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Blood Moon: Book 2 of the True Mates Series: A Werewolf Shifter Paranormal Romance

Page 11

by Alicia Montgomery

  "If it's all too much right now, I can always beg Alynna to come," Grant offered.

  "Don't be silly Grant," Cady sighed. "I'm an adult. We're all adults. Besides, I can't think of anything worse to put your sister through." Alynna hated any society-type event where she'd have to make small talk and pretend she was enjoying herself. She'd rather be at home eating pizza. "Besides if there's any Lycan or Fenrir business to be discussed, I should be there too."

  "Great," Grant stood up. "Pick you up at 5? It's a long drive upstate."


  Cady wasn't quite sure what to expect when she arrived at the Vrost family home, but it certainly wasn't a restored 120-year-old, 25-room mansion sitting on 100 acres with spectacular views of the river and the Catskills. As she exited the town car, her breath caught as she stared up at the stately facade. All the lights were on and the mansion looked absolutely stunning. It was done in Beaux-Art style, with arched windows, cornices and the front door was framed by four large columns topped a triangular pediment with tasteful ornamentation. This was where Nick Vrost grew up, the childhood home he was desperate to keep, and she understood why.

  "Beautiful, huh?" Grant whispered as they ascended the front porch.

  "You should think about getting one," Cady joked.

  "I think one mansion is enough," Grant replied, referring to the Anderson mansion in Long Island.

  "In New York, you mean?" Cady quipped. The Andersons owned numerous homes, some of them mansions, around the world. Still, she thought most of them (the ones she'd seen anyway) didn't quite have the character of this one.

  They walked up to the front door, which was answered by an older man with white hair, dressed in a tuxedo.

  "Alpha, good evening," he greeted Grant with a bow. "Welcome, please come in."

  "Thank you," Grant greeted. "This is my dinner companion for the evening. Ms. Cady Grey."

  Cady smiled at the older man. This must be the butler, Garret, whom Nick spoke so fondly about.

  "Good evening, Ms. Grey," he said. His accent was very British, as if he just stepped off the plane yesterday, not decades ago. "How was your trip up?"

  "Good evening...Garret, right?" The older man nodded an affirmative. "It was fine, thank you."

  "Excellent," he bowed again. "Please come this way, everyone is already here, having pre-dinner drinks in the drawing room."

  Grant's brows raised at Cady's use of the butler's name. "I didn't know you knew Garret."

  "Uh," Cady cursed her slip internally. "Nick mentioned him before. I just remembered."

  The Lycan said nothing more as they entered the drawing room. It was a beautiful space, well-matched to the exterior and what other interiors Cady had observed on their way there. Everything looked original, probably restored to its 19th century grandeur. It wasn't gaudy, but classy and Cady felt like she was transported back in time.

  There were already several people in the library, including Vasili Vrost and of course, Nick. He looked particularly handsome in his formal tux, and her heart skipped a beat, watching him as he spoke with his grandfather and a few other men.

  "Ah, Primul" Vasili greeted as they came closer. "You honor us with your presence." He turned to Cady, and if he was surprised that she was there, he didn't show it. "Ms. Gray, you look stunning."

  "Thank you, Mr. Vrost," she said with a slight blush. She had taken care of her appearance tonight, wearing a long, light blue draped jersey dress with one shoulder. The fabric hugged her curves, showing them off. Her makeup was carefully, but only minimally applied to enhance her looks, and her red hair swept to one side.

  If Vasili wasn't surprised to see her, Nick sure was. He stared at her for a few seconds before he spoke. "Primul, Ms. Gray, thank you for coming," he finally greeted.

  "Of course, I'm honored to receive your invitation," Grant replied. "It's always a pleasure to be invited to your home, Vasili. It looks especially stunning tonight."

  "Thank you, Primul, but I'm afraid I don't deserve much credit. You know, my Ana took care of all the renovations and decorating when we bought this place 50 years ago." The older Lycan's eyes softened, and Cady guessed that Ana was his late wife. "I left everything the way it was when she passed, as she was always the expert in these matters."

  "Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes," Garret announced as he entered the room.

  "Thank you, Garret," Vasili said. "Now, why don't I introduce you quickly to our guests before we sit down? They are quite eager to meet you, Primul."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Nick took a sip of his wine, his eyes darting over the guests. And as always, he couldn't help but linger over one guest in particular. His grandfather was right. Cady looked stunning, especially under the low lights of the dining room. Her skin glowed under the soft lights, a light blush tinting her cheeks, lips full and red, her auburn locks swept artfully aside. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. And that dress. The moment she walked in wearing that dress, all he could think of was dragging her upstairs, peeling it off of her and having his way with her in one of the bedrooms. She smiled and laughed and chatted with the people around her with ease and grace. He was surprised to see her, but he should have known since Grant always took her as a default date for Lycan functions, unless his mother was in town.

  "...And it really is a beautiful home!" a twittery, nasal voice said from his right. "It's like that Pride and Prejudice movie!"

  He was jolted out of his reverie by that voice, which was not the first time that night. "Thank you, Constanza," he replied politely.

  Constanza Dantis was the daughter of one of Vasili's Lycan business partners from Eastern Europe, who had tagged along for this "meeting". Of course, he knew this was one of his grandfather's schemes, a way for him to meet a suitable Lycan girl. However, it was obvious that Vasili had never even or seen her. Sure, Constanza was beautiful and young, but she surely wasn't what Vasili was hoping for a granddaughter-in-law. Nick had gone to the private airstrip in Hudson with Vasili to pick up the delegation and when she stepped out of the plane, she was teetering on 5-inch heels, paired with a short, bright yellow tight dress that barely covered her behind and showed off her ample breasts. Her platinum blonde hair was done up so well it didn't move even in the slightest breeze and the cloud of flowery perfume that followed her everywhere was so thick, he couldn't tell what her scent was. Nick rode in the car with her, and all she did was complain about America and Americans, ignoring him the whole drive. The only time she did shut up was when they pulled into the mansion, and she couldn't stop talking about how big and beautiful it was, nor would she let go of his arm during the whole mini-tour Vasili had arranged. Her tone completely changed once she realized that there was a chance she could become the mistress of the mansion.

  "It reminds me of this tour to England I went on with Papa last year! Let me tell you..."

  He let her drone on and on about her travels (and of course, her complaints about the people, food, places) and smiled politely, not listening to a word she said. He let his eyes drift once again to Cady, who was talking to an older Lycan man, a former prince from Germany, apparently. She laughed and smiled at a joke he told her (in German, of course, which she spoke well enough) and the former prince's chest practically puffed up in pride as the young woman seemed to dote on him.

  A surge of jealousy went through Nick as he continued to watch them. Stop it, he told himself. He knew he was being ridiculous, yet he still wanted to beat the living daylights out of anyone who touched, looked, or even smiled at Cady, even Grant, who had walked into the drawing room with her on his arm.

  Finally, Vasili, who was at the head of the table, stood up. "And now that dinner and dessert are over, I'd like to invite everyone to the music room for coffee, more dessert, drinks, and some special entertainment I arranged for this evening."

  Everyone got up and filed out of the dining room and made their way to the music room. The German prince offered his arm to Cady and she accepted.
Nick, in turn, offered his arm to Constanza, who eagerly wrapped herself around him.

  Vasili had invited a famous Japanese pianist to perform for them this evening, along with a string quartet. The musicians were already set up, and after a few words from the pianist, they began to play. Everyone was seated on various chairs and chaises placed strategically around the musicians. Nick's eyes immediately zeroed in on Cady, who had chosen to stand near the fireplace, all by herself. He turned his head back to the performers, but kept Cady in the corner of his eye.

  The musicians were halfway through their second song when he noticed Cady slip away. He waited, then followed her quietly, hoping no one would notice.

  The redhead was halfway down the hallway leading to main receiving room when he caught up with her. Grabbing her hand, he pulled her quickly into the alcove under the stairs and pressed his hands over her mouth.

  "'s me," he said, removing his hand.

  As her eyes adjusted to the low light, her face lit up in a smile. "Nick," she said breathlessly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know...I should have texted or called but, it was last minute."

  "Sorry?" he asked, confused. "No, I'm glad you're here. I was surprised, but I should have known. Grant has no social life and no one else to take to these things. Alynna would have puked on his shoes before she let him drag her here."

  She laughed. "That's what I kept telling him. I-" She stiffened when he drew her into an embrace, but then relaxed into his arms.

  This feels so right, Nick thought. Having her here. "I missed you." He kissed the top of her head.

  "You just saw me this morning," she quipped, but moved closer into his embrace. "But I miss you too. I thought I wouldn't see you until tomorrow."

  "Well, this was kind of a last-minute thing. My grandfather conveniently 'forgot' to tell me, until it was too late to say no."

  She pulled away and leaned back against the wall of the alcove. "Oh, right," her face fell.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't want...not that I didn't want you here, but I know what the old man is up to. She's barely left my side."

  "Constanza?" She had been introduced to the young Lycan earlier in the evening, who had merely given the redhead a cool nod and then dismissed her altogether.

  "Yes. Her." He almost shuddered. "I don't know what he was thinking." Constanza had shown up in an even shorter silver dress, more suitable to a club in Ibiza than a formal dinner party.

  "He's thinking she's got the right child-bearing hips," Cady joked. "Really, it's ok. Uhmmm..."

  "This isn't what...I mean," he looked down at her face, inscrutable but there was hurt in her eyes, despite her objections. "I don't want you to have to deal with this."

  "This was a reality we both knew was lurking around the corner," Cady stated. "We have to-"

  Nick couldn't stand it anymore, and pressed his lips to hers. She moaned softly as he pressed his body against hers, pinning her against the wall, his arousal evident. He pressed his erection against her soft belly, letting her know how much he wanted her. Dragging his lips away from hers, he traced a path of kisses along her jawline, and then kissed the shell of her ear. "Come upstairs with me, Cady. Now." His voice was rough with need.

  "Here? With all those guests and your grandfather?"

  "I don't care." His hand slid up from her waist to her breasts, cupping them gently. His thumbs brushed over where her nipples were and she gasped.

  "We can't!"

  "You're growing wet thinking about it...I can smell you." Her scent and arousal mingled and was teasing his nose. "I can practically taste you." His other hand reached down and began to lift her dress, his fingers tracing up her creamy inner thighs.

  Someone clearing their throat politely interrupted them. "Master Nick, I believe the last concerto is about to end," Garret's cool, collected voice cut through the air. "Perhaps it's time to head back to the music room."

  Nick took a deep breath and then banged his forehead on the wall behind Cady. "Thank you, Garret." He leaned back, releasing Cady. Adjusting his pants, he turned to face the butler, whose face remained stoic. Cady, on the other hand, was red-faced with embarrassment.

  "And maybe Ms. Gray would like to use the powder room on the other side of the stairs? It's well stocked with cosmetics and other items she might be able to use to refresh herself?"

  Cady squeaked her thanks and scampered away.

  "Thanks, Garret," Nick said sarcastically.

  The old man gave Nick a knowing smile. "My pleasure." He turned around to go back to the kitchen, but then turned back around. "May I ask, Master Nick, is she the reason you asked me to double your bread deliveries?"

  Nick nodded. "She said it's better than the French's."

  The old man beamed with pride, but said nothing as he walked away.

  Cady came back from the bathroom, arranging her hair and dress as she walked by. "Ok, I think the amount of perfume I put on could possibly rival Constanza's, but it'll have to do. Thank goodness jersey doesn't wrinkle."

  Nick sniffed the air, disappointed that she didn't smell like him anymore, but they didn't have a choice. She couldn't walk into a room full of Lycans smelling like sex and him. "You go in first, and I'll follow. I'll tell Grandfather I had to run upstairs to get something from my room."

  "Thanks," she nodded.

  "Wait," he grabbed her arm. "I can't leave tonight, I don't have a driver. But I'll drive up early tomorrow. Breakfast at your place?"

  "Sure," she smiled and then turned to walk back to the music room and join the rest of the guests.


  "What did you think of Constanza?" Vasili asked. It was the end of the evening, all the guests had either left or retired to their rooms. The two Vrost men were sitting in the library, having a last drink before bed.

  "What did you think of her?" Nick threw back the question.

  "Eh, she needs some polishing," the older Lycan took a sip of his scotch. "She drinks and parties too much, but I think once she settles down, she'll be a good Lycan wife," he emphasized the last two words. "And her father is richer than Midas. Not as rich as Grant Anderson, but, well, it's too bad you didn't swoop in and marry his sister before that other one did."

  "Grandfather, Alynna is about 13 years younger than me. Besides, that 'other one' is her True Mate," Nick remarked. Thinking about Alynna that would be like marrying a sister. He put down his own glass, losing his taste for liquor.

  "Right, right. He's smart, getting her pregnant as soon as he could," Vasili remarked.

  The younger man could only shake his head, not wanting to engage him further. "Goodnight, grandfather," Nick stood up and headed towards the door.

  "Nikolai," he called as Nick was about to cross the threshold.

  Nick turned. "Yes?"

  Vasili's tone changed. "I don't like the way you look at the human woman, the way your eyes follow her every move."

  "I don't know what you mean."

  "I'm old, not stupid," he took another sip of the amber liquid in his glass. "You will not pursue this further. You already know she won't be able to give you what you want."

  You don't know what I want, Nick thought, but bit his tongue to prevent himself from saying it out loud. He gripped the wood of the door frame where he stood.

  "Once you have produced my great-grandchild, you can do as you please," Vasili continued. "Sleep with her, keep her as a mistress, I don't care. But not until then. I won't risk a suitable mate or her family refusing you because you cannot control your lust for a human."

  "Like I said, goodnight," Nick turned away, and walked out on his grandfather.


  "Cady...Cady?" A gentle voice and hand shook her awake. She opened her eyes and yawned.

  "We're back," Grant said. "Good thing there's no traffic at this time."

  Cady glanced at the watch on her phone. It was 1:45 am and they did make it back to New York City in record time. "Oh thanks for waking me up, I'm just so tired..." She got out of th
e town car with Grant's help. They were stopped in front of North Cluster.

  "Don't come in 'till after 10, tomorrow, ok?" Grant ordered as he got back into the car. "Work from home in your pajamas if you want, but I'll bar you from the lobby if I have to."

  "Yes, Dad," she snickered and waved goodbye as the car drove towards Center Court. Walking into the building, she waved at the doorman and headed to the elevators.

  As she prepared for bed, she heard a chirping sound from her phone. "Who could be calling me at this hour?" Maybe it was Nick? No, he should be in bed by now, if he wanted to leave by 5 am. Taking her phone out of her purse, she frowned at the "number unknown" on the caller ID.

  "Hello," she answered.

  "Cady, dear," Victoria greeted her. "It's me, your mother."

  "What do you want, Victoria?" she asked impatiently. "I don't have time for your games."

  "Oh, but you have time for your precious Lycans, coming home so late?"

  "Are you watching me?" she asked in a venomous tone. "How can you even get close enough?" The Enclave was guarded by magic, which made anyone who walked by simply ignore or forget they had even seen the Lycan stronghold.

  "My dear," her mother sneered. "The Enclave is protected by a witch's magic, which doesn't always work on other witches and powered beings."

  "What do you want?" she asked again.

  "Come meet with me."

  "Now?" Cady sat down on the couch. "Why should I?"

  "Because if you don't, I'll make a scene at Fenrir and then you can't ignore me," Victoria threatened. "Just come to the diner on Madison and 59th now. All I want to do is talk. And if you don't like what I have to say, I...I promise it will be the last you hear from me." Her mother sounded strange, like she was sad. Or frightened.

  "Alright," Cady relented. "If I listen to you, do you promise to leave me alone?"

  "I'll talk and you listen. After you hear what I have to say, you can decide if you want me in your life."

  She paused. "Fine. I'll be there in 20 minutes."


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