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The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4)

Page 22

by Fletcher, MJ

  I didn’t wait; I went into a forward roll, a smart move since a whoosh of air shot behind me as the beast swiped at where I had just been.

  I came out of the roll and was up on my feet and running. The catwalk shook from the size of the beast chasing after me. I grabbed the railing and used it to pull myself away.

  Nightshade and Darker had moved further toward the collecting rods and were locked in a ferocious battle with neither having the upper hand. Nightshade was swinging his blade with ever increasing accuracy and pushing Darker back toward the edge of the catwalk.

  I didn’t want to get in the middle of their battle but I didn’t have many options with the Gremlin on my tail and no place to go.

  It was decided for me when the beast swiped at me from behind and caught the edge of my hoodie, whipping me around and sending me crashing into the metal catwalk.

  It was on top of me quickly, all I could see was sharp teeth and drool. Honestly, I think I was more freaked out by the drool, it was disgusting on so many levels.

  I flicked my wrist and my energy whip snapped out from my Doorknob and caught the jaw of the creature knocking it off me. I rolled to the opposite side and was up and cracking the whip at its feet. The beast howled and I got a look at the size of the monster. It was double my size and looked as if it might be able to bite my head off with one snap of its sharp teeth. This was going to be fun.

  I twirled my whip around trying to distract the beast, but it only served to anger it. It crouched back on its haunches and roared at me. It shook its legs like a cat ready to pounce. Behind me was the railing and beyond that a fall into the abyss.

  “Oh crap.”

  Chapter 36

  Status: Payback!

  The Gremlin leapt toward me and I activated a shield hoping that it would be strong enough to withstand the onslaught. The beast never reached it, from behind Nightshade’s Gremlin tackled it, the two rolled along the catwalk in a flurry of claws and teeth.

  “Good boy.” I smiled and ran toward the other battle.

  Nightshade and Darker were struggling near the edge of the catwalk. I brought my whip around and snapped it out, catching Darker’s legs and giving it a yank flinging him away from Nightshade.

  He was up quickly, his lip busted and bleeding. He looked from Nightshade to me and sneered. “Two against one that doesn’t seem fair.”

  “Keep talking, Darker, one of those comments will be your last,” Nightshade warned.

  We circled around one another, Nightshade and I facing off against Caleb Darker.

  “Is that so? How about we even the odds a bit?” Darker reached into his pants and pulled out a small orb.

  My eyes narrowed and my senses told me immediately that it was a Forget Me Not, but not just any Forget Me Not.

  Darker grinned. “Recognize it, Nightshade? You should.”

  “I don’t care,” he replied.

  Darker turned to me. “What about you, Masters, do you care?”

  Of course I cared, that had to be the Forget Me Not they had used on Nightshade. Getting hold of it could restore all his memories, including the ones of us.

  “Give it to me,” I said calmly.

  “Oh, I don’t think we’ll make things that easy.” Darker spun around and tossed the orb into the air.

  I watched it sail across the darkness toward the abyss beyond the catwalk. I didn’t think; I reacted, running and jumped as high as I could in an attempt to retrieve the orb. I had to catch that damn thing before it went over. I stretched my arm out until I thought every muscle would burst from the effort. My fingertips brushed the top and I stretched some more, my muscles screaming and grabbed hold, closing my hand around it, tucking it tightly in my palm.

  I slammed into the railing of the catwalk and the breath shot out of my mouth in one long whoosh, as if someone had sucker punched me. My Doorknob fell from my hand rolling away from me and I tightened my grip around the Forget Me Not. I’d be damned if I’d let go of that thing. I gasped trying to breath and tilted forward, my balance lost, and tipped like a top right over the edge.

  My hand shot out as I tumbled over and caught the railing, my body slamming against the outside of the catwalk. I dangled over the abyss where I was pretty sure I was about to drop to my death. My other hand still clutched the orb, while pain shot along my arm as I struggled to hold my weight. Damn, maybe it was time to go on a diet.

  Nightshade and Darker were at it again. This time it was Darker who was pressing the attack, he had distracted Nightshade with his trick. Nightshade kept glancing in my direction and I wanted to hit him. He needed to concentrate on the fight. I was a big girl; I could handle myself, though my fingers slipping on the wet railing did not inspire confidence.

  I swung my legs up trying to reach the edge of the catwalk, but it threatened my already loose grip. I slipped the orb into my hoodie pocket and snatched the edge of the catwalk with my free hand. I pulled myself closer and my other hand slipped from the railing. I yelped as my weight shifted, but quickly caught the edge with that hand as well. I was hanging by both hands now while never-ending darkness gnawed at me from below.

  The rain slammed into my face, making it hard to see beyond a few inches in front of me. I took a deep breath, gathered my strength and hefted myself up until I could pull my elbows over the edge, and then planted them firmly on the catwalk.

  I looked to see what was happening with Nightshade and saw that he was struggling to defend himself. Darker was moving in fast and furiously, slicing his arms as Nightshade failed to block one blow after another. And I couldn’t help but wonder if my drop had caused him to drop his guard.

  Darker spun and his sword bent in a blaze of azure light and slammed into Nightshade’s chest, a line of blood sprayed out and twisted him into the air, flipping him over, and slamming him into the catwalk.

  “NO!” I screamed as I struggled to pull myself up the rest of the way. Nightshade wasn’t moving and Darker was standing over him laughing. I used every bit of strength I had and yanked myself over the edge. I got to my feet but Darker was already moving toward me. I clutched my hand, realizing too late that I had dropped my Doorknob.

  Darker reached me, swinging his energy blade. I ducked under the first slice and came up on the other side, swinging a right cross and hitting him square in the jaw. He stumbled to the side, and I pressed my advantage with a punch to the stomach. His eyes grew wide and I smiled and swung with an upper cut.

  He moved just as it was about to connect with his jaw. He brought his own arm around and backhanded me across the cheek. It knocked me off balance and his hand snatched out and wrapped around my throat. His nails dug into my throat and I clawed at his hands trying to breathe. He dug his fingers in deeper. My throat closed and the last bit of breath began to slip away.

  “You’re finally going to die, and I’m glad I’m the one who got to do it.” He spat and lifted me high above the catwalk.

  If I wasn’t being choked to death, I would have been impressed by his feat of strength. Strength. Something my dad always warned me to hold onto. With that thought, I swung my hands out and back, but my arms were too short to reach him. Blackness crept around the edges of my vision and I knew I was going to pass out. Thunder cracked so loud that I couldn’t help but think that Thor had hit the earth with his mighty hammer, a weapon I could use about now. Then lightning flashed, exploding light over the entire area.

  And there across the catwalk was Nightshade, he had pulled himself to his feet, rain and blood running together down his naked chest. His eyes caught sight of me and he blinked, and then his brow scrunched as if... what? Was he dealing with the pain, though what pain?

  “NOOOOOO!” Nightshade’s scream echoed in the darkness as he dashed across the distance, his Skeleton Key turning into a crimson blade.

  Darker spun and twisted his Doorknob, creating an energy shield to block the attack.

  Nightshade’s blade hit the shield and cleaved it in two. Darker’s eyes grew
to the size of saucers. His hand released me abruptly and I fell to the catwalk gasping for air.

  Nightshade didn’t stop. He kept swinging his sword, catching Darker across the chest. Darker struggled to activate his own weapon, raising his arm to attack. Nightshade’s hand shot out, not giving him a chance, grabbing Darker’s wrist and thrusting his arm up high as he drove his blade through Darker’s stomach. His eyes appeared as if they would pop from his head and he gulped and gurgled as Nightshade twisted the blade inside him.

  “That’s for Lauren,” Nightshade said giving one more twist before pulling the sword out.

  Darker stumbled back towards the edge of the catwalk, blood dripping from his mouth. “You little bastard.”

  Nightshade glared at him. “This is for me.” He spun on his heel, his sword a blur of motion as it sliced across Darker’s throat. He dropped over the edge of the railing, his head falling one way, his body the other. “Good riddance.”

  I took a deep breath now that I was finally able too. Nightshade had told me a long time ago that he would kill Darker when he had the chance. Now it was my turn, but could I really do the same to my mother? I patted my hoodie searching for my Dooknob and remembered I dropped it. I spied it lying on the catwalk and snatched it up and dropped it into my pocket. My fingers, brushed over the Forget Me Not. I pulled the small orb out and looked at it sitting so harmlessly in the palm of my hand.

  “You caught it.” Nightshade stood in front of me soaked with rain and some blood. Rain pelted his hair dripping into his multi-colored eyes and he wore his crooked smile, wet as it was.

  He never looked so good to me. I held it out to him. “For you.” I hoped beyond hope that maybe this would work.

  He shook his head. “I don’t need it.”

  My eyes rimmed with tears. I couldn’t have come this far and not have him remember. “Why not?” My voice cracked slightly.


  His hand slid around my waist and he pulled me up against him. He stared at me and there was something different in his eyes, and then his mouth found mine and he kissed me. I threw my arms around his neck and leaned against him, wanting to get as close as possible, needing to feel that he was real that the kiss was real and it all wasn’t a dream.

  His mouth was urgent against mine, as if he needed to do the same, make sure it was real. I didn’t hold back, I had done enough of that ever since he had returned. Now I was exactly where I wanted to be and it appeared so was he.

  He broke our kiss off and leaned his brow against mine. “I remember you.”

  There was so much I wanted to say, needed to say to him after all this time, and I imagined he felt the same, but here and now was not the place. So what did I choose to say with only a few minutes to spare? “It took you long enough.”

  “Always with a comment,” he said with a laugh and a shake of his head.

  “That’s me.”

  He brushed his lips over mine and whispered, “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  He lifted me off the catwalk and kissed me again. It wasn’t as urgent as before. It was slow and gentle, as if we were discovering each other for the first time. His arms held me tightly, as if he didn’t want to let me go or perhaps he was afraid of letting me go. And I held onto him just as tightly never wanting to let him go, afraid if I did that I might lose him like the last time. He had sacrificed himself for me and I wasn’t about to see anything like that happen ever again.

  I didn’t want this moment to end, but it had to and I reluctantly pushed away from him. I took a deep breath, and then let it out in one long sigh. “We have a mission to accomplish.”

  “More than one.” His eyes narrowed, and I knew he was on to me.

  “I have to finish this.”

  “Your mother.”

  He did know me too well and how glad I was for it. “She’s got to pay for what she did to my dad.”

  “I know, but first and foremost we’re here for Edgar.”

  My hand slid around his, our fingers intertwining. “Agreed, now what about this?” I held out my other hand letting the Forget Me Not roll around in my palm.

  Nightshade slipped his fingers over it cupping it in his hand and slipped it into his pocket. “I remember everything, but just in case, Gavin and I can use it later to be sure.”

  “How did you do it without breaking the Forget Me Not?” I asked as we walked down the catwalk.

  “When I saw you with Darker,” —his eyes glazed over as if thinking back on it— “it all came rushing back to me, and I wasn’t going to lose you like I did Lauren.”

  We came to a stop at one of the doors with an overhang. And we finally got to kiss without rain pouring down on us, though it was a quick one.

  His finger caressed my cheek. “You came for me.”

  I smiled. “I always will.”

  My mind reeled. I had been so sure that I would never get him back and now here he was with me... my Nightshade. My plan for not surviving this mission seemed a million miles away. I needed to find Edgar and get us all the hell out of here, even if it meant not getting to take care of my mother. I needed time to think.

  “We’ve got a lot to talk about,” I said.

  “You sure you want to talk?” He winked and I punched his shoulder.

  “No, I’m really not.”

  He grabbed me and kissed me again, his lips pure pleasure. As great as his kisses were, I knew we had to stop. I pulled away from him reluctantly. “We need to find the others and get out of here.”

  “You’re right, let’s do it.” He took my hand and I latched on to his. This time there was no letting go.

  I opened the door and we stepped into the Tower. It took a moment to adjust to the light after having been in such darkness. We were at the uppermost level of the Tower in a large circular room. It reminded me of the Map Room in the Reliquary with lines drawn all across the floors and up the walls, except here there were Silver Stars lit along different points.

  Slade and Jess sat at the opposite side of the room, their arms bound and their vessels a few feet away. They eyed me strangely and I knew something was very wrong. Nightshade must have thought the same since his hand tugged at mine bringing us to a stop. We both glanced around as if waiting for something to happen... and it did.

  My mother walked out of the shadows into the middle of the room, her blue eyes bright and a smile on her lips.

  My stomach turned. I had planned on dealing with her but now that I was face to face with her, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. I wanted to avenge my father, but how far was I willing to go?

  Nightshade squeezed my hand and just knowing he was there beside me made me feel better. He always knew what was going on in my head, even if I didn’t.

  “I see you made it.” My mother nodded toward us. “And it appears your friend regained his memories.” She motioned to our hands and we both squeezed our hands tighter at the same time.

  “Darker won’t be joining us,” Nightshade announced.

  My mother tilted her head slightly as if considering his words for a moment. “So you finally got your revenge?”

  “He got what he deserved,” Nightshade said.

  “I tried to warn him that the Forget Me Not may not be able to keep hold over you. He should have left it on your person that’s the only way to guarantee someone will stay under its control. Darker never could follow instructions.”

  “Where’s Edgar?” I cut in.

  “Your little friend is right over there.” She pointed to another section of the room and sure enough sitting at a table hunched over and working on something was Edgar. He was scribbling furiously and his brown hair was standing on edge pointing in all different directions.

  “Edgar?” I called out to him so relieved to see him.

  He didn’t look up; he kept writing and called back, “I’m busy.”

  “Edgar!” I yelled.

  He stopped, looked up, and blinked furiously. Then he cricked his
neck and a slight smile crossed his lips. “Hi guys when did you get here?”

  “See he’s fine,” my mother said sounding pleased with herself.

  “I told you they would come for me,” Edgar said proudly, then lowered his head and started writing again.

  “Yes, you did tell me... continuously.” My mother placed two fingers to her temple and rubbed.

  “What did you do to him?” I asked, though Edgar looked his normal self, at least what was normal for Edgar, I wanted to be sure.

  “Nothing, your boyfriend’s little lock is still in place.” She sneered at Nightshade.

  I was relieved that Nightshade’s lockout had worked so well, but something wasn’t right, I could feel it. My mother was far too calm and collected. Jess was staring at me, her eyes shifting between me and my mother as if trying to tell me something. But I didn’t know what. Slade was struggling against his bonds without success.

  The room was filled with power more power than anyone person should be giving off. I extended my abilities around me and felt the flow of the power in the room. They had activated the Mapmakers Legend that much was for sure.

  I caught the trail of the energy and followed it as it rounded the room. The Legend itself was in front of Edgar, he was working on it fast and furiously. Doing what, I had no idea. But he wasn’t the one using the power... it was my mother. Somehow she had tapped the power of the Legend and it was building up inside of her. This was very bad.

  “This isn’t going to end well,” I said and Nightshade released my hand. I knew his intention, he would edge around the room to get closer to Slade and Jess.

  “No, no it isn’t,” my mother said with a careless glance around the room.

  She was beyond calm. It was almost as if she was lost in her own thoughts, the power of and Artifact completely consuming her mind. If that power wasn’t used properly, it can burn you up. If Bodie hadn’t directed the power of the Looking Glass for me, I wouldn’t be alive right now

  She looked directly at me, her eyes shifting back and forth much too frequently. “You’re supposed to die here.”


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