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The Detective Inspectors (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 4)

Page 26

by Fletcher, MJ

  The room lit with light and noise as an explosion rocked the hallway. I grabbed the wall holding on as everything shook, and the tower felt like it might crumble right under our feet.

  Nightshade rushed into the room, the Gremlin scrambling in behind him. He was huffing and puffing and leaned over placing his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He raised his head. “We need to go now.”

  “What was that?” Edgar asked.

  “Last ditch effort to hold them off, gives us about a minute. We got a plan?” he replied and I gestured at the opening. He shook his head. “We never do anything easy, do we?” He glanced around the room, and stopped when his eyes fell on the prisoner who stared back at him, his eyes flaring.

  “We better do this quick.” Slade stepped up and looked out the opening. He gestured to me and I stepped forward and stuck my Doorknob out into the rain, attempting to activate it. Nothing happened.

  “Damn it.” I glanced at Slade and he nodded and grabbed my arm as I leaned further out of the opening with his help, trying to get past its Lockdown. I tried to open another portal, but couldn’t focus past the Tower’s Lockdown “Nothing.”

  “The Storm Reach Lockdown on portals extends out several feet from the Tower,” the prisoner said matter of factly.

  Slade pulled me back in and I looked around at the long faces that greeted me. I walked across the room to Nightshade and slipped my arm around his neck and pulled him down and kissed him deeply. He returned it pulling me up against him.

  I stepped back and he looked down at me, raising his eyebrow.

  “You sure?” he asked practically reading my mind.

  I smiled in spite of our current situation. “Our only choice.”

  He nodded and I gave him another quick kiss, then I turned and ran for the opening. Jess let out a yelp as I reached it and dove out into the void. Rain pelted my face and air rushed past me, my fist tightened around my Doorknob and I focused all my energy on it.

  The flow of the universe rushed through me and I sensed the distinct connection of the portals. I twisted the knob and a portal activated in mid-air. I swung the door open as it materialized and it hung out several feet from where I had jumped. I sat straddling the opening with my good hand holding my Doorknob while I pushed my bad one into my hoodie pocket. I spun my knob in my hand and looked up to see Jess staring down at me. She looked like she wanted to murder me.

  “Time to leave!” I shouted and waved down at the portal as I pulled myself onto its edge. Jess and Edgar were the first to jump through followed by Slade. Nightshade came to the opening and the Gremlin growled beside him. He reached up and unsnapped the collar and the beast howled and jumped out clawing into the building and climbing down the Tower into the darkness.

  The prisoner joined Nightshade grabbing hold of his arm and glanced at me. I didn’t know why he wanted to bring him, but I assumed he had a good reason. I nodded and both men jumped out and through the portal.

  The tower quaked and I looked up to see a ring of light explode from the top and the sound of gears grinding as it crashed in on itself. Floor after floor fell into the next smoke and rubble exploded out in all directions. The Lockdown of the dimension that Edgar and I had initiated had started. At the opening several First Kind peered out to see me smiling and waving at them. I slid off the edge, swinging the portal closed behind me as I heard them screaming not to leave them as they realized what was happening.

  Chapter 41

  Status: Who wants to be in charge of this thing?

  I dropped to the floor of the Reliquary. My Doorknob was still warm in my hand and I slid it into my hoodie pocket. Jess ran forward and threw her arms around me hugging me tightly.

  “We did it, Cuz.” She reached out and grabbed Edgar’s collar yanking him into the hug with us. “I missed you, you little maniac,” she said and pushed him back out to arm’s length, then kissed him on the cheek.

  “Thanks,” he mumbled turning red.

  “You made it!” Emory boomed as he hurried into the room. He was smiling ear to ear and clapped his hands together.

  “Did you ever doubt us?” I asked.

  “I’m learning never to doubt your little group.”

  “Declan and the HVO?” I asked.

  He nodded. “I got word from the Mapmakers; they arrived safely.”

  “Good.” Nightshade was standing to the side close to the prisoner, his hand on the man’s shackles. “We also got the Mapmakers Artifact and the HVO Artifact to boot.”

  Emory shook his head in disbelief. “That’s better than we could have hoped. And the Lockdown of Storm Reach?”

  “The last I saw there were some very scared First Kind watching it close on them,” I said.

  “Did any of their leaders get trapped in there?” Emory asked hopefully.

  “Darker’s dead,” Nightshade chimed in and Emory nodded in understanding, his eyes lingering on the prisoner.

  “So is my mom, but Ms. True was able to escape. I did however, learn who their leader is.” I choked back tears at the mention of my mom, there would be time for tears later. There would be time for everything once I took care of the leader.

  “Who is it?” Emory asked.

  “Mr. Tower.”

  Emory’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my God, I need to tell the Mapmakers.”

  “Where’s Gavin?” Nightshade asked.

  “In the Map Room,” Emory replied.

  “Who’s your,” —Emory glanced at the shackles on the prisoner’s arms— “guest?”

  “Not sure just yet, but I think Gavin will want to talk with him,” Nightshade said.

  “I’ll see to it.” Emory waved the prisoner over and the man went to him without protest.

  “We need to rest and clean up, we can discuss everything afterwards,” I said and Emory stepped aside as we all walked from the room. I made my way down the hall toward the bedrooms of the Reliquary. Each contained a shower and I wanted one very badly at the moment.

  My mind was still racing from everything that had happened. I waved to the others as I stepped into one of the rooms and swung the door closed. I yanked off my hoodie and threw it on the bed and stripped myself down to my t-shirt and panties. I caught sight of myself in the mirror on the far wall. My face was covered in dirt and dried blood, scratches ran up and down my arms and my once white t-shirt was now an odd shade of yellow. My right hand was blackened and the skin cracked, I couldn’t move it at all and I knew I would never be able to again, the price I paid for getting whatever it was my mother had wanted me to have, then there was my sister.

  I still couldn’t wrap my mind around that. If Tower knew about her she would be in danger, I needed to find her as quickly as possible. Did she even know we were related? I tried to remember her face from that night I first saw her at the restaurant. She was young and looked so much like Mom. I should have known then but I was blinded by my anger.

  I lifted my hand and thought of the box Mom had given me. I stepped forward grabbing my hoodie to see just why I had sacrificed my hand.

  A clicking sound echoed from behind me and I turned to see the door opening. Nightshade walked in and closed the door behind him. I gulped and lifted my hoodie, trying to cover myself. It wasn’t exactly the image of me I wanted him to see. He just smiled and walked to me.

  He stopped in front of me, and for the first time I felt small in front of his towering height. He brought his hand to my face and caressed my cheek with one finger.

  “I need to take a shower.” I stammered unsure what to say and of course wrecking what should probably be some cool moment. But what can I say I’m still learning how to handle all this stuff.

  “Me too.” He nodded and began striping off his bandages.

  “Maybe we should—I don’t know— we can— um—talk later.” I gulped as he kept staring at me with those gorgeous colored eyes.

  “Masters, shut up,” he whispered and leaned in and kissed me.

  His arms wrapped around
my waist and he lifted me up against him and walked us... I didn’t know where. His mouth was too pleasing and I was too happy to care. He eased me down on the floor, my feet connecting with the cool bathroom tile.

  His fingers worked around the ends of my t-shirt as he pulled it up over my head. His thumbs then slipped into the sides of my panties and he pushed them down until they pooled at my feet and I kicked them away. I was standing naked and dirty in front of Nightshade and I didn’t care. I wanted to be here with him. He lifted me once again and placed me in the shower stepping in beside me. He pressed me against him as his hands moved past me. The rush of cool water startled us both and he turned me so that it hit only him as he adjusted the temperature. Once the water warmed, Nightshade turned me again so that the shooting water would wash away the dirt and grime. The little cuts stung but nothing could stop the smile from playing across my lips.

  Nightshade’s hands roamed over my body and I welcomed his every touch, his every kiss. Actually, I didn’t want him to stop kissing me. I felt calm and happy for the first time in months and I felt something else, something I had thought I would never feel again... I finally felt safe.

  “Chloe,” Nightshade whispered and I shut him up with a kiss and pulled him closer against me.


  I walked down the halls of the Reliquary with a smile so wide I thought my face might crack. I was wearing one of Nightshade’s spare shirts, a pair of old jeans and my feet were bare.

  I’d left Nightshade sleeping in bed. I wanted to lay and watch him sleep, but then I couldn’t help but think that might be a bit creepy, so I chose to go for a walk instead. We had sequestered ourselves in our room for the better part of the day and if it was up to me, we would stay there for the next two weeks, just him and me.

  I ran my good hand through my hair and sighed. My life was probably more complicated now more than it had ever been. But I felt more peaceful than I had in years. My parents were gone and I was still dealing with that loss, but I felt better knowing Mom had never truly betrayed us.

  There was so much I needed to deal with and the only thing keeping me from breaking into tears was how happy I was that Nightshade had come back to me. I’d told him the truth about my mom and sister and he had listened to every word and then told me he’d do anything to help.

  I entered the Great Room to find Emory and Gavin talking quietly. Emory smiled when he saw me and Gavin waved me over and hugged me. I slid into the couch beside him and got comfortable.

  “From what I’m hearing from inside the HVO is that you’ve left everyone scrambling.” Emory rubbed his chin as he spoke.

  “Good, it’s about time we put them on their heels.”

  “It’s not over yet,” Gavin said.

  “I know. I still need to deal with Tower and the rest of the First Kind.”

  “That sounds personal,” Emory said with concern.

  “He made it that way; I’m just going to finish it,”

  “Do you have a plan?” Gavin asked.

  “I’m working on it.” I hadn’t really thought it through beyond wanting to take down Tower. But I knew I would have to come up with something more solid eventually. I wasn’t about to let someone else set the pace though.

  “Spoken like a true leader,” Emory chuckled.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “Gavin and I spoke with the Mapmakers and the rogues who have broken from the Council and other Societies. It was unanimous that we all want you to take the lead in this fight.”


  “We want you to be in charge, Chloe. You’ve done more to fight the First Kind than anyone else, and you’ve succeeded more often than not.” Emory rubbed his hand along his side where he had been injured and sighed. “Plus as much as some of us would like to lead the fight, not all of us are able to any longer.”

  “You lead, we’ll follow.” Gavin added.

  I looked back and forth between these two men who had helped me in the last few years and saw that they meant every word. But who the hell was I to lead the fight against the First Kind? I mean, most of the time I was just doing what I thought best and trying to survive. Sure I had been in plenty of battles and had a few wins but to be in charge and tell people what to do? I didn’t know if I was ready for that kind of responsibility.

  Dad had always said he was preparing me to be able to handle any situation. I wished he was here now so I could talk to him. But he wasn’t I was alone, or was I? I had my cousin, Nightshade, and my friends and I knew any one of them would follow my lead no matter where it took us. Maybe that was all I needed.

  “I’ll do it.” The words spilled out of my mouth surprising even me. Maybe I wasn’t always going to be right or do what others thought best but I sure as hell was going to try my best. If anyone was going to take the fight to the First Kind it was going to be me and my friends. One way or another, we would end this.

  Chapter 42

  Status: I need a hand... no really I need a hand.

  Sparks flew off the anvil as Slade brought the hammer down for one last hit. He lifted the small sliver of metal he had been crafting and smiled, satisfied with his work.

  We’d been at the Reliquary for three days as we gathered information about what was happening with the Council and the First Kind.

  “It’s official then?” Slade asked as he connected the sliver to the others he had been crafting the last few days.

  “Yes, the remaining Council declared us outlaws and called for our capture or death,” I replied.

  “My father?” He stopped working for a moment and glanced over his shoulder at me.

  “Yes.” I nodded lowering my eyes. I knew Slade still held out hope that his father would side with us. But the latest news left no hope for that. The Impossible Engineers, the remaining HVO, The Doorknob Society, and The Skeleton Key Guild had all officially turned on us.

  “I’m going to enjoy ripping this all down around their heads.” He laughed as he returned to work.

  I was glad he had found something to keep himself busy. I knew the strain of what was happening with his family had been hard on him.

  “Soon, we’re still trying to learn everything we can before we make a move.”

  “Really, I thought you were just trying to keep us here because you were busy.” He smirked as he turned to face me.

  Nightshade and I had been rather scarce around the Reliquary preferring to spend most of our time alone in our quarters. I blushed deep red and slapped his shoulder as he approached. I was glad Slade and I were friends once again. I’d been worried that Nightshade and I getting together might ruin things. I’d been wrong, Slade was fine with it.

  “I hadn’t thought you’d noticed anything I was doing with you spending all your time down here.” I motioned around the Engineering room, Slade had begun using in the Reliquary.

  “I like the work, it keeps my mind off everything else.” He shrugged. “Now lift your arm.”

  I did as he asked, lifting my shattered and useless hand high enough to reach him. He snapped a metal circlet around my wrist and turned the dials on it. The device whirred and tightened against my skin. He took several other metal panels and placed them against the circlet and they each snapped into place. He brought my hand down and began fitting each piece against one another. Slowly my blackened and scarred hand disappeared underneath Slade’s device.

  “Okay, are you ready?” he asked.


  “You sure?”

  “Just do it.” I gritted my teeth and felt him click the final piece into place.

  Thin strands of metal shot into my blackened hand burrowing through the skin. Though most of the nerves were dead even I could feel that. I shook in pain and closed my eyes tightly as the device worked its way into my body.

  “Now,” Slade said softly.

  I did as he asked and activated my abilities. I focused on the device and thought of everything I had learned about being an Impos
sible Engineer. I could sense the device as it cut into me, attaching to bone and nerve in what was left of my hand. My powers slipped around the device and I saw just what a masterful job Slade had done in crafting it. The pain eased and was replaced by something else, a warm feeling.

  I stretch out my hand and felt it move for the first time in days. I opened my eyes and looked down at my new hand. I flexed it, watching as it sparkled in the light of the fire. It was metallic and yet beautiful at the same time.

  “Thank you, Slade.”

  “No problem.” He smiled and I reached out with my new hand and grasped his arm.

  “No, thank you for everything.” I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

  “Thank you,” he whispered hugging me as tightly as he could, “for being my friend.”

  “Always.” I smiled as we parted and I patted his arm and headed back up into the Reliquary. I was admiring my new hand as I heard a squealing sound and looked up just in time to see a mess of curly hair rush forward and tackle me around the waist.

  “Val!” I yelled grabbing her and smiling. We’d been waiting for it to be safe before we brought her here and I gathered someone figured it was time. Jess and Edgar walked up behind her both smiling widely.

  “I couldn’t keep these two apart any longer.” Jess waved between Edgar and Val.

  “It was safe?” I asked Jess.

  “I took plenty of precautions so no one would find my signature. I watched her for several hours before I made my move, I didn’t see anyone,” Jess confirmed.

  “She took me right off the street, I thought I was being kidnapped again, it happened so quickly.” Val laughed “But once I saw Edgar I didn’t care.”

  She let go of me and rushed over and slipped her arm around Edgar who just smiled and rested his head against hers.

  “I told you I’d get him back,” I reminded her and was so glad I had been able to keep my word.


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