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Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

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by Alicia Montgomery

  "Hope he doesn't give you too much trouble though! I'm sure hussies are always throwing themselves at him," Nurse Ellen clucked. "How long have you been together? Is he going to propose, soon, you think?"

  "Uhm...not very long..." she supplied, mentally crossing her fingers at the lie.

  "Well, I'm sure it'll be soon! You know, he only has eyes for you, even with all the pretty nurses flirting with him for the past two nights. I know a man head over heels and that boy's over the moon for you!"

  Cady flushed at the thought. She wished...she pushed away those thoughts and decided she'd should just be glad she was going home.

  "Oh, speaking of which," the older lady nodded towards the door.

  Nick walked in, dressed more casually today in a black, long-sleeved shirt that molded to his toned upper body, dark jeans, and light fall coat slung over one arm.

  "I'll go get the wheelchair," Nurse Ellen winked at her and left, but not before giving an appreciative glance at Nick's behind.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked. Why did Nick hover over her for hours and then just disappear? She suddenly felt irritated at the hot and cold treatment from Nick Vrost.

  "I'm taking you home," he stated.

  "You didn't have to," Cady sighed. "You know you could have asked Miller or someone on your team to fetch me."

  "Grant wanted to be here," Nick picked up her overnight bag. "But he got caught up in a meeting, so I volunteered to come and take you back to The Enclave."

  "Fine, if you want to waste your time this way," she pouted.

  Nick tsked and shook his head. "So testy today."

  "What?" she shot back at him.

  "Oh nothing."

  The awkward silence was finally broken when Nurse Ellen came in with a wheelchair and her discharge papers. She helped Cady into the chair, and then pushed her out of the room, Nick following behind them.

  With one last wave goodbye to Nurse Ellen (and promising her that she'd come by for a visit), Cady settled into the front seat of Nick's Mercedes as they drove towards the Upper West Side.


  "You don't really have to do this," Cady said as Nick opened the door to her apartment.

  "You keep saying that, yet here I am," he replied in a teasing tone. Cady could be quite stubborn, he realized, but knew that it was partly her independent streak. He'd been injured once in his life, and he remembered hating it, having people hover over him. "Just go and settle down on the couch," he ordered, and brought her bag inside.

  Nick realized this was the first time he'd seen her apartment. He wasn't sure why, but the feel of it was exactly what he'd imagine - warm, lived-in and welcoming. Most of her furniture was off-white with splashes of color from pillows, rugs, and throws. Personal items, such as photos of her father and herself, as well as trinkets from trips all over the world were displayed carefully and thoughtfully all over the place. It was quite a contrast to his own place a few floors up, decorated in a sleek, dark, modern style, with an almost impersonal feel.

  He set the bag down beside the couch and watched as Cady fidgeted on the plush cushions. "What's wrong now?"

  Cady sighed. "I just...I don't know what to do!"

  "Do you do anything else but work?" he asked.

  "Do you?" she retorted.

  "Touché," he grinned at her. He looked around and found the remote for her flat screen TV, then sat down on the couch beside her. "What do you want to watch?"

  She wrinkled her brow. "How about some football?"

  "American or European?"

  "What do you think?" she crossed her arms.

  He settled on the couch and switched the TV on, tuning it to one of the European sports channels. They watched in silence, Cady finally settling in on the other end of the couch, as far away from Nick as possible.

  After half an hour, Cady was starting to fidget again. She stood up, but began to sway back and forth. She gave an unladylike yelp and prepared herself for a fall, but Nick's lightning fast reflexes kicked in and caught her just in time. His arms came around her as her body fell onto his.

  "What do you think you're doing?" he whispered into her ear.

  "I was going to get a glass of water from the kitchen," she replied in an annoyed voice. "I just felt a little dizzy. Stood up too fast."

  He pulled her down on the couch on top of him. "You could have asked me."

  "You're not my nurse," she retorted as they lay practically nose to nose. "And you can let go of me now."

  Nick remained still, and he realized how much he enjoyed the feeling of Cady in his arms, on top of him. His lips were inches away from hers and she was so soft and lovely, her slight weight and breasts pressed up against his chest made desire surge through him. He didn't want to let her go, but rather, hold on to her tighter, roll her underneath him and pin her body down on the couch with his. Her sweet scent tickled his senses, and when he realized that his cock was straining against his pants, he reluctantly let her go, in case she realized how much he wanted her. She quickly scrambled off of him and he watched as she darted off to the kitchen. Nick mentally slapped himself on the forehead. What the hell am I doing?

  Cady was his weakness, always had been since they first met. He remembered that exact moment, a year after he became Beta and Grant had asked him to pick up his "little sister" at the airport. He thought she'd be a spoiled, rich girl who was sent away to Europe to spend her days shopping and wrapping handsome Frenchmen around her little finger so they would do her bidding. But Cady was the opposite - fresh, vibrant, and so warm and open. Sure, there was a misunderstanding and she was annoyed when she met him (she'd expected Grant and wasn't too happy about being met by a stranger), but she charmed everyone she met, from the driver who carried her bags to the receptionist at Fenrir. She didn't need to wrap people around her finger - they naturally gravitated towards her. Now, as Human Liaison and Grant's right hand, she possessed more power than anyone else in the company, yet she used her charm (and that sharp intelligence) to get people to do what needed to be done. The irony was, Nick thought, had she been Lycan, she would have made a great mate. He stayed away from her all these years, knowing that it was too easy to fall under her spell.

  When Cady came back from the kitchen with a glass of water, Nick settled back to his corner of the couch. She sulked back into her end and then pulled one of her throws over her legs.

  "Nice game, huh?" he asked when the football game had ended. He looked over to her side, the only answer to his question were soft snores. Cady had fallen asleep, her arm over the sofa's arm and her head laying down. He pulled her down so she lay on the couch and put the blanket over her shoulders. She looked like she was fresh out of school again, not that she hadn't aged well. Cady was more beautiful now than before, more mature and sure of herself. Stop. He would not let his thoughts lead him that way. There were things that needed to be done, for him to get on with his life and ensure his legacy. Going down this path would only lead to heartbreak and disappointment. Now that she was safe, he could go back to the way things were and ignore Cady's irresistible pull.

  After a few more minutes of watching her sleep, he stood up and left her apartment.

  Chapter Eight

  She unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed the door handle to let herself out.

  "Ms. Gray..." Nick called, his voice low and hoarse.

  Cady froze, her fingers remaining still. She turned her head. "What is it?" she asked in an impatient voice.

  Ice blue eyes stared back at her, luminous in the darkness. Wait, didn't this happen already? Cady thought. Alynna taking her to Blood Moon. Making out with that other guy. Nick Vrost suddenly appearing at the Lycan club.

  Nick grabbed her arm and hauled her to him, pulling her from the passenger side seat and onto his lap. Somehow, Nick had reclined his seat and was almost horizontal, while she found herself straddling him, her skirt hiked over her thighs. She could feel his cock pressing up agains her, his pants and her silky underwear the onl
y thing between them.

  "This is what I've been wanting to do," he whispered into her ear. "You drive me crazy. And seeing you with anyone else makes me insane." He shuddered as she pressed her hips down, grinding herself down on his erection.

  "Nick," she moaned. "It's only you I want. It's always been you."

  He growled, a deep and guttural sound coming from deep in his chest. "And what do you want?"

  "You. I want you. To fuck me hard, now. In your car. Anywhere," she confessed.

  The Lycan let out a low, throaty sound and pulled her down for a kiss. His tongue snaked along the seam of her lips, coaxing her to open up to him. She gasped when his tongue sought out hers, devouring her as if he couldn't get enough.

  Nick began to unbutton her blouse, but he suddenly became impatient and grabbed the fabric, then ripped it open, sending buttons flying everywhere. He pulled away from the kiss and she watched his eyes grow dark with desire as he pulled down her white lace bra, exposing her breasts to his view.

  "Gorgeous," he growled as he cupped both of her breasts in his hands. She sucked in her breath when he took one of her nipples into his mouth, his tongue teasing the hard bud.

  "Nick..." Cady trailed off. She shoved her fingers into his dark blonde hair, gripping the soft strands between her fingers. Pushing down on him, she continued to grind down on his cock, her panties already soaked. She spread her legs further, finding the right angle so her clit rubbed deliciously against his hard-on, which only made him suck on her nipples harder. She continued to grind against him as his tongue lashed her nipples, the sensation pushing her over the edge.

  "That's it, sweetheart," he urged as he lay back, his eyes devouring her. "Keep going...I wanna watch you come and fall apart..." He pushed his erection up against her, seeking out the delicious friction, his hands slipping behind her, cupping the round globes of her ass as he helped her set the pace.

  "Nick!" she cried out as her body shuddered with orgasm. She grabbed his shoulders and pushed down harder, her panties soaking with her juices as pleasure ripped through her.

  "God, Cady," Nick gripped her arms and pulled her to him. "I want to be inside you. Fuck you, for real. Not just in a dream."

  "Hmmmm?" What was Nick saying? "What do you mean not just in a dream?"

  Cady felt the dream slipping away slowly. Nick's yummy scent faded away from her senses, his hard, warm body transforming into cool sheets and pillow. She groaned aloud, keeping her eyes closed. The dream seemed more vivid this time, and if she wasn't mistaken, she definitely had an orgasm. Her pussy was slick with her juices, and her lower body felt relaxed, but tired. Even her leg and thigh muscles felt fatigued, as if she'd been running. Or, apparently, straddling Nick Vrost in the driver's seat of his car.

  "Ughh!" she moaned aloud. The pleasure seemed to act as a pain reliever, but as the pleasure from the orgasm ebbed away, her body began to ache, a physical one due to her injuries. Slowly, she sat up, reaching for a pain pill and some water and tried to go back to sleep.


  "Welcome back, Ms. Gray," Suzanne greeted as Cady stepped out of the elevator. She tried to take Cady's purse and briefcase, but the redhead waved her away.

  "That's not necessary, I'm fine," she snapped before heading into her office. In a split second, she regretted being so cross at her assistant, who was only trying to help, but Cady had had enough. After a week of being trapped in her apartment, she was going stir crazy. She begged and pleaded and cajoled with Dr. Faulkner and Grant to let her do something - anything - and so, they agreed she could come to the office that Monday, from 3pm to 6pm, and only to read her emails and catch up with light paperwork. Yes, she was irritable and short tempered because she was bored. And not because a certain Lycan had not shown up once to check on her, again, swinging towards cold in his treatment of her.

  What do you want from him, Cady? That was the question. Nick Vrost was so unreadable and bewildering. She thought they had a moment and he was warm and caring the whole time she was in the hospital. And the way he held her in his arms when she fell, she thought her heart would burst straight out of her chest. She wanted to stay there and feel safe forever. Then he just up and disappeared with no warning. Again. Damn him. It didn't help that she'd been having more vivid dreams about him. Oh god. Thinking about them made her body temperature rise by a few degrees.

  "Everything ok, Cady?" The door opened and Grant's head popped in.

  "Yes, I'm fine," she put her hands over her face, trying to hide her blush. "Just...I'm not in a good mood this morning."

  Grant walked in and sat in the chair in front of her desk. "Are you sure you're ready to come back?"

  "Yes, Mom, don't worry," she opened up her computer and clicked on her email program. "I promise I'll follow your orders. Sheesh, now I know what Alynna means when you mother hen her!"

  The Alpha made a sheepish face. "Speaking of which--"

  "Cady Horace Grant!" a stern, angry voice burst through the office as the door flew open. "How could you?!" Alynna Chase-Westbrooke stormed into her office, green eyes blazing, and planted herself in front of the redhead.

  "That's not my middle name!" Cady retorted.

  Alex Westbrooke followed closed behind. While he seemed apologetic for the way his wife barged in, he was just as incensed at not being notified. "You were in an accident and you didn't think to tell us right away?"

  "I was fine. Am fine," she sighed and turned to Alynna. "But not if you don't lower your voice. It's giving me a headache."

  The younger woman jabbed a finger at her half-brother's chest accusingly. "E, tu Brut?! You should have told us!"

  Grant put his hands up. "Don't look at me! Cady refused to have us call you."

  "You were on your honeymoon," Cady reminded them. "How was it, by the way?" she gave both of them a knowing look. "You both sure are looking pale, despite being on a secret tropical island for three weeks."

  Alynna opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it, the smug look on Alex's face betrayed whatever excuse she was going to give. "We made it to the beach on the first day," he supplied, his amber eyes looking over his wife with intent.

  "Ugh, I do not need to hear this," Grant groaned and he stood up. "I'll be in my office. Cady," he gave her a stern look before he left. "Doctor's orders, remember? I'll ride back home with you to make sure you follow them."

  Cady let out an exasperated tone once he left. "I swear, I'm fine! Just getting tired of being home all the time."

  "Cady," Alynna's voice softened. "I was worried when I heard. And furious that we weren't told the moment it happened. You're our friend. Our family." Cady felt a lump in her throat at Alynna's thoughtful words.

  "Both of us were, Cades," Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "You can't do this again."

  "Believe me, I'm not planning to get into another car accident." The couple shot her twin warning looks, and she shrugged. "Fine, fine. Next time I stub my toe, should I call you too?"

  "You know, when I first met you, I thought you were so pleasant," Alynna quipped. "Little did I know you're such a sour puss when you can't push people to do what you want! I bet you wanted to read your email the moment you came out of your coma!"

  "I was not in a coma! They shot me full of drugs! Ugh, never mind." The redhead rubbed her forehead, muttering softly about stubborn Lycans. "Alright, tell me about the honeymoon. I mean, the rated G parts, ok? How was the villa? Did you like it?"

  Alynna sat down on the chair Grant had vacated. "Oh, Cady, it was wonderful! We had a butler and staff who cooked us anything we wanted, day or night! And then..."


  Alex and Alynna stayed for an hour before they left to go settle into their new office (Alex had decided to leave Grant's security team and work full-time with Alynna, helping with Lycan affairs.) Cady went through her emails, which were, thankfully, reduced to only about 100 important ones, thanks to Suzanne. She went through about a quarter of them when the clock on her computer indicated
it was 5 minutes to 6 pm. Not wanting to get more grief from her boss, she shut down her computer and grabbed her things, thanking Suzanne as she left.

  As she stepped out into the lobby, she suddenly froze when she sighted the tall figure next to Grant. Next to them was a much older man, one that she'd never seen before, but was somehow familiar. Cady looked around, unsure if she should try to look inconspicuous or run away or back into the elevator, but it was too late. A pair of cool blue eyes zeroed in on her.

  Damn. Nick and his companion were also standing by the doors leading outside, which didn't really leave her much of a choice. She squared her shoulders and walked towards the group.

  "Ah, here she is! Cady," Grant greeted her. "Have you met Mr. Vasili Vrost? Nick's grandfather? Vasili, this is Cady Gray, my Human Liaison."

  "Good evening, how are you, Mr. Vrost?" she greeted cordially. No wonder he looked familiar. He and Nick shared some of the same features, though Vasili's hair was pure white instead of dark blonde.

  Vasili gave her a nod. "Lovely to meet you. A female Liaison?" He looked at Grant questioningly, and Cady had to squash down her anger at the slight.

  "I assure you, grandfather," Nick interjected. "Ms. Gray is very good at what she does."

  "Cady is well deserving of her post," Grant supplied, his voice even, but commanding. He was still Alpha after all.

  Vasili gave Grant a small bow of his head. "Of course, Primul. I'm sure you're very...talented, Ms. Gray." He turned to Nick. "Are you ready?"

  "Yes, grandfather. Primul, Ms. Gray," he looked at them coolly. "If you'll excuse us, we must be on our way."

  "Please, don't let us hold you up," Grant nodded. "I'll see tomorrow."

  Nick gave Grant a slight bow. Cady gave them a curt nod, refusing to meet Nick in the eye.

  "Sorry about that Cady," Grant gave her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Vasili is very old fashioned."


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