looks as though he’d step in front of ten bullets to protect you. How do you inspire such loyalty?”

  Adam cast him an assessing glance, stroking his chin between his thumb and finger before he answered, “We have similar tastes, and I make sure he’s well taken care of. Perhaps he looked so serious tonight because I promised him I would consider purchasing him his own slave for the keeping.”

  “It is good to keep one such as him around. But that is a hefty reward, my friend.”

  Adam shrugged, “He has been invaluable to me. He has handled many, let’s say, situations. As you said before, we don’t have the same freedom from repercussions here in the States.”

  It was vital for Chaplinsky to buy their little act. If he thought Cole and Adam were a truly sadistic pair, he might be willing to put in a good word for them to attend the private auction tonight.

  Cole leaned in and said, “You should’ve gotten rid of the little bitch months ago. I told you it was pointless to waste your time on negotiations.”

  “That’s enough. I said we would not speak of this again.”

  Cole shrugged but leaned back, giving in to his pretend boss. “Of course. Just remember, I like blondes, preferably ones who scream loud.”

  Chaplinsky let out a great burst of laughter, and their slave/waitress sidled up to the table with two drinks—lowball crystal glasses filled with scotch—effectively ending the conversation. Throwing in that bit about blondes had been a last-minute idea on Cole’s part. Adam’s missing submissive, Tara, had platinum blonde hair. If they saw her up for bidding tonight, his comment would give his “boss” a good excuse to aggressively pursue her for purchase.

  Adam lifted his glass in salute. “To new friends and business partners, may we have a very profitable relationship.” Chaplinsky clinked his glass to Adam’s and downed his scotch in one swallow, lifting a fat finger in the air for their waitress to bring him a refill. Adam threw back his scotch and did the same. She brought the refills within seconds.

  The lights dimmed further, casting the audience into near darkness, and the raised stage at the front lit up. A short, thin man dressed in the same flowing pants and half vests as the other guards stepped up to the center. “My esteemed guests, the auction is about to begin. Please remember, all sales are final. Each slave’s full medical, social, and educational history shall be provided upon request and guaranteed as authentic. We have ten lovelies up for purchase tonight, all of them eager and willing to serve their new masters to the fullest of their abilities.”

  Adam lifted his glass again. “Wish me luck.”

  Chaplinsky silently met his salute and downed his scotch. This time Adam opted to sip his. The waitress refilled Chaplinsky’s glass and the auction began.

  “Up first we have this beautiful brunette, who has come to us by way of the western United States.” A nearly naked leggy brunette slowly walked out onto the stage, her chin held high and proud. She had a narrow waist, more so than Cole would’ve cared for, but a beautiful set of hips a man could grab on to.

  “The bidding will begin at $50,000.” There were some low murmurs in the crowd and the bidding began in earnest. Although Cole could see the woman on stage had some submissive tendencies, the proud tilt of her chin screamed stubbornness. If he were actually purchasing a slave tonight, there was no way he’d consider a woman like that.

  Not that he would ever purchase a slave, willing or not. The thought filled his mouth with sawdust. He wanted a woman who submitted in bed but spoke her mind in the light of day. Didn’t matter anyway. The thought of committing to someone for longer than a week or two still turned his stomach. Truth be told, a numbness had settled into his chest after Tomi left him, and it had slowly but surely spread until it permeated his entire body. He’d never found someone to replace her, and when he stopped and thought about it, Cole realized it had been several months since he’d even had sex. It hadn’t bothered him in the least.

  The lack of desire wasn’t like him. He’d always been a man full of passion, but it was getting harder and harder to give a damn. He’d hoped starting up the private security firm would help him dig up some interest in living again. In some ways it had—he’d enjoyed the responsibility of running the business and cultivating its growth these last two years—but his interest in relationships, even one-night stands, had dimmed.

  No woman after Tomi had ever measured up. Even now, nearly a decade after they’d last seen each other, he compared every woman to her. At one point, he’d even sunk low enough to actively seek out women who looked like her, hoping if he fucked enough of them he could fuck Tomi out of his mind forever.

  It hadn’t worked.

  “There is your blonde, my friend.” Chaplinsky lifted his half-empty glass toward the stage.

  “Gentlemen, we have slave number three up for auction.” A tiny man turned and held out his arm, ushering the petite blonde closer to the front of the stage. She had short pixie-cut hair, narrow bony shoulders and hips, and equally flat breasts. She kept her eyes cast to the floor, her hands hanging limply at her sides.

  Adam lifted a questioning brow in Cole’s direction.

  Cole scowled. “I prefer not to fuck scarecrows.”

  Chaplinsky and Adam both chuckled at the crude comment.

  “This beautiful slave is looking for a new master. She is extremely well versed in the art of submission and wished for me to allow her to showcase one of her particularly special talents before the bidding begins.” The auctioneer bowed and took a step back. Without lifting her head or meeting the gaze of anyone in the room, the petite blonde gracefully lowered to the floor, lifted her back, bent her knees, and twisted her body into an angle that should’ve been impossible. She unwound herself into two other limber positions that Cole himself had never seen. Whispers of excitement filled the room. When the slave climbed back to her feet and assumed her demure stance, the auctioneer stepped up to the mic. “As you can see, this slave is extremely talented and will be able to offer you new pleasures I’m almost certain you haven’t experienced before. We’ll start the bidding at $75,000. I promise you gentlemen, she will not disappoint.”

  “Fine looking slave.” Chaplinsky sloshed back another glass of scotch, drinking the fine liquor like it was his fifth Diet Coke of the day.

  “Like I said, too skinny. Plus, she’s just playacting. I don’t have the time or the inclination to help her figure out her calling.” Cole glowered at Adam, who lifted his hands in a self-defensive gesture. “Never again. I don’t want another repeat of the last one either. You say no; I say no.”

  “Looks like that’s all you’re going to get here. This is a waste of time.” Cole crossed his ankles and leaned back, his expression bored and full of disdain, as if he couldn’t wait to leave this place, all the while stealthily watching Chaplinsky’s every thought flicker across his face. The Russian wouldn’t be here if he was stupid, but he was starting to buy their routine.

  Now all Adam and Cole had to do was not fuck it up by overplaying their roles. Adam took a careful sip of his scotch, turning away from Cole. “Don’t listen to him,” he said to Chaplinsky, “he’s still pouty. Now tell me about your business. I’ve been thinking of venturing into the international waters.”

  That lead-in was all Chaplinsky needed to launch into detailed praise of his enterprise. Much of it was probably fluff, but if half of it was valid, he wielded a considerable amount of control in his homeland. His claim to be a favorite of the Russian president was of particular interest. It sounded like Chaplinsky had an all-access pass to do whatever the hell he wanted as long as he kept raking in billions of dollars and paying his fair share to his government. He was exactl the kind of man who would feel comfortable moving in and out of the criminal element circles without reprisal.

  Exactly the kind of man who would come to an illegal sex trafficking auction to purchase a slave.

  The rest of the girls were sold with smooth precision, raking in
hundreds of thousands of dollars for El Oscuro.

  Stephan stood and made another announcement at the end of the auction. “I hope you all enjoyed tonight’s festivities, and as a thank you for attending, I’d like to offer you a surprise gift.” Playing the sultan role accurately, Stephan lifted his hands and clapped them together twice. A string of new girls wafted into the front of the room, gathering in the area directly in front of the stage. A blast of music boomed through the room, and the nearly naked girls lifted their hands and began to belly dance. Chaplinsky and Adam resumed their ardent discussion while Cole just watched and waited.

  A moment later one of the guards approached their group, leaned down and whispered in Chaplinsky’s ear. The Russian nodded, fighting to keep his face impassive but failing miserably. There was an undeniable air of excitement practically wiggling his jowls.

  “Well gentlemen, looks like you were unable to satisfy your requirements for the night.”

  Adam flicked his wrist. “I’m not surprised. I have a feeling I will have to look elsewhere to find what I want.”

  Chaplinsky stared at Adam for a straight minute without speaking, his shrewd gaze digging deep. Cole knew he was trying to make up his mind on whether to invite them to the actual auction. Praying his bluff would be the little push that Chaplinsky needed to secure the invite, he gave the man a final nudge. “Come on boss, we’ve wasted enough time here.”


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