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The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4)

Page 3

by Fletcher, MJ

  I grabbed my robe off the back of my door and headed for the shower.

  “Don’t take too long I want to hit the Beanery before Paladin Academy gets out.”

  I waved over my shoulder and made my way to the bathroom. I pulled my clothes off and undid the bandage around my ribs. The blue-purple welt on my side wasn’t as bad as some I had gotten so I took that as a good sign. I checked myself in the mirror and my hair was a disaster. I wished I could handle my hair and make it look as good as easily as Jess did hers, but that was a wish that was never going to come true. And I’d never match Jess in the style department, but I did at least clean up well.

  I turned the shower on as hot as I could tolerate and slipped in letting the water wash over me. I ran my hands through my hair and closed my eyes as wet heat raced over my face and steam began to ease the aches in my body.

  Maybe Jess was right, maybe I should try and contact Nightshade. I wanted so badly to talk with him even if his memory of me was jumbled. My feelings for him hadn’t changed and I missed him so damn much that it hurt. I thought I was doing good keeping my distance from him, giving him the space he want, but maybe if I was in his face and we tormented each other the way we once had it would jog his memory of us. After all, I think we had wanted to strangle each other just as much as we wanted to kiss.

  I shook my head feeling foolish for even thinking about this now. Dad was dead and Edgar was missing and I was worried about Nightshade. Really? Was I becoming one of those vapid girls who only cared about men? Not if I had anything to say about it. If Nightshade wanted to talk, he could find me. All I was going to concentrate on from this point forward was finding Edgar and taking down the First Kind.

  I finished up my shower and toweled off. When I made it back to my room Jess had put away the clothes I’d taken out and laid out new ones for me. I laughed when I saw them. My cousin was always trying to dress me up like I was a life size Barbie doll. I suppose she didn’t appreciate my hoodie and combat boots.

  I changed quickly and added my own touches those being the aforementioned hoodie and boots. I thought they went will with the cute short skirt and nice shirt she’d chosen.

  I fixed my hair combing it out and drying it straight and applied a minimal amount of makeup and even that was a chore since I much preferred au natural. Then headed downstairs to where I assumed Jess was waiting for me.

  “Really?” Jess pointed to my hoodie.

  I shrugged my shoulders. “It’s my thing.”

  “Fine,” she said with all the finalization of a man facing the gallows, accepting it, but damn sure didn’t like it.

  We left the house and walked down Mission Way toward the Cape Beanery. As we turned the corner there was already a line leading out the door.

  “Damn,” I sighed.

  “No worries, I took care of it.” She pointed and sitting at a bistro table out front was Michael Slade.

  His ever present smile greeted us. He was wearing a dark t-shirt that stretched tight across his impressive, broad chest. You couldn’t deny that he looked good. He pointed to two large coffees on the table as we walked up to him.


  “I texted Slade, while you were in the shower.” Jess informed me as we took seats opposite him.

  “I was waiting to hear from you.” He looked at me and leaned back.

  It stopped me for a moment, Slade and I had been together for a while. But that had all fallen apart when he chose an Artifact over me. Our past was complicated but for a second there I thought he might have wanted me to contact him for more than my new team.

  “I guess you figured out that I was hoping you’d join my team,” I said.

  “About damn time, you couldn’t keep me from helping to find Edgar.”

  “This is great.” Jess beamed. “It’s like we’re getting the old group back together.”

  I reached out, grabbed my cup, and took a sip. I didn’t want to mention the one person who was absent from our group.

  “If that’s the case where’s Val?” Slade asked.

  “College, we’re going to visit her, do you want to come?” Jess offered before I had a chance to say anything

  “Sure, it sounds fun.” He smiled and Jess elbowed me happy with herself.

  “Missing Val are you?” I asked.

  “It’s odd but she’s kind of like the annoying noise you hear in your room at night that after a while you can’t go to sleep without it.”

  “I know, she grows on you doesn’t she?” I said

  Slade grinned. “Yeah, like a fungus.”

  We all laughed and for the first time since Dad died I felt happy. I’d missed my friends, all of us together hanging out and having a good time.

  “Where are we going then?” Slade asked.


  Chapter 5

  Status: London Calling.

  We stepped through the portal into the back of a pub. I’d gotten the coordinates from Cheryl, Edgar’s sister to a local Old Kind haunt. I wasn’t practiced enough in my mapmaking abilities to trust them just yet.

  “Get us a table while I’ll grab some drinks and text Val.” Jess ran off toward the bar.

  Slade and I found a booth in the back and slid in across from each other.

  “How have you been?”

  Slade’s voice was low and filled with concern and I remembered why I had liked him in the first place. He was kind and caring.

  “I’m handling it.”

  “If you need anything, I’m here.”

  His hand brushed across mine on the table and I pulled it away. I’d never been good with public displays of affection and I was still gun shy from losing Nightshade.

  “Sorry,” I apologized as I rubbed my hands together.

  “It’s okay.” He shrugged and winked at me.

  “Thanks, Slade. I don’t want things to be weird between us.”

  “I know, neither do I.”

  “We’re okay then?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, we’re good.”

  “Good.” I smiled and let out a deep breath. I really wasn’t sure I could handle losing any more friends.

  “Val texted, she’s on her way,” Jess placed full glasses in front of each of us and slid into the booth beside Slade. “And the DI I mentioned to you is here. He’s going to join us and we can decide if he’s a good fit for the team.”

  “Sounds good.” I nodded.

  “DI?” Slade queried.

  “We need a Detective Inspector for our team to find and rescue Edgar. I offered to introduce Chloe to the one I’ve been working with in Paris.”

  “Jess, you didn’t mention that your cousin was Chloe Masters.”

  I turned to the voice and my mouth dropped open. “You!”

  “Yup, me.” Declan Hardcastle stood in front of our table, his blonde hair and striking features peering down at me with a wicked intensity. “You still haven’t gotten back to me about that date.”

  “If you haven’t heard, I’ve been rather busy.” I didn’t know how else to reply. I’d met Declan at the Bronze Compass nightclub. He was a guard there and he’d asked me out. Then I met him again at DS Manor and again he’d asked me out. He was the last person I’d expected to see.

  “So I gathered, I mean why else would you not go out on a date with someone as lovable as me?” He laughed and sat down beside me.

  “You two know each other?” Jess raised an eyebrow at me like I had been keeping state secrets from her.

  “We only met twice,” I stammered.

  “And yet she stole my heart and refuses to go out on a date with me. What a terrible turn of events.” He waved his hands in the air and Slade chuckled but his eyes narrowed across the table at Declan.

  “What’s so funny?” I shot him an evil glance.

  “Nothing, nothing at all.” Slade grabbed his glass and took a drink.

  “What does this mean for the team then?” Jess looked between Declan and me.

p; “I will accept the lady’s decision not to go out with me and help with your problem, though I will regret not having the chance to woo you.” He gave me a sideways glance and winked.

  “I never said I wouldn’t go out with you,” I answered annoyed he was putting words in mouth and realizing too late I had walked right into that one.

  “Now that is interesting.” He turned to face me with a smile and I had to give him credit for catching me in his trap. “So you’re saying you would like to go out?”

  “I don’t know, there might not be enough room for me and you?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Your ego is going to take up all the space?”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Now that’s the type of woman I enjoy, quick witted. Point conceded, perhaps I am a bit over the top.”

  “A bit?”

  “She’s got you there, Declan,” Jess jumped in and rolled her eyes.

  “What’s this now, two lovely ladies fighting over me, what am I to do?” He leaned back, grinning at us both.

  I couldn’t help but smile, he was funny as hell.

  “You’re such an ass.” Jess shook her head.

  “Did I miss something?” Val walked up to the table, a book bag slung over her shoulder. Her curly hair was pulled back and she was wearing her glasses, I assumed she’d been at the library.

  “Val!” Jess hopped up and threw her arms around her hugging her tightly. Val’s face lit up as we each greeted her. She grabbed a stool and pulled it up to the booth so she didn’t have to squeeze in by one of us.

  “Glad you guys are here.” She took her bag and shoved it under the stool.

  Jess whisked off to the bar to grab a drink for her and I introduced her to Declan.

  She raised an eyebrow at me.

  “It’s okay, he’s a DI, you can talk in front of him,” I assured her.

  “Okay, any word on Edgar?” Her bottom lip trembled as she spoke.

  “Gavin has a good lead and I think we’re making real progress.” I didn’t bother to mention my run in with my mom and Darker. There was nothing Val could do about it, and I didn’t want to worry her any more than she already was.

  “That’s something at least.” She took the glass that Val pushed in front of her and took a sip. “When are you starting your apprenticeship?”

  It was obvious she wanted to change the subject. Her eyes had rimmed with tears as soon as she had asked about Edgar. “Uncle Archie wanted me here yesterday. I’ve been putting it off.”

  “I keep telling her it’ll be great, all of us so close again.” Jess’s voice filled with excitement. “I can pop in on you two all the time and we can hit the town.”

  “Wait, Chloe’s staying with you, Val?” Slade asked.

  “When my parents kicked me out they failed to remember that as soon as I turned eighteen I got control of my college fund that my grandparents left for me. So I got myself a nice flat and I have an extra room that Chloe can use.”

  I knew she was putting on a brave face but with her not talking to her family and Edgar missing... I had the feeling that she needed me with her more than wanted me there.

  “Plus Cape May is just a portal away,” I said a bit sad that I wouldn’t be in my attic bedroom anymore. But this could be another fun adventure; the last two years had been the longest I’d ever lived anywhere. Before that Dad and I had traveled the world with his magic act.

  “You’ll be in my neck of the woods all the time then?” Declan chimed in.

  “It would seem,” I admitted.

  “Then you won’t be able to dodge that date forever.”

  I hauled off and punched him in the shoulder. It was solid muscle and I had to shake my hand since I had hurt myself more than I had him.

  He laughed and pulled up from the booth. “While it was lovely to have met you all, I need to get to work.”

  “What, you can’t handle a punch from a girl?” I teased.

  “You are no ordinary girl,” he said laughter continuing to rumble with his words.

  I noticed that everyone around the table was staring at us with surprised expressions.

  “Chloe, could I have a word in private?”

  His tone had gone from joking to serious, so I nodded and slid out after him. I wasn’t sure what he wanted or if it might have to do with the date he was always trying to get me go on with him, but I figured he deserved the benefit of the doubt. I weaved my way around the pub patrons and followed him out the door. It was night and the air was cool and the moon high and full, letting off a healthy glow.

  “If this is about the date?”

  “No, I wanted to say I’m more than willing to help your team. No joking, I’d be honored.”

  I looked him over and could see that he meant it; there was a determination and honesty to his expression, not to mention he was as attractive as hell. A twinge of guilt rushed through me as Nightshade popped into my head, and then Slade. But Nightshade was who knows where, and Slade and I were just friends now. At least we kept saying that’s all we were to each other.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “I’ll do my best to help, you can count on me, and I hope we find your friend.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Just so you know, I won’t stop asking about that date either.” He winked and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “My mum always says the way to a girl’s heart is by making her laugh.”

  “A smart lady, but my heart isn’t easy to reach.” I wanted to warn him that I wasn’t the best girl to get involved with. Not only was I terrible at relationships but people around me had a horrible habit of dying.

  “What fun would it be, if it wasn’t a challenge?”

  My attitude flared. “I’m a challenge you might want to avoid and I’m definitely not a prize to be won.” As funny and handsome as Declan was, I wasn’t about to be a pawn in a game for him to play.

  “Someone did a number on you didn’t they?” He raised his hands taking a step back, symbolically backing off.

  “I’m not a game player or a pawn... period.”

  “Neither am I, but I am one hell of a smart ass.” He winked and lowered his hands.

  I chuckled and shook my head, at least the man could make me laugh and I hadn’t done that in a long time.

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to be such a...”

  “Flaming bitch?” He smiled and I took a swing at him, which he sidestepped.

  “Real nice language.”

  “I call it like I see it.’

  “Is that so?”

  “Yes, and I can confirm that I am partial to flaming bitches.”

  “You don’t give up do you?”

  “Not very often.”

  “Good,” It was my turn to smile “I need that on my team.”

  He slapped his hand over his heart and looked up at the night sky. “You wound me, lady.”

  “I’m not much of a lady.” I yanked at the strings on my hoodie.

  “I beg to differ,” he said firmly and started walking backwards, as if reluctant to take his eyes off me, as if reluctant to leave.

  “Declan,” I called out louder than I meant too.

  “Yes?” he stopped.

  “About that date.”

  “I won’t stop asking until you go out with me.”

  “I’ll go,” I said with a smile, though my stomach roiled. With everything going on I had no business thinking about dating, but I had to start living life again and if a certain someone didn’t want to be a part of it that was his choice. Why then did the image of Nightshade haunt my mind?

  “Great,” He bowed at the waist and turned around walking away. “Call me when you get to town and we can set it up.”

  “I will.” The moonlight played off the street illuminating him like a spotlight as he left, until he finally disappeared in a flash of silver light.

  “Does your boyfriend know about him?”

  My whole body froze as out of the
shadows, a few feet away, stepped Nightshade.

  Chapter 6

  Status: Nightshade is back.

  “Nightshade, what are you doing here?” I gulped and glanced down the street to where Declan had just disappeared. How long had he been watching us and what was he doing here? It couldn’t be a coincidence. He stepped toward me and the moonlight gleamed off his two different colored eyes and black leather jacket that until a few weeks ago I had worn daily. He looked tired, but damn if he didn’t look good.

  “Jess texted me.”

  “Oh.” Brilliant reply, but I couldn’t think of anything else since I was annoyed that Jess hadn’t bothered to inform me of her little scheme.

  “Does your boyfriend know about him?” His gaze followed where mine had gone down the street.

  “What boyfriend?”


  “We broke up,” I said defensively, though I shouldn’t take offence, his memories not being what they once were.

  “Really, I thought you and the Boy Scout would go all the way down the aisle.”

  “Well, we aren’t together anymore.”

  “Good thing, since you and Goldilocks seemed chummy.” He snickered.

  I remembered how much this man could drive me insane and it was good to see that he had gotten part of himself back, though I wished it was the part where he remembered us. “I see that you’re back to your irritating self.”

  “I’m back...” He hesitated for a moment like he wanted to say more but stopped himself. “Same as I ever was.”

  “Really, so you remember everything?” I bit at my lower lip waiting for the answer and my heart raced like it was going to thunder through my rib cage. Did he remember staying behind in my place and sacrificing himself or that we declared our love for one another?

  “The last two years are a jumble of real memories and the ones they stuck in my head. It takes me a minute sometimes to tell the difference.”

  My heart sank and I put on a weak smile. “But you don’t want to kill me anymore right?”


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